The word spendthrifts is playable in Words With Friends™, no blanks required. Because it is longer than 7 letters, you would have to play off an existing word or do it in several moves.
Words With Friends™ Letter Score: 22
Highest Scoring Words With Friends™ Play In The Letters spendthrifts
Seven Letter Word Alert: (65 words)
dentist, dissent, dithers, finders, fishers, fishnet, fitness, fitters, friends, hinders, hipness, hitters, indepth, infests, inserts, insteps, persist, pettish, presift, priests, printed, pterins, redfish, refinds, reshift, reships, resifts, respins, retints, sherifs, shifted, shifter, shiners, shirted, shrifts, shrined, shrines, sifters, sinters, sitters, snidest, snifter, snipers, spiders, spinets, spirted, spitted, spriest, sprints, sprites, stinted, stipend, strides, strifes, striped, stripes, theists, thirsts, thrifts, tinders, tinters, tipster, tithers, trident, tripeds