Electric telegraphs, printing, gas,
Tobacco, balloons, and steam.
Are little events that have come to pass
Since the days of the old regime.
And, spite of Lempriere's dazzling page,
I'd give - though it might seem bold -
A hundred years of the Golden Age
For a year of the Age of Gold. [ Henry S. Leigh ]
Truth is truth, in spite of custom's heart. [ Proverb ]
When love once pleads admission to our hearts,
In spite of all the virtue we can boast,
The woman that deliberates is lost. [ Addison ]
Commonsense is in spite of, not because of age. [ Lord Thurlow ]
This is the fairy land; O spite of spites,
We talk with goblins, owls, and elvish sprites. [ William Shakespeare ]
Contempt will cause Spite to drink of her own poison. [ Proverb ]
Commonsense is in spite of, not the result of, education. [ Victor Hugo ]
Women never weep more bitterly than when they weep with spite. [ A. Ricard ]
There is still enough to satisfy one in spite of all misfortunes. [ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe ]
Spite and ill-nature are among the most expensive luxuries in life. [ Dr. Johnson ]
Commonsense, alas in spite of our educational institutions, is a rare commodity. [ Bovee ]
Love is like the rose: so sweet, that one always tries to gather it in spite of the thorns.
That eating canker grief, with wasteful spite, preys on the rosy bloom of youth and beauty. [ Rowe ]
There is a remedy for everything but death, who, in spite of our teeth, will take us in his clutches. [ Cervantes ]
A woman whose great beauty eclipses all others is seen with as many different eyes as there are people who look at her. Pretty women gaze with envy, homely women with spite, old men with regret, young men with transport. [ D'Argens ]
There is nothing so sure of succeeding as not to be over brilliant, as to be entirely wrapped up in one's self, and endowed with a perseverance which, in spite of all the rebuffs it may meet with, never relaxes in the pursuit of its object. [ Baron de Grimm ]
Permanence, perseverance, persistence in spite of hindrances, discouragements, and "impossibilities:" it is this that in all things distinguishes the strong soul from the weak; the civilised burgher from the nomadic savage - the species Man from the genus Ape. [ Carlyle ]