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Scrabbleable Censored Word List (209,203 Words)

Find Your Highest Scoring Scrabble® Plays

Find the highest scoring words for any board position in your set of letters. This word tool will find all words in the word list that you can make with your letters and will show you the best scoring words and positions. We do not have any official Scrabble® word lists. For the purposes of this website, Scrabbleable means only that you can make a word using the set of Scrabble® letters and it will fit on the board. You decide if a word is legal to play in the game. Because of the massive amount of data we only return a fraction of all possible plays, and only the highest scoring plays. Otherwise, your devices would come to a grinding halt just from the sheer volume of data.


Find Your Best Scrabble® Plays

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7 letters maximum, enter '?' for blanks (up to 2)

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What Is The Value Of A Word

The score of a word in Scrabble® depends both on the value of the letters and the value of the squares on which you play those letters. You do not get an accurate sense for the value of a word just by adding up the letters. A word can have drastically different scores at different board positions. A three letter word played right might have a higher score than a seven letter word, but without the 50 point bonus. In order for you to cash in on the premium squares, you must be the one to play the letter on those squares. If not, your score might be somewhat less than our predicted value. You can increase your score for a word even more by extending or playing parallel to previously played words. There are many things that determine the real value of a played word. It is not a trivial game. The scores of all words in a growing list at all board positions we can calculate, and it is a massive amount of data. Some things we can't predict, and this is why we love the game. Thank you Alfred Butts, for inventing the greatest game ever.