Vice makes virtue shine. [ Proverb ]
A good name will shine forever. [ Proverb ]
And thy deep eyes, amid the gloom.
Shine like jewels in a shroud. [ Longfellow ]
Dark eyes - eternal soul of pride!
Deep life in all that's true!
Away, away to other skies!
Away over seas and sands!
Such eyes as those were never made
To shine in other lands. [ Leland ]
Grief is a tattered tent
Where through God's light doth shine. [ Lucy Larcom ]
Death upon his face
Is rather shine than shade,
A tender shine by looks beloved made. [ Mrs. Browning ]
Those eyes that were so bright, love,
Have now a dimmer shine;
But what they've lost in light, love.
Is what they gave to mine.
And, still those orbs reflect, love,
The beams of former hours.
That ripened all my joys, love,
And tinted all my flowers. [ Hood ]
To hide true worth from public view,
Is burying diamonds in their mine,
All is not gold that shines, 'tis true;
But all that is gold ought to shine. [ Bishop ]
Dear eyes! - do not my heart forsake.
Shine, like the stars within the lake, -
Shine, and the darksome shadows break. [ Augustine J. H. Dugane ]
We'll shine in more substantial honours.
And to be noble we'll be good. [ Thomas Percy ]
How dull it is to pause, to make an end,
To rust unburnish'd, not to shine in use,
As though to breathe were life. [ Alfred Tennyson ]
Alas for him who never sees
The stars shine through his cypress-trees!
Who, hopeless, lays his dead away,
Nor looks to see the breaking day
Across the mournful marbles play! [ Whittier ]
Can gold calm passion or make reason shine?
Can we dig peace, or wisdom, from the mine?
Wisdom to gold prefer; for 'tis much less
To make our fortune, than our happiness. [ Young ]
Wit will shine
Through the harsh cadence of a rugged line. [ Dryden ]
Bright as the sun her eyes the gazers strike,
And, like the sun, they shine on all alike. [ Pope ]
Hail, blooming Youth!
May all your virtues with your years improve,
Till in consummate worth you shine the pride,
Of these our days, and succeeding times,
A bright example. [ Wm. Somerville ]
Genius! thou gift of Heaven! thou light divine
Amid what dangers art thou doomed to shine! [ Crabbe ]
Spake full well, in language quaint and olden,
One who dwelleth by the castled Rhine,
When he called the flowers, so blue and golden,
Stars, that in earth's firmament do shine. [ Longfellow ]
It must be night where Friedland's stars shine. [ Friedrich Schiller ]
Not oft near home does genius brightly shine,
No more than precious stones while in the mine. [ Omar Khayyam ]
Long while I sought to what I might compare
Those powerful eyes, which light my dark spirit;
Yet found I nought on earth, to which I dare
Resemble the image of their goodly light.
Not to the sun, for they do shine by night;
Nor to the moon, for they are changed never;
Nor to the stars, for they have purer sight;
Nor to the fire, for they consume not ever;
Nor to the lightning, for they still persevere;
Nor to the diamond, for they are more tender;
Nor unto crystal, for nought may they sever;
Nor unto glass, such baseness might offend her;
Then to the Maker's self the likest be;
Whose light doth lighten all that here we see. [ Spenser ]
Shine out, fair sun, till I have bought a glass,
That I may see my shadow as I pass. [ William Shakespeare ]
Fond man! though all the heroes of your line
Bedeck your halls, and round your galleries shine
In proud display; yet take this truth from
Virtue alone is true nobility! [ Gifford ]
Glories, like glow-worms, afar off shine bright;
But looked too near, have neither heat nor light. [ Webster ]
Ask for what end the heavenly bodies shine.
Earth for whose use? Pride answers, 'Tis for mine
For me kind nature wakes her genial power,
Suckles each herb, and spreads out every flower. [ Pope ]
The moon is a moon still, whether it shine or not. [ Proverb ]
Great things through greatest hazards are achiev'd,
And then they shine. [ Beaumont ]
Genius! thou gift of Heaven! thou Light divine!
Amid what dangers art thou doom'd to shine!
Oft will the body's weakness check thy force,
Oft damp thy Vigour, and impede thy course;
And trembling nerves compel thee to restrain
Thy noble efforts, to contend with pain;
Or Want (sad guest!) will in thy presence come,
And breathe around her melancholy gloom:
To Life's low cares will thy proud thought confine,
And make her sufferings, her impatience, thine. [ Crabbe ]
No radiant pearl which crested fortune wears,
No gem that, twinkling, hangs from beauty's ears,
Not the bright stars which night's blue arch adorn,
Nor rising suns that gild the vernal morn.
Shine with such lustre as the tear that breaks
For other's woe, down virtue's manly cheeks. [ Darwin ]
He sits up by moon-shine and lies a-bed in sun-shine. [ Proverb ]
Believe that each day is the last to shine upon thee. [ Horace ]
Thou shalt have moon-shine in your mustard-pot for it. [ Proverb ]
The eternal stars shine out as soon as it is dark enough. [ Carlyle ]
Virtue may be overclouded a while, but 'twill shine at the last. [ Proverb ]
Some who are eclipsed in the first rank may shine in the second. [ Voltaire ]
Truth makes the face of that person shine who speaks and owns it. [ South ]
Unlike the sun, intellectual luminaries shine brightest after they set. [ Colton ]
Chaucer, I confess, is a rough diamond, and must be polished ere he shine. [ Dryden ]
Hail, Memory, hail! in thy exhaustless mine from age to age unnumbered treasures shine. [ Rogers ]
The power of faith will often shine forth the most when the character is naturally weak. [ Hare ]
There is a certain noble pride through which merits shine brighter than through modesty. [ Richter ]
Of permanent mourning there is none; no cloud remains fixed. The sun will shine tomorrow. [ Richter ]
Behold the groves that shine with silver frost, their beauty withered, and their verdure lost! [ Pope ]
Gold glitters most where virtue shines no more, as stars from absent suns have leave to shine. [ Young ]
We do not seek to impose our way of life on anyone, but rather to let it shine as an example, we will shine for everyone to follow. [ President Donald J. Trump, Presidential Inaugeration Speech, Jan 20, 2017 ]
The primal duties shine aloft like stars; The charities that soothe, and heal, and bless, Are scattered at the feet of man, like flowers. [ Wordsworth ]
You may fail to shine, in the opinion of others, both in your conversation and actions, from being superior, as well as inferior to them. [ Greville ]
Beauty is the mark God sets on virtue. Every natural action is graceful. Every heroic act is also decent, and causes the place and the bystanders to shine. [ Emerson ]
Polished steel will not shine in the dark; no more can reason, however refined, shine efficaciously, but as it reflects the light of Divine truth, shed from heaven. [ Foster ]
Style is indeed the valet of genius, and an able one too; but as the true gentleman will appear, even in rags, so true genius will shine, even through the coarsest style. [ Colton ]
A nobleness and elevation of mind, together with firmness of constitution, gives lustre and dignity to the aspect, and makes the soul, as it were, shine through the body. [ Jeremy Collier ]
He who kindly shows the way to one who has gone astray, acts as though he had lighted another's lamp from his own, which both gives light to the other and continues to shine for himself. [ Cicero ]
Words are freeborn, and not the vassals of the gruff tyrants of prose to do their bidding only. They have the same right to dance and sing as the dewdrops have to sparkle and the stars to shine. [ Abraham Coles ]
Of all faults the greatest is the excess of impious terror, dishonoring divine grace. He who despairs wants love, wants faith; for faith, hope, and love are three torches which blend their light together, nor does the one shine without the other. [ Metastasio ]
If I am allowed to give a metaphorical allusion to the future state of the blessed, I should imagine it by the orange-grove in that sheltered glen on which the sun is now beginning to shine, and of which the trees are, at the same time, loaded with sweet golden fruit and balmy silver flowers. Such objects may well portray a state in which hope and fruition become one eternal feeling. [ Sir H. Davy ]