"untruthfulness" in the noun sense
1. untruthfulness
the quality of being untruthful
Source: WordNet® (An amazing lexical database of English)
Princeton University "About WordNet®."
WordNet®. Princeton University. 2010.
View WordNet® License
the quality of being untruthful
Source: WordNet® (An amazing lexical database of English)
Princeton University "About WordNet®."
WordNet®. Princeton University. 2010.
View WordNet® License
untruthfulnessin Scrabble®
The word untruthfulness is playable in Scrabble®, no blanks required. Because it is longer than 7 letters, you would have to play off an existing word or do it in several moves.
entrust, fluents, flusher, flushes, fluster, fluters, flutter, funnels, funnest, furless, futures, hunters, hurtful, hurtles, hustles, lushest, lusters, nutlets, nutters, reflush, restful, results, runnels, rustles, ruthful, shunner, shunter, shutter, shuttle, sleuths, slusher, stunner, stunter, sulfurs, sutlers, sutures, thrusts, trunnel, tufters, tuneful, tunnels, turtles, unfurls, unrests, untruth, urnfuls
untruthfulnessin Words With Friends™
The word untruthfulness is playable in Words With Friends™, no blanks required. Because it is longer than 7 letters, you would have to play off an existing word or do it in several moves.
entrust, fluents, flusher, flushes, fluster, fluters, flutter, funnels, funnest, furless, futures, hunters, hurtful, hurtles, hustles, lushest, lusters, nutlets, nutters, reflush, restful, results, runnels, rustles, ruthful, shunner, shunter, shutter, shuttle, sleuths, slusher, stunner, stunter, sulfurs, sutlers, sutures, thrusts, trunnel, tufters, tuneful, tunnels, turtles, unfurls, unrests, untruth, urnfuls
untruthfulness(1 word)
untruthfulnessin them (1 word)
untruthfulness(1 word)
ess ruthfulness truthfulness
rut ruthful ruthfulness truthfulness
rut ruthful truthful truthfulness
rut truth truthful truthfulness
rut ruthful truthful untruthful
rut truth truthful untruthful
rut truth untruth untruthful
un untruth untruthful
(No longer words found)