To turn cat in pan. [ Proverb ]
Turn over a new leaf. [ Thomas Dekker ]
An ill turn is soon done. [ Proverb ]
One kindly deed may turn
The fountain of thy soul
To love's sweet day-star,
That shall over thee burn
Long as its currents roll. [ Holmes ]
To turn from grave to gay. [ Horace ]
He'll turn rather than burn. [ Proverb ]
Silver from the living
Is gold in the giving:
Gold from the dying
Is but silver a-flying.
Gold and silver from the dead
Turn too often into lead. [ Fuller ]
One shrewd turn asks another. [ Proverb ]
Good bees never turn to drones. [ Proverb ]
A gray eye is a sly eye,
And roguish is a brown eye,-
Turn full upon me thy eye,-
Ah, how its wavelets drown one!
A blue eye is a true eye;
Mysterious is a dark one,
Which flashes like a spark-sun!
A black eye is the best one. [ W. R. Alger ]
One good turn deserves another. [ Proverb ]
A foul morn may turn to a fair day. [ Proverb ]
For fortune's wheel is on the turn.
And some go up and some go down. [ Mary F. Tucker ]
Help us to turn disaster to account. [ Robert Browning ]
I'll dream no more - by manly mind
Not even in sleep is will resigned.
My midnight orisons said o'er,
I'll turn to rest, and dream no more. [ Scott ]
The world will turn when we are earth
As though we had not come nor gone;
There was no lack before our birth.
When we are gone there will be none. [ Omar Khayyam ]
Great businesses turn on a little pin. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]
It is said the lion will turn and flee
From a maid in the pride of her purity. [ Byron ]
The lowest ebb is the turn of the tide. [ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow ]
To wind the mighty secrets of the past.
And turn the key of time. [ Henry Kirk White ]
The rich man's son inherits cares;
The bank may break, the factory burn,
A breath may burst his bubble shares,
And soft, white hands could hardly earn
A living that would serve his turn. [ Lowell ]
Turn him to any cause of policy,
The Gordian knot of it he will unloose,
Familiar as his garter. [ Henry V ]
A verse may find him whom a sermon flies
And turn delight into a sacrifice. [ George Herbert ]
When necessity comes in turn modesty out. [ Proverb ]
If you resent, and wish a woman ill,
But turn her over one moment to her will. [ Young ]
Like a lovely tree
She grew to womanhood, and between whiles
Rejected several suitors, just to learn
How to accept a better in his turn. [ Byron ]
Nations and empires flourish and decay,
By turns command, and in their turn obey. [ Dryden, after Ovid ]
He'll as soon eat sand as do a good turn. [ Proverb ]
O goodness! that shall evil turn to good. [ Milton ]
Only a sweet and virtuous soul,
Like seasoned timber, never gives;
But, though the whole world turn to coal,
Then chiefly lives. [ George Herbert ]
O, then, what graces in my love do dwell,
That he hath turn'd a heaven unto a hell! [ William Shakespeare, Midsummer Night's Dream, Act I. Sc.1 ]
There is no hope - the future will but turn
The old sand in the falling glass of time. [ R. H. Stoddard ]
Cloudy mornings may turn to clear evenings. [ Proverb ]
Stamps God's own name upon a lie just made.
To turn a penny in the way of trade. [ Cowper ]
Great souls by instinct to each other turn,
Demand alliance, and in friendship burn. [ Addison ]
What is my turn today may be yours tomorrow. [ Proverb ]
The soul,
The particle of God sent down to man,
Which doth in turn reveal the world and God. [ Lewis Morris ]
All things that we ordained festival,
Turn from their office to black funeral;
Our instruments, to melancholy bells;
Our wedding cheer, to sad burial feast;
Our solemn hymns, to sullen dirges change:
Our bridal flowers serve for a buried corse,
And all things change them to the contrary. [ William Shakespeare ]
For wheresoever I turn my ravished eyes,
Gay gilded scenes and shining prospects rise,
Poetic fields encompass me around.
And still I seem to tread on classic ground. [ Addison ]
And sing to those that hold the vital shears;
And turn the adamantine spindle round,
On which the fate of gods and men is wound. [ Milton ]
Things must turn when they can go no farther. [ Spurgeon ]
A fool has not stuff in him to turn out well. [ La Roche ]
Those edges soonest turn, that are most keen;
A sober moderation stands secure.
No violent extremes endure. [ Aleyn ]
He is not a bad driver who knows how to turn. [ Danish Proverb ]
It is hard to turn tack upon a narrow bridge. [ Proverb ]
If by fire of sooty coal the empiric alchymist
Can turn, or holds it possible to turn,
Metals of drossest ore to perfect gold. [ Milton ]
Gradual sinks the breeze,
Into a perfect calm; that not a breath
I heard to quiver thro' the closing woods,
Or rustling turn the many twinkling leaves,
Of aspen tall. The uncurling floods diffused?
In glassy breadth, seen through delusive lapse
Forgetful of their course. 'Tis silence all.
And pleasing expectation. [ Thomson ]
The poor too often turn away unheard,
From hearts that shut against them with a sound
That will be heard in heaven. [ Longfellow ]
Manners with fortunes, humors turn with climes,
Tenets with books and principles with times. [ Pope ]
Backward, turn backward, O Time In your flight!
Make me a child again, just for tonight! [ Elizabeth Akers Allen ]
My people too were scared with eerie sounds,
A footstep, a low throbbing in the walls,
A noise of falling weights that never fell.
Weird whispers, bells that rang without a hand.
Door-handles turn'd when none was at the door.
And bolted doors that open'd of themselves;
And one betwixt the dark and light had seen
Her, bending by the cradle of her babe. [ Tennyson ]
He that does a good turn looks for a good turn. [ Proverb ]
The mind, relaxing into needful sport,
Should turn to writers of an abler sort.
Whose wit well managed, and whose classic style,
Give truth a lustre and make wisdom smile. [ Cowper ]
And one by one in turn, some grand mistake
Casts off its bright skin yearly like the snake. [ Byron ]
Fortune is not content to do a man one ill turn. [ Bacon ]
The summer's flower is to the summer sweet,
Though to itself it only live and die;
But if that flower with base infection meet.
The basest weed outbraves its dignity:
For sweetest things turn sourest by their deeds;
Lilies that fester smell far worse than weeds. [ William Shakespeare ]
Do not turn baker if your head be made of butter. [ Proverb ]
Speak what you will, an ill man will turn it ill. [ Proverb ]
Some men are born to feast, and not to fight;
Whose sluggish minds, e'en in fair honor's field.
Still on their dinner turn -
Let such pot-boiling varlets stay at home,
And wield a flesh-hook rather than a sword. [ Joanna Baillie ]
His words seem'd oracles
That pierced their bosoms; and each man would turn
And gaze in wonder on his neighbour's face,
That with the like dumb wonder answer'd him.
You could have heard
The beating of your pulses while he spoke. [ George Croly ]
Knavery may serve a turn, but honesty never fails. [ Proverb ]
I had rather my cake burn than you should turn it. [ Proverb ]
Turn, Fortune, turn thy wheel with smile or frown;
With that wild wheel we go not up or down;
Our hoard is little, but our hearts are great. [ Alfred Tennyson ]
A physician may not turn his back even on an enemy. [ Gutzkow ]
Youth! youth! how buoyant are thy hopes! they turn,
Like marigolds, toward the sunny side. [ Jean Ingelow ]
Nothing is more easily blotted out than a good turn. [ Proverb ]
Let her that will not dance turn out of the wedding. [ Proverb ]
A man will turn over half a library to make one book. [ Samuel Johnson ]
We turn to dust, and all our mightiest works die too. [ Cowper ]
When one begins to turn in bed, it is time to get up. [ Duke Of Wellington ]
Every one has a fair turn to be as great as he pleases. [ Jeremy Collier ]
It is better for a young man to blush than to turn pale. [ Cato ]
He that does you a very ill turn will never forgive you. [ Proverb ]
To swill and drink, is to turn tripe wife and wash guts. [ Proverb ]
Leave jesting while it pleaseth, lest it turn to earnest. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]
Turn to the press - its teeming sheets survey,
Big with the wonders of each passing day;
Births, deaths, and weddings, forgeries, fires and wrecks.
Harangues and hailstones, brawls and broken necks. [ Sprague ]
The highest spoke in fortune's wheel may soon turn lowest. [ Proverb ]
Roughness may turn one's humor, but flattery one's stomach. [ Proverb ]
The worst-behaved students turn out the most pious preachers. [ German Proverb ]
I shall never turn my ninepence into a noble by this bargain. [ Proverb ]
As soon as you have drank, you turn your back upon the spring. [ Proverb ]
Mouth civility is no great pains, but may turn to good account. [ Proverb ]
He that will do thee a good turn, either he will be gone or die. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]
Slow are the steps of freedom, but her feet turn never backward. [ Lowell ]
Neither praise nor dispraise thyself: thy actions serve the turn. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]
Better keep the devil at the door than turn him out of the house. [ Proverb ]
It is more disgraceful to turn a guest out than not to admit him. [ Ovid ]
Anxiety is good for nothing, if we cannot turn it into a defense. [ George Eliot ]
It is fair that he who begs to be forgiven should in turn forgive. [ Horace ]
If you be angry, you may turn the buckle of your girdle behind you. [ Proverb ]
Every deed in the history of the world begets another deed in turn. [ Arnold Schlönbach ]
The miller imagines that the corn grows only to make his mill turn. [ Goethe ]
You may turn nature out of doors with violence, but she will return. [ Horace ]
If you live among men, the heart must either break or turn to brass. [ Chamfort ]
To be a great man it is necessary to turn to account all opportunities. [ Rochefoucauld ]
Chance happens to all, but to turn chance to account is the gift of few. [ Bulwer-Lytton ]
There is as much greatness in owning a good turn, as in the doing of it. [ Proverb ]
Were it not for the bone in the leg all the world would turn carpenters. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]
A cow is a very good animal in the field; but we turn her out of a garden. [ Samuel Johnson ]
Love and death are the two great hinges on which all human sympathies turn. [ B. R. Haydon ]
The building fitted accurately to answer its end will turn out to be admirable. [ Moller ]
Wit and wisdom differ; wit is upon the sudden turn, wisdom is bringing about ends. [ Selden ]
The storm of sad mischance will turn into something that is good, if we list to make it so. [ Taylor ]
He who receives a good turn should never forget it, he who does one should never remember it. [ Charron ]
Love is the passion of great souls: it makes them merit glory, when it does not turn their heads. [ Mme. de Pompadour ]
Often turn the stile (correct with care) if you expect to write anything worthy of being read twice. [ Horace ]
I am young; I have passed but the half of the road of life, and, already weary, I turn and look back! [ A. de Musset ]
Strong as man and tender as woman, they welcome you in every mood, and never turn from you in distress. [ J. A. Langford ]
Trifling precautions will often prevent great mischiefs; as a slight turn of the wrist parries a mortal thrust. [ R. Sharp ]
Greece, conquered herself, in turn conquered her uncivilised conqueror, and imported her arts into rusticated Latium. [ Horace ]
You are a devil at everything, and there is no kind of thing in the universal world but what you can turn your hand to. [ Cervantes ]
The turn of a sentence has decided the fate of many a friendship, and, for aught that we know, the fate of many a kingdom. [ Jeremy Bentham ]
Never argue. In society nothing must be: give only results. If any person differs from you, bow, and turn the conversation. [ Beaconsfield ]
The conditions of conquest are always easy. We have but to toil awhile, endure awhile, believe always, and never turn back. [ Simms ]
Laughter and tears are meant to turn the wheels of the same machinery of sensibility; one is wind-power, and the other water-power, that is all. [ Oliver Wendell Holmes ]
Trials teach us what we are; they dig up the soil, and let us see what we are made of; they just turn up some of the ill weeds on to the surface. [ Charles Haddon Spurgeon, Gleanings among the Sheaves ]
When a man has once forfeited the reputation of his integrity, he is set fast; and nothing will then serve his turn, neither truth nor falsehood. [ Tillotson ]
The Stoic thought by slandering Happiness to woo her; by shunning to win her; and proudly presumed that, by fleeing her, she would turn and follow him. [ Arliss ]
Books give the same turn to our thoughts that company does to our conversation, without loading our memories, or making us even sensible of the change. [ Swift ]
When the dust of death has choked a great man's voice, the common words he said turn oracles, the common thoughts he yoked like horses draw like griffins. [ Mrs. Browning ]
Luck is ever waiting for something to turn up. Labour, with keen eyes and strong will, will turn up something. Luck relies on chance, labour on character. [ Cobden ]
O, the eye's light is a noble gift of heaven! All beings live from light; each fair created thing. The very plants turn with a joyful transport to the light. [ Schiller ]
There are no accidents so unfortunate from which skillful men will not draw some advantage, nor so fortunate that foolish men will not turn them to their hurt. [ La Rochefoucauld ]
Simple as it seems, it was a great discovery that the key of knowledge could turn both ways, that it could open, as well as lock, the door of power to the many. [ Lowell ]
Busy not yourself in looking forward to the events of tomorrow; but whatever may be those of the days Providence may yet assign you neglect not to turn them to advantage. [ Horace ]
A good deal depends upon luck as well as care, and sometimes a writer must wait, or even leave off and return to work again, before he can hit upon the turn of words required. [ Richard D. Blackmore, The Art Of Authorship, 1891 ]
The mob is a sort of bear; while your ring is through its nose, it will even dance under jour cudgel; but; should the ring slip, and you lose your hold, the brute will turn and rend you. [ Jane Porter ]
In looking around me seeking for miserable resources against the heaviness of time, I open a book, and I say to myself, as the cat to the fox: I have only one good turn, but I need no other. [ Madame Necker ]
Poverty breeds wealth; and wealth in its turn breeds poverty. The earth, to form the mould, is taken out of the ditch; and whatever may be the height of the one will be the depth of the other. [ J. C. and A. W. Hare ]
To live without bitterness, one must turn his eyes toward the ludicrous side of the world, and accustom himself to look at men only as jumping jacks, and at society as the board on which they jump. [ Chamfort ]
Heaven is not to sweep our truths away, but only to turn them till we see their glory, to open them till we see their truth, and to unveil our eyes till for the first time we shall really see them. [ Phillips Brooks ]
Avoid that which an enemy tells you to do; for if you follow his advice, you will smite your knees with the hand of sorrow. If he shows you a road straight as an arrow, turn from it and go the other way. [ Saadi ]
Nothing affects the heart like that which is purely from itself, and of its own nature; such as the beauty of sentiments, the grace of actions, the turn of characters, and the proportions and features of a human mind. [ Shaftesbury ]
A talisman that shall turn base metal into precious, Nature acknowledges not; but a talisman to turn base souls into noble, Nature has given us; and that is a philosopher's stone,
but it is a stone which the builders refuse. [ John Ruskin ]
The follies, vices, and consequent miseries of multitudes, displayed in a newspaper, are so many admonitions and warnings, so many beacons, continually burning, to turn others from the rocks on which they have been shipwrecked. [ Bishop Horne ]
Socrates was pronounced by the oracle of Delphos to be the wisest man in Greece, which he would turn from himself ironically, saying there could be nothing in him to verify the oracle, except this, that he was not wise and knew it, and others were not wise and knew it not. [ Bacon ]
In beginning the world, if you don't wish to get chafed at every turn, fold up your pride carefully, put it under lock and key, and only let it out to air upon grand occasions. Pride is a garment all stiff brocade outside, all grating sackcloth on the side next to the skin. [ Lytton ]
From the year 1789 to the year 1860 no nation has ever known a more unbounded prosperity, a fuller space of happiness. In the short space of seventy years, within the turn of a single life, the nation, poor, weak and despised, raised itself to the pinnacle of power and of glory. [ Robert C. Winthrop ]
There is a voice from the tomb sweeter than song. There is a remembrance of the dead to which we turn even from the charms of the living. Oh, the grave! the grave! It buries every error, covers every defect, extinguishes every resentment. From its peaceful bosom spring none but fond regrets and tender recollections. [ Washington Irving ]
Every breeze wafts intelligence from country to country, every wave rolls it, all give it forth, and all in turn receive it. There is a vast commerce of ideas, there are marts and exchanges for intellectual discoveries, and a wonderful fellowship of those individual intelligences which make up the mind and opinion of the age. [ Daniel Webster ]
I look upon enthusiasm, in all other points but that of religion, to be a very necessary turn of mind; as indeed it is a vein which nature seems to have marked with more or less strength, in the tempers of most men. No matter what the object is, whether business pleasures or the fine arts: whoever pursues them to any purpose must do so con amore. [ Melmoth ]
Luck is ever waiting for something to turn up. Labor, with keen eyes and strong will, will turn up something. Luck lies in bed, and wishes the postman would bring him the news of a legacy. Labor turns out at six o'clock, and with busy pen or ringing hammer lays the foundation of a competence. Luck whines. Labor whistles. Luck relies on chance. Labor on character. [ Cobden ]
Never! never has one forgotten his pure, right educated mother. On the blue mountains of our dim childhood, toward which we ever turn and look, stand the mothers, who marked out to us from thence our life; the most blessed age must be forgotten ere we can forget the warmest heart. You wish, O women! to be ardently loved, and forever, even till death! Be, then, the mothers of your children. [ Richter ]
There are many persons of combative tendencies, who read for ammunition, and dig out of the Bible iron for balls. They read, and they find nitre and charcoal and sulphur for powder. They read, and they find cannon. They read, and they make portholes and embrasures. And if a man does not believe as they do, they look upon him as an enemy, and let fly the Bible at him to demolish him. So men turn the word of God into a vast arsenal, filled with all manner of weapons, offensive and defensive. [ H. W. Beecher ]
When we turn away from some duty or some fellow-creature, saying that our hearts are too sick and sore with some great yearning of our own, we may often sever the line on which a Divine message was coming to us. We shut out the man, and we shut out the angel who had sent him on to open the door . . . There is a plan working in our lives; and if we keep our hearts quiet and our eyes open, it all works together;
and, if we don't, it all fights together, and goes on fighting till it comes right, somehow, somewhere. [ Annie Keary ]
The love of a mother is never exhausted; it never changes, it never tires. A father may turn his back on his child, brothers and sisters may become inveterate enemies, husbands may desert their wives, wives their husbands; but a mother's love endures through all; in good repute, in bad repute, in the face of the world's condemnation, a mother still loves on, and still hopes that her child may turn from his evil ways, and repent; she still remembers the infant smiles that once filled her bosom with rapture, the merry laugh, the joyful shout of Iris childhood, the opening promise of his youth; and she can never be brought to think him all unworthy. [ W. Irving ]