For he who is honest is noble.
Whatever his fortunes or birth. [ Alice Cary ]
Thus at the flaming forge of life
Our fortunes must be wrought;
Thus on its sounding anvil shaped
Each burning deed and thought! [ Longfellow ]
Sure, of qualities demanding praise,
More go to ruin fortunes, than to raise. [ Pope ]
Many owe their fortunes to their enviers. [ Proverb ]
We make our fortunes, and we call them fate. [ Earl Of Beaconsfield ]
Do not insult calamity:
It is a barbarous grossness to lay on
The weight of scorn, where heavy misery
Too much already weighs men's fortunes down. [ Daniel ]
Manners with fortunes, humors turn with climes,
Tenets with books and principles with times. [ Pope ]
Warm fortunes are always sure of getting good husbands. [ Goldsmith ]
Great minds and great fortunes do not always go together. [ Proverb ]
No man knows himself till he hath tasted of both fortunes. [ Proverb ]
The prudent man really frames his own fortunes for himself. [ Plautus ]
Beauties without fortunes have sweethearts plenty, but husbands none at all. [ Proverb ]
Many fortunes, like rivers, have a pure source, but grow muddy as they grow large. [ J. Petit-Senn ]
Friends are the thermometers by which we may judge the temperature of our fortunes. [ Lady Blessington ]
The most brilliant fortunes are often not worth the littleness required to gain them. [ Rochefoucauld ]
The happiness or unhappiness of men depends no less upon their dispositions than their fortunes. [ La Rochefoucauld ]
Some men make fortunes, but not to enjoy them; for, blinded by avarice, they live to make fortunes. [ Juvenal ]
Fortunes made in no time are like shirts made in no time; it's ten to one if they hang long together. [ Douglas Jerrold ]
And for the support of this declaration, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor. [ Thomas Jefferson ]
Wounds and hardships provoke our courage, and when our fortunes are at the lowest, our wits and minds are commonly at the best. [ Charron ]
Figure-flingers and star-gazers pretend to foretell the fortunes of kingdoms, and have no foresight in what concerns themselves. [ L'Estrange ]
Formerly when great fortunes were only made in war, war was a business; but now, when great fortunes are only made by business, business is war. [ Bovee ]
Whatever difference there may appear to be in men's fortunes, there is still a certain compensation of good and ill in all, that makes them equal. [ Charron ]
Many have been ruined by their fortunes; many have escaped ruin by the want of fortune. To obtain it, the great have become little, and the little great. [ Zimmermann ]
Avarice has ruined more men than prodigality, and the blindest thoughtlessness of expenditure has not destroyed so many fortunes as the calculating but insatiable lust of accumulation. [ Colton ]
I have no wife or children, good or bad, to provide for; a mere spectator of other men's fortunes and adventures, and how they play their parts; which, methinks, are diversely presetted unto me, as from a common theatre or scene. [ Burton ]
What money creates, money preserves: if thy wealth decays, thy honor dies; it is but a slippery happiness which fortunes can give, and frowns can take: and not worth the owning which a night's fire can melt, or a rough sea can drown. [ Quarles ]
It is a great mistake to suppose that bribery and corruption, although they may be very convenient for gratifying the ambition or the vanity of individuals, have any great effect upon the fortunes or the power of parties. And it is a great mistake to suppose that bribery and corruption are means by which power can either be obtained or retained. [ Beaconsfield ]
If thy desire to raise thy fortunes encourage thy delights to the casts of fortune, be wise betimes, lest thou repent too late; what thou gettest, thou gainest by abused providence; what thou losest, thou losest by abused patience; what thou winnest is prodigally spent; what thou losest is prodigally lost; it is an evil trade that prodigality drives; and a bad voyage where the pilot is blind. [ Quarles ]