Great thieves hang little ones. [ German ]
Great trees keep under the little ones. [ Proverb ]
Unequal marriages are seldom happy ones. [ Proverb ]
The great thieves punish the little ones. [ Proverb ]
Old fools are more foolish than young ones. [ Rochefoucauld ]
The owl thinks all her young ones beauties. [ Proverb ]
The poor wren,
The most diminutive of birds, will fight,
Her young ones in her nest, against the owl. [ William Shakespeare, Macbeth ]
Remembering of old injuries invites new ones. [ Proverb ]
The charm of eloquence - the skill
To wake each secret string,
And from the bosom's chords at will
Life's mournful music bring;
The overmastering strength of mind, which sways
The haughty and the free,
Whose might earth's mightiest ones obey
This charm was given to thee. [ Mrs. Embury ]
Command large fields, but cultivate small ones. [ Virgil ]
Better one living word than a hundred dead ones. [ German Proverb ]
Over the river they beckon to me,
Loved ones who've crossed to the farther side;
The gleam of their snowy robes I see.
But their voices are drowned in the dashing tide. [ Nancy A. W. Priest ]
There are many lovely women, but no perfect ones. [ Victor Hugo ]
The long days are no happier than the short ones. [ Bailey ]
There are as well serious follies, as light ones. [ Proverb ]
He invites future injuries who rewards past ones. [ Proverb ]
Better have no children than sottish and mad ones. [ Proverb ]
We will reinforce old alliances and form new ones. [ President Donald J. Trump, Presidential Inaugeration Speech, Jan 20, 2017 ]
Light griefs are plaintive, but great ones are dumb. [ Seneca ]
Little dogs start the hare, but great ones catch it. [ Proverb ]
Little girls are won with dolls, big ones with oaths. [ A. Ricard ]
Little sticks kindle the fire, great ones put it out. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]
Secret enmities are more to be feared than open ones. [ Cicero ]
Education polishes good nature, and corrects bad ones. [ Proverb ]
Wise men have but few confidants and cunning ones none. [ H. W. Shaw ]
The greatest things are done by the help of small ones. [ Proverb ]
Little sticks kindle a fire, but great ones put it out. [ Proverb ]
How few our real wants, and how vast our imaginary ones! [ Lavater ]
Bad examples may be as profitable to virtue as good ones. [ Montaigne ]
Man is not depraved by true pleasures, but by false ones. [ De Lacretelle ]
There would be no great ones if there were no little ones. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]
Absence cools moderate passions, but inflames violent ones. [ Proverb ]
By entertaining good thoughts, you will keep out evil ones. [ Proverb ]
There are good marriages, but there are no delightful ones. [ Rochefoucauld ]
One seeks new friends only when too well known by old ones. [ Mme. de Puisieux ]
Solitude cherishes great virtues, and destroys little ones. [ Sydney Smith ]
Little thieves have iron chains and great thieves gold ones. [ Dutch Proverb ]
The little dogs hunt out the hare, but the big ones catch it. [ Italian Proverb ]
Crying is the refuge of plain women but the ruin of pretty ones. [ Oscar Wilde, Lady Windemere's Fan ]
Be sure you can obey good laws before you seek to alter bad ones. [ John Ruskin ]
Man's grand fault is, and remains, that he has so many small ones. [ Jean Paul ]
If great men would have care of little ones, both would last long. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]
An idle reason lessens the weight of the good ones you gave before. [ Swift ]
To enjoy reading is to transform wearisome hours into delightful ones. [ Montesquieu ]
To select well among old things, is almost equal to inventing new ones. [ Abbe Trublet ]
The way of this world is to praise dead saints and persecute living ones. [ Rev. N. Howe ]
We confess small faults in order to insinuate that we have no great ones. [ La Rochefoucauld ]
Favours, and especially pecuniary ones, are generally fatal to friendship. [ Hor. Smith ]
Imaginary evils soon become real ones by indulging our reflections on them. [ Swift ]
It is one of heaven's best gifts to hold such a dear creature in ones arms. [ Goethe ]
The great objection to new books is, that they prevent our reading old ones. [ Joseph Joubert ]
Let us not make imaginary evils when we have so many real ones to encounter. [ Goldsmith ]
Fishes live in the sea, as men do land; the great ones eat up the little ones. [ William Shakespeare ]
Right actions for the future are the best apologies for wrong ones in the past. [ T. Edwards ]
The mind that too frequently forgives bad actions will at last forget good ones. [ Reynolds ]
Little ones are taught to be proud of their clothes before they can put them on. [ Locke ]
How many minds - almost all the great ones - were formed in secrecy and solitude! [ Matthew Arnold ]
There are several remedies which will cure love, but there are no infallible ones. [ Rochefoucauld ]
Good things have to be engraved on the memory; bad ones stick there of themselves. [ Charles Reade ]
Travel is the frivolous part of serious lives, and the serious part of frivolous ones. [ Mme. Swetchine ]
Strong characters are brought out by change of situation, and gentle ones by permanence. [ Richter ]
There is a truth and beauty in rhetoric; but it oftener serves ill turns than good ones. [ W. Penn ]
The truth is, we pamper little griefs into great ones, and bear great ones as well as we can. [ Hazlitt ]
A weak mind is like a microscope, which magnifies trifling things, but cannot receive great ones. [ Chesterfield ]
Those who bestow too much application on trifling things become generally incapable of great ones. [ Rochefoucauld ]
Imitation causes us to leave natural ways to enter into artificial ones; it therefore makes slaves. [ Professor Vinet ]
Praise from the common people is generally false, and rather follows vain persons than virtuous ones. [ Bacon ]
A proper secrecy is the only mystery of able men; mystery is the only secrecy of weak and cunning ones. [ Chesterfield ]
It is the fate of the great ones of the earth to begin to be appreciated by us only after they are gone. [ Old Ger. saying ]
The reason that there is such a general outcry against flatterers is, that there are so very few good ones. [ Steele ]
People should be guarded against temptation to unlawful pleasures by furnishing them means of innocent ones. [ Channing ]
The universe is but one great city, full of beloved ones, divine and human, by nature endeared to each other. [ Epictetus ]
Literary history is the great morgue where all seek the dead ones whom they love, and to whom they are related. [ Heine ]
Very ugly or very beautiful women should be flattered on their understanding, and mediocre ones on their beauty. [ Chesterfield ]
Amusements to virtue are like breezes of air to the flame - gentle ones will fan it, but strong ones will put it out. [ David Thomas ]
Absence diminishes weak passions and augments great ones; as the wind extinguishes tapers,but increases a conflagration. [ La Rochefoucauld ]
Fickleness has its rise in the experience of the deceptiveness of present pleasures, and in ignorance of the vanity of absent ones. [ Pascal ]
In love we never think of moral qualities, and scarcely of intellectual ones. Temperament and manner alone, with beauty, excite love. [ Hazlitt ]
The mind is like a sheet of white paper in this, that the impressions it receives the oftenest, and retains the longest, are black ones. [ J. C and A. W. Hare ]
Little joys refresh us constantly, like house-bread, and never bring disgust; and great ones, like sugar-bread, briefly, and then satiety. [ Richter ]
The present hour is always wealthiest when it is poorer than the future ones as that is the pleasantest site which affords the pleasantest prospect. [ Thoreau ]
He who without discrimination affirms or denies, ranks lowest among the foolish ones, and this in either case, (i.e. in denying as well as affirming. [ Dante ]
When you doubt between words, use the plainest, the commonest, the most idiomatic. Eschew fine words as you would rouge, love simple ones as you would native roses on your cheek. [ J. C. Hare ]
Griefs are like the beings that endure them - the little ones are the most clamorous and noisy; those of older growth and greater magnitude are generally tranquil, and sometimes silent. [ Chatfield ]
Everybody takes pleasure in returning small obligations; many go so far as to acknowledge moderate ones; but there is hardly anyone who does not repay great obligations with ingratitude. [ Rochefoucauld ]
There may often be less vanity in following the new modes than in adhering to the old ones. It is true that the foolish invent them, but the wise may conform to, instead of contradicting, them. [ Joubert ]
No lying knight or lying priest ever prospered in any age, but certainly not in the dark ones. Men prospered then only in following openly-declared purposes, and preaching candidly-beloved and trusted creeds. [ John Ruskin ]
Of permanent griefs there are none, for they are but clouds. The swifter they move through the sky. the more follow after them; and even the immovable ones are absorbed by the other, and become smaller till they vanish. [ Richter ]
With a pretty face and the freshness of twenty, a woman, however shallow she may be, makes many conquests, but does not retain them: with cleverness, thirty years, and a little beauty, a woman makes fewer conquests but more durable ones. [ A. Dupuy ]
Imaginary evils soon become real ones, by indulging our reflections on them; as he who in a melancholy fancy sees something like a face on the wall, or the wainscot, can, by two or three touches with a lead pencil, make it look visible, and agreeing with what he fancied. [ Swift ]
Logic invents as many fallacies as it detects; it is a good weapon, but as liable to be used in a bad as in a good cause. Many of its conclusions, more ingenious than sound, are like the recommendations of a people to keep full bottles, because a good many have been found dead with empty ones by them. [ Bovee ]
There are few thoughts likely to come across ordinary men which have not already been expressed by greater men in the best possible way; and it is a wiser, more generous, more noble thing to remember and point out the perfect words than to invent poorer ones, wherewith to encumber temporarily the world. [ John Ruskin ]
Harmony of period and melody of style have greater weight than is generally imagined in the judgment we pass upon writing and writers. As a proof of this, let us reflect what texts of scripture, what lines in poetry, or what periods we most remember and quote, either in verse or prose, and we shall find them to be only musical ones. [ Shenstone ]
Throughout the pages of history we are struck with the fact that our remarkable men possessed mothers of uncommon talents for good or bad, and great energy of character; it would almost seem from this circumstance, that the impress of the mother is more frequently stamped on the boy, and that of the father upon the girl - we mean the mental intellectual impress, in distinction from the physical ones. Mothers will do well to remember that their impress is often stamped upon their sons. [ Helen Mar ]