No sooner said than done. [ French ]
It is sooner said than done. [ Proverb ]
A word sooner wounds than heals. [ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe ]
Nothing dries sooner than a tear. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]
The better natured the sooner undone. [ Proverb ]
Stop a little to make an end the sooner. [ Proverb ]
Beauty provokes thieves sooner than gold. [ William Shakespeare ]
The body is sooner dressed than the soul. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]
My pen is at the bottom of a page,
Which being finished, here the story ends;
'Tis to be wish'd it had been sooner done,
But stories somehow lengthen when begun. [ Byron ]
Nothing dries sooner than a woman's tears. [ Proverb ]
The liar is sooner caught than the cripple. [ Proverb ]
Danger comes the sooner when it is despised. [ Syrus ]
Old porridge is sooner warmed than new made. [ Proverb ]
Sudden joy kills sooner than excessive grief. [ Proverb ]
Ride softly that you may get home the sooner. [ Proverb ]
The promise is no sooner given than fulfilled. [ Ovid ]
Stay awhile that we may make an end the sooner. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]
Neglect will sooner kill an injury than revenge. [ Proverb ]
Impatience dries the blood sooner than age or sorrow. [ Chapin ]
A woman will confess her faults sooner than her follies. [ Alfred Bougeart ]
Opportunity, sooner or later, comes to all who work and wish. [ Lord Stanley ]
When we combat that which we love, sooner or later we succumb. [ Marivaux ]
The tree is no sooner down, but every one runs for his hatchet. [ Proverb ]
Time sooner or later vanquishes love; friendship alone subdues time. [ Mme. d'Arconville ]
Superfluity comes sooner by white hairs, but competency lives longer. [ William Shakespeare, The Merchant of Venice ]
No sooner is a temple built to God but the devil builds a chapel hard by. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]
The snail slides up the tower at last, though the swallow mounts it sooner. [ Proverb ]
Life is short. The sooner that a man begins to enjoy his wealth the better. [ Johnson ]
No ashes are lighter than those of incense, and few things burn out sooner. [ Landor ]
Beauty is fading, nor is fortune stable; sooner or later death comes to all. [ Prope rti us ]
I was never afraid of failure, for I would sooner fail than not be among the best. [ Keats ]
As if the ray which travels from the sun would reach me sooner than the man who blacks my boots. [ Thackeray ]
How true it is that, sooner or later, the most rebellious must bow beneath the yoke of misfortune! [ De Stael ]
There is nothing keeps longer than a middling fortune, and nothing melts away sooner than a great one. [ Bruyere ]
A plodding diligence brings us sooner to our journey's end, than a fluttering way of advancing by starts. [ L'Estrange ]
The sowing of wild oats is necessary in the life of a man. Libertinism is a leaven that ferments sooner or later. [ J. J. Rousseau ]
The purer the golden vessel the more readily is it bent; the higher worth of women is sooner lost than that of men. [ Jean Paul ]
The purer the golden vessel, the more readily is it bent; the higher worth of woman is sooner lost than that of man. [ Richter ]
Sooner or later that which is now life shall be poetry, and every fair or manly trait shall add a richer strain to the song. [ Ralph Waldo Emerson ]
There is nothing which continues longer than a moderate fortune; nothing of which one sees sooner the end than a large fortune. [ Bruyere ]
Sir Amyas Pawlet, when he saw too much haste made in any matter, was wont to say, Stay awhile, that we may make an end the sooner.
[ Bacon ]
When the commander-in-chief is not with the army, that is sooner done which need not to be done than that which requires to be done. [ Plaut ]
I knew a wise man who had it for a by-word when he saw men hasten to a conclusion: Stay a little, that we may make an end the sooner.
[ Bacon ]
Women are so gentle, so affectionate, so true in sorrow, so untired and untiring! but the leaf withers not sooner, and tropic light fades not more abruptly. [ Barry Cornwall ]
There is no work of genius which has not been the delight of mankind, no word of genius to which the human heart and soul have not, sooner or later, responded. [ Lowell ]
There never was a great truth but it was reverenced: never a great institution, nor a great man, that did not, sooner or later, receive the reverence of mankind. [ Theodore Parker ]
As for the ass's behavior in such nice circumstances, whether he would starve sooner than violate his neutrality to the two bundles of hay, I shall not presume to determine. [ Addison ]
Explain it as we may, a martial strain will urge a man into the front rank of battle sooner than an argument, and a fine anthem excite his devotion more certainly than a logical discourse. [ Tuckerman ]
Darwin remarks that we are less dazzled by the light at waking, if we have been dreaming of visible objects. Happy are those who have here dreamt of a higher vision! They will the sooner be able to endure the glories of the world to come. [ Novalis ]
The willow which bends to the tempest, often escapes better than the oak which resists it; and so in great calamities, it sometimes happens that light and frivolous spirits recover their elasticity and presence of mind sooner than those of a loftier character. [ Sir Walter Scott ]
I have so great a contempt and detestation for meanness, that I could sooner make a friend of one who had committed murder, than of a person who could be capable, in any instance, of the former vice. Under meanness, I comprehend dishonesty; under dishonesty, ingratitude; under ingratitude, irreligion; and under this latter, every species of vice and immorality in human nature. [ Sterne ]
Almost all men are over-anxious. No sooner do they enter the world than they lose that taste for natural and simple pleasures so remarkable in early life. Every hour do they ask themselves what progress they have made in the pursuit of wealth or honor; and on they go as their fathers went before them, till, weary and sick at heart, they look back with a sigh of regret to the golden time of their childhood. [ Rogers ]