They grow with increase of toil. [ Motto ]
Love decreases when it ceases to increase. [ Chateaubriand ]
Love that can flow, and can admit increase,
Admits as well an ebb, and may grow less. [ Suckling ]
Inopportune consolations increase a deep sorrow. [ J. J. Rousseau ]
The desires of man increase with his acquisitions. [ Dr. Samuel Johnson ]
If you increase the water, you must increase the malt. [ Proverb ]
Delays increase desires, and sometimes extinguish them. [ Proverb ]
Keep not ill men company, lest you increase the number. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]
The glory and increase of wisdom stands in exercising it. [ Sir P. Sidney ]
Government of the will is better than increase of knowledge. [ Proverb ]
Love is like the moon: when it does not increase, it decreases. [ Segur ]
Too much effort to increase our happiness transforms it into misery. [ J. J. Rousseau ]
Children increase the cares of life, but mitigate the remembrance of death. [ Proverb ]
Reason if we do not live by it, will serve to increase our shame and guilt. [ Proverb ]
Increasing wealth is attended by care and by the desire of greater increase. [ Horace ]
The relief that is afforded to mere want, as want, tends to increase that want. [ Whately ]
In time of affliction, a vow; in the time of prosperity, an increase of wickedness. [ Hebrew Proverb ]
Remorse is virtue's root; its fair increase are fruits of innocence and blessedness. [ Bryant ]
Machines cannot increase the possibilities of life, only the possibilities of idleness. [ John Ruskin ]
Light is a special help to obedience, and obedience is a singular help to increase light. [ Flavel ]
The accumulation of wealth is followed by an increase of care, and by an appetite for more. [ Horace ]
Grandeur and beauty are so very opposite, that you often diminish the one as you increase the other. [ Shenstone ]
He that loveth silver shall not be satisfied with silver; nor he that loveth abundance with increase. [ Bible ]
He that oppresseth the poor to increase his riches, and he that giveth to the rich, shall surely come to want. [ Bible ]
There are but two ways of paying debt: increase of industry in raising income, increase of thrift in laying out. [ Carlyle ]
To give birth to a desire, to nourish it, to develop it, to increase it, to irritate it, to satisfy it: this is a whole poem. [ Balzac ]
One of the greatest pleasures of life is conversation, and the pleasures of conversation are enhanced by every increase of knowledge. [ Sydney Smith ]
Children sweeten labors, but they make misfortunes more bitter; they increase the cares of life, but they mitigate the remembrance of death. [ Bacon ]
Avarice in old age is foolish; for what can be more absurd than to increase our provisions for the road, the nearer we approach to our journey's end? [ Cicero ]
Worldly wealth is the devil's bait; and those whose minds feed upon riches, recede, in general, from real happiness, in proportion as their stores increase. [ Burton ]
Persons are oftentimes misled in regard to their choice of dress by attending to the beauty of colors, rather than selecting such colors as may increase their own beauty. [ Shenstone ]
Friends should not be chosen to flatter. The quality we should prize is that rectitude which will shrink from no truth. Intimacies which increase vanity destroy friendship. [ William Ellery Channing ]
Sow the seeds of life - humbleness, pure-heartedness, love; and in the long eternity which lies before the soul, every minutest grain will come up again with an increase of thirty, sixty, or a hundredfold. [ F. W. Robertson ]
No possession can surpass, or even equal, a good library to the lover of books. Here are treasured up for his daily use and delectation, riches which increase by being consumed, and pleasures which never cloy. [ John Alfred Langford ]
Worldly wealth is the Devil's bait; and those whose minds feed upon riches recede, in general, from real happiness, in proportion as their stores increase; as the moon, when she is fullest, is farthest from the sun. [ Burton ]
What real good does an addition to a fortune, already sufficient, procure? Not any. Could the great man, by having his fortune increased, increase also his appetites, then precedence might be attended with real amusement. [ Goldsmith ]
The common cause of waves is the friction of the wind upon the surface of the water; little ridges or elevations first appear, which by continuance of the force gradually increase until they become the rolling mountains seen where the wind sweeps over a great extent of water. [ F. Marryatt ]
Perhaps that is nearly the perfection of good writing which is original, but whose truth alone prevents the reader from suspecting that it is so; and which effects that for knowledge which the lens effects for the sunbeam, when it condenses its brightness in order to increase its force. [ Colton ]
There is a story of some mountains of salt in Cumana, which never diminished, though carried away in much abundance by merchants; but when once they were monopolized to the benefit of a private purse, then the salt decreased, till afterward all were allowed to take of it, when it had a new access and increase. The truth of this story may be uncertain, but the application is true; he that envies others the use of his gifts decays then, but he thrives most that is most diffusive. [ Spencer ]