This peck of troubles. [ Cervantes ]
Troubles are the only trials. [ Proverb ]
Troubles forereckoned are doubly suffered. [ Bovee ]
Sleep is the best cure for waking troubles. [ Cervantes ]
Toss'd on a sea of troubles, soul, my soul,
Thyself do thou control;
And to the weapons of advancing foes
A stubborn breast oppose. [ Archilochus ]
Little troubles are great to little people. [ Proverb ]
Canst thou not minster to a mind diseased;
Pluck from the memory a rooted sorrow;
Raze out the written troubles of the brain;
And, with some sweet oblivious antidote,
Cleanse the foul bosom of that perilous stuff,
Which weighs upon the heart? [ William Shakespeare ]
Never give up! or the burden may sink you,
Providence wisely has mingled the cup;
And in all trials and troubles bethink you,
The watchword of life should be, Never give up! [ M. F. Tupper ]
Canst thou not minister to a mind diseas'd,
Pluck from the memory a rooted sorrow,
Raze out the written troubles of the brain?
And with some sweet oblivious antidote,
Cleanse the stuff'd bosom of that perilous stuff
Which weighs upon the heart? [ William Shakespeare, Macbeth ]
You need not marry; you have troubles enough without it. [ Proverb ]
Too much and too little occasions the troubles of mankind. [ Proverb ]
War, hunting, and love, have a thousand troubles for their pleasure. [ Proverb ]
The true way of softening one's troubles is to solace those of others. [ Mme. de Maintenon ]
The majority of the troubles in this world are the fault of the grammarians. [ Montaigne ]
He that dies troubles his parents but once, but he that lives ill torments them perpetually. [ Proverb ]
A woman too often reasons from her heart; hence two-thirds of her mistakes and her troubles. [ Edward Bulwer-Lytton ]
I pack my troubles in as little compass as I can for myself, and never let them annoy others. [ Southey ]
Be happy if you can, but do not despise those who are otherwise, for you know not their troubles.
The happiest man is he, who being above the troubles which money brings, has his hands the fullest of Work. [ Anthony Trollope ]
Grief sharpens the understanding and strengthens the soul, whereas joy seldom troubles itself about the former, and makes the latter either effeminate or frivolous. [ F. Schubert ]
Men love better books which please them than those which instruct. Since their ennui troubles them more than their ignorance, they prefer being amused to being informed. [ L'Abbe Dubois ]
If you tell your troubles to God, you put them into the grave; they will never rise again when you have committed them to Him. If you roll your burden anywhere else, it will roll back again like the stone of Sisyphus. [ Spurgeon ]
I think half the troubles for which men go slouching in prayer to God are caused by their intolerable pride. Many of our cares are but a morbid way of looking at our privileges. We let our blessings get mouldy, and then call them curses. [ Beecher ]
When Anaxagoras was told of the death of his son, he only said, I knew he was mortal.
So we in all casualties of life should say I knew my riches were uncertain, that my friend was but a man.
Such considerations would soon pacify us, because all our troubles proceed from their being unexpected. [ Plutarch ]
The morbid states of health, the irritableness of disposition arising from unstrung nerves, the impatience, the crossness, the fault-finding of men, who, full of morbid influences, are unhappy themselves, and throw the cloud of their troubles like a dark shadow upon others, teach us what eminent duty there is in health. [ Beecher ]
The dramatist, like the poet, is born, not made. There must be inspiration back of all true and permanent art, dramatic or otherwise, and art is universal: there is nothing national about it. Its field is humanity, and it takes in all the world; nor does anything else afford the refuge that is provided by it from all troubles and all the vicissitudes of life. [ William Winter ]