Features, the great soul's apparent seat. [ Bryant ]
Then fell upon the house a sudden gloom,
A shadow on those features fair and thin;
And softly, from that hushed and darkened room,
Two angels issued, where but one went in. [ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow ]
Let fate do her worst; there are moments of joy,
Bright dreams of the past, which she cannot destroy;
Which come in the nighttime of sorrow and care,
And bring back the features that joy used to wear. [ Moore ]
Contempt for private wrongs was one of the features of ancient morals. [ Joubert ]
With every change his features played, as aspens show the light and shade. [ Sir Walter Scott ]
Beauty depends more on the movement of the face than the form of the features. [ Mrs. Hall ]
Every man must have his own style, as he has his own face and his own features. [ John Stuart Blackie, The Art Of Authorship, 1891 ]
Expression is of more consequence than shape; it will light up features otherwise heavy. [ Sir C. Bell ]
True features make the beauty of a face, and true proportions the beauty of architecture. [ Shaftesbury ]
There are faces so fluid with expression that we can hardly find what the mere features are. [ Ralph Waldo Emerson ]
Features betray the temperament and character, but the mien indicates the degrees of fortune. [ La Bruyere ]
The faculties of our souls differ as widely as the features of our faces and the forms of our frames. [ J. G. Holland ]
Art is the child of Nature; yes, her darling child, in whom we trace the features of the mother's face. [ Longfellow ]
Happiness never lays its finger on its pulse. If we attempt to steal a glimpse of its features it disappears. [ Alexander Smith ]
No woman can be handsome by the force of features alone, any more than she can be witty only by the help of speech. [ Hughes ]
Her eyes, her lips, her cheeks, her shape, her features, seem to be drawn by love's own hand, by love himself in love. [ Dryden ]
Time is the greatest of all tyrants. As we go on towards age, he taxes our health, limbs, faculties, strength, and features. [ John Foster ]
A double task to paint the finest features of the mind, and to most subtle and mysterious things give color, strength, and motion. [ Akenside ]
A look of intelligence in men is what regularity of features is in women; it is a style of beauty to which the most vain may aspire. [ La Bruyere ]
Stillness of person and steadiness of features are signal marks of good breeding. Vulgar persons can't sit still, or, at least, they must work their limbs or features. [ Holmes ]
Even sleep is characteristic. How beautiful are children in their lovely innocence! how angel-like their blooming features! and how painful and anxious is the sleep of the guilty! [ Wilhelm von Humboldt ]
I should dread to disfigure the beautiful ideal of the memories of illustrious persons with incongruous features, and to sully the imaginative purity or classical works with gross and trivial recollections. [ Wordsworth ]
Nothing affects the heart like that which is purely from itself, and of its own nature; such as the beauty of sentiments, the grace of actions, the turn of characters, and the proportions and features of a human mind. [ Shaftesbury ]
The only kind of sublimity which a painter or sculptor should aim at is to express by certain proportions and positions of limbs and features that strength and dignity of mind, and vigor and activity of body, which enables men to conceive and execute great actions. [ Burke ]
Men have their intellectual ancestry, and the likeness of some one of them is forever unexpectedly flashing out in the features of a descendant, it may be after a gap of several centuries. In the parliament of the present every man represents a constituency of the past. [ Lowell ]
He is wise who can instruct us and assist us in the business of daily virtuous living; he who trains us to see old truth under academic formularies may be wise or not, as it chances, but we love to see wisdom in unpretending forms, to recognise her royal features under a week-day vesture. [ Carlyle ]
Every common dauber writes rascal and villain under his pictures, because the pictures themselves have neither character nor resemblance. But the works of a master require no index. His features and coloring are taken from nature. The impression they make is immediate and uniform; nor is it possible to mistake his characters. [ Junius ]
A book becomes a mirror, with the author's face shining over it. Talent only gives an imperfect image, - the broken glimmer of a countenance. But the features of genius remain unruffled. Time guards the shadow. Beauty, the spiritual Venus, - whose children are the Tassos, the Spensers, the Bacons, - breathes the magic of her love, and fixes the face forever. [ Willmott ]
Art, not less eloquently than literature, teaches her children to venerate the single eye. Remember Matsys. His representations of miser-life are breathing. A forfeited bond twinkles in the hard smile. But follow him to an altar-piece. His Apostle has caught a stray tint from his usurer. Features of exquisite beauty are seen and loved; but the old nature of avarice frets under the glow of devotion. Pathos staggers on the edge of farce. [ Willmott ]
I have very often lamented and hinted my sorrow, in several speculations, that the art of painting is made so little use of to the improvement of manners. When we consider that it places the action of the person represented in the most agreeable aspect imaginable, - that it does not only express the passion or concern as it sits upon him who is drawn, but has under those features the height of the painter's imagination, - what strong images of virtue and humanity might we not expect would be instilled into the mind from the labors of the pencil! [ Steele ]