The word checkerblooms is playable in Words With Friends™, no blanks required. Because it is longer than 7 letters, you would have to play off an existing word or do it in several moves.
Words With Friends™ Letter Score: 32
Highest Scoring Words With Friends™ Play In The Letters checkerblooms
Seven Letter Word Alert: (60 words)
becomes, belcher, belches, bemocks, besmoke, blocker, bloomer, boleros, bookers, boomers, checker, chokers, chooser, chromel, chromes, cleomes, cloches, clocker, coeloms, coerces, coheres, combers, cookers, coolers, creches, creoles, creosol, echoers, heckler, heckles, hemlock, herbose, hombres, hookers, lechers, lockers, lookers, mockers, moocher, mooches, reblock, rebloom, rebooks, recheck, rechose, reclock, reclose, recocks, recombs, recooks, rehomes, rehooks, relocks, relooks, reshook, schemer, schlock, screech, scrooch, shocker