Be thou of good cheer. [ Bible ]
Welcome is the best cheer. [ Proverb ]
Nature designed us to be of good cheer. [ Douglas Jerrold ]
The soul was made for joy and good cheer. [ Newell Dwight Hillis ]
Good cheer is no hindrance to a good life. [ Aristippus ]
All things that we ordained festival,
Turn from their office to black funeral;
Our instruments, to melancholy bells;
Our wedding cheer, to sad burial feast;
Our solemn hymns, to sullen dirges change:
Our bridal flowers serve for a buried corse,
And all things change them to the contrary. [ William Shakespeare ]
But now the clouds in airy tumult fly;
The sun, emerging, opes an azure sky;
A fresher green the smiling leaves display,
And glittering as they tremble, cheer the day. [ Parnell ]
The more the merrier, the fewer the better cheer. [ Proverb ]
Small cheer and great welcome makes a merry feast. [ William Shakespeare ]
Twas a public feast and public day -
Quite full, right dull, guests hot, and dishes cold,
Great plenty, much formality, small cheer.
And everybody out of their own sphere. [ Byron ]
There is not always good cheer where the chimney smokes. [ Proverb ]
When good cheer is lacking, our friends will be packing. [ Proverb ]
No night is so dark that our Father's smile cannot cheer it. [ Mrs. S. H. De Kroyft ]
At Christmas play, and make good cheer. For Christmas comes but once a year. [ Tusser ]
The parted bosom clings to wonted home, if aught that's kindred cheer the welcome hearth. [ Byron ]
Let us be of good cheer, remembering that the misfortunes hardest to bear are those which never happen. [ Lowell ]
Words of cheer thrill not only the soul of the hearer, but equally the soul of the speaker, because they are God's words. [ Unknown ]
God is glorified, not by our groans, but our thanksgivings; and all good thought and good action claim a natural alliance with good cheer. [ Whipple ]
There are such things as a man shall remember with joy upon his death-bed; such as shall cheer and warm his heart even in that last and bitter agony. [ South ]
He was a kind and thankful toad, whose heart dilated in proportion as his skin was filled with good cheer; and whose spirits rose with eating, as some men's do with drink. [ Washington Irving ]