Definition of more

"more" in the noun sense

1. More, Thomas More, Sir Thomas More

English statesman who opposed Henry VIII's divorce from Catherine of Aragon and was imprisoned and beheaded recalled for his concept of Utopia, the ideal state

"more" in the adjective sense

1. more, more than

comparative of `much' used with mass nouns) a quantifier meaning greater in size or amount or extent or degree

"more land"

"more support"

"more rain fell"

"more than a gallon"

2. more

comparative of `many' used with count nouns) quantifier meaning greater in number

"a hall with more seats"

"we have no more bananas"

"more than one"

"more" in the adverb sense

1. more, to a greater extent

used to form the comparative of some adjectives and adverbs

"more interesting"

"more beautiful"

"more quickly"

2. more

comparative of much to a greater degree or extent

"he works more now"

"they eat more than they should"

Source: WordNet® (An amazing lexical database of English)

Princeton University "About WordNet®."
WordNet®. Princeton University. 2010.

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Quotations for more

One more Unfortunate
Weary of breath.
Rashly importunate.
Gone to her death. [ Hood ]

The more you heap,
The worse you cheap. [ Proverb ]

More knave than fool. [ Proverb ]

Tis more brave
To live, than to die. [ Lord Lytton ]

The more the merrier. [ Heywood ]

Sometimes words
Hurt more than swords. [ Proverb ]

More cost than worship. [ Proverb ]

More malice than matter. [ Proverb ]

More molehills than men. [ Proverb ]

Bring me no more reports. [ William Shakespeare ]

More enduring than brass. [ Horace ]

Keep some till more come. [ Proverb ]

Rust wastes more than use. [ French Proverb ]

I have more zeal than wit. [ Pope ]

Years know more than books. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]

Beauty draws more than oxen. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]

Four eyes see more than two. [ Proverb ]

More than enough is too much. [ Proverb ]

More die by food than famine. [ Proverb ]

I live, and lords do no more. [ Proverb ]

He has more guts than brains. [ Proverb ]

A penny more buys the whistle. [ Proverb ]

Celerity is never more admired
Than by the negligent. [ William Shakespeare ]

Life hath more awe than death. [ Bailey ]

Underneath this stone doth lie
As much beauty as could die;
Which in life did harbour give
To more virtue than doth live. [ Jonson, on Elizabeth, Countess of Rutland ]

The more wit, the less courage. [ Proverb ]

More by luck than good guiding. [ Proverb ]

Years teach us more than books. [ Berthold Auerbach ]

Man is more than constitutions. [ Whittier ]

Two eyes may see more than one. [ Proverb ]

Content is more than a kingdom. [ Proverb ]

Love is more just than justice. [ Henry Ward Beecher ]

There is more talk than trouble. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]

The more cooks, the worse broth. [ Proverb ]

The more haste, the worse speed. [ Proverb ]

The more heart, the more sorrow. [ Mme. Necker ]

Diet cures more than the lancet. [ Abernethy ]

The more pluck, the better luck!

Ships fear fire more than water. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]

More words than one to a bargain. [ Proverb ]

The less heart, the more comfort. [ Ninon de Lenclos ]

The countenance
Is more eloquent than the tongue. [ Lavater ]

Love that asketh love again
Finds the barter naught but pain;
Love that giveth in full store
Aye receives as much, and more.
Love exacting nothing back
Never knoweth any lack;
Love compelling Love to pay,
Sees him bankrupt every day. [ Dinah Muloch Craik ]

An angler eats more than he gets. [ Proverb ]

The more danger, the more honour. [ Proverb ]

Meat is much, but malice is more. [ Proverb ]

Good words cost no more than bad. [ Proverb ]

The table robs more than a thief. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]

I'd say he's done more than that. [ Yogi Berra, when asked if first baseman Don Mattingly had exceeded expectations for the current season ]

I am a man
More sinned against than sinning. [ King Lear ]

Love me more, and honour me less. [ Proverb ]

Nature draws more than ten teams. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]

It rises more glorious than ever. [ Motto ]

The more laws, the more offenders. [ Proverb ]

The more friends, the more danger. [ Proverb ]

The fewer desires, the more peace. [ Thomas Wilson ]

Vanity ruins more women than love. [ Mme. du Deffand ]

Examples teach more than precepts. [ Proverb ]

Few minds wear out; more rust out. [ Bovee ]

When time itself shall be no more. [ Addison ]

More things affright than hurt us. [ Proverb ]

Bush natural, more hairs than wit. [ Proverb ]

The less routine the more of life. [ A. B. Alcott ]

All my past life is mine no more,
The flying hours are gone
Like transitory dreams given over,
Whose images are kept in store,
By memory alone. [ Rochester ]

Welcome, dear Goldenrod, once more.
Thou mimic, flowering elm!
I always think that summer's store
Hangs from thy laden stem. [ Horace H. Scudder ]

However it be, it seems to me,
'Tis only noble to be good.
Kind hearts are more than coronets.
And simple faith than Norman blood. [ Tennyson ]

When the last reader reads no more. [ Oliver Wendell Holmes ]

Joy softens more hearts than tears. [ Mme. de Sartory ]

Silence more musical than any song. [ Christina G. Rossetti ]

Honor immortalizes more than glory. [ Lesguillon ]

Beware of no man more than thyself. [ Proverb ]

Sigh no more, ladies, sigh no more!
Men were deceivers ever;
One foot in sea and one on shore,
To one thing constant never. [ Percy ]

Respect a man, he will do the more. [ Proverb ]

The more knave, the better fortune. [ Proverb ]

Gluttony kills more than the sword. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]

Gentleness does more than violence. [ La Fontaine ]

Wine has drowned more than the sea. [ Publius Syrus ]

One honor won is a surety for more. [ La Rochefoucauld ]

I dare do all that may become a man,
Who dares do more is none. [ William Shakespeare ]

We live more by example than reason.

Silence is more eloquent than words. [ Carlyle ]

Surfeit has killed more than hunger. [ Proverb ]

Eternity looks grander and kinder if
Time grow meaner and more hostile. [ Carlyle ]

Birth is much, but breeding is more. [ Proverb ]

Nothing is more useful than silence. [ Menander ]

He uses the rake more than the fork. [ Proverb ]

Grace is more beautiful than beauty. [ Ralph Waldo Emerson ]

There are more thieves than gallows. [ German Proverb ]

The muffled drum's sad roll has beat
The soldier's last tattoo;
No more on Life's parade shall meet
The brave and fallen few.
On Fame's eternal camping-ground
Their silent tents are spread.
And Glory guards, with solemn round
The bivouac of the dead. [ Theodore O'Hara ]

Love does much, but money does more. [ Proverb ]

Oh, no! My heart can never be
Again in lightest hopes the same;
The love that lingers there for thee
Hath more of ashes than of flame. [ Miss Landon ]

Itch is more intolerable than smart. [ Proverb ]

She that with poetry is won.
Is but a desk to write upon;
And what men say of her they mean
No more than on the thing they lean. [ Butler ]

Good words cool more than cold water. [ Proverb ]

Faith is nothing more than obedience. [ Voltaire ]

More men are terrified than punished. [ Proverb ]

Error is always more busy than truth. [ Hosea Ballou ]

The more haste, ever the worst speed. [ Churchill ]

Surfeits destroy more than the sword. [ J. Fletcher ]

Silent anguish is the more dangerous. [ Racine ]

I'll dream no more - by manly mind
Not even in sleep is will resigned.
My midnight orisons said o'er,
I'll turn to rest, and dream no more. [ Scott ]

Pain is more affecting than pleasure. [ Proverb ]

Who more than he is worth does spend,
He makes a rope his life to end. [ Proverb ]

Time makes more converts than reason. [ Thomas Paine ]

Alas! there are no more any miracles. [ Friedrich Schiller ]

Heap on more wood! the wind is chill;
But let it whistle as it will.
We'll keep our Christmas merry still. [ Scott ]

I would not love thee, dear, so much,
Loved I not honour more. [ Lovelace ]

Lookers-on see more than the players. [ Proverb ]

There is room for more introductions. [ Horace ]

The champion true
Loves victory more when, dim in view,
He sees her glories gild afar
The dusky edge of stubborn war,
Than if th' untrodden bloodless field
The harvest of her laurels yield. [ Keble ]

Sensitive souls live more than others. [ Duclos ]

There are more threatened than struck. [ Proverb ]

Ridicule dishonors more than dishonor. [ La Rochefoucauld ]

Who spends more than he should,
Shall not have to spend when he would. [ Proverb ]

Dust, to its narrow house beneath!
Soul, to its place on high!
They that have seen thy look in death,
No more may fear to die. [ Mrs. Hemans ]

The more men have, the more they want. [ Justin ]

The less men think the more they talk. [ Montesquieu ]

I have more to do than a dish to wash. [ Proverb ]

The more you stir, the more you stink. [ Proverb ]

Love can do much, but duty still more. [ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe ]

Who have not saved some trifling thing
More prized than jewels rare,
A faded flower, a broken ring,
A tress of golden hair. [ Ellen C. Howarth ]

Thinking of the days that are no more. [ Tennyson ]

Friend more divine than all divinities. [ George Eliot ]

More have repented speech than silence. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]

Example has more followers than reason. [ Bovee ]

What is more miserable than discontent? [ William Shakespeare ]

What is more cruel than a tyrant's ear? [ Juvenal ]

Undertake no more than you can perform. [ Proverb ]

Tittle-tattle, give the goose more hay. [ Proverb ]

Nothing is more short-lived than pride. [ Ben Jonson ]

Where more is meant than meets the ear. [ Milton ]

More than kisses, letters mingle souls. [ Donne ]

No more delay, vain boaster, but begin. [ Dryden ]

The more acquaintance, the more danger. [ Proverb ]

Grasp no more than your hand will hold. [ Proverb ]

Hell is more bearable than nothingness. [ Bailey ]

Allow not nature more than nature needs. [ William Shakespeare ]

God send you more wit and me more money. [ Proverb ]

Sure, of qualities demanding praise,
More go to ruin fortunes, than to raise. [ Pope ]

Wine hath drowned more men than the sea. [ Proverb ]

Kings alone are no more than single men. [ Proverb ]

Wisdom is more to be envied than riches. [ Proverb ]

Weep no more, lady, weep no more,
Thy sorrowe is in vaine,
For violets pluckt, the sweetest showers
Will never make grow againe. [ Thos. Percy ]

She has more of the aloe than the honey. [ Juv ]

The more Moors, the greater the victory. [ Proverb ]

The more one judges, the less one loves. [ Balzac ]

Thou more than stone of the philosopher! [ Byron ]

Standers-by see more than the gamesters. [ Proverb ]

Nothing is a misery,
Unless our weakness apprehend it so:
We cannot be more faithful to ourselves,
In anything that's manly, than to make
Ill-fortune as contemptible to us
As it makes us to others. [ Beaumont and Fletcher ]

Give me a look, give me a face.
That makes simplicity a grace:
Robes loosely flowing, hair as free;
Such sweet neglect more taketh me
Than all the adulteries of art;
They strike mine eyes, but not my heart. [ Ben Jonson ]

Envy is more irreconcilable than hatred. [ La Rochefoucauld ]

We'll shine in more substantial honours.
And to be noble we'll be good. [ Thomas Percy ]

The greatness that would make us grave,
Is but an empty thing.
What more than mirth would mortals have?
The cheerful man's a king. [ Bickerstaff ]

Her hair is bound with myrtle leaves,
(Green leaves upon her golden hair!),
Green grasses through the yellow sheaves
Of autumn corn are not more fair. [ Oscar Wilde ]

A man's life's no more than to say, One! [ William Shakespeare ]

Love lives more in cottages than courts. [ Proverb ]

Not more the rose, the queen of flowers,
Outblushes all the bloom of bower,
Than she unrivalled grace discloses;
The sweetest rose, where all are roses. [ Moore ]

It costs more to do ill than to do well. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]

The tired ox plants his foot more firmly. [ Proverb ]

We have all forgot more than we remember. [ Proverb ]

What makes all doctrines plain and clear?
About two hundred pounds a year.
And that which was proved true before,
Prove false again? two hundred more. [ Butler ]

There are more ways to the wood than one. [ Proverb ]

Weep no more, lady, weep no more.
Thy sorrow is in vain;
For violets plucked, the sweetest showers
Will never make grow again. [ Percy ]

Alack, there lies more peril in thine eye
Than twenty of their swords. [ William Shakespeare ]

And weep the more because I weep in vain. [ Gray ]

Let us think less of men and more of God. [ Bailey ]

Thought discovered is the more possessed. [ Young ]

Example is more efficacious than precept. [ Johnson ]

The conscience is more wise than science. [ Lavater ]

Great men have more adorers than friends. [ Proverb ]

Nothing is more ridiculous than ridicule. [ Shaftesbury ]

The soul has more diseases than the body. [ H. W. Shaw ]

Immediate are the acts of God, more swift
Than time or motion. [ Milton ]

One day with life and heart,
Is more than time enough to find a world. [ Lowell ]

An artist should have more than two eyes. [ Lamartine ]

He that wrongs his friend
Wrongs himself more, and ever bears about
A silent court of justice in his breast,
Himself the judge and jury, and himself
The prisoner at the bar, ever condemned. [ Alfred Tennyson ]

But through the heart
Should Jealousy its venom once diffuse
'Tis then delightful misery no more
But agony unmixed, incessant gall
Corroding every thought, and blasting all
Love's paradise. [ Thomson ]

More like the devil than to St. Lawrence. [ Proverb ]

And more such days as these to us befall! [ William Shakespeare ]

He has drank more than he has bled today. [ Proverb ]

It is more your goodness, than my desert. [ Proverb ]

Once more upon the waters! yet once more!
And the waves bound beneath me as a steed
That knows his rider. [ Byron ]

Soldier, rest! thy warfare over.
Dream of fighting fields no more;
Sleep the sleep that knows not breakings,
Morn of toil, nor night of waking. [ Scott ]

Money will do more than my lord's letter. [ Proverb ]

Gold that is put to use more gold begets. [ Shakespeare ]

Nothing is more eloquent than ready money. [ French Proverb ]

Nothing is more silly than silly laughter. [ Cat ]

Authors alone, with more than savage rage,
Unnatural war with brother authors wage. [ Churchill ]

He is rich who wishes no more than he has. [ Cicero ]

Love betters what is best,
Even here below, but more in heaven above. [ Wordsworth ]

All are wont to praise him who is no more. [ Thucydides ]

Bacchus has drowned more men than Neptune. [ Garibaldi ]

Conversation teaches more than meditation. [ Proverb ]

The covetous spends more than the liberal. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]

You can have no more of a cat than a skin. [ Proverb ]

The venom clamours of a jealous woman
Poison more deadly than a mad-dog's tooth. [ William Shakespeare ]

As great a store
Have we of books as bees of herbs or more. [ Henry Vaughan ]

The gods are deaf to hot and peevish vows;
They are polluted offerings, more abhorred
Than spotted livers in the sacrifice. [ William Shakespeare ]

Conceit causes more conversation than wit. [ La Rochefoucauld ]

That good diffused may more abundant grow. [ Cowper ]

Wisdom, though richer than Peruvian mines.
And sweeter than the sweet ambrosial hive.
What is she, but the means of happiness?
That unobtain'd, than folly more a fool. [ Young ]

The more corrupt the state, the more laws. [ Tacitus ]

Generosity is more charitable than wealth. [ Joseph Roux ]

Rakes are more suspicious than honest men. [ Richardson ]

Expression is the dress of thought, and
Appears more decent as more suitable;
A vile conceit in pompous words expressed,
Is like a clown in regal purple dressed. [ Pope ]

She is as constant as the stars
That never vary, and more chaste than they. [ Proctor ]

There is many a man hath more hair than wit [ William Shakespeare ]

A little more than kin, and less than kind. [ William Shakespeare ]

Old fools are more foolish than young ones. [ Rochefoucauld ]

Knowledge is more than equivalent to force. [ Samuel Johnson ]

Let fortune empty her whole quiver on me,
I have a soul that, like an ample shield,
Can take in all, and verge enough for more. [ John Dryden ]

O holy Night! from thee I learn to bear
What man has borne before!
Thou layest thy finger on the lips of Care,
And they complain no more. [ Longfellow ]

Loud clamour is always more or less insane. [ Carlyle ]

Cruelty is more cruel if we defer the pain. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]

A foot more light, a step more true,
Ne'er from the heath-flower dashed the dew. [ Sir Walter Scott ]

The bitter past, more welcome is the sweet. [ William Shakespeare ]

Laws are powerful, necessity still more so. [ Goethe ]

Poetry is itself a thing of God;
He made his prophets poets; and the more
We feel of poesie do we become
Like God in love and power, - under makers. [ Bailey ]

Things please the more the farther fetched. [ Proverb ]

Scorn, at first, makes after-love the more. [ William Shakespeare ]

A countenance more in sorrow than in anger. [ William Shakespeare, Hamlet ]

Gravity is more suggestive than convincing. [ Douglas Jerrold ]

Wooing thee,
I found thee of more value
Than stamps in gold or sums in sealed bags;
And it is the very riches of thyself
That now I aim at. [ William Shakespeare ]

And the bright faces of my young companions
Are wrinkled like my own, or are no more. [ Longfellow ]

Grace in women has more effect than beauty. [ Hazlitt ]

Misfortune, like a creditor severe.
But rises in demand for her delay;
She makes a scourge of past prosperity
To sting thee more and double thy distress. [ Young ]

More strange than true, I never may believe
These antique fables, nor these fairy toys. [ William Shakespeare ]

I will this dreary blank of absence make,
A noble task-time, and will therein strive
To follow excellence, and to overtake
More good than I have won since yet I live. [ Francis Kemble ]

Beauty is potent, but money is more potent. [ Proverb ]

Bravery escapes more dangers than cowardice. [ Segur ]

The stars are forth, the moon above the tops
Of the snow-shining mountains - Beautiful!
I linger yet with nature, for the night
Hath been to me a more familiar face
Than that of man; and in her starry shade
Of dim and solitary loveliness,
I learned the language of another world. [ Byron ]

Faster and more fast,
O'er night's brim, day boils at last;
Boils, pure gold, over the cloud-cup's brim. [ Robert Browning ]

Oppression is more easily borne than insult. [ Junius ]

Oftentimes, excusing of a fault
Doth make the fault the worse by the excuse;
As patches, set upon a little breach.
Discredit more in hiding of the fault,
Than did the fault before it was so patched. [ William Shakespeare ]

To me more dear, congenial to my heart,
One native charm, than all the gloss of art. [ Goldsmith ]

Condemned whole years in absence to deplore,
And image charms he must behold no more. [ Pope ]

Who does the best his circumstance allows.
Does well, acts nobly; angels could no more. [ Edward Young ]

So sad, so fresh, the days that are no more. [ Tennyson ]

As we grow in wisdom, we pardon more freely. [ Mme. de Stael ]

But far more numerous was the herd of such,
Who think too little, and who talk too much. [ Dryden ]

There is nothing more daring than Ignorance. [ Menander ]

'Tis but an hour ago, since it was nine;
And, after one hour more, 'twill be eleven;
And so, from hour to hour, we ripe and ripe.
And then, from hour to hour, we rot and rot. [ William Shakespeare ]

There are more men threatened than stricken. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]

Old Age, a second child, by nature curst
With more and greater evils than the first.
Weak, sickly, full of pains: in every breath
Railing at life, and yet afraid of death. [ Churchill ]

The love of praise, however concealed by art,
Reigns more or less and glows in every heart. [ Young ]

I hate ingratitude more in a man
Than lying, vainness, babbling, drunkenness,
Or any taint of vice, whose strong corruption
Inhabits our frail blood. [ William Shakespeare ]

Thyself no more deceive, thy youth hath fled. [ Petrarch ]

The more we know, the better we forgive;
Whoe'er feels deeply, feels for all who live. [ Mme. de Stael ]

Dignity increases more easily than it begins. [ Seneca ]

A man has no more goods than he gets good by. [ Proverb ]

Dumb jewels often, in their silent kind,
More than quick words do move a woman's mind. [ Two Gent. of Ver ]

Lay on more wood, the ashes will yield money. [ Proverb ]

Religion is no more national than conscience. [ Mirabeau ]

O, how much more doth Beauty beauteous seem.
By that sweet ornament which truth doth give!
The rose looks fair, but fairer we it deem,
For that sweet odor which doth in it live. [ William Shakespeare ]

What can power give more than food and drink,
To live at ease and not be bound to think? [ Dryden ]

Nothing is more disgraceful than insincerity. [ Cicero ]

An Englishman fears contempt more than death. [ Goldsmith ]

We accomplish more by prudence than by force. [ Tacitus ]

A little evil contributes more to our misery. [ Proverb ]

Youth dreams a bliss on this side death.
It dreams a rest, if not more deep.
More grateful than this marble sleep;
It hears a voice within it tell:
Calm's not life's crown, though calm is well.
'Tis all perhaps which man acquires,
But 'tis not what our youth desires. [ Matthew Arnold ]

Nothing circulates more swiftly than scandal. [ Livy ]

Men prize the thing ungained more than it is. [ William Shakespeare ]

Tears, idle tears, I know not what they mean,
Tears from the depth of some divine despair
Rise in the heart and gather in the eyes,
In looking on the happy autumn fields,
And thinking of the days that are no more. [ Alfred Tennyson ]

We credit most our sight; one eye doth please
Our trust far more than ten ear witnesses. [ Herrick ]

A wise physician, skilled our wounds to heal.
Is more than armies to the public weal. [ Pope ]

Avarice has ruined more men than prodigality. [ Colton ]

A woman, a spaniel, and a walnut tree,
The more they are beaten, the better they be. [ Proverb ]

Yet is there one more cursed than they all.
That canker-worm, that monster, jealousie,
Which eats the heart and feeds upon the gall,
Turning all love's delight to misery.
Through fear of losing his felicity. [ Spenser ]

Fancy tortures more people than does reality. [ Ouida ]

What, is the jay more precious than the lark,
Because his feathers are more beautiful?
Or is the adder better than the eel,
Because his painted skin contents the eye? [ William Shakespeare ]

Ambition is a lust that's never quenched,
Grows more inflamed, and madder by enjoyment. [ Otway ]

The learned is happy nature to explore,
The fool is happy that he knows no more;
The rich is happy in the plenty given.
The poor contents him with the care of Heaven. [ Pope ]

If she do frown, it is not in hate of you,
But rather to beget more love in you:
If she do chide, it is not to have you gone;
For why, the fools are mad if left alone.
Take no repulse, whatever she doth say;
For - get you gone - she doth not mean - away. [ William Shakespeare ]

Gold glitters most when virtue shines no more. [ Young ]

Curiosity has lost more young girls than love. [ Mme. de Puisieux ]

Foul cankering rust the hidden treasure frets;
But gold that's put to use more gold begets. [ William Shakespeare ]

Good words quench more than a bucket of water. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]

Who more busy than they that have least to do? [ Proverb ]

Sculpture is more than painting. It is greater
To raise the dead to life than to create
Phantoms that seem to live. [ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow ]

Let those love now who never loved before,
Let those that always loved now love the more. [ Parnell ]

The monarch oak, the patriarch of the trees.
Shoots rising up, and spreads by slow degrees.
Three centuries he grows, and three he stays
Supreme in state; and in three more decays. [ Dryden ]

Life's but a walking shadow; a poor player,
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage,
And then is heard no more! It is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing. [ William Shakespeare, Macbeth ]

A poor beauty finds more lovers than husbands. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]

Leave such to trifle with more grace and ease.
Whom Folly pleases, and whose Follies please. [ Pope ]

Lands mortgaged may return, and more esteemed;
But honesty once pawned is never redeemed. [ Middleton ]

Can wealth give happiness? look round, and see
What gay distress! what splendid misery!
Whatever fortune lavishly can pour.
The mind annihilates, and calls for more. [ Young ]

The hard gives more than he that hath nothing. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]

What art thou, thou idol ceremony?
What kind of god art thou, that suffer'st more
Of mortal griefs than do thy worshippers? [ William Shakespeare ]

It is true fortitude to stand firm against
All shocks of fate, when cowards faint and die
In fear to suffer more calamity. [ Massinger ]

Woman is more constant in hatred than in love.

Fear guides more to their duty than gratitude. [ Goldsmith ]

I love night more than day - she is so lovely;
But I love night the most because she brings
My love to me in dreams which scarcely lie. [ Bailey ]

Men are more prone to pleasure than to virtue. [ Cicero ]

Such harmony in motion, speech and air,
That without fairness, she was more than fair. [ Crabbe ]

The more years you have, the nearer the grave. [ Proverb ]

The more you take from him, the greater he is. [ Quoted by Emerson ]

They say, best men are moulded out of faults;
And, for the most, become much more the better
For being a little bad. [ William Shakespeare ]

We are more mindful of injuries than benefits. [ Proverb ]

A Spirit, zealous, as he seemed, to know
More of the Almighty's works, and chiefly Man,
God's latest image. [ Milton ]

He that to ancient wreaths can bring no more
From his own worth, dies bankrupt on the score. [ Cleveland ]

The master's eye does more than both his hands. [ German Proverb ]

Flames rise and sink by fits; at last they soar
In one bright flame, and then return no more. [ John Dryden ]

Promises engage more effectually than presents. [ Proverb ]

To die, - to sleep, -
No more; - and by a sleep to say we end
The heart-ache, and the thousand natural shocks
That flesh is heir to. [ William Shakespeare ]

You may be more prodigal of time than of money. [ Mme. Necker ]

Much spends the traveller more than the abider. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]

There are more ways to kill a dog than hanging. [ Proverb ]

Stillness accompanied with sound so soft,
Charms more than silence. Meditation here
May think down hours to moments. Here the heart
May give an useful lesson to the head,
And learning wiser grow without his books. [ Cowper ]

Of all tales, it is the saddest - and more sad,
Because it makes us smile. [ Byron ]

You take more care of your shoe than your foot. [ Proverb ]

For man loves knowledge, and the beams of truth
More welcome touch his understanding's eye,
Than all the blandishments of sound his ear,
Than all of taste his tongue. [ Akenside ]

Not oft near home does genius brightly shine,
No more than precious stones while in the mine. [ Omar Khayyam ]

Yet, spaniel-like, the more she spurns my love,
The more it grows and fawneth on her still. [ William Shakespeare, Two Gentlemen of Verona. Act IV. Sc. 2 ]

Let those who hope for brighter shores no more,
Not mourn, but turning inland, bravely seek
What hidden wealth redeems the shapeless shore. [ Eugene Lee Hamilton ]

Reason can in general do more than blind force. [ Corn Gallus ]

Knowledge is proud that he has learned so much;
Wisdom is humble that he knows no more. [ William Cowper ]

Nothing is more terrible than active ignorance. [ Goethe ]

Let us no more contend, nor blame
Each other, blam'd enough elsewhere, but strive
In offices of love, how we may lighten
Each other's burden, in our share of woe. [ Milton ]

Touched by a loving heart, wakened by kindness,
Chords that were broken will vibrate once more. [ Mrs. van Alstyne ]

God is able to do more than man can understand. [ Thomas a Kempis ]

The love of praise, however concealed by art
Reigns, more or less, and glows, in every heart:
The proud, to gain it, toils on toils endure;
The modest shun it, but to make it sure. [ Young ]

Power above powers!
O heavenly eloquence!
That with the strong rein of commanding words,
Dost manage, guide, and master the eminence
Of men's affections, more than all their swords! [ Daniel ]

Much would have more, but often meets with less. [ Proverb ]

Long while I sought to what I might compare
Those powerful eyes, which light my dark spirit;
Yet found I nought on earth, to which I dare
Resemble the image of their goodly light.
Not to the sun, for they do shine by night;
Nor to the moon, for they are changed never;
Nor to the stars, for they have purer sight;
Nor to the fire, for they consume not ever;
Nor to the lightning, for they still persevere;
Nor to the diamond, for they are more tender;
Nor unto crystal, for nought may they sever;
Nor unto glass, such baseness might offend her;
Then to the Maker's self the likest be;
Whose light doth lighten all that here we see. [ Spenser ]

We gape, we grasp, we gripe, add store to store;
Enough requires too much; too much craves more. [ Quarles ]

Vice gets more in this vicious world than piety. [ Fletcher ]

Many see more with one eye than others with two. [ German Proverb ]

A secret is seldom safe in more than one breast. [ Swift ]

Death cannot come
To him untimely who is fit to die;
The less of this cold world, the more of heaven;
The briefer life, the earlier immortality. [ Millman ]

The fashion wears out more apparel than the man. [ William Shakespeare ]

As this auspicious day began the race
Of every virtue join'd with every grace;
May you, who own them, welcome its return,
Till excellence, like yours, again is born.
The years we wish, will half your charms impair;
The years we wish the better half will spare;
The victims of your eyes will bleed no more,
But all the beauties of your mind adore. [ Jeffrey ]

The wanton lawns, more soft and white than milk. [ Beaumont and Fletcher ]

For if good were not praised more than ill,
None would choose goodness of his own free will. [ Spenser ]

The best of men have ever loved repose;
They hate to mingle in the filthy fray;
Where the soul sours, and gradual rancour grows,
Imbitter'd more from peevish day to day. [ Thomson ]

Teaching is of more importance than exhortation. [ Luther ]

When I'm not thanked at all, I'm thanked enough:
I've done my duty; and I've done no more. [ Fielding ]

If I have enough for myself and family,
I am steward only for myself; if I have more,
I am but a steward of that abundance for others. [ George Herbert ]

Is there a crime
Beneath the roof of heaven, that stains the soul
Of man, with more infernal hue, than damn'd
Assassination? [ Cibber ]

He signifies no more than a blind cat in a barn. [ Proverb ]

There are more natural buffoons than artificial. [ Proverb ]

One father is more than a hundred schoolmasters. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]

Some dreams we have are nothing else but dreams.
Unnatural and full of contradictions;
Yet others of our most romantic schemes
Are something more than fictions. [ Hood ]

Conceit, more rich in matter than in words,
Brags of his substance, not of ornament:
They are but beggars that can count their worth. [ William Shakespeare ]

Who would ever care to do brave deed,
Or strive in virtue others to excel.
If none should yield him his deserved meed
Due praise, that is the spur of doing well?
For if good were not praised more than ill,
None would choose goodness of his own free will. [ Spenser ]

These earthly god-fathers of heaven's lights
That give a name to every fixed star
Have no more profit of their shining nights
Than those that walk, and wot not what they are. [ William Shakespeare ]

Brutus and Caesar: what should be in Caesar?
Why should that name be sounded more than yours?
Write them together, yours is as fair a name;
Sound them, it doth become the mouth as well;
Weigh them, it is as heavy; conjure with them,
Brutus will start a spirit as soon as Caesar.
Now in the names of all the gods at once,
Upon what meat doth this our Caesar feed,
That he is grown so great? [ William Shakespeare ]

A good man is no more to be feared than a sheep. [ Proverb ]

Love ends with hope: the sinking statesman's door
Pours in the morning worshipper no more. [ Johnson ]

The fox knows much, but more he that catches him. [ Proverb ]

Counts his sure gains, and hurries back for more. [ Montgomery ]

He who has lost confidence can lose nothing more. [ Boiste ]

Words are the motes of thought, and nothing more. [ Bailey ]

The worse the passage, the more welcome the port. [ Proverb ]

Common people hang more after praise than profit. [ Proverb ]

The sunshine fails, the shadows grow more dreary.
And I am near to fall, infirm and weary. [ Longfellow ]

Good, the more communicated, more abundant grows. [ Milton, Paradise Lost ]

She wept to feel her life so desolate,
And wept still more because the world had made it
So desolate: yet was the world her all;
She loathed it, but she knew it was her all. [ Dr. Walter Smith ]

Nothing at times is more expressive than silence. [ George Eliot ]

Oppressive government is more cruel than a tiger. [ Confucius ]

Men generally look more upon decency than virtue. [ Proverb ]

There are more old drunkards than old physicians. [ Proverb ]

It is pity you are not a little more tongue-tied. [ Proverb ]

The more the merrier, the fewer the better cheer. [ Proverb ]

There belongs more than whistling to a ploughman. [ Proverb ]

A cowardly cur barks more fiercely than it bites. [ Quintus Curtius Rufus ]

Those that much covet are with gain so fond,
That what they have not, that which they possess,
They scatter and unloose it from their bond.
And so, by hoping more, they have but less. [ William Shakespeare ]

Read Homer once, and you can read no more,
For all books else appear so mean, so poor.
Verse will seem prose, but still persist to read,
And Homer will be all the books you need. [ John Sheffield ]

Genius is always more suggestive than expressive. [ Abel Stevens ]

One loves more the first time, better the second. [ Rochepedre ]

I see thou art implacable, more deaf
To prayers than winds and seas. Yet winds to seas
Are reconciled at length, and sea to shore:
Thy anger, unappeasable, still rages
Eternal tempest never to be calmed. [ Milton ]

Afflictions clarify the soul,
And like hard masters, give more hard directions,
Tutoring the non-age of uncurbed affections. [ Quarles ]

This is faith: it is nothing more than obedience. [ Voltaire ]

And glory long has made the sages smile;
It is something, nothing, words, illusion, wind -
Depending more upon the historian's style
Than on the name a person leaves behind. [ Byron ]

Deceiving those that trust us is more than a sin. [ Proverb ]

It is no more to him than a crab in a cow's mouth. [ Proverb ]

Reason can generally effect more than blind force. [ Gallus ]

Honesty is a warrant of far more safety than fame. [ Owen Feltham ]

Ah! happy years! once more who would not be a boy! [ Byron ]

A jealous man always finds more than he looks for. [ Mlle. de Scuderi ]

Nothing resembles an honest man more than a rogue. [ French Proverb ]

Our leisure gives us more to do than our business.

After money, ennui makes more marriages than love. [ Romainville ]

Oh! liberty, thou goddess, heavenly bright.
Profuse of bliss, and pregnant with delight!
Eternal pleasures in thy presence reign.
And smiling plenty, leads thy wanton train;
Eased of her load, subjection grows more light
And poverty looks cheerful in the sight;
Thou makest the gloomy face of nature gay,
Giv'st beauty to the sun, and pleasure to the day. [ Addison ]

Pride costs us more than hunger, thirst, and cold.

Perseverance accomplishes more than precipitation. [ Saadi ]

Habit, to which all of us are more or less slaves. [ La Fontaine ]

We leave more to do when we die than we have done. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]

Children have more need of models than of critics. [ Joubert ]

One trick needs a great many more to make it good. [ Proverb ]

A goose quill is more dangerous than a lion's claw. [ Proverb ]

Patience and time do more than strength or passion. [ La Fontaine ]

One hair of a woman draws more than a team of oxen. [ Proverb ]

The higher the ape goes the more he shows his tail. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]

A valiant man's look is more than a coward's sword. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]

There is thy gold, worse poison to men's souls,
Doing more murders in this loathsome world.
Than these poor compounds that thou mayst not sell,
I sell thee poison, thou hast sold me none. [ William Shakespeare ]

More elegant manners expelled this offensive style. [ Horace ]

There are more physicians in health than drunkards. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]

Quick and nimble, more like a bear than a squirrel. [ Proverb ]

No task is more difficult than systematic hypocrisy. [ Edward Bulwer-Lytton ]

As we grow old we become more foolish and more wise. [ Rochefoucauld ]

Let me have music dying, and I seek no more delight. [ Keats ]

Take no more on your back than you are able to bear. [ Proverb ]

There are more men ennobled by study than by nature. [ Cicero ]

I have this while with leaden thoughts been pressed;
But I shall, in a more continuate time,
Strike off this score of absence. [ William Shakespeare ]

Nothing more thankful than pride when complied with. [ Proverb ]

The time to come is no more ours than the time past. [ Proverb ]

One eye of the master does more than both his hands. [ Proverb ]

Gold, worse poison to men's souls,
Doing more murder in this loathsome world,
Than these poor compounds that thou may'st not sell. [ Shakespeare ]

Profound joy has more of severity than gaiety in it. [ Montaigne ]

Yes - it was love - if thoughts of tenderness.
Tried in temptation, strengthened by distress,
Unmoved by absence, firm in every clime,
And yet - oh more than all! - untired by time.
Which nor defeated hope, nor baffled wile,
Could render sullen were she near to smile,
Nor rage could fire, nor sickness fret to vent
On her one murmur of his discontent;
Which still would meet with joy, with calmness part.
Lest that his look of grief should reach her heart;
Which nought removed, nor menaced to remove -
If there be love in mortals— this was love! [ Byron ]

Avarice is more opposite to economy than liberality. [ Rochefoucauld ]

Women have more heart and more imagination than men. [ Lamartine ]

These wickets of the soul are placed so high,
Because all sounds do highly move aloft;
And that they may not pierce too violently,
They are delay'd with turns and twinings oft.
For should the voice directly strike the brain,
It would astonish and confuse it much;
Therefore these plaits and folds the sound restrain,
That it the organ may more gently touch. [ Sir John Davies ]

Women are angels, wooing:
Things won are done; joy's soul lies in the doing:
That she beloved knows naught, that knows not this -
Men prize the thing ungamed more than it is. [ William Shakespeare ]

The more hidden the venom, the more dangerous it is. [ Marguerite de Valois ]

Nothing is more easily blotted out than a good turn. [ Proverb ]

O friend! O best of friends! Thy absence more
Than the impending night darkens the landscape over. [ Longfellow ]

The more riches a fool hath, the greater fool he is. [ Proverb ]

One eye-witness is of more weight than ten hearsays. [ Plautus ]

I love the lineage of heroes, but I love merit more. [ Frederick the Great ]

To revive faith is more difficult than to create it. [ Earl Of Beaconsfield ]

The thought of death is more cruel than death itself. [ De la Boetie ]

A learned fool is more foolish than an ignorant fool. [ Moliere ]

There is nothing more friendly than a friend in need. [ Plautus ]

Carelessness does more harm than a want of knowledge. [ Franklin ]

He that comes after sees with more eyes than his own. [ Proverb ]

Generally we love ourselves more than we hate others. [ Proverb ]

An old goat is never the more reverend for his beard. [ Proverb ]

A good friend is worth more than a hundred relations. [ French Proverb ]

Her eye (I am very fond of handsome eyes).
Was large and dark, suppressing half its fire
Until she spoke, then through its soft disguise
Flashed an expression more of pride than ire,
And love than either; and there would arise,
A something in them which was not desire,
But would have been, perhaps, but for the soul,
Which struggled through and chastened down the whole. [ Byron ]

Trust reposed in noble natures obliges them the more. [ Dryden ]

Friendship makes more happy marriages than love does.

Who hath no more bread than need must not keep a dog. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]

Build thee more stately mansions, O my soul,
As the swift seasons roll!
Leave thy low-vaulted past!
Let each new temple, nobler than the last.
Shut thee from Heaven with a dome more vast,
Till thou at length art free,
Leaving thine outgrown shell by life's unresting sea. [ Oliver Wendell Holmes ]

What is a Jay to an immortal soul! A breath, no more. [ T. B. Aldrich ]

Secret enmities are more to be feared than open ones. [ Cicero ]

It is more difficult to praise rightly than to blame. [ Proverb ]

The higher the culture, the more honourable the work. [ Roscher ]

The more light a torch gives, the less while it lasts. [ Proverb ]

There are more lords in the world than fine gentlemen. [ Proverb ]

A wise man will make more opportunities than he finds. [ Proverb ]

Nothing is more ordinary than for vice to correct sin. [ Proverb ]

The more we give to others, the more we are increased. [ Lao-Tze ]

It costs more to satisfy a vice than to feed a family. [ Balzac ]

The more we give to others, the more are we increased. [ Lao-Tze ]

The less power a man has, the more he likes to use it. [ J. Petit-Senn ]

Less of your courtship, I pray, and more of your coin. [ Proverb ]

The more the marble wastes, the more the statue grows. [ Michael Angelo ]

They are the heritage that glorious minds
Bequeath unto the world! — a glittering store
Of gems, more precious far than those he finds
Who searches miser's hidden treasures over.
They are the light, the guiding star of youth.
Leading his spirit to the realms of thought,
Pointing the way to Virtue, Knowledge, Truth,
And teaching lessons, with deep wisdom fraught.
They cast strange beauty round our earthly dreams,
And mystic brightness over our daily lot;
They lead the soul afar to fairy scenes,
Where the world's under visions enter not;
They're deathless and immortal — ages pass away,
Yet still they speak, instruct, inspire, amidst decay! [ Emeline S. Smith ]

They may rail at this life - from the hour I began it,
I've found it a life full of kindness and bliss;
And until they can show me some happier planet.
More social and bright, I'll content me with this. [ Moore ]

Give your tongue more holiday than your hands or eyes. [ Rabbi Ben Azai ]

Enjoy your little while the fool is in search of more. [ Spanish Proverb ]

In jealousy there is usually more self-love than love. [ La Rochefoucauld ]

More belongs to marriage than four bare legs in a bed. [ Proverb ]

Curiosity is a little more than another name for hope. [ J. G. and A. W. Hare ]

A man's friends belong no more to him than he to them. [ Arthur Schopenhauer ]

It is more painful to do nothing than to do something. [ Proverb ]

The more we study, we the more discover our ignorance. [ Shelley ]

The fool asks much, but he is more fool that grants it. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]

He that saves his dinner will have the more for supper. [ Proverb ]

The more sparingly we make use of nonsense, the better. [ Coleridge ]

The higher an ape mounts, the more he shews his breech. [ Proverb ]

It amounts to no more than the tail of a roasted horse. [ Proverb ]

By suppers more have been killed than Galen ever cured. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]

More to do with one jackanapes than with all the bears. [ Proverb ]

There is more money got by ill means than by good acts. [ Proverb ]

It costs us more to revenge injuries than to bear them. [ Proverb ]

Time is precious: but truth is more precious than time. [ Beaconsfield ]

Fire and water are not more necessary than friends are. [ Proverb ]

Sins and debts are always more than we think them to be. [ Proverb ]

Hark! how the gentle echo from her cell
Talks through the cliffs, and murmuring over the stream.
Repeats the accent - we shall part no more. [ Akenside ]

There is much more learning than knowledge in the world. [ Proverb ]

Liberty is majesty, more royal even than royalty itself! [ E. P. Day ]

Want of care does us more damage than want of knowledge. [ Proverb ]

The toothache is more ease than to deal with ill people. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]

Ill natures, the more you ask them, the more they stick. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]

An ass endures his burden, but not more than his burden. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]

A man has no more religion than he acts out in his life. [ Henry Ward Beecher ]

There is no game of chance more hazardous than marriage. [ J. David ]

We can do more good by being good than in any other way. [ Rowland Hill ]

The pleasure of what we enjoy, is lost by coveting more. [ Proverb ]

Idleness is both a great sin, and the cause of many more. [ South ]

He does it with a better grace, but I do it more natural. [ William Shakespeare ]

Do not believe any man more than yourself about yourself. [ Proverb ]

Avarice is insatiable, and is always pushing on for more. [ L'Estrange ]

Hate makes us vehement partisans, but love still more so. [ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe ]

Great wealth makes us neither more wise nor more healthy. [ Proverb ]

There is no more beautiful life than that of the student. [ French Albrecht ]

Nothing is more terrible than to see ignorance in action. [ Goethe ]

The fox is cunning, but he is more cunning who takes him. [ Spanish Proverb ]

The more you are talked about, the less powerful you are. [ Benjamin Disraeli ]

Experience is no more transferable in morals than in art. [ Froude ]

A good man will requite a gift; an ill man will ask more. [ Proverb ]

The maintaining of one vice, costs more than ten virtues. [ Proverb ]

The pomp of death is far more terrible than death itself. [ Nathaniel Lee ]

Still seems it strange, that thou shouldst live for ever?
Is it less strange, that thou shouldst live at all?
This is a miracle, and that no more. [ Young ]

Our happiness is but an unhappiness more or less consoled. [ Ducis ]

It would be well had we more misers than we have among us. [ Goldsmith ]

Men will do more to support a character than to raise one. [ Colton ]

No man can thoroughly master more than one art or science. [ Hazlitt ]

'Tis easiest dealing with the firmest mind -
More just when it resists, and, when it yields, more kind. [ Crabbe ]

There are always more tricks in a town than are talked of. [ Cervantes ]

A blockhead can find more faults than a wise man can mend. [ Gaelic Proverb ]

There is something more awful in happiness than in sorrow. [ Hawthorne ]

The less we deserve good fortune, the more we hope for it. [ Moliere ]

The more idle a woman's hand, the more occupied her heart. [ S. Dubay ]

There are more maids than Moggy, and more men than Jockey. [ Proverb ]

Polished brass will pass upon more people than rough gold. [ Chesterfield ]

There is no place more delightful than one's own fireside. [ Cicero ]

Ill patterns are sure to be followed more than good rules. [ Locke ]

No one is more profoundly sad than he who laughs too much. [ Jean Paul ]

More things are wrought by prayer than the world dreams of. [ Tennyson ]

Good taste comes more from the judgment than from the mind. [ La Roche ]

You may relish him more in the soldier than in the scholar. [ William Shakespeare ]

Obedience is much more seen in little things than in great. [ Proverb ]

Men more easily renounce their interests than their tastes. [ Rochefoucauld ]

Man is more often injured than helped by the means he uses. [ Ralph Waldo Emerson ]

Why wish for more? Wishing of all employments is the worst. [ Young ]

Idleness is more an infirmity of the mind than of the body. [ La Rochefoucauld ]

The love of the wicked is more dangerous than there hatred. [ Proverb ]

The fish by struggling in the net, hampers itself the more. [ Proverb ]

Not he who has little, but he who wishes for more, is poor. [ Seneca ]

One with more of soul in his face than words on his tongue. [ Wordsworth ]

Nobility of soul is more honourable than nobility by birth. [ Dutch Proverb ]

Comparison, more than reality, makes men happy or wretched. [ Proverb ]

A crown in pocket does you more credit than an angel spent. [ Proverb ]

A custom - More honoured in the breach than the observance. [ William Shakespeare, Hamlet ]

Manners require time, as nothing is more vulgar than haste. [ Emerson ]

Daily life is more instructive than the most effective book. [ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe ]

That dog barks more out of custom than of care of the house. [ Proverb ]

He hath more faults than hairs, and more wealth than faults. [ Proverb ]

The most profound joy has more of gravity than gayety in it. [ Montague ]

Wisdom no more consists in science than happiness in wealth. [ De Boufflers ]

But do you of your own ingenuity take up more than my words? [ Ovid ]

One eye of the master's sees more than ten of the servant's. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]

The rage of a wild boar is able to spoil more than one wood. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]

A gentleman should have more in his pocket than on his back. [ Proverb ]

I am satisfied there is more weakness among men than malice. [ H. W. Shaw ]

All impediments in fancy's course are motives of more fancy. [ William Shakespeare ]

The eye of Paul Pry often finds more than he wished to find. [ Lessing ]

The eye of the master will do more work than both his hands. [ Franklin ]

Beauty is a quality of the heart. It is more than skin deep.

Erasmus injured us more by his wit than Luther by his anger. [ Leo X ]

There is no more hold of a new friend, than of a new fashion. [ Proverb ]

There is more poverty in the human heart than misery in life. [ E. de Girardin ]

I wish you all sorts of prosperity, with a little more taste. [ Le Sage ]

Fools can find fault indeed, but they cannot act more wisely. [ Langbein ]

Of him that speaks ill, consider the life more than the word. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]

There is much more pleasure in loving, than in being beloved. [ Proverb ]

Rebukes ought not to have a grain of salt more than of sugar. [ Proverb ]

There is nothing more fearful than imagination without taste. [ Goethe ]

Wit sometimes helps us to play the fool with more confidence. [ Proverb ]

The higher, the lower; and the more advanced, the more humble. [ Proverb ]

A drop of honey catches more flies than a hogshead of vinegar. [ Proverb ]

More goes to the making of a fine gentleman than fine clothes. [ Proverb ]

Prosperity has damned more souls than all the devils together. [ Proverb ]

Trifles discover a character, more than actions of importance. [ Shenstone ]

There must be more malice than love in the hearts of all wits. [ B. R. Haydon ]

Many people place virtue more in regretting than in amendment. [ Lichtenberg ]

Nothing recommends a man more to the female mind than courage. [ Spectator ]

Women never weep more bitterly than when they weep with spite. [ A. Ricard ]

All things that are, are with more spirit chased than enjoyed. [ William Shakespeare ]

Twenty to one offend more in writing too much than too little. [ Roger Ascham ]

Apes are never more beasts, than when they wear men's clothes. [ Proverb ]

The human heart is like heaven; the more angels the more room. [ Fredrika Bremer ]

He is more noble that deserves, than he that confers benefits. [ Proverb ]

A woman's friendship borders more closely on love than a man's. [ Coleridge ]

There cannot be a more intolerable thing than a fortunate fool. [ Proverb ]

Were she perfect, one would admire her more, but love her less. [ Grattan ]

Death is a passage: the more rapidly it is crossed, the better.

The more we deny ourselves, the more the gods supply our wants. [ Horace ]

Joys too exquisite to last, and yet more exquisite when passed. [ Montgomery ]

It is a custom. More honored in the breach than the observance. [ William Shakespeare ]

Women like brave men exceedingly, but audacious men still more. [ Lemesles ]

Tie a dog to a crab-tree, and he will never love verjuice more. [ Proverb ]

The crutch of Time accomplishes more than the club of Hercules. [ Balthasar Gracian ]

Even virtue is more fair when it appears in a beautiful person. [ Virgil ]

Opportunity is more powerful even than conquerors and prophets. [ Earl of Beaconsfield ]

In almost everything, experience is more valuable than precept. [ Quintilian ]

The more you speak of yourself, the more you are likely to lie. [ Zimmermann ]

A fool knows more in his own house than a wise man in another's. [ Proverb ]

Nothing is more haughty than a common-place man raised to power. [ French Proverb ]

Many rise under their burdens, more like camels than palm trees. [ Proverb ]

You may pay for your schooling more than your learning is worth. [ Proverb ]

Nothing is more common on earth than to deceive and be deceived. [ Seume ]

Even a pin is good for something, and that is more than you are. [ Proverb ]

Anger is many times more hurtful than the injury that caused it. [ Proverb ]

The only medicine which does women more good than harm is dress. [ Richter ]

More flies are taken with a drop of honey than a tun of vinegar. [ Proverb ]

Why do we discover faults so much more readily than perfections? [ Mme. de Sévigné ]

A fool always finds some one more foolish than he to admire him. [ Boileau ]

The less we parade our misfortunes the more sympathy we command. [ Orville Dewey ]

Sweetest melodies are those that are by distance made more sweet. [ Wordsworth ]

Fear is far more painful to cowardice than death to true courage. [ Sir P. Sidney ]

There are glances that have more wit than the most subtle speech.

Many men kill themselves for love, but many more women die of it. [ Lemontey ]

The more a man denies himself, the more shall he obtain from God. [ Horace ]

Yield not to misfortunes, but rather go more boldly to meet them. [ Virgil ]

Great men get more by obliging inferiors than by disdaining them. [ South ]

Nature does more than supply materials; she also supplies powers. [ J. S. Mill ]

Diogenes found more rest in his tub than Alexander on his throne. [ Quarles ]

The more women have risked, the more they are ready to sacrifice. [ Duclos ]

Art is more godlike than science; science discovers, art creates. [ John Opie ]

A fool may speer (ask) more questions than a wise man can answer. [ Scotch Proverb ]

If a fox is cunning, a woman in love is a thousand times more so. [ Proverb ]

The more honest a man is, the less he affects the air of a saint. [ Lavater ]

Fools may ask more in an hour, than wise men can answer in seven. [ Proverb ]

Discontents generally arise from our desires more than our wants. [ Proverb ]

It is more disgraceful to turn a guest out than not to admit him. [ Ovid ]

Tangible language, which often tells more falsehoods than truths. [ Abraham Lincoln ]

There is no more agreeable companion than the woman who loves us. [ Bernardin de St. Pierre ]

A good man has more hope in his death, than a wicked in his life. [ Proverb ]

Melancholy advanceth men's conceits more than any humor whatever. [ Burton ]

When a lover gives, he demands - and much more than he has given. [ Parny ]

We find greater violence and more perseverance among the wretched. [ Tac ]

The indulgence of revenge tends to make men more savage and cruel. [ Lord Kames ]

Riches without law are more dangerous than is poverty without law. [ Henry Ward Beecher ]

We may give more offense by our silence than even by impertinence. [ Hazlitt ]

One single positive weighs more. You know, than negatives a score. [ Prior ]

The less people speak of their greatness, the more we think of it. [ Lord Bacon ]

More than we use is more than we want, and a burden to the bearer. [ Proverb ]

The fetters of rhyme are no more than a bracelet to the true poet. [ Hans Sachs ]

I vow and protest there's more plague than pleasure with a secret. [ Colman ]

Flowers that come from a loved hand are more prized than diamonds.

Contrasts make more intimate unions than similarity of disposition. [ Mme. de Graffigny ]

It is more common to see an extreme love than a perfect friendship. [ Du Coeur ]

Knowledge is like money, - the more a man gets, the more he craves. [ H.W. Shaw ]

Even virtue appears more lovely when enshrined in a beautiful form. [ Virgil ]

He has more wit in his head than Sampson had in both his shoulders. [ Proverb ]

To be despised is more galling to a foolish man than to be whipped.

The world is stupid, the world is blind, becomes daily more absurd. [ Heine ]

Patience and length of time accomplish more than violence and rage. [ La Fontaine ]

Men never play the fool more, than by endeavouring to be otherwise. [ Proverb ]

It is more pitiable once to have been rich than not to be rich now. [ J. Petit-Senn ]

Men are more prone to revenge injuries, than to requite kindnesses. [ Proverb ]

Strength is not energy; some authors have more muscles than talent. [ Joubert ]

When two men quarrel, who owns the cooler head is the more to blame. [ Goethe ]

If you have one true friend, you have more than your share comes to. [ Proverb ]

Dread more the blunderer's friendship than the calumniator's enmity. [ Lavater ]

It is of more consequence to act considerately than to think sagely. [ Cicero ]

'Tis pity wine should be so deleterious,
For tea +{Drink, Drunkenness} and coffee leave us much more serious. [ Byron ]

The proof of obedience is found in small matters more than in great. [ Proverb ]

The wrinkles of the heart are more indelible than those of the brow. [ Mme. Deluzy ]

One enemy may do us more harm than a hundred friends can do us good. [ Proverb ]

Much more may a judge overweigh himself in cruelty than in clemency. [ Sir P. Sidney ]

Women enjoy more the pleasure they give than the pleasure they feel. [ Rochepedre ]

Failure is more frequently from want of energy than want of capital. [ Daniel Webster ]

The highest excellence is seldom attained in more than one vocation. [ C. N. Bovee ]

If we survive danger, it steels our courage more than anything else. [ Niebuhr ]

A great load of gold is more burdensome than a light load of gravel. [ Proverb ]

God comes to our help only when there is no more help for us in man. [ Friedrich Schiller ]

An happy man shall have more cousins, than his father had kinsfolks. [ Proverb ]

The more women look in their glass the less they look to their house. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]

Prosperity demands of us more prudence and moderation than adversity. [ Cicero ]

You who follow wealth and power with unremitting ardour,
The more in this you look for bliss, you leave your view the farther. [ Burns ]

Virtue is more persecuted by the wicked, than encouraged by the good. [ Proverb ]

Nothing is more gratifying to the mind of man than power of dominion. [ Addison ]

Friends, I owe more tears to this dead man than you shall see me pay. [ Shakespeare ]

There is more merit in subduing a passion than in avenging an injury. [ Mascaron ]

It is more commendable to deny upon occasion than to grant upon none. [ Proverb ]

Most men have more courage than even they themselves think they have. [ Greville ]

There is no possession more valuable than a good and faithful friend. [ Socrates ]

Ridicule is often employed with more power and success than severity. [ Horace ]

The world is a net, the more we stir in it, the more we are entangled. [ Proverb ]

Joy, being altogether wanting. It doth remember me the more of sorrow. [ William Shakespeare ]

Death is as the foreshadowing of life. We die that we may die no more. [ Hooker ]

Conscience has no more to do with gallantry than it has with politics. [ Sheridan ]

All things but one you can restore; the heart you get returns no more. [ Waller ]

The cruelty of the effeminate is more dreadful than that of the hardy. [ Lavater ]

Sometimes we may learn more from a man's errors than from his virtues. [ Longfellow ]

The cunning man uses deceit, but the more cunning man shuns deception. [ Adam Ferguson ]

It is more wisdom sometimes to dissemble wrongs, than to revenge them. [ Proverb ]

Much more profitable and gracious is doctrine by example than by rule. [ Spenser ]

He does nothing who endeavours to do more than is allowed to humanity. [ Johnson ]

He who grieves before it is necessary, grieves more than is necessary. [ Seneca ]

Moderate riches will carry you, if you have more, you must carry them. [ Proverb ]

Who does not more admire Cicero as an author than as a consul of Rome? [ Addison ]

We have not only multiplied diseases, bnt we have made them more fatal. [ Rush ]

Your gentleness shall force more than your force move us to gentleness. [ William Shakespeare, As You Like It ]

If you do no more than barely wish me well, you are no brother of mine. [ Proverb ]

It is no more sin to see a woman weep, than to see a goose go barefoot. [ Proverb ]

Kind hearts are more than coronets, and simple faith than Norman blood. [ Tennyson ]

Oaths were not purposed more than law to keep the good and just in awe. [ Samuel Butler ]

Everybody in this world wants watching, but nobody more than ourselves. [ H. W. Shaw ]

She has less beauty than her picture hath, and truly not much more wit. [ Proverb ]

Your hostile newspapers are more to be feared than a thousand bayonets. [ Napoleon I ]

The talent of success is nothing more than doing what you can do, well. [ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow ]

Sorrow causes more absence of mind and confusion than so-called levity. [ Richter ]

True eloquence consists in saying all that is proper, and nothing more. [ La Roche ]

A man cannot learn to be wise any more than he can learn to be handsome. [ H. W. Shaw ]

If our bodies were to cost no more than our souls, we might board cheap. [ Proverb ]

Love for old men is sun on the snow: it dazzles more than it warms them. [ J. Petit-Senn ]

More credit may be thrown down in a moment, than can be built in an age. [ Proverb ]

Nothing can be fairer, or more noble, than the holy fervor of true zeal. [ Moliere ]

It never rains roses; when we want more roses, we must plant more trees. [ George Eliot ]

Weaknesses, so called, are nothing more nor less than vices in disguise! [ Lavater ]

Handsomeness is the more animal excellence, beauty the more imaginative. [ Hare ]

Of those which you read, some are good, some middling, and more are bad. [ Mart., of books ]

Oblivion is a second death, which great minds dread more than the first. [ De Boufflers ]

A woman is more influenced by what she divines than by what she is told. [ Ninon de Lenclos ]

Cruelty is no more the cure of crimes than it is the cure of sufferings. [ Landor ]

Riches have made more covetous men, than covetousness hath made rich men. [ Proverb ]

If you had had fewer friends and more enemies, you had been a better man. [ Proverb ]

I envy no man that knows more than my self, but pity them that know less. [ Sir Thomas Browne ]

What happiness is there which is not purchased with more or less of pain? [ Mrs. Oliphant ]

Nothing more excites to everything noble and generous than virtuous love. [ Henry Home ]

Great men are more distinguished by range and extent than by originality. [ Ralph Waldo Emerson ]

Friendship should be in the singular; it can be no more plural than love. [ Ninon de Lenclos ]

To a woman, the romances she makes are more amusing than those she reads. [ T. Gautier ]

Joy is more divine than sorrow; for joy is bread, and sorrow is medicine. [ Beecher ]

She has more goodness in her little finger than he has in his whole body. [ Swift ]

Every one must wear out one pair of fool's shoes, if he wear out no more. [ German Proverb ]

Nothing's more playful than a young cat, nor more grave than the old one. [ Proverb ]

The hour of happiness will come the more welcome when it is not expected. [ Horace ]

The duration of passion is no more in our power than the duration of life. [ La Rochefoucauld ]

There is nothing that makes its way more directly to the soul than beauty. [ Addison ]

Expert men can execute, but learned men are more fit to judge and censure. [ Bacon ]

A youth's love is the more passionate; virgin love is the more idolatrous. [ Hare ]

We treat fortune like a mistress - the more she yields, the more we demand. [ Mme. Roland ]

More crafty than the cuckoo (who deposits her eggs in another bird's nest). [ Proverb ]

Man is nothing but contradiction; the less he knows it the more dupe he is. [ Amiel ]

One adversary may do us more harm than a great many friends can do us good. [ Proverb ]

Once true, still more twice true, in the life of the spirit is always true. [ Ed ]

Silly dogs are more angry with the stone, than with the hand that flung it. [ Proverb ]

The more women look into their glass, the less they look into their hearts. [ Proverb ]

In a tête-à-tête we are never more interrupted than when we say nothing. [ Mlle. de Lespinasse ]

He speaks home; you may relish him more in the soldier than in the scholar. [ William Shakespeare ]

An original sentence, a step forward, is worth more than all the centuries. [ Ralph Waldo Emerson ]

Nothing is more simple than greatness; indeed, to be simple is to be great. [ Emerson ]

The wit of most women goes more to strengthen their folly than their reason. [ La Roche ]

It is some relief to the unfortunate to see there are others more miserable. [ Proverb ]

None despise fame more heartily than those who have no possible claim to it. [ J. Petit-Senn ]

He is a more impudent thief that robs openly, than he that steals privately. [ Proverb ]

There are some silent people who are more interesting than the best talkers. [ Earl of Beaconsfield ]

There lives more faith in honest doubt, believe me, than in half the creeds. [ Alfred Tennyson ]

Marriage has in it less of beauty, but more of safety, than the single life. [ Jeremy Taylor ]

A man who is pleased with no one is more unhappy than he who pleases no one. [ De Saint-Real ]

Good men can more easily see through bad men than the latter can the former. [ Jean Paul Richter ]

Patience is even more rarely manifested in the intellect than in the temper. [ A. Helps ]

In proportion as society refines, new books must ever become more necessary. [ Goldsmith ]

Be substantially great in thyself, and more than thou appearest unto others. [ Sir Thomas Browne ]

Feelings are like chemicals; the more you analyse them, the worse they smell. [ Kingsley ]

We salute more willingly an acquaintance in a carriage than a friend on foot. [ J. Petit-Senn ]

Nothing is more significant of men's character than what they find laughable. [ Goethe ]

There is nothing more precious than time, and nothing more prodigally wasted. [ Proverb ]

Genius is nothing more than the effort of the idea to assume a definite form. [ Fichte ]

There is nothing more contemptible than a bald man who pretends to have hair. [ Martial ]

Anger and jealousy can no more bear to lose sight of their objects than love. [ George Eliot ]

The higher we rise, the more isolated we become, and all elevations are cold. [ De Boufflers ]

Kindness has converted more sinners than either zeal, eloquence, or learning. [ F. W. Faber ]

Courage makes a man more than himself; for he is then himself plus his valor. [ W. R. Alger ]

As nice as we are in love, we forgive more faults in that than in friendship. [ Henry Home ]

We are far more liable to catch the vices than the virtues of our associates. [ Denis Diderot ]

I never was on the dull, tame shore, but I loved the great sea more and more. [ Barry Cornwall ]

To no more purpose, than it would be to knock one's heels against the ground. [ Proverb ]

Faultily faultless, icily regular, splendidly null, dead perfection; no more. [ Tennyson ]

If we can still love those who have made us suffer, we love them all the more. [ Mrs. Jameson ]

The diseases of the mind are more and more destructive than those of the body. [ Cicero ]

He who has less than he desires should know that he has more than he deserves. [ Lichtenberg ]

For variety of mere nothings gives more pleasure than uniformity of something. [ Jean Paul Richter ]

One is no more the master of his impressions than of his coughing or sneezing. [ Mme. de Deffand ]

Philosophy abounds more than philosophers, and learning more than learned men. [ W. B. Clulow ]

Beauty depends more on the movement of the face than the form of the features. [ Mrs. Hall ]

There is in us more of the appearance of sense and virtue than of the reality. [ Marguerite de Valois ]

The more anyone speaks of himself the less he likes to hear another talked of. [ Lavater ]

The prayers of a lover are more imperious than the menaces of the whole world. [ George Sand ]

To forgive a fault in another is more sublime than to be faultless one's self. [ George Sand ]

The certain way to be cheated is to fancy one's self more cunning than others. [ Charron ]

Genius unexerted is no more genius than a bushel of acorns is a forest of oaks. [ Beecher ]

I have seen more than one woman drown her honor in the clear water of diamonds. [ D'Houdetot ]

Today, we are all adrift, having nothing more either to venerate or to believe. [ Mme. Louise Colet ]

Men are more eloquent than women made; but women are more powerful to persuade. [ Thomas Randolph ]

Goodness does not more certainly make men happy than happiness makes them good. [ Landor ]

Some are unwisely liberal; and more delight to give presents than to pay debts. [ Sir P. Sidney ]

The patient hath more need of the physician, than the physician of the patient. [ Proverb ]

How beautiful, if sorrow had not made Sorrow more beautiful than Beauty's self. [ Keats ]

The drying up a single tear has more of honest fame than shedding seas of gore. [ Byron ]

Rumor is like bees: the more you fight them the more you don't get rid of them. [ H. W. Shaw ]

Loss of strength is more frequently due to the faults of youth than of old age. [ Cicero ]

Women give themselves to God when the devil wants nothing more to do with them. [ Sophie Arnould ]

Do not overwork the mind any more than the body; do everything with moderation. [ Bacon ]

Once more for pity, that I may keep the flavor upon my lips till we meet again. [ Dryden ]

You will catch more flies with a spoonful of honey than with a cask of vinegar. [ Eastern Proverb ]

David's pen never wrote more sweetly than when dipped in the ink of affliction. [ G. Mason ]

Deal mildly with his youth; for young hot colts, being raged, do rage the more. [ William Shakespeare ]

We are often more agreeable through our faults than through our good qualities. [ Rochefoucauld ]

Our years, our debts, and our enemies are always more numerous than we imagine. [ C. Nodier ]

The more sincere we are in our belief, as a rule, the less demonstrative we are. [ Beecher ]

Nature was here so lavish of her store, That she bestowed until she had no more. [ Brown ]

An excuse is worse and more terrible than a lie; for an excuse is a lie guarded. [ Pope ]

The manner of giving shows the character of the giver more than the gift itself. [ Lavater ]

They that are more frequent to dispute be not always the best able to determine. [ Hooker ]

Stinging envy is more merciful to good things that are old than such as are new. [ Phaedr ]

There is no more potent antidote to low sensuality than the adoration of beauty. [ Schlegel ]

A man's opinions, look you, are generally of much more value than his arguments. [ Holmes ]

The wise man draws more advantage from his enemies than a fool from his friends. [ Proverb ]

In effective womanly beauty form is more than face, and manner more than either. [ Thackeray ]

Suspicion is a heavy armour, and with its own weight impedes more than protects. [ Byron ]

If we resist our passions it is more from their weakness than from our strength. [ La Rochefoucauld ]

Nothing more dangerous than an imprudent friend; a prudent enemy would be better.

There is very great necessity indeed of getting a little more silent than we are. [ Carlyle ]

Friendship is the most pleasant of all things, and nothing more the heart of man. [ Plutarch ]

Jack was embarrassed - never hero more. And as he knew not what to say, he swore. [ Byron ]

Of gifts, there seems none more becoming to offer a friend than a beautiful book. [ Amos Bronson Alcott ]

Those who never retract their opinions love themselves more than they love truth. [ Joubert ]

An ass cover'd with gold is more respected, than a good horse with a pack-saddle. [ Proverb ]

Not only is the world informed of everything about you, but of a great deal more. [ Thackeray ]

Mercy more becomes a magistrate than the vindictive wrath which men call justice. [ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow ]

What is commonly called friendship even is only a little more honor among rogues. [ Thoreau ]

The more haste we make in a wrong way, the further we are from our journey's end. [ Proverb ]

You cannot analyze a kiss any more than you can dissect the fragrance of flowers. [ H. W. Shaw ]

The gravest events dawn with no more noise than the morning star makes in rising. [ Beecher ]

The world more frequently recompenses the appearance of merit, than merit itself. [ Rochefoucauld ]

Philosophers call God the great unknown. The great misknown would be more correct. [ Joseph Roux ]

Earth hath nothing more tender than a woman's heart when it is the abode of piety. [ Luther ]

Be more careful to keep the doors of your heart shut than the doors of your house. [ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe ]

There is nothing in which men more deceive themselves than in what they call zeal. [ Addison ]

Enmities unavowed and concealed are more to be feared than when open and declared. [ Cicero ]

There are more people who wish to be loved than there are who are willing to love. [ Chamfort ]

Ridicule often cuts the Gordian knot more effectively than the severity of satire. [ Horace ]

A fool is often as dangerous to deal with as a knave, and always more incorrigible. [ Colton ]

The father sighs more at the death of one son, than he smiles at the birth of many. [ Proverb ]

Childhood itself is scarcely more lovely than a cheerful, kindly, sunshiny old age. [ Mrs. L. M. Child ]

The more we do, the more we can do: the more busy we are, the more leisure we have. [ William Hazlitt ]

Oh, the little more, and how much it is! and the little less, and what worlds away! [ Browning ]

Our land is not more the recipient of the men of all countries than of their ideas. [ Bancroft ]

Action is eloquence, and the eyes of the ignorant are more learned than their ears. [ William Shakespeare ]

Manners are the hypocrisies of nations: the hypocrisies are more or less perfected. [ Balzac ]

Susceptible persons are more affected by a change of tone than by unexpected words. [ George Eliot ]

Women are perfectly well aware that the more they seem to obey, the more they rule. [ Michelet ]

Sincerity makes the least man to be of more value than the most talented hypocrite. [ Spurgeon ]

I have often maintained that fiction may be much more instructive than real history. [ John Foster ]

No man was more foolish when he had not a pen in his hand, or more wise when he had. [ Johnson, of Goldsmith ]

To make a long story short (not to detain you by long digressions more than enough). [ Horace ]

Levity of behavior, always a weakness, is far more unbecoming in a woman than a man. [ William Penn ]

There is nothing more nearly permanent in human life than a well established custom. [ Joseph Anderson ]

Kick a barking dog and he will bark the more. Never notice him, and he will shut up.

Women see faults much more readily in each other than they can discover perfections. [ Chamfort ]

All noble enthusiasms pass through a feverish stage, and grow wiser and more serene. [ W. E. Channing ]

Nature does not make all great men, more than all other men, in the self-same mould. [ Carlyle ]

A pedant holds more to instruct us with what he knows, than of what we are ignorant. [ J. Petit-Senn ]

Love is more pleasing than marriage, because romances are more amusing than history. [ Chamfort ]

In every work regard the writer's end, Since none can compass more than they intend. [ Pope ]

It is with words as with sunbeams, the more they are condensed the deeper they burn. [ Southey ]

There is no more delightful hour in life than that of an unconfessed but mutual love. [ E. Lynn Linto ]

Men say more evil of women than they think: it is the contrary with women toward men. [ S. Dubay ]

This avarice sticks deeper; grows with more pernicious root than summer-seeding lust. [ William Shakespeare ]

The pretension of youth always gives to a woman a few more years than she really has. [ Jouy ]

Observation more than books, experience rather than persons, are the prime educators. [ A. Bronson Alcott ]

There is often more true spiritual force in a proverb than in a philosophical system. [ Carlyle ]

It is a sure evidence of a good book if it pleases us more and more as we grow older. [ Lichtenberg ]

In art, to express the infinite one should suggest infinitely more than is expressed. [ Goethe ]

The wise man, even when he holds his tongue, says more than the fool, when he speaks. [ Proverb ]

A stray hair, by its continued irritation, may give more annoyance than a smart blow. [ Lowell ]

Noble descent and worth, unless united with wealth, are esteemed no more than seaweed. [ Horace ]

An error is the more dangerous in proportion to the degree of truth which it contains. [ Amiel ]

A cock, having found a pearl, said that a grain of corn would be of more value to him. [ Pierre Leroux ]

How marriage ruins a man! It is as demoralizing as cigarettes, and far more expensive. [ Oscar Wilde, Lady Windemere's Fan ]

There are more fools than sages; and among the sages, there is more folly than wisdom. [ Chamfort ]

A happy recollection is perhaps in this world more real than the happiness it recalls. [ French ]

No principle is more noble, as there is none more holy, than that of a true obedience. [ Henry Giles ]

One merit of poetry few persons will deny: it says more and in fewer words than prose. [ Voltaire ]

Who more ready to call her neighbour scold, than the greatest scold in all the street? [ Proverb ]

Nature without discipline is of small force, and discipline without nature more feeble. [ John Lily ]

We consider it tedious to talk of the weather, and yet there is nothing more important. [ Auerbach ]

Our science, so called, is always more barren and mixed with error than our sympathies. [ Thoreau ]

How can we expect another to keep our secret, when it is more than we can do ourselves. [ La Rochefoucauld ]

Be fearful only of thyself, and stand in awe of none more than of thine own conscience. [ Thomas Fuller ]

There are no more thorough prudes than those women who have some little secret to hide. [ George Sand ]

The higher character a person supports, the more he should regard his minutest actions. [ Not traceable ]

The world is a great ocean, upon which we encounter more tempestuous storms than calms. [ Edgar A. Poe ]

Ridicule often settles matters of importance better and more effectually than severity. [ Horace ]

Were we as eloquent as angels, we should please some more by listening than by talking. [ Colton ]

An asp would render its sting more venomous by dipping it into the heart of a coquette. [ Poincelot ]

The more tender our spirits are made by religion, the more ready we are to let in grief. [ Jeremy Taylor ]

There is nothing wherein their womanliness is more honestly garnished than with silence. [ Nicholas Udall ]

He rejoices more than an old man who has put off old age, (i.e. has become young again). [ Proverb ]

Expression is of more consequence than shape; it will light up features otherwise heavy. [ Sir C. Bell ]

The more you say, the less people remember. The fewer the words, the greater the profit. [ Fenelon ]

Right is more beautiful than private affection, and is compatible with universal wisdom. [ Ralph Waldo Emerson ]

Most of our misfortunes are more supportable than the comments of our friends upon them. [ Colton ]

Laziness is a good deal like money: the more a man has of it, the more he seems to want. [ Henry Wheeler Shaw (pen name Josh Billings) ]

Silence often expresses more powerfully than speech the verdict and judgment of society. [ Benjamin Disraeli ]

The more one endeavors to sound the depths of his ignorance the deeper the chasm appears. [ A. Bronson Alcott ]

What is more at ease, more abstracted from the world, than a true single-hearted honesty? [ Thomas à Kempis ]

The new novel is sought more eagerly, and devoured more greedily, than the New Testament. [ Guthrie ]

Reason cannot show itself more reasonable than to cease reasoning on things above reason. [ Sir P. Sidney ]

High-built abundance, heap on heap! for what? To breed new wants, and beggar us the more,
Then, make a richer scramble for the throng. [ Young ]

Of four things every man has more than he knows--of sins, and debts, and years, and foes. [ Persian Proverb ]

Nothing is more easy than to deceive one's self, as our affections are subtle persuaders. [ Demosthenes ]

A time there is when like a thricetold tale long-rifled life of sweets can yield no more. [ Young ]

It is far more easy to acquire a fortune like a knave than to expend it like a gentleman. [ Colton ]

To wear a horn and not know it, will do one no more harm than to eat a fly and not see it. [ Proverb ]

I know not any season of life that is passed more agreeably than that of virtuous old age. [ Cicero ]

It is difficult for a woman to keep a secret, and I know more than one man who is a woman. [ La Fontaine ]

There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy. [ William Shakespeare,Hamlet ]

For his bounty, there was no winter in it; an autumn it was that grew the more by reaping. [ William Shakespeare ]

Cudgel thy brains no more about it, for your dull ass will not mend his pace with beating. [ William Shakespeare, Hamlet ]

Ideas often flash across our minds more complete than we could make them after much labor. [ La Rochefoucauld ]

O, how much more doth beauty beauteous seem, by that sweet ornament which truth doth give! [ Shakespeare ]

Friendship is an order of nobility; from its revelations we come more worthily into nature. [ Emerson ]

More helpful than all wisdom is one draught of simple human pity, that will not forsake us. [ George Eliot ]

Such was the force of his eloquence, to make the hearers more concerned than he that spake. [ Denham ]

The accumulation of wealth is followed by an increase of care, and by an appetite for more. [ Horace ]

Criticism is like champagne, nothing more execrable if bad, nothing more excellent if good. [ Colton ]

We are more heavily taxed by our idleness, pride and folly than we are taxed by government. [ Franklin ]

To know how to be silent is more difficult, and more profitable, than to know how to speak. [ Fee ]

It is not decided that women love more than men, but is indisputable that they love better. [ Sanial-Dubay ]

I have made as much of myself as could be made of the stuff and no man should require more. [ Jean Paul Richter ]

Misers, as death approaches, are heaping up a chest of reasons to stand in more awe of him. [ Shenstone ]

Man has still more desire for beauty than knowledge of it; hence the caprices of the world. [ X. Doudan ]

There are few people who are more often in the wrong than those who cannot endure to be so. [ Rochefoucauld ]

Dangers are light, if they seem light; and more dangers have deceived men than forced them. [ Bacon ]

Men are generally more careful of the breed of their horses and dogs than of their children. [ William Penn ]

Genius cannot escape the taint of its time more than a child the influence of its begetting. [ Ouida ]

Want of occupation is the bane of both men and women, perhaps more especially of the latter. [ Horace Mann ]

If our zeal were true and genuine we should be much more angry with a sinner than a heretic. [ Addison ]

Exquisite beauty resides rather in the female form than face, where it is also more lasting. [ Lamartine ]

The discovery of a new dish does more for the happiness of man than the discovery of a star. [ Brillat-Savarin ]

Falsehood, like the dry-rot, flourishes the more in proportion as air and light are excluded. [ Whately ]

Who partakes in another's joys is a more humane character than he who partakes in his griefs. [ Lavater ]

Memory is not so brilliant as hope, but it is more beautiful, and a thousand times more true. [ G. D. Prentice ]

The heart of a girl is like a convent: the holier the cloister, the more charitable the door. [ Edward Bulwer-Lytton ]

A coquette is more occupied with the homage we refuse her, than with that we bestow upon her. [ A. Dupuy ]

Ingersoll's atheism can never become an institution; it can never be more than a destitution. [ Robert Collyer ]

Women never lie more astutely than when they tell the truth to those who do not believe them.

Nothing is more difficult than to choose a good husband - unless it be to choose a good wife. [ J. J. Rousseau ]

Injuries from friends fret and gall more, and the memory of them is not so easily obliterated. [ Arbuthnot ]

Everything is worth seeing once, and the more one sees the less one either wonders or admires. [ Chesterfield ]

One sneers at curls when one has no more hair; one slanders apples when one has no more teeth. [ A. Karr ]

He who goes round about in his requests wants commonly more than he chooses to appear to want. [ Lavater ]

It is a misfortune for a woman never to be loved, but it is a humiliation to be loved no more. [ Montesquieu ]

Love pleases more than marriage, for the reason that romance is more interesting than history. [ Chamfort ]

Flattery is no more than what raises in a man's mind an idea of a preference which he has not. [ Burke ]

Infants' manners are moulded more by the example of parents than by stars at their nativities. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]

There are more men who have missed opportunities than there are who have lacked opportunities. [ La Beaumelle ]

Gold glitters most where virtue shines no more, as stars from absent suns have leave to shine. [ Young ]

The intellect of the generality of women serves more to fortify their folly than their reason. [ Rochefoucauld ]

Proverbs are for the most part rules of moral, or, still more properly, of prudential conduct. [ Brande ]

There is a power a hundred times more powerful than that of bayonets: it is the power of ideas. [ Chevalier ]

Men always say more evil of women than there really is; and there is always more than is known. [ Mezerai ]

No place affords a more striking conviction of the vanity of human hopes than a public library. [ Dr. Johnson ]

Women have much more heart and much more imagination than men; hence, fancy often allures them. [ Lamartine ]

The more sand has escaped from the hourglass of our life, the clearer we should see through it. [ Richter ]

Nations grow corrupt, love bondage more than liberty; bondage with ease than strenuous liberty. [ Milton ]

Nothing is more dangerous than a friend without discretion; even a prudent enemy is preferable. [ La Fontaine ]

Religion without piety hath done more mischief in the world than all other things put together. [ Proverb ]

It is more difficult to dissimulate the sentiments we have, than to simulate those we have not. [ De Saint-Real ]

That which astonishes, astonishes once; but whatever is admirable becomes more and more admired. [ Joubert ]

May I never sit on a tribunal where my friends shall not find more favor from me than strangers. [ Themistocles ]

I believe, indeed, that it is more laudable to suffer great misfortunes than to do great things. [ Stanislaus ]

The upright, if he suffer calumny to move him, fears the tongue of man more than the eye of God. [ Colton ]

Every person is responsible for all the good within the scope of his abilities, and for no more. [ Gail Hamilton ]

Happiness generally depends more on the opinion we have of things, than on the things themselves. [ Proverb ]

The quarrels of lovers are like summer showers that leave the country more verdant and beautiful. [ Mme. Necker ]

Winged time glides on insensibly, and deceives us; and there is nothing more fleeting than years. [ Ovid ]

The habit of looking on the best side of every event is worth more than a thousand pounds a year. [ Johnson ]

Fond fool! six feet shall serve for all thy store, and he that cares for most shall find no more. [ Bishop Hall ]

There is more or less sorrow in the word goodbye, and yet how we like to hear some people say it. [ Emerson ]

Never does a man portray his own character more vividly than in his manner of portraying another. [ Richter ]

Nothing is more estimable then politeness, and nothing more ridiculous or tiresome than ceremony. [ French ]

The quivering flesh, though torture-torn, may live, but souls, once deeply wounded, heal no more. [ Ebenezer Elliott ]

Self-laudation abounds among the unpolished; but nothing can stamp a man more sharply as ill-bred. [ Charles Buxton ]

The rudest man, inspired by passion, is more persuasive than the most eloquent man, if uninspired. [ La Rochefoucauld ]

Every traveller has a home of his own, and he learns to appreciate it the more from his wandering. [ Dickens ]

To know the true opinions of men, one ought to pay more respect to their actions than their words. [ Descartes ]

The quarrels of lovers are like summer storms: everything is more beautiful when they have passed. [ Madame Necker ]

The bigot is like the pupil of the eye, the more light you put upon it, the more it will contract. [ O. W. Holmes ]

'Tis the cessation of our breath. Silent and motionless we lie; And no one knoweth more than thig. [ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow ]

If anger is not restrained, it is frequently more hurtful to us, than the injury that provokes it. [ Seneca ]

Women have a much better time than men in this world; there are far more things forbidden to them. [ Oscar Wilde, A Woman of No Importance ]

A man can no more make a safe use of wealth without reason than he can of a horse without a bridle. [ Socrates ]

Necessity, like electricity, is in ourselves and all things, and no more without us than within us. [ S. Bailey ]

To attain their ends most people are more capable of a great effort than of continued perseverance. [ La Bruyère ]

He is rich whose income is more than his expenses; and he is poor whose expenses exceed his income. [ Bruyere ]

The tastes, affections, and sentiments are more absolutely the man than his talent or acquirements. [ Henry T. Tuckerman ]

Those who have few affairs to attend to are great speakers. The less men think, the more they talk. [ Montesquieu ]

Music is not a science any more than poetry is. It is a sublime instinct, like genius of all kinds. [ Ouida ]

There is not a more melancholy object than a man who has his head turned with religious enthusiasm. [ Addison ]

There are no rules for friendship; it must be left to itself; we cannot force it any more than love. [ Hazlitt ]

I would give more for the private esteem and love of one than for the public praise of ten thousand. [ W. R. Alger ]

There are few wild beasts more to be dreaded than a communicative man having nothing to communicate. [ Bovee ]

There is hardly a more common error than that of taking the man who has but one talent for a genius. [ Arthur Helps ]

Do not yield to misfortunes, but advance more boldly to meet them, as your fortune shall permit you. [ Virgil ]

Remembrance of the dead soon fades. Alas! in their tombs, they decay more slowly than in our hearts. [ Victor Hugo ]

The style of letters should not be too highly polished. It ought to be neat and correct, but no more. [ Blair ]

Presumption will be easily corrected; but timidity is a disease of the mind more obstinate and fatal. [ Johnson ]

The things which belong to others please us more, and that which is ours, is more pleasing to others. [ Syrus ]

Thou mayst be more prodigal of praise when thou writest a letter than when thou speakest in presence. [ Fuller ]

The resistance of a woman is not always a proof of her virtue, but more frequently of her experience. [ Ninon de Lenclos ]

Imagination has more charm in writing than in speaking: great wings must fold before entering a salon. [ Prince de Ligne ]

Heaven hath many tongues to talk of it, more eyes to behold it, but few hearts that rightly affect it. [ Bishop Hall ]

Many men have been capable of doing a wise thing, more a cunning thing, but very few a generous thing. [ Alexander Pope ]

Nothing is more idle than to inquire after happiness, which nature has kindly placed within our reach. [ Johnson ]

That hour is coming, when we shall more earnestly wish to gain time, than ever we studied to spend it. [ Proverb ]

I have adopted the Roman sentiment, that it is more honorable to save a citizen than to kill an enemy. [ Dr. Johnson ]

Those who have few things to attend to are great babblers; for the less men think, the more they talk. [ Montesquieu ]

By one delay after another they spin out their whole lives, till there's no more future left for them. [ L'Estrange ]

Wherever you see persecution, there is more than a probability that truth lies on the persecuted side. [ Latimer ]

Gravity is a taught trick to gain credit of the world for more sense and knowledge than a man is worth. [ Sterne ]

The weakness of human reason appears more evidently in those who know it not than in those who know it. [ Pascal ]

A thin aerial veil is drawn over beauty's face, seeming to hide, more sweetly shows the blushing bride. [ Crashaw ]

Expel avarice, the mother of all wickedness, who, always thirsty for more, opens wide her jaws for gold. [ Claudianus ]

Most persons are disposed to expend more than they can afford, and to indulge more than they can endure. [ Mme. de Puisieux ]

Do good to your friend, that he may be more wholly yours; to your enemy, that he may become your friend. [ Cleobulus ]

Love is ever the beginning of knowledge, as fire is of light; and works also more in the manner of fire. [ Carlyle ]

Persevering mediocrity is much more respectable, and unspeakably more useful, than talented inconstancy. [ Dr. James Hamilton ]

Even in social life, it is persistency which attracts confidence, more than talents and accomplishments. [ Whipple ]

He that sows the ground with diligence gains more religious merit than by repeating ten thousand prayers. [ Zoroaster ]

A gentleman that loves to hear himself talk will speak more in a minute than he will stand to in a month. [ William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet ]

Prepare the soul calmly to obey; Such offering will be more acceptable to God than every other sacrifice. [ Metastasio ]

The presence of the wretched is a burden to the happy; and alas! the happy still more so to the wretched. [ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe ]

Here is a talk of the Turk and the Pope, but my next neighbor doth me more harm than either of them both. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]

I heard that God had called your mother home to heaven. It will seem more than ever like home to you now. [ Babcock ]

The darkness of death is like the evening twilight; it makes all objects appear more lovely to the dying. [ Richter ]

One could take down a book from a shelf ten times more wise and witty than almost any man's conversation. [ Campbell ]

The spirit of contempt is the true spirit of Antichrist; for no other is more directly opposed to Christ. [ Henry Giles ]

It is base to say one thing and to think another; how much more base to write one thing and think another! [ Seneca ]

Can man or woman choose duties? No more than they can choose their birthplace, or their father and mother. [ Mrs. Marian Lewes Cross (pen name George Eliot) ]

We accuse women of insincerity without perceiving that they are more sincere with us than with themselves.

Our human laws are but the copies, more or less imperfect, of the eternal laws so far as we can read them. [ Froude ]

It is commonly the imagination which is wounded first, rather than the heart; it is so much more sensitive. [ Thoreau ]

By nothing do men more show what they are than by their appreciation of what is and what is not ridiculous. [ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe ]

No man is nobler born than another, unless he is born with better abilities and a more amiable disposition. [ Seneca ]

No human capacity ever yet saw the whole of a thing; but we may see more and more of it the longer we look. [ John Ruskin ]

Riches do not consist in having more gold and silver, but in having more in proportion than our neighbours. [ Locke ]

The art of putting well into play mediocre qualities often begets more reputation than true merit achieves. [ Rochefoucauld ]

The mean man suffers more from his selfishness than he from whom meanness withholds some important benefit. [ Emerson ]

The more enthusiastic, the more liable we are to be imposed upon, and to become the tools of the designing. [ Bovee ]

In giving, a man receives more than he gives; and the more is in proportion to the worth of the thing given. [ George MacDonald ]

Nothing makes old people who have been attractive more ridiculous than to forget that they are so no longer. [ La Rochefoucauld ]

In this advanced century, a girl of sixteen knows as much as her mother, and enjoys her knowledge much more.

Jewels! It's my belief that when woman was made, jewels were invented only to make her the more mischievous. [ Douglas Jerrold ]

Friendships which are born in misfortune are more firm and lasting than those which are formed in happiness. [ D'Urfey ]

Cheerfulness is like money well expended in charity; the more we dispense of it, the greater our possession. [ Victor Hugo ]

There is no love-broker in the world can more prevail in man's commendation with woman than report of valor. [ William Shakespeare ]

Cares are often more difficult to thrown off than sorrows; the latter die with time, the former grow upon it. [ Richter ]

The true scholar learns from the known to unfold the unknown, and approaches more and more to being a master. [ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe ]

There is nothing more allied to the barbarous and savage character than sullenness, concealment, and reserve. [ Parke Godwin ]

He who loses wealth, loses much; he who loses a friend, loses more; but he that loses his courage, loses all. [ Cervantes ]

The study of proverbs may be more instructive and comprehensive than the most elaborate scheme of philosophy. [ Motherwell ]

Among the attributes of God, although they are all equal, mercy shines with even more brilliancy than justice. [ Cervantes ]

There is scarcely any popular tenet more erroneous than that which holds that when time is slow, life is dull. [ Beaconsfield ]

Gratitude is the fairest blossom which springs from the soul; and the heart of man knoweth none more fragrant. [ H. Ballou ]

Half-uttered praise is to the curious mind, as to the eye half-veiled beauty is, more precious than the whole. [ Joanna Baillie ]

Moderation resembles temperance. We are not so unwilling to eat more, as afraid of doing ourselves harm by it. [ Rochefoucauld ]

Much in the world may be done by severity, more by love, but most of all by discernment and impartial justice. [ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe ]

We lose some friends for whom we regret more than we grieve; and others for whom we grieve, yet do not regret. [ Rochefoucauld ]

We conceive, I think, more nobly of the weak presence of Paul than of the fair and ruddy countenance of David. [ John Ruskin ]

With respect to luxuries and comforts, the wisest have ever lived a more simple and meagre life than the poor. [ Thoreau ]

What sad faces one always sees in the asylums for orphans! It is more fatal to neglect the heart than the head. [ T. Parker ]

Lovely, far more lovely, the sturdy gloom of laborious indigence than the fawning simper of thriving adulation. [ Goldsmith ]

No reports are more readily believed than those which disparage genius and soothe envy of conscious mediocrity. [ Macaulay ]

No two things differ more than hurry and dispatch. Hurry is the mark of a weak mind; dispatch, of a strong one. [ Caleb C. Colton ]

In all companies there are more fools than wise men; and the greater number always get the better of the wiser. [ Rabelais ]

Methinks a being that is beautiful becomes more so as it looks on beauty, the eternal beauty of undying things. [ Byron ]

If women are naturally more superstitious than men, it is because they are more sensitive and less enlightened. [ Beauchene ]

Men have a solicitude about fame; and the greater share they have of it, the more afraid they are of losing it. [ Johnson ]

Fortune rules in all things, and advances and depresses things more out of her own will than right and justice. [ Sallust ]

There is nothing more tiresome than the conversation of a lover who has nothing to desire, and nothing to fear. [ Mme. de Sartory ]

If we have not quiet in our minds, outward comfort will do no more for us than a golden slipper on a gouty foot. [ Bunyan ]

Example is more forcible than precept. People look at my six days in the week to see what I mean on the seventh. [ Rev. R. Cecil ]

A more valuable inheritance falls to each of us in our civil and legal rights than comes to us from our fathers. [ Cicero ]

Women suffer more from disappointment than men, because they have more of faith and are naturally more credulous. [ Marguerite de Valois ]

Nothing in life is more remarkable than the unnecessary anxiety which we endure and generally occasion ourselves. [ Beaconsfield ]

The greater absurdities are, the more strongly they evince the falsity at that supposition from whence they flow. [ Atterbury ]

People first abandon reason, and then become obstinate; and the deeper they are in error the more angry they are. [ Blair ]

What can give us more sure knowledge than our senses? How else can we distinguish between the true and the false? [ Lucretius ]

Repentance must be something more than mere remorse for sins: it comprehends a change of nature befitting heaven. [ Lew Wallace ]

A man's happiness consists infinitely more in admiration of the faculties of others than in confidence in his own. [ John Ruskin ]

Among all the diseases of the mind, there is not one more epidemical or more pernicious than the love of flattery. [ Steele ]

Reputation is a jewel which nothing can replace; it is ten thousand times more valuable capital than your diamonds. [ Laboulaye ]

Those who seek for something more than happiness in this world must not complain if happiness is not their portion. [ Froude ]

We should be more anxious that our afflictions should benefit us than that they should be speedily removed from us. [ Robert Hall ]

The purer the golden vessel the more readily is it bent; the higher worth of women is sooner lost than that of men. [ Jean Paul ]

Friends are the leaders of the bosom, being more ourselves than we are, and we complement our affections in theirs. [ A. Bronson Alcott ]

No woman can be handsome by the force of features alone, any more than she can be witty only by the help of speech. [ Hughes ]

In a polite age almost every person becomes a reader, and receives more instruction from the press than the pulpit. [ Goldsmith ]

There are no friends more inseparable than pride and hardness of heart, humility and love, falsehood and impudence. [ Lavater ]

The less you can enjoy, the poorer, the scantier yourself, - the more you can enjoy, the richer, the more vigorous. [ Lavater ]

The more accurately we search into the human mind, the stronger traces we everywhere find of His wisdom who made it. [ Burke ]

It is more from carelessness about truth, than from intentional lying, that there is so much falsehood in the world. [ Johnson ]

Beauty or unbecomingness is of more force to draw or deter invitation than any discourses which can be made to them. [ Locke ]

Why aren't more gems from our great authors scattered over the country? Great books aren't within everybody's reach. [ S. T. Coleridge ]

Flattery corrupts both the receiver and the giver, and adulation is not of more service to the people than to kings. [ Burke ]

One futile person, that maketh it his glory to tell, will do more hurt than many that know it their duty to conceal. [ Bacon ]

Every person has two educations - one which he receives from others, and one more important, which he gives himself.

Every error of the mind is the more conspicuous and culpable in proportion to the rank of the person who commits it. [ Juvenal ]

It is quite as much of a trade to make a book as to make a clock. It requires more than mere genius to be an author. [ Bruyere ]

The purer the golden vessel, the more readily is it bent; the higher worth of woman is sooner lost than that of man. [ Richter ]

The careful reader of a few good newspapers can learn more in a year than most scholars do in their great libraries. [ F. B. Sanborn ]

Avoid greatness; in a cottage there may be found more real happiness than kings or their favorites enjoy in palaces. [ Horace ]

Comedies acted on life's stage, behind the scenes, are much more spirited than those acted in sight of the audience. [ De Finod ]

The pen is a formidable weapon; but a man can kill himself with it a great deal more easily than he can other people. [ G. D. Prentice ]

These papers of the day have uses more adequate to the purposes of common life than more pompous and durable volumes. [ Dr. Johnson ]

A fellow who lives in a windmill has not a more whimsical dwelling than the heart of a man that is lodged in a woman. [ Congreve ]

I think there is nothing more lovely than the love of two beautiful women who are not envious of each other's charms. [ Beaconsfield ]

Happy that heart in which no more idols are to be found, but the holy God dwelling there alone as in His holy temple. [ R. Leighton ]

Gold loves to make its way through guards, and breaks through barriers of stone more easily than the lightning's bolt. [ Horace ]

Brevity and conciseness are the parents of conviction. The leaden bullet is more fatal than when multiplied into shot. [ Hosea Ballou ]

Men in general judge more from appearances than from reality. All men have eyes, but few have the gift of penetration. [ Macchiavelli ]

What is more useful than fire? Yet if any one prepares to burn a house, it is with fire that he arms his daring hands. [ Ovid ]

Esteem has more engaging charms than friendship, and even love. It captivates hearts better, and never makes ingrates. [ Rochefoucauld ]

There is nothing more precious to a man than his will; there is nothing which he relinquishes with so much reluctance. [ J. G. Holland ]

There is no sorrow I have thought more about than that, - to love what is great, and try to reach it, and yet to fail. [ George Eliot ]

It (wine) produces most of the bad effects of ardent spirits, as misused in our country, and is perhaps more insidious. [ Horatio Greenough, the sculptor, of Florence ]

He is happy whose circumstances suit his temper; but he is more excellent who can suit his temper to any circumstances. [ Hare ]

In the art of design, color is to form what verse is to prose, - a more harmonious and luminous vehicle of the thought. [ Mrs. Jameson ]

There are men whose tongues are more eloquent than those of women, but no man possesses the eloquence of a woman's eye. [ C. Weber ]

There is no passion which steals into the heart more imperceptibly, and covers itself under more disguises, than pride. [ Addison ]

Reserve is no more essentially connected with understanding than a church organ with devotion, or wine with good-nature. [ Shenstone ]

A faithful mother can do more in one quarter in the education of her child, than a schoolmaster can accomplish in years. [ J. W. Barker ]

A peasant can no more help believing in a traditional superstition than a horse can help trembling when he sees a camel. [ George Eliot ]

Coquetry is a continual lie, which renders a woman more contemptible and more dangerous than a courtesan who never lies. [ De Varennes ]

The art of using moderate abilities to advantage wins praise, and often acquires more reputation than actual brilliancy. [ La Rochefoucauld ]

Discretion is more necessary to women than eloquence, because they have less trouble to speak well than to speak little. [ Father Du Bosc ]

Every one is the poorer in proportion as he has more wants, and counts not what he has, but wishes only what he has not. [ Manilius ]

Of all the riches that we hug, of all the pleasures we enjoy, we can carry no more out of this world than out of a dream. [ Bonnell ]

Neither borrow money of a neighbour nor a friend, but of a stranger, where, paying for it, thou shalt hear no more of it. [ Lord Burleigh ]

Ennui, perhaps, has made more gamblers than avarice, more drunkards than thirst, and perhaps as many suicides as despair. [ Colton ]

Learn a man's limitations. If you make him bite off more than he can chew, don't get mad at him if he has to spit it out. [ George Horace Lorimer ]

On things which are no more to be changed a backward glance must be no longer cast! What is done is done, and so remains. [ Friedrich Schiller ]

Now-a-days friends are no longer found; good faith is dead, envy reigns supreme; and evil habits are ever more extending. [ Sannazaro ]

There is that scattereth, and yet increaseth: and there is that withholdeth more than is meet, but it tendeth to poverty. [ Bible ]

The virtuous woman flees from danger; she trusts more to her prudence in shunning it than in her strength to overcome it. [ J. Petit-Senn ]

The nature of our constitution makes eloquence more useful and more necessary in this country than in any other in Europe. [ Chesterfield ]

Old age, especially an honored old age, has so great authority that this is of more value than all the pleasures of youth. [ Cicero ]

Nothing can embellish a beautiful face more than a narrow band that indicates a small wound drawn crosswise over the brow. [ Richter ]

God does with His children as a master does with his pupils; the more hopeful they are, the more work He gives them to do. [ Plato ]

Probably the earliest flyswatters were nothing more than some sort of striking surface attached to the end of a long stick. [ Jack Handey, Deep Thoughts ]

The art requires more delicacy in the practice than those conceive who can see nothing more in a quotation than an extract. [ Isaac Disraeli ]

The greater the difficulty the more glory in surmounting it. Skilful pilots gain their reputation from storms and tempests. [ Epicurus ]

Wit is more necessary than beauty; and I think no young woman ugly that has it, and no handsome woman agreeable without it. [ Wycherley ]

The more an idea is developed, the more concise becomes its expression: the more a tree is pruned, the better is the fruit. [ Alfred Bougeart ]

If you would be pungent, be brief, for it is with words as with sunbeams the more they are condensed, the deeper they burn. [ Saxe ]

It is a common vanity of the aged to believe that they have always been more exemplary than those who have come after them. [ A. de Musset ]

Nothing reveals character more than self-sacrifice. So the highest knowledge we have of God is through the gift of His Son. [ William Harris ]

The effect of good music is not caused by its novelty. On the contraiy, it strikes us more the more we are familiar with it. [ Goethe ]

In this retirement of the mind from the senses, it retains a yet more incoherent manner of thinking, which we call dreaming. [ Locke ]

Pain is the deepest thing we have in our nature, and union through pain has always seemed more real and holy than any other. [ Hallam ]

Great souls are not those who have fewer passions and more virtues than the common, but those only who have greater designs. [ La Rochefoucauld ]

Want of prudence is too frequently the want of virtue; nor is there on earth a more powerful advocate for vice than poverty. [ Goldsmith ]

Her hair was not more sunny than her heart, though like a natural golden coronet it circled her dear head with careless art. [ Lowell ]

Life, upon the whole, is much more pleasurable than painful, otherwise we should not feel pain so impatiently when it comes. [ Leigh Hunt ]

As the greatest liar tells more truths than falsehoods, so may it be said of the worst man, that he does more good than evil. [ Dr. Johnson ]

Nothing is so swift as calumny; nothing is more easily uttered; nothing more readily received; nothing more widely dispersed. [ Cicero ]

The art of being able to make a good use of moderate abilities wins esteem and often confers more reputation than real merit. [ La Bruyere ]

Etiquette is the ceremonial code of polite life, more voluminous and minute in each portion of society according to its rank. [ J. R. MacCulloch ]

God made man to go by motives, and he will not go without them, any more than a boat without steam, or a balloon without gas. [ Beecher ]

A woman is never displeased if we please several other women, provided she is preferred: it is so many more triumphs for her. [ Ninon de Lenclos ]

Gentle words, quiet words, are after all, the most powerful words. They are more convincing, more compelling, more prevailing. [ Washington Gladden ]

Learn to dispense with things, O friend, bid defiance to pain and death, and no god on Olympus breathes more freely than thou. [ Bürger ]

Were we as eloquent as angels, we would please some men, some women, and some children much more by listening than by talking. [ Colton ]

Women dress less to be clothed than to be adorned. When alone before their mirrors, they think more of men than of themselves. [ Rochebrune ]

Few things are more unpleasant than the transaction of business with men who are above knowing or caring what they have to do. [ Johnson ]

They who love dancing too much seem to have more brains in their feet than their head, and think to play the fool with reason. [ Terence ]

Grief, which disposes gentle natures to retirement, to inaction, and to meditation, only makes restless spirits more restless. [ Macaulay ]

All earthly delights are sweeter in expectation than enjoyment; but all spiritual pleasures more in fruition than expectation. [ Feltham ]

Great souls are not those which have less passion and more virtue than common souls, but only those which have greater designs. [ La Roche ]

There is also an evil report; light, indeed, and easy to raise, but difficult to carry, and still more difficult to get rid of. [ Hesiodus ]

The use of tobacco, more especially in smoking, disposes to idleness, and idleness has been considered as the root of all evil. [ Benjamin Rush M.D ]

One wit, like a knuckle of ham in soup, gives a zest and flavor to the dish; but more than one serves only to spoil the pottage. [ Smollett ]

There never appear more than five or six men of genius in an age, but if they were united the world could not stand before them. [ Swift ]

There never was in the world two opinions alike, no more than two hairs, or two grains; the most universal quality is diversity. [ Montaigne ]

An enlightened self-interest, which, when well understood, they tell us will identify with an interest more enlarged and public. [ Burke ]

The more we sympathize with excellence, the more we go out of self, the more we love, the broader and deeper is our personality. [ Chapin ]

Nothing has wrought more prejudice to religion, or brought more disparagement upon truth, than boisterous and unseasonable zeal. [ Barrow ]

One of the most effectual ways of pleasing and of making one's self loved is to be cheerful: joy softens more hearts than tears. [ Mme. de Sartory ]

There can hardly, I believe, be imagined a more desirable pleasure than that of praise unmixed with any possibility of flattery. [ Steele ]

How can you make a fool perceive that he is a fool? Such a personage can no more see his own folly than he can see his own ears. [ Thackeray ]

Houses are built to live in more than to look on; therefore let use be preferred before uniformity, except where both may be had. [ Bacon ]

Of yore, they languished, they burned, they died for love; today, they chat about it, they make it, and, more often, they buy it. [ Jouy ]

It is easier to be a lover than a husband, for the same reason that it is more difficult to be witty every day than now and then. [ Balzac ]

A man's possessions are just as large as his own soul. If his titledeeds cover more, the surplus acres own him. not he the acres. [ R. F. Hallock ]

The more honesty a man has, the less he affects the air of a saint. The affectation of sanctity is a blotch on the face of piety. [ Lavater ]

A snob is that man or woman who is always pretending to be something better - especially richer or more fashionable - than he is. [ Thackeray ]

Wealth, after all, is a relative thing, since he that has little, and wants less, is richer than he that has much but wants more. [ Colton ]

As I know more of mankind, I expect less of them, and am ready now to call a man a good man upon easier terms than I was formerly. [ Dr. Johnson ]

Of many imagined blessings it may be doubted whether he that wants or possesses them had more reason to be satisfied with his lot. [ Dr. Johnson ]

Great abilities, when employed as God directs, do but make the owners of them greater and more painful servants to their neighbors. [ Swift ]

True delicacy, as true generosity, is more wounded by an offence from itself - if I may be allowed the expression - than to itself. [ Greville ]

Among those evils which befall us, there are many which have been more painful to us in the prospect than by their actual pressure. [ Addison ]

No school is more necessary to children than patience, because either the will must be broken in childhood or the heart in old age. [ Richter ]

Ideas once planted in the brain fructify, and bear their harvest more or less bountiful and rich as they are fertilized by thought. [ Bartol ]

Society is composed of two great classes: those who have more dinners than appetite, and those who have more appetite than dinners. [ Chamfort ]

Before a leaf-bud has burst, its whole life acts; in the full-blown flower there is no more; in the leafless root there is no less. [ Ralph Waldo Emerson ]

Awkwardness is a more real disadvantage than it is generally thought to be; it often occasions ridicule, it always lessens dignity. [ Chesterfield ]

Although it is dangerous to have too much knowledge of certain subjects, it is still more dangerous to be totally ignorant of them. [ Colombat ]

I am above being injured by fortune; though she snatch away much, more will remain to me. The blessings I now enjoy transcend fear. [ Ov ]

The manner of your speaking is full as important as the natter, as more people have ears to be tickled than understandings to judge. [ Chesterfield ]

We are ordinarily more easily satisfied with reasons that we have discovered ourselves, than by those which have occurred to others. [ Pascal ]

Jesus wept once; possibly more than once. There are times when God asks nothing of His children except silence, patience, and tears. [ Charles S. Robinson ]

We tell the ladies that good wives make good husbands; I believe it is a more certain position that good brothers make good sisters. [ Johnson ]

Such is the power of imagination, that even a chimerical pleasure in expectation affects us more than a solid pleasure in possession. [ Henry Home ]

Too great carelessness, equally with excess in dress, multiplies the wrinkles of old age, and makes its decay still more conspicuous. [ Bruyere ]

Life, to be worthy of a rational being, must be always in progression: we must always purpose to do more or better than in time past. [ Johnson ]

When the heart is still agitated by the remains of a passion, we are more ready to receive a new one than when we are entirely cured. [ Rochefoucauld ]

Covetousness, by a greediness of getting more, deprives itself of the true end of getting; it loses the enjoyment of what it has got. [ Sprat ]

I hope you are becoming more and more interested in making those around you happy. That is the true way to secure your own happiness. [ Robert E. Lee ]

There is nothing which so poisons princes as flattery, nor anything whereby wicked men more easily obtain credit and favor with them. [ Montaigne ]

Setting is preliminary to brighter rising; decay is a process of advancement; death is the condition of higher and more fruitful life. [ Chapin ]

Not in the knowledge of things without, but in the perfection of the soul within, lies the empire of man aspiring to be more than man. [ Bulwer-Lytton ]

There may come a day when there shall be no more curse; in the meantime you must be humble and honest enough to take your share of it. [ John Ruskin ]

It is with narrow-souled people as with narrow-necked bottles; the less they have in them, the more noise they make in pouring it out. [ Pope ]

Be not liquorish after fame, found by experience to carry a trumpet, that doth for the most part congregate more enemies than friends. [ Osborn ]

The possession of a library, or the free use of it, no more constitutes learning, than the possession of wealth constitutes generosity. [ S. Smiles ]

Music, in the best sense, does not require novelty; nay, the older it is, and the more we are accustomed to it, the greater its effect. [ Goethe ]

The more mysterious love is, the more strength it has; the more it is secret, the more it increases; the more hidden, the plainer shown. [ Mme. de Sartory ]

Jails and state prisons are the complement of schools; so many less as you have of the latter, so many more you must have of the former. [ Horace Mann ]

Rules may teach us not to raise the arms above the head; but if passion carries them, it will be well done; passion knows more than art. [ Baron ]

Demean thyself more warily in thy study than in the street. If thy public actions have a hundred witnesses, thy private have a thousand. [ Quarles ]

Mistrust the man who finds everything good, the man who finds everything evil, and still more, the man who is indifferent to everything. [ Lavater ]

Riches, though they may reward virtues, yet they cannot cause them; he is much more noble who deserves a benefit than he who bestows one. [ Feltham ]

It is the mind that makes us rich and happy, in what condition soever we are, and money signifies no more to it than it does to the gods. [ Seneca ]

The individual and the race are always moving, and as we drift into new latitudes new lights open in the heaven more immediately over us. [ Chapin ]

Music is a discipline, and a mistress of order and good manners; she makes the people milder and gentler, more moral and more reasonable. [ Luther ]

Time, as a river, hath brought down to us what is more light and superficial, while things more solid and substantial have been immersed. [ Glanvill ]

Great is he who enjoys his earthenware as if it were plate, and not less great the man to whom all his plate is no more than earthenware. [ Seneca ]

Friendships are the purer and the more ardent, the nearer they come to the presence of God, the Sun not only of righteousness but of love. [ Landor ]

He that lends an easy and credulous ear to calumny is either a man of very ill morals or has no more sense and understanding than a child. [ Menander ]

It has long seemed to me that it would be more honorable to our ancestors to praise them in words less, but in deeds to imitate them more. [ Horace Mann ]

Those who go to Heaven will be very much surprised at the people they find there, and much more surprised at those they do not find there. [ Samuel Rogers ]

Laughing cheerfulness throws the light of day on all the paths of life; sorrow is more confusing and distracting than so-called giddiness. [ Jean Paul ]

Not only to say the right thing in the right place, but, far more difficult still, to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment. [ 0. A. Sala ]

A father who whipped his son for swearing and swore at him while he whipped him, did more harm by his example than good by his correction. [ Thomas Fuller ]

Money never made a man happy yet, nor will it. There is nothing in its nature to produce happiness. The more a man has, the more he wants. [ Ben. Franklin ]

We part more easily with what we possess, than with our expectations of what we wish for; because expectation always goes beyond enjoyment. [ Henry Home ]

O earth! I will befriend thee more with rain than youthful April shall with all his showers; in summer's drought I'll drop upon thee still. [ William Shakespeare ]

Man is not the creature of circumstances; circumstances are the creatures of men. We are free agents, and man is more powerful than matter. [ Benjamin Disraeli ]

He who thinks he can do without the world deceives himself; but he who thinks that the world can not do without him is still more in error. [ La Rochefoucauld ]

The proverb answers where the sermon fails, as a well-charged pistol will do more execution than a whole barrel of gunpowder idly exploded. [ W. G. Simms ]

I study much, and the more I study, the oftener I go back to those first principles which are so simple that childhood itself can lisp them. [ Mme. Swetchine ]

The love of woman is a precious treasure. Tenderness has no deeper source, devotion no purer shrine, sacrifice no more saintlike abnegation. [ Saint-Foix ]

Power of imagination is regulated only by art, especially by poetry. There is nothing more frightful than imaginative faculty without taste. [ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe ]

To speak in a mean, the virtue of prosperity is temperance, the virtue of adversity is fortitude, which in morals is the more heroic virtue. [ Bacon ]

Children sweeten labors, but they make misfortunes more bitter; they increase the cares of life, but they mitigate the remembrance of death. [ Bacon ]

Nothing is more common than to talk of a friend; nothing more difficult than to find one; nothing more rare than to improve one as we ought. [ Henry A. Oakley ]

The better a man is morally, the less conscious he is of his virtues. The greater the artist, the more aware he must be of his shortcomings. [ Froude ]

It often requires more strength and judgment to resist than to embrace an opportunity. It is better to do nothing than to do other than well. [ Sydney Dobell ]

No greater misfortune can befall a man than to be the victim of an idea which has no hold on his life, still more which detaches him from it. [ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe ]

To succeed in the world, it is much more necessary to possess the penetration to discover who is a fool than to discover who is a clever man. [ Cato ]

At twenty, man is less a lover of woman than of women: he is more in love with the sex than with the individual, however charming she may be. [ Ritif de la Bretonne ]

Many a beggar at the crossway, or gray-haired shepherd on the plain, hath more of the end of all wealth than hundreds who multiply the means. [ Tupper ]

A lover is a man who endeavors to be more amiable than it is possible for him to be: this is the reason why almost all lovers are ridiculous. [ Chamfort ]

A chine of honest bacon would please my appetite more than all the marrowpuddings, for I like them better plain, having a very vulgar stomach. [ Dryden ]

The contemplation of celestial things will make a man both speak and think more sublimely and magnificently when he descends to human affairs. [ Cicero ]

Love is not a fire which can be confined within the breast; everything betrays it; and its fires imperfectly covered, only burst out the more. [ Racine ]

The more secure we feel against our liability to any error to which, in fact, we are liable, the greater must be our danger of falling into it. [ Whately ]

Without great men, great crowds of people in a nation are disgusting; like moving cheese, like hills of ants or of fleas - the more, the worse. [ Ralph Waldo Emerson ]

A more glorious victory cannot be gained over another man than this, that when the injury began on his part, the kindness should begin on ours. [ Tillotson ]

Hannah More said to Horace Walpole: If I wanted to punish an enemy, it should be by fastening on him the trouble of constantly hating somebody. [ John Bate ]

For a woman to be at once a coquette and a bigot is more than the meekest of husbands can bear: women should mercifully choose between the two. [ La Bruyere ]

Psychical pain is more easily borne than physical: and if I had my choice between a bad conscience and a bad tooth, I should choose the former. [ Heinrich Heine ]

Books are negative pictures of thought, and the more sensitive the mind that receives their images, the more nicely the fine lines are produced. [ O. W. Holmes ]

When you have got so much true knowledge as is worth fighting for, you are bound to fight or to die for it, but not to debate about it any more. [ John Ruskin ]

An honorable name or a good reputation is an excellent protection against wrong-doing: we fear to compromise it more through vanity than virtue.

Money and time are the heaviest burdens of life, and the unhappiest of all mortals are those who have more of either than they know how to use. [ Johnson ]

Evil is a far more cunning and persevering propagandist than good, for it has no inward strength, and is driven to seek countenance and sympathy. [ Lowell ]

Is death more cruel from a private dagger than in the field from murdering swords of thousands? Or does the number slain make slaughter glorious? [ Gibber ]

I think you will find that people who honestly mean to be true really contradict themselves much more rarely than those who try to be consistent. [ Holmes ]

He that is proud of riches is a fool. For if he be exalted above his neighbors because he hath more gold, how much inferior is he to a gold mine! [ Jeremy Taylor ]

Motives are better than actions. Men drift into crime. Of evil they do more than they contemplate, and of good they contemplate more than they do. [ Bovee ]

Sudden tumultuous popularity comes more from partial delirium on both sides than from clear insight, and is of evil omen to all concerned with it. [ Carlyle ]

The more weakness the more falsehood; strength goes straight; every cannon-ball that has in it hollows and holes goes crooked; weaklings must lie. [ Richter ]

The oppression of any people for opinion's sake has rarely had any other effect than to fix those opinions deeper, and render them more important. [ Hosea Ballou ]

There is among men such intense affectation that they often boast of defects which they have not, more willingly than of qualities which they have. [ George Sand ]

Fate follows and limits power; power attends and antagonises fate; we must respect fate as natural history, but there is more than natural history. [ Ralph Waldo Emerson ]

Nothing ought to be more weighed than the nature of books recommended by public authority. So recommended, they soon form the character of the age. [ Burke ]

What man's life is not overtaken by one or more of those tornadoes that send us out of the course, and fling us on rocks to shelter as best we may? [ Thackeray ]

To the disgrace of men it is seen that there are women both more wise to judge what evil is expected, and more constant to bear it when it happens. [ Sir P. Sidney ]

Generosity, when once set going, knows not how to stop; as the more familiar we are with the lovely form, the more enamored we become of her charms. [ Pliny the Younger ]

The only pleasure of fame is that it proves the way to pleasure; and the more intellectual our pleasure, the better for the pleasure and for us too. [ Byron ]

If you do not wish a man to do a thing, you had better get him to talk about it; for the more men talk, the more likely they are to do nothing else. [ Carlyle ]

The way to elegancy of style is to employ your pen upon every errand; and the more trivial and dry it is, the more brains must be allowed for sauce. [ F. Osborn ]

Whatever distrust we may have of the sincerity of those who converse with us, we always believe they will tell us more truth than they do to others. [ La Rochefoucauld ]

The place where two friends first met is sacred to them all through their friendship, all the more sacred as their friendship deepens and grows old. [ Phillips Brooks ]

Women are the happiest beings of the creation: in compensation for our services they reward us with a happiness of which they retain more than half. [ De Varennes ]

A few books, well studied, and thoroughly digested, nourish the understanding more than hundreds but gargled in the mouth, as ordinary students use. [ F. Osborn ]

Great minds comprehend more in a word, a look, a pressure of the hand, than ordinary men in long conversations, or the most elaborate correspondence. [ Lavater ]

Avarice in old age is foolish; for what can be more absurd than to increase our provisions for the road, the nearer we approach to our journey's end? [ Cicero ]

Too much idleness, I have observed, fills up a man's time more completely and leaves him less his own master, than any sort of employment whatsoever. [ Burke ]

Praise has different effects, according to the mind it meets with; it makes a wise man modest, but a fool more arrogant, turning his weak brain giddy. [ Feltham ]

In portraits, the grace and, we may add, the likeness consists more in taking the general air than in observing the exact similitude of every feature. [ Sir Joshua Reynolds ]

If men knew all that women think, they would be twenty times more audacious. If women knew what men think, they would be twenty times more coquettish. [ A. Karr ]

I am tired of looking on what is, One might as well see beauty never more. As look upon it with an empty eye. I would this world were over. I am tired. [ Bailey ]

To him whose soul is more than ordinarily divine, and who has the gift of uttering lofty thoughts, you may justly concede the honourable title of poet. [ Horace ]

Self-love is always the mainspring, more or less concealed, of our actions; it is the wind which swells the sails, without which the ship could not go. [ Mme. du Chatelet ]

Libraries are the wardrobes of our literature, whence men, properly informed, might bring something for ornament, much for curiosity, and more for use. [ J. Dyer ]

We gain nothing by being with such as ourselves. We encourage one another in mediocrity. I am always longing to be with men more excellent than myself. [ Lamb ]

Exact justice is commonly more merciful in the long run than pity, for it tends to foster in men those stronger qualities which make them good citizens. [ Lowell ]

Travelling is like gambling; it is ever connected with winning and losing, and generally where least expected we receive more or less than we hoped for. [ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe ]

Books are the negative pictures of thought, and the more sensitive the mind that receives their images, the more nicely the finest lines are reproduced. [ Holmes ]

The living together for three long, rainy days in the country has done more to dispel love than all the perfidies in love that have ever been committed. [ Arthur Helps ]

Be substantially great in thyself, and more than thou appearest unto others; and let the world be deceived in thee, as they are in the lights of heaven. [ Sir Thomas Browne ]

Error is always more busy than ignorance. Ignorance is a blank sheet on which we may write; but error is a scribbled one from which we must first erase. [ Colton ]

No man ever sank under the burden of the day. It is when tomorrow's burden is added to the burden of today, that the weight is more than a man can bear. [ George Macdonald ]

You cannot lead a fighting world without having it regimented, chivalried; nor can you any more continue to lead a working world unregimented, anarchic. [ Carlyle ]

Loveliness does more than destroy ugliness; it destroys matter. A mere touch of it in a room, in a street, even on a door-knocker, is a spiritual force. [ Prof. Drummond ]

Fame is the echo of actions, resounding them to the world, save that the echo repeats only the last part; but fame relates all, and often more than all. [ Thomas Fuller ]

Old age is the night of life, as night is the old age of the day. Still, night is full of magnificence; and, for many, it is more brilliant than the day. [ Mme. Swetchine ]

Dreams are the children of an idle brain, begot of nothing but vain fantasy; which is as thin of substance as the air, and more inconstant than the wind. [ William Shakespeare ]

His last day places man in the same state as he was before he was born; nor after death has the body or soul any more feeling than they had before birth. [ Pliny the Elder ]

Amongst the instrumentalities of love and peace, surely there can be no sweeter, softer, more effective voice than that of gentle, peace-breathing music. [ E. Burritt ]

The tongue is, at the same time, the best part of man and his worst; with good government, none is more useful, and without it, none is more mischievous. [ Anacharsis ]

No man is poor who does not think himself so. But if in a full fortune with impatience he desires more, he proclaims his wants and his beggarly condition. [ Jeremy Taylor ]

The direct relation of music is not to ideas, but emotions. Music, in the works of its greatest masters, is more marvellous, more mysterious, than poetry. [ Henry Giles ]

No earnest thinker is a plagiarist pure and simple. He will never borrow from others that which he has not already, more or less, thought out for himself. [ C. Kingsley ]

Literature, as a field for glory, is an arena where a tomb may be more easily found than laurels; as a means of support, it is the very chance of chances. [ H. Giles ]

There comes a time when the souls of human beings, women more even than men, begin to faint for the atmosphere of the affections they are made to breathe. [ Holmes ]

To act the part of a true friend requires more conscientious feeling than to fill with credit and complacency any other station or capacity in social life. [ Sarah Ellis ]

More bounteous run rivers when the ice that locked their flow melts into their waters. And when fine natures relent, their kindness is swelled by the thaw. [ Edward Bulwer-Lytton ]

There cannot live a more unhappy creature than an ill-natured old man, who is neither capable of receiving pleasures, nor sensible of doing them to others. [ Sir W. Temple ]

No company is far preferable to bad, because we are more apt to catch the vices of others than their virtues, as disease is far more contagious than health. [ Colton ]

Glorious indeed is the world of God around us, but more glorious the world of God within us. There lies the Land of Song; there lies the poet's native land. [ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow ]

The destiny of women is to please, to be amiable, and to be loved. Those who do not love them are still more in the wrong than those who love them too much. [ Rochebrune ]

Women are so gentle, so affectionate, so true in sorrow, so untired and untiring! but the leaf withers not sooner, and tropic light fades not more abruptly. [ Barry Cornwall ]

The good man, even though overwhelmed by misfortune, loses never his inborn greatness of soul. Camphor-wood burnt in the fire becomes all the more fragrant. [ Sataka ]

Ideas go booming through the world louder than cannon. Thoughts are mightier than armies. Principles have achieved more victories than horsemen and chariots. [ William M. Paxton ]

Men of genius are often considered superstitious, but the fact is, the fineness of their nerve renders them more alive to the supernatural than ordinary men. [ B. R. Haydon ]

I believe one reason why women are generally so much more cheerful than men is because they can work with the needle, and so endlessly vary their employment. [ Sydney Smith ]

Some things will not bear much zeal; and the more earnest we are about them, the less we recommend ourselves to the approbation of sober and considerate men. [ Tillotson ]

Admiration must be continued by that novelty which first produces it; and how much soever is given, there must always be reason to imagine that more remains. [ Johnson ]

I do not believe in luck in war, any more than in luck in business. Luck is a small matter; may affect a battle or a movement, but not a campaign or a career. [ U. S. Grant ]

There is something on earth greater than arbitrary power. The thunder, the lightning, and the earthquake are terrific, but the judgment of the people is more. [ Daniel Webster ]

It is a revered thing to see an ancient castle not in decay; how much more to behold an ancient family which have stood against the waves and weathers of time! [ Bacon ]

When we plant a tree, we are doing what we can to make our planet a more wholesome and happier dwelling-place for those who come after us if not for ourselves. [ Holmes ]

Government is the greatest combination of forces known to human society. It can command more men and raise more money than any and all other agencies combined. [ D. D. Field ]

A good name is like precious ointment; it filleth all round about, and will not easily away; for the odors of ointments are more durable than those of flowers. [ Bacon ]

The more enlarged is our own mind, the greater number we discover of men of originality. Your commonplace people see no difference between one man and another. [ Pascal ]

Thrice happy they, and more than thrice, whom an unbroken link binds together, and whom love, unimpaired by evil rancour, will not sunder before their last day. [ Horace ]

There is never the body of a man, how strong and stout soever, if it be troubled and inflamed, but will take more harm and offense by wine being poured into it. [ Plutarch ]

Look in the face of the person to whom you are speaking, if you wish to know his real sentiments; for he can command his words more easily than his countenance. [ Chesterfield ]

What an argument in favor of social connections is the observation that by communicating our grief we have less, and by communicating our pleasure we have more. [ Greville ]

All religions are more or less mixed with superstitions. Man is not reasonable enough to content himself with a pure and sensible religion, worthy of the Deity. [ Voltaire ]

The more powerful the obstacle, the more glory we have in overcoming it; and the difficulties with which we are met are the maids of honor which set off virtue. [ Moliere ]

That man is an ill husband of his honour that entereth into any action, the failing wherein may disgrace him more than the carrying of it through can honour him. [ Bacon ]

Teach self-denial, and make its practice pleasurable, and you create for the world a destiny more sublime than ever issued from the brain of the wildest dreamer. [ Scott ]

It is absurd to have a hard and fast rule about what one should read and what one shouldn't. More than half of modern culture depends on what one shouldn't read. [ Oscar Wilde, The Importance of Being Earnest ]

That is, in a great degree, true of all men, which was said of the Athenians, that they were like sheep, of which a flock is more easily driven than a single one. [ Whately ]

Nature glories in death more than in life. The month of departure is more beautiful than the month of coming.... Every green thing loves to die in bright colours. [ Ward Beecher ]

Do not believe that a book is good, if in reading it thou dost not feel more contented with thy existence, if it does not rouse up in thee most generous feelings. [ Lavater ]

There is but one misfortune for a man, when some idea lays hold of him which exerts no influence upon his active life, or still more, which withdraws him from it. [ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe ]

Eloquence is relative. One can no more pronounce on the eloquence of any composition than the wholesomeness of a medicine, without knowing for whom it is intended. [ Whately ]

What can be more foolish than to think that all this rare fabric of heaven and earth could come by chance, when all the skill of art is not able to make an oyster! [ Jeremy Taylor ]

Bashfulness is more frequently connected with good sense than we find assurance; and impudence, on the other hand, is often the mere effect of downright stupidity. [ Shenstone ]

When flowers are full of heaven-descended dews, they always hang their heads; but men hold theirs the higher the more they receive, getting proud as they get full. [ Beecher ]

Grief is only the memory of widowed affection. The more intense the delight in the presence of the object, the more poignant must be the impression of the absence. [ James Martineau ]

In love, the importance lies in the beginning. The world knows well that whoever takes one step will take more: it is important, then, to take the first step well. [ Fontanelle ]

Shakespeare says, we are creatures that look before and after; the more surprising that we do not look around a little, and see what is passing under our very eyes. [ Carlyle ]

Life, whether in this world or any other, is the sum of our attainment, our experience, our character. In what other world shall we be more surely than we are here? [ Chapin ]

Plays and romances sell as well as books of devotion, but with this difference, - more people read the former than buy them, and more buy the latter than read them. [ T. Hughes ]

Thou mayest as well expect to grow stronger by always eating, as wiser by always reading. Too much overcharges nature, and turns more into disease than nourishment. [ Fuller ]

O unfortunates who sin without pleasure! in your errors be more reasonable; be, at least, fortunate sinners. Since you must be damned, be damned for amiable faults. [ Voltaire ]

Polished steel will not shine in the dark; no more can reason, however refined, shine efficaciously, but as it reflects the light of Divine truth, shed from heaven. [ Foster ]

No wonder we are all more or less pleased with mediocrity, since it leaves us at rest, and gives the same comfortable feeling as when one associates with his equals. [ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe ]

I value the education of the intellect not for its present joy alone, but for the greater growth it gives, the enlargement of the cup to take in more and higher joys. [ Parker ]

Who in the same given time can produce more than many others, has vigor; who can produce more and better, has talents; who can produce what none else can, has genius. [ Lavater ]

Mothers are more fond of their children than fathers are; for the bringing them forth is more painful, and they have a more certain knowledge that they are their own. [ Aristotle ]

The law of the harvest is to reap more than you sow. Sow an act, and you reap a habit; sow a habit, and you reap a character; sow a character, and you reap a destiny. [ G. D. Boardman ]

There is in human nature generally more of the fool than of the wise; and therefore those faculties by which the foolish part of men's minds are taken are more potent. [ Bacon ]

Taught by experience to know my own blindness, shall I speak as if I could not err, and as if others might not in some disputed points be more enlightened than myself? [ Channing ]

Superstition is in its death-lair; the last agonies may endure for decades or for centuries; but it carries the iron in its heart, and will not vex the earth any more. [ Carlyle ]

Love is sparingly soluble in the words of men, therefore they speak much of it; but one syllable of woman's speech can dissolve more of it than a man's heart can hold. [ Oliver Wendell Holmes ]

Every day is a gift I receive from heaven; let us enjoy today that which it bestows on me. It belongs not more to the young than to me, and tomorrow belongs to no one. [ Mancroix ]

Knowledge partakes of infinity; it widens with our capacities: the higher we mount in it, the vaster and more magnificent are the prospects it stretches out before us. [ J. C. and A. W. Hare ]

There are some races more cultured and advanced and ennobled by education than others; but there are no races nobler than others. All are equally destined for freedom. [ Alexander von Humboldt ]

There is no man so great as not to have some littleness more predominant than all his greatness. Our virtues are the dupes, and often only the plaything of our follies. [ Bulwer-Lytton ]

Nothing is more deeply punished than the neglect of the affinities by which alone society should be formed, and the insane levity of choosing associates by others eyes. [ Emerson ]

How much more mothers love their children than their husbands; the latter are often selfish and cruel; but children cannot separate their mother's from their affection. [ Mme. Paterson Bonaparte ]

The young mind is naturally pliable and imitative, but in a more advanced state it grows rigid, and must be warmed and softened before it will receive a deep impression. [ Joshua Reynolds ]

Men love better books which please them than those which instruct. Since their ennui troubles them more than their ignorance, they prefer being amused to being informed. [ L'Abbe Dubois ]

Earth has one angel less, and heaven one more since yesterday. Already, kneeling at the throne, she has received her welcome, and is resting on the bosom of her Saviour. [ Hawthorne ]

What a comfort a dull but kindly person is at times! A ground-glass shade over a gas-lamp does not bring any more solace to our dazzled eyes than such a one to our mind. [ Oliver Wendell Holmes ]

Title and ancestry render a good man more illustrious, but an ill one more contemptible. Vice is infamous, though in a prince, and virtue honorable, though in a peasant. [ Addison ]

For it comes to pass oft that a terrible oath, with a swaggering accent sharply twanged off, gives manhood more approbation than ever proof itself would have earned him. [ William Shakespeare ]

Books, to judicious compilers, are useful, - to particular arts and professions absolutely necessary, - to men of real science they are tools; but more are tools to them. [ Johnson ]

Doubtless the world is wicked enough; but it will not be improved by the extension of a spirit which selfrighteously sees more to reform outside of itself than in itself. [ J. G. Holland ]

The diamond is more valuable than any other stone, and vastly superior to all others in lustre and beauty; as also in hardness, which renders it more durable and lasting. [ Woodward ]

Constant companionship is not enjoyable, any more than constant eating. We sit too long at the table of friendship, when we outsit our appetites for each other's thoughts. [ Bovee ]

When Shakespeare is charged with debts to his authors, Landor replies: Yes, he was more original than his originals. He breathed upon dead bodies and brought them to life. [ Emerson ]

To pardon those absurdities in ourselves which we cannot suffer in others is neither better nor worse than to be more willing to be fools ourselves than to have others so. [ Pope ]

There is more or less of pathos in all true beauty. The delight it awakens has an indefinable, and, as it were, luxurious sadness, which is perhaps one element of its might. [ Tuckerman ]

I think you might dispense with half your doctors, if you would only consult Doctor Sun more, and be more under the treatment of these great hydropathic doctors, the clouds! [ Beecher ]

A female friend, amiable, clever, and devoted, is a possession more valuable than parks and palaces; and without such a muse, few men can succeed in life, none be contented. [ Beaconsfield ]

Nothing is more unreasonable than to entangle our spirits in wildness and amazement; like a partridge flattering in a net, which she breaks not, though she breaks her wings. [ Jeremy Taylor ]

The very society of joy redoubles it; so that, whilst it lights upon my friend it rebounds upon myself, and the brighter his candle burns the more easily will it light mine. [ South ]

Talents give a man a superiority far more agreeable than that which proceeds from riches, birth, or employments, which are all external. Talents constitute our very essence. [ Rollin ]

Madness is consistent, which is more than can be said for poor reason. Our passions and principles are steady in frenzy, but begin to shift and waver as we return to reason. [ Sterne ]

There are few things more singular than the blindness which, in matters of the highest importance to ourselves, often hides the truth that is plain as noon to all other eyes. [ Rev. Dr. Croly ]

Had he unjustly fallen, your name had then been stained to latest times with foul reproach; and what more dreadful, more to be abhorred, than to be known with infamy forever? [ Paterson ]

A grave aspect to a grave character is of much more consequence than the world is generally aware of; a barber may make you laugh, but a surgeon ought rather to make you cry. [ Fielding ]

A journalist is a grumbler, a censurer, a giver of advice, a regent of sovereigns, a tutor of nations. Four hostile newspapers are more to be feared than a thousand bayonets. [ Napoleon I ]

Every year of my life I grow more convinced that it is wisest and best to fix our attention on the beautiful and good and dwell as little as possible on the dark and the base. [ Cecil ]

Hypocrisy of manners, a vice peculiar to modern nations, has contributed more than one thinks to destroy that energy of character which distinguished the nations of antiquity. [ Condorcet ]

Over no nation does the press hold a more absolute control than over the people of America, for the universal education of the poorest classes makes every individual a reader. [ Washington Irving ]

The finer the nature, the more flaws it will show through the clearness of it; and it is a law of this universe that the best things shall be seldomest seen in their best form. [ John Ruskin ]

There are more people abusive to others than lie open to abuse themselves; but the humor goes round, and he that laughs at me today will have somebody to laugh at him tomorrow. [ Seneca ]

Simple nature, however defective, is better than the least objectionable affectation; and, defects for defects, those which are natural are more bearable than affected virtues. [ Saint-Evremond ]

The last word is the most dangerous of infernal machines; and husband and wife should no more fight to get it than they would struggle for the possession of a lighted bombshell. [ Douglas Jerrold ]

It is not written, blessed is he that feedeth the poor, but he that considereth the poor. A little thought and a little kindness are often worth more than a great deal of money. [ Ruskin ]

It is far more difficult to be simple than to be complicated; far more difficult to sacrifice skill and cease exertion in the proper place, than to expend both indiscriminately. [ Ruskin ]

Women always show more taste in adorning others than themselves; and the reason is that their persons are like their hearts - they read another's better that they can their own. [ Richter ]

A man may with more impunity be guilty of an actual breach, either of real good breeding or good morals, than appear ignorant of the most minute points of fashionable etiquette. [ Sir Walter Scott ]

Life is like one big Mardi Gras. But instead of showing your boobs, show people your brain, and if they like what they see, you'll have more beads than you know what to do with. [ Ellen DeGeneres ]

Laziness grows on people; it begins in cobwebs, and ends in iron chains. The more business a man has to do, the more he is able to accomplish, for he learns to economize his time. [ Judge Hale ]

I hate anything that occupies more space than it is worth. I hate to see a load of bandboxes go along the street, and I hate to see a parcel of big words without anything in them. [ Hazlitt ]

The character of covetousness is what a man generally acquires more through some niggardliness or ill grace in little and inconsiderable things, than in expenses of any consequence. [ Pope ]

All the good things of this world are no further good to us than as they are of use; and whatever we may heap up to give to others, we enjoy only as much as we can use, and no more. [ De Foe ]

Plutarch would rather we should applaud his judgment than commend his knowledge, and would rather leave us with an appetite to read more than glutted with that we have already read. [ Montaigne ]

Amiable people, while they are more liable to imposition in casual contact with the world, yet radiate so much of mental sunshine that they are reflected in all appreciative hearts. [ Madame Deluzy ]

Real knowledge, like every thing else of the highest value, is not to be obtained easily. It must be worked for, studied for, thought for, and, more than all, it must be prayed for. [ Thomas Arnold ]

To the understanding of anything, two conditions are equally required - intelligibility in the thing itself being no whit more indispensable than intelligence in the examiner of it. [ Carlyle ]

The last word should be the last word. It is like a finishing touch given to color; there is nothing more to add. But what precaution is needed in order not to put the last word first [ Joubert ]

Avarice has ruined more men than prodigality, and the blindest thoughtlessness of expenditure has not destroyed so many fortunes as the calculating but insatiable lust of accumulation. [ Colton ]

The artist is the child in the popular fable, every one of whose tears was a pearl. Ah! the world, that cruel step-mother, beats the poor child the harder to make him shed more pearls. [ Heinrich Heine ]

Why tell me that a man is a fine speaker if it is not the truth that he is speaking? If an eloquent speaker is not speaking the truth, is there a more horrid kind of object in creation? [ Carlyle ]

The proverbial wisdom of the populace in the street, on the roads, and in the markets instructs the ear of him who studies man more fully than a thousand rules ostentatiously displayed. [ Lavater ]

Whenever I am in doubt about a sentence I read it aloud to see how it sounds, and indeed, always read the whole book through aloud, sometimes more than once, before it goes to the press. [ Ada Ellen Bayly, a.k.a. Edna Lyall, English novelist and early feminist, The Art Of Authorship, 1891 ]

Does the man live who has not felt this spur to action, in a more or less generous spirit? Emulation lives so near to envy that it is sometimes difficult to establish the boundary-lines. [ Henry Giles ]

A friend is a rare book, of which but one copy is made. We read a page of it every day, till some woman snatches it from our hands, who sometimes peruses it, but more frequently tears it.

Calumny is like the wasp which worries you, and which it is not best to try to get rid of unless you are sure of slaying it; for otherwise it returns to the charge more furious than ever. [ Chamfort ]

It is admirably remarked, by a most excellent writer, that zeal can no more hurry a man to act in direct opposition to itself than a rapid stream can carry a boat against its own current. [ Fielding ]

We are not to be astonished that the wise walk more slowly in their road to virtue than fools in their passage to vice; since passion drags us along, while wisdom only points out the way. [ Confucius ]

Life may as properly be called an art as any other, and the great incidents in it are no more to be considered as mere accidents than the severest members of a fine statue or a noble poem. [ Fielding ]

Explain it as we may, a martial strain will urge a man into the front rank of battle sooner than an argument, and a fine anthem excite his devotion more certainly than a logical discourse. [ Tuckerman ]

The present is withered by our wishes for the future; we ask for more air, more light, more space, more fields, a larger home. Ah! does one need so much room to love a day, and then to die? [ E. Souvestre ]

We declare to you that the earth has exhausted its contingent of master spirits. Now for decadence and general closing. We must make up our minds to it. We shall have no more men of genius. [ Victor Hugo ]

We may deserve grief; but why should women be unhappy? - except that we know heaven chastens those whom it loves best, being pleased by repeated trials to make these pure spirits more pure. [ Thackeray ]

Learning gives us a fuller conviction of the imperfections of our nature; which, one would think, might dispose us to modesty, for the more a man knows, the more he discovers his ignorance. [ Frances Kemble ]

If much reason is necessary to remain in celibacy, still more is required to marry. One must then have reason for two; and often all the reason of the two does not make one reasonable being. [ Balzac ]

Nobody can live by teaching any more than by learning; both teaching and learning are proper duties of human life, or pleasures of it, but have nothing whatever to do with the support of it. [ John Ruskin ]

Noble blood! bah! What blood is more noble or so pure as that of the lion? And yet he is only a brute. It is merit, education and virtue, not blood, that lift men above the level of the brutes. [ Michael le Faucheur ]

We want more loving knowledge to enable us to enjoy life, and we require to cultivate the art of making the most of the common means and appliances of enjoyment which lie about us on every side. [ Samuel Smiles ]

Genius is nothing more than our common faculties refined to a greater intensity. There are no astonishing ways of doing astonishing things. All astonishing things are done by ordinary materials. [ B. R. Haydon ]

It is much easier to meet with error than to find truth; error is on the surface, and can be more easily met with; truth is hid in great depths, the way to seek does not appear to all the world. [ Goethe ]

Gross and vulgar minds will always pay a higher respect to wealth than to talent; for wealth, although it be a far less efficient source of power than talent, happens to be far more intelligible. [ Colton ]

There is a silence, the child of love, which expresses everything, and proclaims more loudly than the tongue is able to do; there are movements that are involuntary proofs of what the soul feels. [ Alfieri ]

Without discretion learning is pedantry and wit impertinence; virtue itself looks like weakness. The best parts only qualify a man to be more sprightly in errors, and active to his own prejudice. [ Addison ]

Far better, and more cheerfully, I could dispense with some part of the downright necessaries of life, than with certain circumstances of elegance and propriety in the daily habits of using them. [ De Quincey ]

There are two considerations which always imbitter the heart of an avaricious man - the one is a perpetual thirst after more riches, the other the prospect of leaving what he has already acquired. [ Fielding ]

We are always more disposed to laugh at nonsense than at genuine wit; because the nonsense is more agreeable to us, being more conformable to our own natures: fools love folly, and wise men wisdom. [ Marguerite de Valois ]

Good-nature is worth more than knowledge, more than money, more than honor, to the persons who possess it, and certainly to everybody who dwells with them, in so far as mere happiness is concerned. [ Henry Ward Beecher ]

Great trials seem to be a necessary preparation for great duties. It would seem that the more important the enterprise, the more severe the trial to which the agent is subjected in his preparation. [ Edward Thomson ]

There is nothing of which men are more liberal than their good advice, be their stock of it ever so small; because it seems to carry in it an intimation of their own influence, importance, or worth. [ Young ]

Good dressing includes a suggestion of poetry. One nowhere more quickly detects sentiment than in dress. A well-dressed woman in a room should fill it with poetic sense, like the perfume of flowers. [ Miss Oakey ]

It is more reasonable to wish for reputation while it may be enjoyed, as Anacreon calls upon his companions to give him for present use the wine and garlands which they propose to bestow upon his tomb. [ Dr. Johnson ]

There is nothing so elastic as the human mind. Like imprisoned steam, the more it is pressed the more it rises to resist the pressure. The more we are obliged to do, the more we are able to accomplish. [ T. Edwards ]

It is with books as with women, where a certain plainness of manner and of dress is more engaging than that glare of paint and airs and apparel which may dazzle the eye, but reaches not the affections. [ Hume ]

We should never so entirely avoid danger as to appear irresolute and cowardly; but, at the same time, we should avoid unnecessarily exposing ourselves to danger, than which nothing can be more foolish. [ Cicero ]

Some persons will tell you, with an air of the miraculous, that they recovered although they were given over; whereas they might with more reason have said, they recovered because they were given over. [ Colton ]

Nobility is a river that sets with a constant and undeviating current directly into the great Pacific Ocean of Time; but, unlike all other rivers, it is more grand at its source than at its termination. [ Colton ]

Commonsense punishes all departures from her, by forcing those who rebel into a desperate war with all facts and experience, and into a still more terrible civil war with each other and with themselves. [ Colton ]

He who, when he hath the power, doeth not good, when he loses the means will suffer distress. There is not a more unfortunate wretch than the oppressor; for in the day of adversity nobody is his friend. [ Saadi ]

Valor and power may gain a lasting memory, but where are they when the brave and mighty are departed? Their effects may remain, but they live not in them any more than the fire in the work of the potter. [ Hartley Coleridge ]

Have you known how to compose your manners? You have done a great deal more than he who has composed books. Have you known how to take repose? You have done more than he who has taken cities and empires. [ Montaigne ]

A man can no more justly make use of another's necessity, than he that has more strength can seize upon a weaker, master him to his obedience, and with a dagger at his throat, offer him death or slavery. [ J. Locke ]

Good words do more than hard speeches; as the sunbeams, without any noise, will make the traveller cast off his cloak, which all the blustering winds could not do, but only make him bind it closer to him. [ Leighton ]

The truly great and good in affliction bear a countenance more princely than they are wont, for it is the temper of the highest hearts, like the palm tree, to strive most upwards when it is most burdened. [ S. P. Sidney ]

A good conscience is to the soul what health is to the body. It preserves a constant ease and serenity within us, and more than countervails all the calamities and affections which can possibly befall us. [ Addison ]

We are more jealous of frivolous accomplishments with brilliant success, than of the most estimable qualities without. Dr. Johnson envied Garrick, whom he despised, and ridiculed Goldsmith, whom he loved. [ Hazlitt ]

Trust to me, judicious mother: do not make of your daughter an honest man, as if to give the lie to Nature; make her an honest woman, and be assured that she will be of more worth both to herself and to us. [ Rousseau ]

Rich as we are in biography, a well-written life is almost as rare as a well-spent one; and there are certainly many more men whose history deserves to be recorded than persons willing and able to record it. [ Carlyle ]

Year by year, more and more of the world gets disenchanted. Even the icy privacy of the arctic and antarctic circles is invaded. We have played Jack Horner with our earth, till there is never a plum left in it. [ Lowell ]

If your name is to live at all, it is so much more to have it live in people's hearts than only in their brains. I don't know that one's eyes fill with tears when he thinks of the famous inventor of logarithms. [ Holmes ]

Friendship is more firmly secured by lenity toward failings than by attachment to excellence; the former is valued as a kindness, which cannot be claimed; the latter is exalted to the payment of a debt to merit. [ W. B. Clulow ]

There are no little events with the heart. It magnifies everything; it places in the same scale the fall of an empire and the dropping of a woman's glove; and almost always the glove weighs more than the empire. [ Balzac ]

Some eyes threaten like a loaded and levelled pistol, and others are as insulting as hissing or kicking; some have no more expression than blueberries, while others are as deep as a well which you can fall into. [ Emerson ]

Someone once observed, and the observation did him credit, whoever he was, that the dearest things in the world were neighbors' eyes, for they cost everybody more than anything else contributing to housekeeping. [ Albert Smith ]

The want of a more copious diction, to borrow a figure from Locke, is caused by our supposing that the mind is like Fortunatus's purse, and will always supply our wants, with out our ever putting anything into it. [ Bovee ]

More marriages are ruined nowadays by the common sense of the husband than by anything else. How can a woman be expected to be happy with a man who insists on treating her as if she were a perfectly rational being. [ Oscar Wilde, A Woman of No Importance ]

When a woman's heart is touched, when it is moved by love, then the electric spark is communicated and the fire of inspiration kindled: but even then she desires no more than to suffer or to die for what she loves. [ Countess Hahn-Hahn ]

The passions are the only orators that always persuade; they are, as it were, a natural art, the rules of which are infallible; and the simplest man with passion is more persuasive than the most eloquent without it. [ La Rochefoucauld ]

He that will often put eternity and the world before him, and who will dare to look steadfastly at both of them, will find that the more often he contemplates them, the former will grow greater, and the latter less. [ Colton ]

The more we can be raised above the petty vexations and pleasures of this world into the eternal life to come, the more shall we be prepared to enter into that eternal life whenever God shall please to call us hence. [ Dean Stanley ]

An epigram often flashes light into regions where reason shines but dimly. Holmes disposed of a bigot at once, when he compared his mind to the pupil of the eye - the more light you let into it the more it contracts. [ Whipple ]

Science is a first-rate piece of furniture for a man's upper chamber if he has common-sense on the ground-floor. But if a man has not got plenty of good common-sense, the more science he has the worse for his patient. [ Oliver Wendell Holmes ]

I am constitutionally susceptible of noises; a carpenter's hammer, in a warm summer noon, will fret me into more than midsummer madness; but those unconnected, unset sounds are nothing to the measured malice of music. [ C. Lamb ]

A man who lives right, and is right, has more power in his silence than another has by his words. Character is like bells which ring out sweet music, and which, when touched accidentally even, resound with sweet music. [ Phillips Brooks ]

All men need something to poetize and idealize their life a little; something which they value far more than for its use, and which is a symbol of their emancipation from the mere materialism and drudgery of daily life. [ Theodore Parker ]

Many shiver from want of defence against the cold; but there is vastly more suffering among the rich from absurd and criminal modes of dress, which fashion has sanctioned, than among the poor from deficiency of raiment. [ Channing ]

Of permanent griefs there are none, for they are but clouds. The swifter they move through the sky. the more follow after them; and even the immovable ones are absorbed by the other, and become smaller till they vanish. [ Richter ]

Have you known how to compose your manners, you have achieved a great deal more than he who has composed books. Have you known how to attain repose, you have achieved more than he who has taken cities and subdued empires. [ Montaigne ]

What is commonly called friendship is no more than a partnership, a reciprocal regard for one another's interests, and an exchange of good offices; in a word, mere traffic, wherein self-love always proposes to be a gainer. [ Rochefoucauld ]

The best manner of avenging ourselves is by not resembling him who has injured us; and it is hardly possible for one man to be more unlike another than he that forbears to avenge himself of wrong is to him who did the wrong. [ Jane Porter ]

Revenge is fever in our own blood, to be cured only by letting the blood of another; but the remedy too often produces a relapse, which is remorse - a malady far more dreadful than the first disease, because it is incurable. [ Colton ]

If our Creator has so bountifully provided for our existence here, which is but momentary, and for our temporal wants, which will soon be forgotten, how much more must He have done for our enjoyment in the everlasting world! [ Hosea Ballou ]

Pity, though it may often relieve, is but, at best, a short-lived passion, and seldom affords distress more than transitory assistance; with some it scarce lasts from the first impulse till the hand can be put into the pocket. [ Goldsmith ]

There is a sacredness in tears. They are not the mark of weakness, but of power. They speak more eloquently than ten thousand tongues. They are the messengers of overwhelming grief, of deep contrition, and of unspeakable love. [ Washington Irving ]

After the pleasure of possessing books there is hardly anything more pleasant than that of speaking of them, and of communicating to the public the innocent richness of thought which we have acquired by the culture of letters. [ Nodier ]

Nothing more strikingly betrays the credulity of mankind than medicine. Quackery is a thing universal, and universally successful. In this case it becomes literally true that no imposition is too great for the credulity of men. [ Thoreau ]

If a young lady has that discretion and modesty without which all knowledge is little worth, she will never make an ostentatious parade of it, because she will rather be intent on acquiring more than on displaying what she has. [ Hannah More ]

The widow who has been bereft of her children may seem in after years no whit less placid, no whit less serenely gladsome; nay, more gladsome than the woman whose blessings are still round her. I am amazed to see how wounds heal. [ Charles Buxton ]

I would rather be the author of one original thought than conqueror of a hundred battles. Yet moral excellence is so much superior to intellectual, that I ought to esteem one virtue more valuable than a hundred original thoughts. [ W. B. Clulow ]

In a free and republican government, you cannot restrain the voice of the multitude. Every man will speak as he thinks, or, more properly, without thinking, and consequently will judge of effects without attending to their causes. [ George Washington ]

Women who are the least bashful are not unfrequently the most modest; and we are never more deceived than when we would infer any laxity of principle from that freedom of demeanor which often arises from a total ignorance of vice. [ Colton ]

At present, the novels which we owe to English ladies form no small part of the literary glory of our country. No class of works is more honorably distinguished for fine observation, by grace, by delicate wit, by pure moral feeling. [ Macaulay ]

He that aspires to be the head of a party will find it more difficult to please his friends than to perplex his foes. He must often act from false reasons, which are weak, because he dares not avow the true reasons, which are strong. [ Colton ]

Give us the man who sings at his work! Be his occupation what it may, he will be equal to any of those who follow the same pursuit in silent sullenness. He will do more in the same time; he will do it better; he will persevere longer. [ Carlyle ]

There are no persons more solicitous about the preservation of rank than those who have no rank at all. Observe the humors of a country christening, and you will find no court in Christendom so ceremonious as the quality of Brentford. [ Shenstone ]

To this end, nothing is to be more carefully consulted than plainness. In a lady's attire this is the single excellence: for to be what some people, call fine, is the same vice, in that case, as to be florid is in writing or speaking. [ Addison ]

We may say of angling as Dr. Boteler said of strawberries, Doubtless God could have made a better berry, but doubtless God never did; and so, if I might be judge, God never did make a more calm, quiet, innocent recreation than angling. [ Izaak Walton ]

Do not fancy, as too many do, that thou canst praise God by singing hymns to Him in church once a week, and disobeying Him all the week long. He asks of thee works as well as words; and more. He asks of thee works first and words after. [ Charles Kingsley ]

It has been shrewdly said, that when men abuse us we should suspect ourselves, and when they praise us, them. It is a rare instance of virtue to despise censure which we do not deserve; and still more rare to despise praise which we do. [ Colton ]

Like a morning dream, life becomes more and more bright the longer we live, and the reason of everything appears more clear. What has puzzled us before seems less mysterious, and the crooked path looks straighter as we approach the end. [ Richter ]

With a pretty face and the freshness of twenty, a woman, however shallow she may be, makes many conquests, but does not retain them: with cleverness, thirty years, and a little beauty, a woman makes fewer conquests but more durable ones. [ A. Dupuy ]

In composing, think much more of your matter than your manner. To be sure, spirit, grace, and dignity of manner are of great importance, both to the speaker and writer; but of infinitely more importance is the weight and worth of matter. [ Wirt ]

If we steal thoughts from the moderns, it will be cried down as plagiarism; if from the ancients, it will be cried up as erudition. But in this respect every author is a Spartan, being more ashamed of the discovery than of the depredation. [ Colton ]

Avarice begets more vices than Priam did children, and like Priam survives them all. It starves its keeper to surfeit those who wish him dead, and makes him submit to more mortifications to lose heaven than the martyr undergoes to gain it. [ Colton ]

Light is, in reality, more awful than darkness; modesty more majestic than strength; and there is truer sublimity in the sweet joy of a child, or the sweet virtue of a maiden, than in the strength of Antaeus or the thunder-clouds of Aetna. [ John Ruskin ]

We are somewhat more than ourselves in our sleep; and the slumber of the body seems to be but the waking of the soul. It is the ligation of sense, but the liberty of reason; and our waking conceptions do not match the fancies of our sleeps. [ Sir Thomas Browne ]

Invention, strictly speaking, is little more than a new combination of those images which have been previously gathered and deposited in the memory. Nothing can be made of nothing; he who has laid up no material can produce no combinations. [ Sir J. Reynolds ]

Whoever can make two ears of corn, or two blades of grass, to grow upon a spot of ground where only one grew before, deserves better of mankind, and does more essential service to his country, than the whole race of politicians put together. [ Jonathan Swift ]

He that has no resources of mind, is more to be pitied than he who is in want of necessaries for the body; and to be obliged to beg our daily happiness from others, bespeaks a more lamentable poverty than that of him who begs his daily bread. [ Colton ]

It is not easy to surround life with any circumstances in which youth will not be delightful; and I am afraid that, whether married or unmarried, we shall find the vesture of terrestrial existence more heavy and cumbrous the longer it is worn. [ Steele ]

The Bible contains more true sublimity, more exquisite beauty, more pure morality, more important history, and finer strains of poetry and eloquence than can be collected from all other books, in whatever age or language they have been written. [ Sir William Jones ]

Genius, indeed, melts many ages into one, and thus effects something permanent, yet still with a similarity of office to that of the more ephemeral writer. A work of genius is but the newspaper of a century, or perchance of a hundred centuries. [ Hawthorne ]

A broken heart is a distemper which kills many more than is generally imagined, and would have a fair title to a place in the bills of mortality, did it not differ in one instance from all other diseases, namely, that no physicians can cure it. [ Fielding ]

Out of the fictitious book I get the expression of the life, of the times, of the manners, of the merriment, of the dress, the pleasure, the laughter, the ridicules of society. The old times live again. Can the heaviest historian do more for me? [ Thackeray ]

He that gives all, though but little, gives much; because God looks not to the quantity of the gift, but to the quality of the givers; he that desires to give more than he can hath equaled his gift to his desire, and hath given more than he hath. [ Quarles ]

The parallel circumstances and kindred images to which we readily conform our minds are, above all other writings, to be found in the lives of particular persons, and therefore no species of writing seems more worthy of cultivation than biography. [ Dr. Johnson ]

Philosophers and men of letters have done more for mankind than Orpheus, Hercules, or Theseus; for it is more meritorious and more difficult to wean men from their prejudices than to civilize the barbarian: It is harder to correct than to instruct. [ Voltaire ]

Whatever may be the means, or whatever the more immediate end of any kind of art, all of it that is good agrees in this, that it is the expression of one soul talking to another, and is precious according to the greatness of the soul that utters it. [ Ruskin ]

Only well-written works will descend to posterity. Fulness of knowledge, interesting facts, even useful inventions, are no pledge of immortality, for they may be employed by more skilful hands; they are outside the man; the style is the man himself. [ Buffon ]

Pride is as loud a beggar as want, and a great deal more saucy. When you have bought one fine thing, you must buy ten more, that your appearance may be all of a piece; but it is easier to suppress the first desire than to satisfy all that follow it. [ Franklin ]

An accession of wealth is a dangerous predicament for a man. At first he is stunned, if the accession be sudden; he is very humble and very grateful. Then he begins to speak a little louder; people think him more sensible, and soon he thinks himself so. [ Cecil ]

A man who knows the world will not only make the most of everything he does know, but of many things he does not know, and will gain more credit by his adroit mode of hiding his ignorance; than the pedant by his awkward attempt to exhibit his erudition. [ Colton ]

It seems as if all classes and conditions in life might learn to get more happiness out of their work. To accomplish this, more sentiment and less worry must be put into our efforts, which must also be viewed in their larger relations and possibilities. [ Henry D. Chapin ]

To cultivate a garden is to walk with God, to go hand in hand with nature in some of her most beautiful processes, to learn something of her choicest secrets, and to have a more intelligent interest awakened in the beautiful order of her works elsewhere. [ Bovee ]

Nothing is more silly than the pleasure some people take in speaking their minds. A man of this make will say a rude thing for the mere pleasure of saying it, when an opposite behavior, full as innocent, might have preserved his friend, or made his fortune. [ Steele ]

In Athens the ladies were not gaudily but simply arrayed, and we doubt whether any ladies ever excited more admiration. So also the noble old Roman matrons, whose superb forms were gazed on delightedly by men worthy of them, were always very plainly dressed. [ George D. Prentice ]

Is there anything more beautiful than a beautiful, beautiful flamingo, flying across in front of a beautiful sunset? And he's carrying a very beautiful rose in his beak, and also he's carrying a very beautiful painting with his feet. And also, you're drunk. [ Jack Handey, Deep Thoughts ]

A simple garb is the proper costume of the vulgar; it is cut for them, and exactly suits their measure; but it is an ornament for those who have filled up their lives with great deeds. I liken them to beauty in dishabille, but more bewitching on that account. [ Bruyere ]

A man takes contradiction and advice much more easily than people think, only he will not bear it when violently given, even though it be well founded. Hearts are flowers; they remain open to the softly falling dew, but shut up in the violent downpour of rain. [ Richter ]

Let us pity the wicked man; for it is very sad to seek happiness where it does not exist. Let our compassion express itself in efforts to bring him gently back to sacred principle, and if he persist, let us pity him the more for a blindness so fatal to himself. [ De Charnage ]

It were happy if we studied nature more in natural things; and acted according to nature, whose rules are few, plain, and most reasonable. Let us begin where she begins, go her pace, and close always where she ends, and we cannot miss of being good naturalists. [ William Penn ]

Love in modern times has been the tailor's best friend. Every suitor of the nineteenth century spends more than his spare cash on personal adornment. A faultless fit, a glistening hat, tight gloves, and tighter boots proclaim the imminent peril of his position. [ G. A. Sala ]

There would not be any absolute necessity for reserve if the world were honest; yet even then it would prove expedient. For, in order to attain any degree of deference, it seems necessary that people should imagine you have more accomplishments than you discover. [ Shenstone ]

Friendship is not a state of feeling whose elements are specifically different from those which compose every other. The emotions we feel toward a friend are the same in kind with those we experience on other occasions; but they are more complex and more exalted. [ R. Hall ]

A man who knows the world, will not only make the most of everything he does know, but of many things he does not know; and will gain more credit by the dexterity he displays in hiding his ignorance, than the pedant by his awkward attempt to exhibit his erudition. [ Sir R. B. Cotton ]

Local esteem is far more conducive to happiness than general reputation. The latter may be compared to the fixed stars which glimmer so remotely as to afford little light and no warmth. The former is like the sun, each day shedding his prolific and cheering beams. [ W. B. Clulow ]

Anguish of mind has driven thousands to suicide; anguish of body, none. This proves that the health of the mind is of far more consequence to our happiness than the health of the body, although both are deserving of much more attention than either of them receives. [ Colton ]

As we look up into these glorious culminations, how grand life becomes! To be forever with the Lord, and forever changing into His likeness, and, still more, forever deepening in the companionship of His thought and bliss, from glory to glory - could we desire more? [ Bishop R. S. Foster ]

Friendship is like a debt of honor; the moment it is talked of it loses its real name, and assumes the more ungrateful form of obligation. From hence we find that those who regularly undertake to cultivate friendship find ingratitude generally repays their endeavors. [ Goldsmith ]

No man is more miserable than he that hath no adversity. That man is not tried, whether he be good or bad, and God never crowns those virtues which are only faculties and dispositions, but every act of virtue is an ingredient into reward - God so dresses us for heaven. [ Jeremy Taylor ]

Beauty gains little, and homeliness and deformity lose much, by gaudy attire. Lysander knew this was in part true, and refused the rich garments that the tyrant Dionysius proffered to his daughters, saying that they were fit only to make unhappy faces more remarkable. [ Zimmermann ]

How little of our knowledge of mankind is derived from intentional accurate observation! Most of it has, unsought, found its way into the mind from the continual presentations of the objects to our unthinking view. It is a knowledge of sensation more than of reflection. [ John Foster ]

We ought, in humanity, no more to despise a man for the misfortunes of the mind than for those of the body, when they are such as he cannot help; were this thoroughly considered we should no more laugh at a man for having his brains cracked than for having his head broke. [ Pope ]

The flowery style is not unsuitable to public speeches or addresses, which amount only to compliment. The lighter beauties are in their place when there is nothing more solid to say: but the flowery style ought to be banished from a pleading, a sermon, or a didactic work. [ Voltaire ]

He that can keep handsomely within rules, and support the carriage of a companion to his mistress, is much more likely to prevail than he who lets her see the whole relish of his life depends upon her. If possible, therefore, divert your mistress rather than sigh for her. [ Steele ]

It would not be more unreasonable to transplant a favorite flower out of black earth into gold dust than it is for a person to let money-getting harden his heart into contempt, or into impatience, of the little attentions, the merriments and the caresses of domestic life. [ Mountford ]

It is not work that kills men; it is worry. Work is healthy; you can hardly put more upon a man than he can bear. Worry is rust upon the blade. It is not the revolution that destroys the machinery, but the friction. Fear secretes acids; but love and trust are sweet juices. [ Beecher ]

Reading without purpose is sauntering, not exercise. More is got from one book on which the thought settles for a definite end in knowledge, than from libraries skimmed over by a wandering eye. A cottage flower gives honey to the bee, a king's garden none to the butterfly. [ Edward Bulwer-Lytton ]

The idea that a baby doesn't amount to anything! Why, one baby is just a house and a front yard full by itself. One baby can, furnish more business than you and your whole Interior Department can attend to. He is enterprising, irrepressible, brimful of lawless activities. [ Mark Twain, The Babies ]

Nothing is more estimable than a physician who, having studied nature from his youth, knows the properties of the human body, the diseases which assail it, the remedies which will benefit it, exercises his art with caution, and pays equal attention to the rich and the poor. [ Voltaire ]

Good-nature is more agreeable in conversation than wit, and gives a certain air to the countenance which is more amiable than beauty. It shows virtue in the fairest light; takes off in some measure from the deformity of vice; and makes even folly and impertinence supportable. [ Addison ]

Just as a tested and rugged virtue of the moral hero is worth more than the lovely, tender, untried innocence of the child, so is the massive strength of a soul that has conquered truth for itself worth more than the soft peach-bloom faith of a soul that takes truth on trust. [ F. E. Abbot ]

Men of quality never appear more amiable than when their dress is plain. Their birth, rank, title and its appendages are at best invidious; and as they do not need the assistance of dress, so, by their disclaiming the advantage of it, they make their superiority sit more easy. [ Shenstone ]

Chance is a term we apply to events to denote that they happen without any necessary or foreknown cause. When we say a thing happens by chance, we mean no more than that its cause is unknown to us, and not, as some vainly imagine, that chance itself can be the cause of anything. [ C. Buck ]

From the year 1789 to the year 1860 no nation has ever known a more unbounded prosperity, a fuller space of happiness. In the short space of seventy years, within the turn of a single life, the nation, poor, weak and despised, raised itself to the pinnacle of power and of glory. [ Robert C. Winthrop ]

O blessed health! thou art above all gold and treasure; 'tis thou who enlargest the soul, and openest all its powers to receive instruction, and to relish virtue. He that has thee has little more to wish for, and he that is so wretched as to want thee, wants everything with thee. [ Sterne ]

Civilized society feels that manners are of more importance than morals, and the highest respectability is of less value than the possession of a good chef. Even the cardinal virtues cannot atone for cold entrees, nor an irreproachable private life for a bad dinner and poor wines. [ Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Grey ]

Men are much more unwilling to have their weaknesses and their imperfections known than their crimes; and if you hint to a man that you think him silly, ignorant, or even ill-bred, or awkward, he will hate you more and longer than if you tell him plainly that you think him a rogue. [ Chesterfield ]

If thy friends be of better quality than thyself, thou mayest be sure of two things: the first, that they will be more careful to keep thy counsel, because they have more to lose than thou hast; the second, they will esteem thee for thyself, and not for that which thou dost possess. [ Sir W. Raleigh ]

I am of opinion that there is nothing so beautiful but that there is something still more beautiful, of which this is the mere image and expression, - a something which can neither be perceived by the eyes, the ears, nor any of the senses; we comprehend it merely in the imagination. [ Cicero ]

Music is nothing else but wild sounds civilized into time and tune; such is the extensiveness thereof, that it stoopeth so low as brute beasts, yet mounteth as high as angels; horses will do more for a whistle than for a whip, and by hearing their bells, jingle away their weariness. [ T. Fuller ]

Be very circumspect in the choice of thy company. In the society of thine equals thou shalt enjoy more pleasure; in the society of thy superiors thou shalt find more profit. To be the best in the company is the way to grow worse; the best means to grow better is to be the worst there. [ Quarles ]

Style is the physiognomy of the mind. It is more infallible than that of the body. To imitate the style of another is said to be wearing a mask. However beautiful it may be, it is through its lifelessness insipid and intolerable, so that even the most ugly living face is more engaging. [ Schopenhauer ]

Fetch a spray from the wood and place it on your mantel-shelf, and your household ornaments will seem plebeian beside its nobler fashion and bearing. It will wave superior there, as if used to a more refined and polished circle. It has a salute and response to all your enthusiasm and heroism. [ Thoreau ]

Logic is a large drawer, containing some useful instruments, and many more that are superfluous. A wise man will look into it for two purposes, to avail himself of those instruments that are really useful, and to admire the ingenuity with which those that are not so, are assorted and arranged. [ Colton ]

Moral beauty is the basis of all true beauty. This foundation is somewhat covered and veiled in nature. Art brings it out, and gives it more transparent forms. It is here that art, when it knows well its power and resources, engages in a struggle with nature in which it may have the advantage. [ Victor Cousin ]

The more readily we admit the possibility of our own cherished convictions being mixed with error, the more vital and helpful whatever is right in them will become; and no error is so conclusively fatal as the idea that God will not allow us to err, though He has allowed all other men to do so. [ Ruskin ]

I love the acquaintance of young people; because, in the first place, I do not like to think myself growing old. In the next place, young acquaintances must last longest, if they do last; and then, sir, young men have more virtue than old men; they have more generous sentiments in every respect. [ Dr. Johnson ]

As in labor, the more one doth exercise, the more one is enabled to do, strength growing upon work; so, with the use of suffering, men's minds get the habit of suffering, and all fears and terrors are to them but as a summons to battle, whereof they know beforehand they shall come off victorious. [ Sir P. Sidney ]

Few have borrowed more freely than Gray and Milton; but with a princely prodigality, they have repaid the obscure thoughts of others, with far brighter of their own - like the ocean, which drinks up the muddy water of the rivers from the flood, but replenishes them with the clearest from the shower. [ Colton ]

Women have the genius of charity. A man gives but his gold, a woman adds to it her sympathy. A small sum in the hands of a woman does more good than a hundred times as much in the hands of a man. Feminine charity renews every day the miracle of Christ feeding a multitude with a few loaves and fishes. [ E. Legouve ]

Logic invents as many fallacies as it detects; it is a good weapon, but as liable to be used in a bad as in a good cause. Many of its conclusions, more ingenious than sound, are like the recommendations of a people to keep full bottles, because a good many have been found dead with empty ones by them. [ Bovee ]

I respect the man who knows distinctly what he wishes. The greater part of all the mischief in the world arises from the fact that men do not sufficiently understand their own aims. They have undertaken to build a tower, and spend no more labor on the foundation than would be necessary to erect a hut. [ Goethe ]

Dangers are no more light if they once seem light, and more dangers have deceived men than forced them; nay, it were better to meet some dangers half-way, though they come nothing near, than to keep too long a watch upon their approaches; for if a man watch too long it is odds be will fall fast asleep. [ Bacon ]

A literary career is a more thorny path than that which leads to fortune. If you have the misfortune not to rise above mediocrity, you feel mortified for life; and if you are successful, a host of enemies spring up against you. Thus you find yourself on the brink of an abyss between contempt and hatred. [ Voltaire ]

There are few thoughts likely to come across ordinary men which have not already been expressed by greater men in the best possible way; and it is a wiser, more generous, more noble thing to remember and point out the perfect words than to invent poorer ones, wherewith to encumber temporarily the world. [ John Ruskin ]

We may put too high a premium on speech from platform and pulpit; at the bar and in the legislative hall, and pay dear for the whistle of our endless harangues. England, and especially Germany, are less loquacious, and attend more to business. We let the eagle, and perhaps too often the peacock, scream. [ Bartol ]

One is more honest in youth, and to the age of thirty years, than when one has passed it. It is only after that age that one's illusions are dispelled. Until then, one resembles the dog that defends the dinner of his master against other dogs: after this period, he takes his share of it with the others. [ Chamfort ]

There are circumstances of peculiar difficulty and danger, where a mediocrity of talent is the most fatal quantum that a man can possibly possess. Had Charles the First and Louis the Sixteenth been more wise or more weak, more firm or more yielding, in either case they had both of them saved their heads. [ Colton ]

The first degree of proficiency is, in painting, what grammar is in literature, - a general preparation for whatever species of the art the student may afterwards choose for his more particular application. The power of drawing, modelling, and using colors is very properly called the language of the art. [ Sir Joshua Reynolds ]

The friendship of the world is like the leaves falling from their trees in autumn; while the sap of maintenance lasts, friends swarm in abundance; but in the winter of our need, they leave us naked. He is a happy man that hath a true friend at his need; but he is more truly happy that hath no need of a friend. [ Arthur Warwick ]

O poets! what injury you have done us, and how right Plato was to banish you from his republic! How your ambrosia has rendered more bitter our absinth! How have we found our lives more barren and more desolate, after having turned our eyes toward the sublime perspectives which your dreams have opened in the infinite! [ T. Gautier ]

There is nothing more necessary to establish reputation than to suspend the enjoyment of it. He that cannot bear the sense of merit with silence must of necessity destroy it; for fame being the genial mistress of mankind, whoever gives it to himself insults all to whom he relates any circumstance to his own advantage. [ Steele ]

A phlegmatic insensibility is as different from patience as a pool from a harbor; into the one, indolence naturally sinks us; but if we arrive at the other, it is by encountering many an adverse wind and rough wave, with a more skillful pilot at the helm than self, and a company under better command than the passions. [ L. W. Dilwyn ]

Joy wholly from without, is false, precarious, and short. From without it may be gathered; but, like gathered flowers, though fair, and sweet for a season, it must soon wither, and become offensive. Joy from within is like smelling the rose on the tree; it is more sweet and fair, it is lasting; and, I must add, immortal. [ Young ]

That which we foolishly call vastness is, rightly considered, not more wonderful, not more impressive, than that which we insolently call littleness; and the infinity of God is not mysterious, it is only unfathomable, not concealed, but incomprehensible: it is a clear infinity, the darkness of the pure, unsearchable sea. [ Ruskin ]

The very greatest genius, after all, is not the greatest thing in the world, any more than the greatest city in the world is the country or the sky. It is the concentration of some of its greatest powers, but it is not the greatest diffusion of its might. It is not the habit of its success, the stability of its sereneness. [ Leigh Hunt ]

Learn to be good readers, which is perhaps a more difficult thing than you imagine. Learn to be discriminative In your reading; to read faithfully and with your best attention, all kinds of things which you have a real interest in, - a real, not an imaginary - and which you find to be really fit for what you are engaged in. [ Carlyle ]

Anxiety is the poison of human life. It is the parent of many sins, and of more miseries. In a world where everything is doubtful, where you may be disappointed, and be blessed in disappointment, what means this restless stir and commotion of mind? Can your solicitude alter the cause or unravel the intricacy of human events? [ Blair ]

It has become a settled principle that nothing which is good and true can be destroyed by persecution, but that the effect ultimately is to establish more firmly, and to spread more widely, that which it was designed to overthrow. It has long since passed into a proverb that the blood of the martyrs is the seed of the church. [ Albert Barnes ]

Two grand tasks have been assigned to the English people--the grand Industrial task of conquering some half, or more, of the terraqueous planet for the use of man; then, secondly, the grand Constitutional task of sharing, in some pacific endurable manner, the fruit of said conquest, and showing all people how it might be done. [ Carlyle ]

Discretion of speech is more than eloquence; and to speak agreeably to him with whom we deal, is more than to speak in good words or in good order. A good continued speech, without a good speech of interlocution, shows slowness; and a good reply, or second speech, without a good settled speech, showeth shallowness and weakness. [ Bacon ]

Genius, without work, is certainly a dumb oracle; and it is unquestionably true that the men of the highest genius have invariably been found to be amongst the most plodding, hardworking, and intent men - their chief characteristic apparently consisting simply in their power of laboring more intensely and effectively than others. [ Samuel Smiles ]

What we call genius may, perhaps, in more strict propriety, be described as the spirit of discovery. Genius is the very eye of intellect and the wing of thought. It is always in advance of its time. It is the pioneer for the generation which it precedes. For this reason it is called a seer, and hence its songs have been prophecies. [ Simms ]

A just and reasonable modesty does not only recommend eloquence, but sets off every great talent which a man can be possessed of. It heightens all the virtues which it accompanies; like the shades of paintings, it raises and rounds every figure, and makes the colors more beautiful, though not so glowing as they would be without it. [ Addison ]

True humor springs not more from the head than from the heart; it is not contempt; its essence is love: it issues not in laughter, but in still smiles, which lie far deeper. It is a sort of inverse sublimity, exalting, as it were, into our affections what is below us, while sublimity draws down into our affections what is above us. [ Carlyle ]

As there are some flowers which you should smell but slightly to extract all that is pleasant in them, and which, if you do otherwise, emit what is unpleasant and noxious, so there are some men with whom a slight acquaintance is quite sufficient to draw out all that is agreeable; a more intimate one would be unsatisfactory and unsafe. [ Landor ]

Partake or Eat? Partake, meaning to take a part of in common with others, to participate, is often affectedly used as a synonym of eat. It is correct to say that two or more persons partake of dinner, as they may partake of anything else. But, for the individual who eats alone, to say he partook of refreshments is an egregious blunder. [ Pure English, Hackett And Girvin, 1884 ]

There is no more potent antidote to low sensuality than the adoration of the beautiful. All the higher arts of design are essentially chaste without respect to the object. They purify the thoughts as tragedy purifies the passions. Their accidental effects are not worth consideration, - there are souls to whom even a vestal is not holy. [ Schlegel ]

Thought is the seed of action; but action is as much its second form as thought is its first. It rises in thought, to the end that it may be uttered and acted. The more profound the thought, the more burdensome. Always in proportion to the depth of its sense does it knock importunately at the gates of the soul, to be spoken, to be done. [ Ralph Waldo Emerson ]

Neither can we admit that definition of genius that some would propose - a power to accomplish all that we undertake; for we might multiply examples to prove that this definition of genius contains more than the thing defined. Cicero failed in poetry. Pope in painting. Addison in oratory; yet it would be harsh to deny genius to these men. [ Colton ]

Be it remembered that man subsists upon the air more than upon his meat and drink: but no one can exist for an hour without a copious supply of air. The atmosphere which some breathe is contaminated and adulterated, and with its vital principles so diminished that it cannot fully decarbonize the blood, nor fully excite the nervous system. [ Thackeray ]

Yorick sometime?, in his wild way of talking, would say that gravity was an arrant scoundrel, and, he would add, of the most dangerous kind, too, because a sly one; and that he verily believed more honest well-meaning people were bubbled out of their goods and money by it in one twelvemonth than by pocket-picking and shop-lifting in seven. [ Sterne ]

Beauty of form affects the mind, but then it must be understood that it is not the mere shell that we admire; we are attracted by the idea that this shell is only a beautiful case adjusted to the shape and value of a still more beautiful pearl within. The perfection of outward loveliness is the soul shining through its crystalline covering. [ Jane Porter ]

As it often happens that the best men are but little known, and consequently cannot extend the usefulness of their examples a great way, the biographer is of great utility, as, by communicating such valuable patterns to the world, he may perhaps do a more extensive service to mankind than the person whose life originally afforded the pattern. [ Fielding ]

Nothing makes a woman more esteemed by the opposite sex than chastity; whether it be that we always prize those most who are hardest to come at, or that nothing besides chastity, with its collateral attendants, truth, fidelity, and constancy, gives the man a property in the person he loves, and consequently endears her to him above all things. [ Addison ]

There are so many things to lower a man's top-sails - he is such a dependent creature - he is to pay such court to his stomach, his food, his sleep, his exercise - that, in truth, a hero is an idle word. Man seems formed to be a hero in suffering, not a hero in action. Men err in nothing more than in the estimate which they make of human labor. [ Cecil ]

There is no one passion which all mankind so naturally give in to as pride, nor any other passion which appears in such different disguises. It is to be found in all habits and all complexions. Is it not a question whether it does more harm or good in the world, and if there be not such a thing as what we may call a virtuous and laudable pride? [ Steele ]

I look upon enthusiasm, in all other points but that of religion, to be a very necessary turn of mind; as indeed it is a vein which nature seems to have marked with more or less strength, in the tempers of most men. No matter what the object is, whether business pleasures or the fine arts: whoever pursues them to any purpose must do so con amore. [ Melmoth ]

Honor is not a virtue in itself, it is the mail behind which the virtues fight more securely. A man without honor is as maimed in his equipment as an accoutred knight without helmet. Honor is not simply truthfulness; it is truthfulness sparkling with the fire of a suspective personality. It is something more than an ornament even to the loftiest. [ George H. Calvert ]

All the poets are indebted more or less to those who have gone before them; even Homer's originality has been questioned, and Virgil owes almost as much to Theocritus, in his Pastorals, as to Homer, in his Heroics; and if our own countryman. Milton, has soared above both Homer and Virgil, it is because he has stolen some feathers from their wings. [ Colton ]

Any one may mouth out a passage with a theatrical cadence, or get upon stilts to tell his thoughts; but to write or speak with propriety and simplicity is a more difficult task. Thus it is easy to affect a pompous style, to use a word twice as big as the thing you want to express; it is not so easy to pitch upon the very word that exactly fits it. [ Hazlitt ]

Mankind are in the end always governed by superiority of intellectual faculties, and none are more sensible of this than the military profession. When, on my return from Italy, I assumed the dress of the Institute, and associated with men of science, I knew what I was doing: I was sure of not being misunderstood by the lowest drummer boy in the army. [ Napoleon I ]

The very essence of gravity was design, and, consequently, deceit; it was a taught trick to gain credit of the world for more sense and knowledge than a man was worth; and that with all its pretensions it was no better, but often worse, than what a French wit had long ago defined it - a mysterious carriage of the body to cover the defects of the mind. [ Sterne ]

You will get more profit from trying to find where beauty is, than in anxiously inquiring what it is. Once for all, it remains undemonstrable; it appears to us, as in a dream, when we behold the works of the great poets and painters; and in short, of all feeling artists; it is a hovering, shining, shadowy form, the outline of which no definition holds. [ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe ]

The devil does not stay long where music is performed. Music is the best balsam for a distressed heart; it refreshes and quickens the soul. Music is a governess which makes people milder, meeker, more modest and discreet. Yes, my friends, music is a beautiful, glorious gift of God, and next to theology, I give it the highest place and the highest honor. [ Martin Luther ]

Oceans of ink, reams of paper, and disputes infinite, might have been spared, if wranglers had avoided lighting the torch of strife at the wrong end; since a tenth part of the pains expended in attempting to prove the why, the where, and the when, certain events have happened, would have been more than sufficient to prove that they never happened at all. [ Colton ]

The only difference between a genius and one of common capacity is that the former anticipates and explores what the latter accidentally hits upon. But even the man of genius himself more frequently employs the advantages that chance presents to him. It is the lapidary that gives value to the diamond, which the peasant has dug up without knowing its worth. [ Abbe Raynal ]

It is excellent discipline for an author to feel that he must say all he has to say in the fewest possible words, or his reader is sure to skip them; and in the plainest possible words, or his reader will certainly misunderstand them. Generally, also, a downright fact may be told in a plain way; and we want downright facts at present more than anything else. [ Ruskin ]

Mirthfulness is in the mind, and you cannot get it out. It is the blessed spirit that God has set in the mind to dust it, to enliven its dark places, and to drive asceticism, like a foul fiend, out at the back door. It is just as good, in its place, as conscience or veneration. Praying can no more be made a substitute for smiling than smiling can for praying. [ Beecher ]

It is the nature of man to be proud, when man by nature hath nothing to be proud of. He more adorneth the creature than he adoreth the Creator; and makes not only his belly his god, but his body. I am ashamed of their glory whose glory is their shame. If nature will needs have me to be proud of something, I will be proud only of this, that I am proud of nothing. [ Arthur Warwick ]

After having said, read, and written what we have of women, what is the fact? In good faith, it is this: they are handsomer, more amiable, more essential, more worthy, and have more sensibility than we. All the faults that we reproach in them do not cause as much evil as one of ours. And, then, are their faults not due to our despotism, injustice, and self-love? [ Prince de Ligne ]

Cheeriness is a thing to be more profoundly grateful for than all that genius ever inspired or talent ever accomplished. Next best to natural, spontaneous cheeriness is deliberate, intended and persistent cheeriness, which we can create, can cultivate and can so foster and cherish that after a few years the world will never suspect that it was not an hereditary gift. [ Helen Hunt Jackson ]

A man that is young in years may be old in hours, if he have lost no time; but that happeneth rarely. Generally, youth is like the first cogitations, not so wise as the second; for there is a youth in thoughts as well as in ages; and yet the invention of young men is more lively than that of old, and imaginations stream into their minds better, and, as it were, more divinely. [ Bacon ]

Custom is a violent and treacherous school mistress. She, by little and little, slyly and unperceived, slips in the foot of her authority; but having by this gentle and humble beginning, with the benefit of time, fixed and established it, she then unmasks a furious and tyrannic countenance, against which we have no more the courage or the power so much as to lift up our eyes. [ Montaigne ]

There is this difference between those two temporal blessings, health and money: Money is the most envied, but the least enjoyed; health is the most enjoyed, but the least envied: and this superiority of the latter is still more obvious when we reflect that the poorest man would not part with health for money, but that the richest would gladly part with all their money for heath. [ Colton ]

A beautiful eye makes silence eloquent, a kind eye makes contradiction an assent, an enraged eye makes beauty deformed. This little member gives life to every other part about us; and I believe the story of Argus implies no more than that the eye is in every part; that is to say, every other part would be mutilated were not its force represented more by the eye than even by itself. [ Joseph Addison ]

Living authors, therefore, are usually bad companions. If they have not gained character, they seek to do so by methods often ridiculous, always disgusting; and if they have established a character, they are silent for fear of losing by their tongue what they have acquired by their pen - for many authors converse much more foolishly than Goldsmith, who have never written half so well. [ Colton ]

Pride differs in many things from vanity, and by gradations that never blend, although they may be somewhat indistinguishable. Pride may perhaps be termed a too high opinion of ourselves founded on the overrating of certain qualities that we do actually possess; whereas vanity is more easily satisfied, and can extract a feeling of self-complacency from qualifications that are imaginary. [ Colton ]

In former days various superstitious rites were used to exorcise evil spirits, but in our times the same object is attained, and beyond comparison more effectually, by the press; before this talisman, ghosts, vampires, witches, and all their kindred tribes are driven from the land, never to return again; the touch of holy water is not so intolerable to them as the smell of printing ink. [ J. Bentham ]

When the great Kepler had at length discovered the harmonic laws that regulate the motions of the heavenly bodies, he exclaimed: Whether my discoveries will be read by posterity or by my contemporaries is a matter that concerns them more than me. I may well be contented to wait one century for a reader, when God Himself, during so many thousand years, has waited for an observer like myself. [ Macaulay ]

Lord Bacon told Sir Edward Coke when he boasted, The less you speak of your greatness, the more I shall think of it. Mirrors are the accompaniments of dandies, not heroes. The men of history were not perpetually looking in the glass to make sure of their own size. Absorbed in their work they did it, and did it so well that the wondering world saw them to be great, and labeled them accordingly. [ Rev. S. Coley ]

It is particularly worth observation that the more we magnify, by the assistance of glasses, the works of nature, the more regular and beautiful they appear, while it is quite different in respect to those of art, for when they are examined through a microscope we are astonished to find them so rough, so coarse and uneven, although they have been done with all imaginable care, by the best workmen. [ Sterne ]

We readily excuse paralytics from labor; and shall we be angry with a hypochondriac for not being cheerful in company? Must we stigmatize such an unfortunate person as peevish, positive, and unfit for society? His disorder may no more suffer him to be merry, than the gout will suffer another to dance. The advising a melancholic to be cheerful is like bidding a coward to be courageous, or a dwarf be taller. [ Wollaston ]

Whosoever shall look heedfully upon those who are eminent for their riches will not think their condition such as that he should hazard his quiet, and much less his virtue, to obtain it, for all that great wealth generally gives above a moderate fortune is more room for the freaks of caprice, and more privilege for ignorance and vice, a quicker succession of flatteries, and a larger circle of voluptuousness. [ Johnson ]

Health is certainly more valuable than money; because it is by health that money is procured; but thousands and millions are of small avail to alleviate the protracted tortures of the gout, to repair the broken organs of sense, or resuscitate the powers of digestion. Poverty is, indeed, an evil from which we naturally fly, but let us not run from one enemy to another, nor take shelter in the arms of sickness. [ Johnson ]

Mutability is the badge of infirmity; it is seldom that a man continues to wish and design the same thing two days alike; now he is for marrying, and now a mistress is preferred to a wife; now he is ambitious and aspiring, presently the meanest servant is not more humble than he; this hour he squanders his money away, the next he turns miser; sometimes he is frugal and serious, at other times profuse, airy, and gay. [ Charron ]

Socrates called beauty a short-lived tyranny; Plato, a privilege of nature; Theophrastus, a silent cheat; Theocritus, a delightful prejudice; Carneades, a solitary kingdom; Domitian said, that nothing was more grateful; Aristotle afirmed that beauty was better than all the letters of recommendation in the world; Homer, that it was a glorious gift of nature, and Ovid, alluding to him, calls it a favor bestowed by the gods. [ From the Italian ]

It is the saying of an old divine, Two things in ray apparel I will chiefly aim at - commodiousness and decency; more than these is not commendable, yet I hate an effeminate spruceness as much as a fantastic disorder. A neglected comeliness is the best ornament. It is said of the celebrated Mr. Whitfield that he always was very clean and neat, and often said pleasantly that a minister of the gospel ought to be without a spot. [ J. Beaumont ]

As monarchs have a right to call in the specie of a state, and raise its value, by their own impression; so are there certain prerogative geniuses, who are above plagiaries, who cannot be said to steal, but, from their improvement of a thought, rather to borrow it, and repay the commonwealth of letters with interest again; and may more properly be said to adopt, than to kidnap a sentiment, by leaving it heir to their own fame. [ Sterne ]

Weakness can never be beautiful, either morally or physically: and though the feminine type may possess greater softness and more feeling, it must be active, firm, and healthy, or it cannot be beautiful; the weak mind, distracted by alternations of feeling, and constant craving for help and sympathy from others, cannot at the same time possess that tenderness and unselfish devotion which is the loveliest trait of the female character. [ M. Martell ]

Nature and books belong to the eyes that see them. It depends on the mood of the man, whether he shall see the sunset or the fine poem. There are always sunsets, and there is always genius; but only a few hours so serene that we can relish nature or criticism. The more or less depends on structure or temperament. Temperament is the iron wire on which the beads are strung. Of what use is fortune or talent to a cold and defective nature? [ Emerson ]

Have you ever rightly considered what the mere ability to read means? That it is the key which admits us to the whole world of thought and fancy and imagination? to the company of saint and sage, of the wisest and the wittiest at their wisest and wittiest moment? That it enables us to see with the keenest eyes, hear with the finest ears, and listen to the sweetest voices of all time? More than that, it annihilates time and space for us. [ Lowell ]

When I gaze into the stars, they look down upon me with pity from their serene and silent spaces, like eyes glistening with tears over the little lot of man. Thousands of generations, all as noisy as our own, have been swallowed up by time, and there remains no record of them any more. Yet Arcturus and Orion, Sirius and Pleiades, are still shining in their courses, clear and young, as when the shepherd first noted them in the plain of Shinar! [ Carlyle ]

A town, before it can be plundered and deserted, must first be taken; and in this particular Venus has borrowed a law from her consort Mars. A woman that wishes to retain her suitor must keep him in the trenches; for this is a siege which the besieger never raises for want of supplies, since a feast is more fatal to love than a fast, and a surfeit than a starvation. Inanition may cause it to die a slow death, but repletion always destroys it by a sudden one. [ Colton ]

We have more poets than judges and interpreters of poetry. It is easier to write an indifferent poem than to understand a good one. There is, indeed, a certain low and moderate sort of poetry, that a man may well enough judge by certain rules of art: but the true, supreme, and divine poesy is equally above all rules and reason. And whoever discerns the beauty of it with the most assured and most steady sight sees no more than the quick reflection of a flash of lightning. [ Montaigne ]

As the index tells us the contents of stories and directs to the particular chapter, even so does the outward habit and superficial order of garments (in man or woman) give us a taste of the spirit, and demonstratively point (as it were a manual note from the margin) all the internal quality of the soul; and there cannot be a more evident, palpable, gross manifestation of poor, degenerate, dunghilly blood and breeding than a rude, unpolished, disordered, and slovenly outside. [ Massinger ]

Among the smaller duties of life, I hardly know any one more important than that of not praising where praise is not due. Reputation is one of the prizes for which men contend: it is, as Mr. Burke calls it, the cheap defense and ornament of nations. It produces more labor and more talent than twice the wealth of a country could ever rear up. It is the coin of genius, and it is the imperious duty of every man to bestow it with the most scrupulous justice and the wisest economy. [ Sydney Smith ]

It is good for any man to be alone with nature and himself, or with a friend who knows when silence is more sociable than talk, In the wilderness alone, there where nature worships God. It is well to be in places where man is little and God is great, where what he sees all around him has the same look as it had a thousand years ago, and will have the same, in all likelihood, when he has been a thousand years in his grave. It abates and rectifies a man, if he is worth the process. [ Sydney Smith ]

Throughout the pages of history we are struck with the fact that our remarkable men possessed mothers of uncommon talents for good or bad, and great energy of character; it would almost seem from this circumstance, that the impress of the mother is more frequently stamped on the boy, and that of the father upon the girl - we mean the mental intellectual impress, in distinction from the physical ones. Mothers will do well to remember that their impress is often stamped upon their sons. [ Helen Mar ]

Though no participator in the joys of more vehement sport, I have a pleasure that I cannot reconcile to my abstract notions of the tenderness due to dumb creatures, in the tranquil cruelty of angling. I can only palliate the wanton destructiveness of my amusement by trying to assure myself that my pleasure does not spring from the success of the treachery I practice toward a poor little fish, but rather from that innocent revelry in the luxuriance of summer life which only anglers enjoy to the utmost. [ Bulwer-Lytton ]

Always the idea of unbroken quiet broods around the grave. It is a port where the storms of life never beat, and the forms that have been tossed on its chafing waves lie quiet forever more. There the child nestles as peacefully as ever it lay in its mother's arms, and the workman's hands lie still by his side, and the thinker's brain is pillowed in silent mystery, and the poor girl's broken heart is steeped in a balm that extracts its secret woe, and is in the keeping of a charity that covers all blame. [ Chapin ]

The names of great painters are like passing-bells: in the name of Velasquez you hear sounded the fall of Spain; in the name of Titian, that of Venice; in the name of Leonardo, that of Milan; in the name of Raphael, that of Rome. And there is profound justice in this, for in proportion to the nobleness of the power is the guilt of its use for purposes vain or vile; and hitherto the greater the art, the more surely has it been used, and used solely, for the decoration of pride or the provoking of sensuality. [ Ruskin ]

The desire of excellence is the necessary attribute of those who excel. We work little for a thing unless we wish for it. But we cannot of ourselves estimate the degree of our success in what we strive for; that task is left to others. With the desire for excellence comes, therefore, the desire for approbation. And this distinguishes intellectual excellence from moral excellence; for the latter has no necessity of human tribunal; it is more inclined to shrink from the public than to invite the public to be its judge. [ Bulwer-Lytton ]

Gratitude is a link between justice and love. It discharges by means of affections those debts which the affections only can discharge, and which are so much the more sacred for this reason. Gratitude never springs up in the soil of selfishness, for self-interest in its eagerness to appropriate is unable to understand the impulses of generosity or to measure the true value of the gift. And, when we do understand it, we must love much to be willing to accept, we refuse when we love but little. Gratitude is the justice of the heart. [ Degerando ]

If a man were only to deal in the world for a day, and should never have occasion to converse more with mankind, never more need their good opinion or good word, it were then no great matter (speaking as to the concernments of this world), if a man spent his reputation all at once, and ventured it at one throw; but if he be to continue in the world, and would have the advantage of conversation while he is in it, let him make use of truth and sincerity in all his words and actions; for nothing but this will last and hold out to the end. [ Tillotson ]

The importance of the romantic element does not rest upon conjecture. Pleasing testimonies abound. Hannah More traced her earliest impressions of virtue to works of fiction; and Adam Clarke gives a list of tales that won his boyish admiration. Books of entertainment led him to believe in a spiritual world; and he felt sure of having been a coward, but for romances. He declared that he had learned more of his duty to God, his neighbor and himself from Robinson Crusoe than from all the books, except the Bible, that were known to his youth. [ Willmott ]

What is more pleasing than the sight of the affectionate mother, watching with untiring devotion over her helpless child? Who can contemplate her devotion to the object of her love, enduring his waywardness, forgiving his faults, relieving his pains, and enjojdng his pleasures; pouring incessantly into his opening soul the mature wisdom of her counsels, and following him with her untiring prayers, as he finally goes forth to battle with the temptations and trials of life, without feeling that the true mother's heart is the noblest of heaven's gifts? [ H. Winslow ]

Greatness is not a teachable nor gainable thing, but the expression of the mind of a God-made man: teach, or preach, or labour as you will, everlasting difference is set between one man's capacity and another's; and this God-given supremacy is the priceless thing, always just as rare in the world at one time as another.... And nearly the best thing that men can generally do is to set themselves, not to the attainment, but the discovery of this: learning to know gold, when we see it, from iron-glance, and diamond from flint-sand, being for most of us a more profitable employment than trying to make diamonds of our own charcoal. [ John Ruskin ]

I have made it a rule never to smoke more than one cigar at a time. I have no other restriction as regards smoking. I do not know just when I began to smoke, I only know that it was in my father's lifetime, and that I was discreet. He passed from this life early in 1847, when I was a shade past eleven; ever since then I have smoked publicly. As an example to others, and - not that I care for moderation myself, it has always been my rule never to smoke when asleep, and never to refrain when awake. It is a good rule. I mean, for me; but some of you know quite well that it wouldn't answer for everybody that's trying to get to be seventy. [ Mark Twain, Seventieth Birthday speech ]

My method has been simply this - to think well on the subject which I had to deal with and when thoroughly impressed with it and acquainted with it in all its details, to write away without stopping to choose a word, leaving a blank where I was at a loss for it; to express myself as simply as possible in vernacular English, and afterwards to go through what I had written, striking out all redundancies, and substituting, when possible, simpler and more English words for those I might have written. I found that by following this method I could generally reduce very considerably in length what I had put on paper without sacrificing anything of importance or rendering myself less intelligible. [ Sir Austen Henry Layard, The Art of Authorship, 1891 ]

All things are engaged in writing their history. The planet, the pebble, goes attended by its shadow. The rolling rock leaves its scratches on the mountain; the river, its channel in the soil; the animal, its bones in the stratum; the fern and leaf, their modest epitaph in the coal. The falling drop makes its sculpture in the sand or the stone. Not a foot steps into the snow or along the ground, but prints, in characters more or less lasting, a map of its march. Every act of the man inscribes itself in the memories of its fellows, and in his own manners and face. The air is full of sounds, the sky of tokens, the ground is all memoranda and signatures, and every object covered over with hints which speak to the intelligent. [ Emerson ]

Poetry is the first and last of all knowledge: it is immortal as the heart of men. If the labors of the men of science should ever create any revolution, direct or indirect, in our condition, and in the impressions which we habitually receive, the poet will then sleep no more than at present; he will be ready to follow the steps of the man of science, not only in those general indirect effects, but he will be at his side, carrying sensation into the midst of the objects of the science itself. The remotest discoveries of the chemist, the botanist, or mineralogist will be as proper objects of the poet's art as any upon which it can be employed, if the time should ever come when these things shall be familiar to us, and the relations under which they are contemplated by the followers of the respective sciences shall be manifestly and palpably material to us as enjoying and suffering beings. If the time should ever come when what is now called science, thus familiarized to men, shall be ready to put on. as it were, a form of flesh and blood, the poet will lend his divine spirit to aid the transfiguration, and will welcome the being thus produced as a dear and genuine inmate of the household of man. [ Wordsworth ]

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The word more is playable in Scrabble®, no blanks required.

Scrabble® Letter Score: 6

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more in Words With Friends™

The word more is playable in Words With Friends™, no blanks required.

Words With Friends™ Letter Score: 7

Highest Scoring Words With Friends™ Play In The Letters more:


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The 92 Highest Scoring Words With Friends™ Plays Using The Letters In more


Word Growth involving more

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re ore

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armored nonarmored

armored unarmored

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benmoreite benmoreites


chemoreception chemoreceptions




chemoreceptor chemoreceptors


clamorer clamorers

dulcimore dulcimores

enamored enamoredness

enamored unenamored

evermore forevermore

evermore nevermore



glamored beglamored

humored dishumored

humored goodhumored goodhumoredness

humored humoredly

humored illhumored

humored outhumored

morel morels


mores dulcimores

mores sophomores

mores sycamores

mores thermoresistance

mores thermoresistant


osmoregulation osmoregulations



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sycamore sycamores

thermoreceptor thermoreceptors

thermoreduction thermoreductions

thermoregulate thermoregulated

thermoregulate thermoregulates


thermoregulation thermoregulations

thermoregulator thermoregulators

thermoregulator thermoregulatory




