Fate is unpenetrated causes. [ Emerson ]
God hides Himself behind causes. [ Charles Rollin ]
Evil events from evil causes spring. [ Aristophanes ]
I love a hand that meets mine own
With grasp that causes some sensation. [ Mrs. Osgood ]
A quiet conscience causes a quiet sleep. [ Proverb ]
Conceit causes more conversation than wit. [ La Rochefoucauld ]
Of all the causes that conspire to blind
Man's erring judgment, and misguide the mind.
What the weak head with strongest bias rules,
Is pride, the never-failing vice of fools. [ Pope ]
Wise men argue causes, and fools decide them. [ Anacharsis ]
What dire offence from amorous causes springs!
What mighty contests rise from trivial things! [ Pope ]
From powerful causes spring the empiric's gains.
Man's love of life, his weakness, and his pains;
These first induce him the vile trash to try,
Then lend his name that other men may buy. [ Crabbe ]
Gold, when present, causes fear; when absent, grief. [ Proverb ]
That which a man causes to be done, he does himself. [ Proverb ]
Religion is among the most powerful causes of enthusiasm. [ Burke ]
Solitude causes us to write because it causes us to think [ Mlle. de Guerin ]
In war events of importance are the result of trivial causes. [ Caesar ]
There is occasions and causes why and wherefore in all things. [ William Shakespeare ]
Happy the man who has been able to learn the causes of things. [ Virgil ]
Gold causes strange disorders when it falls into a fool s hand. [ Proverb ]
Sorrow causes more absence of mind and confusion than so-called levity. [ Richter ]
It is want of diligence rather than want of means that causes most failures. [ Alfred Mercier ]
Imitation causes us to leave natural ways to enter into artificial ones; it therefore makes slaves. [ Professor Vinet ]
True philosophy raises us above grandeur, but nothing can raise us above the ennui which it causes. [ Mme. de Maintenon ]
The first tear of love that one causes to be shed is a diamond, the second a pearl, the third - a tear. [ A. Poincelot ]
Two similar faces, neither of which alone causes laughter, use laughter when they are together, by their resemblance. [ Pascal ]
Great revolutions, whatever may be their causes, are not lightly commenced, and are not concluded with precipitation. [ Benjamin Disraeli ]
Want of will causes paralysis of every faculty. In spiritual things man is utterly unable because resolvedly unwilling. [ C. H. Spurgeon ]
Death, of all estimated evils, is the only one whose presence never incommoded anybody, and which only causes concern during its absence. [ Arcesilaus ]
That great chain of causes, which, linking one to another, even to the throne of God Himself, can never be unraveled by any industry of ours. [ Burke ]
Our wrangling lawyers are so litigious and busy here on earth, that I think they will plead their clients' causes hereafter, some of them in hell. [ Burton ]
Beauty is the mark God sets on virtue. Every natural action is graceful. Every heroic act is also decent, and causes the place and the bystanders to shine. [ Emerson ]
Irresolution on the schemes of life which offer themselves to our choice, and inconstancy in pursuing them, are the greatest causes of all our unhappiness. [ Addison ]
Everything runs to excess; every good quality is noxious, if unmixed, and to carry the danger to the edge of ruin, nature causes each man's peculiarity to superabound. [ Emerson ]
Fortitude is not the appetite of formidable things, nor inconsult rashness, but virtue fighting for a truth, derived from knowledge of distinguishing good or bad causes. [ Nabb ]
Great causes are never tried on their merits; but the cause is reduced to particulars to suit the size of the partisans, and the contention is ever hottest on minor matters. [ Ralph Waldo Emerson ]
Gentle feelings produce profoundly beneficial effects upon stern natures. It is the spring rain which melts the ice-covering of the earth, and causes it to open to the beams of heaven. [ Fredrika Bremer ]
He that hath so many causes of joy, and so great, is very much in love with sorrow and peevishness, who loses all these pleasures, and chooses to sit down on his little handful of thorns. [ Jeremy Taylor ]
Society, that distills so many poisons, resembles that serpent of India whose abode is the leaf of the plant that cures its bite: society usually offers a remedy for the sufferings it causes. [ A. de Musset ]
Man is placed in this world as a spectator; when he is tired with wondering at all the novelties about him, and not till then, does he desire to be made acquainted with the causes that create those wonders. [ Goldsmith ]
Don Quixote is, after all, the defender of the oppressed, the champion of lost causes, and the man of noble aberrations. Woe to the centuries without Don Quixotes! Nothing remains to them but Sancho Panzas. [ A. de Gasparin ]
An idol may be undeified by many accidental causes. Marriage, in particular, is a kind of counter apotheosis, as a deification inverted. When a man becomes familiar with his goddess she quickly sinks into a woman. [ Addison ]
In a free and republican government, you cannot restrain the voice of the multitude. Every man will speak as he thinks, or, more properly, without thinking, and consequently will judge of effects without attending to their causes. [ George Washington ]
Gloom and sadness are poison to us, and the origin of hysterics. You are right in thinking that this disease is in the imagination; you have defined it perfectly; it is vexation which causes it to spring up, and fear that supports it. [ Madame de Sevigne ]
There are many arts among men, the knowledge of which is acquired bit by bit by experience. For it is experience that causes our life to move forward by the skill we acquire, while want of experience subjects us to the effects of chance. [ Plato ]
Love is rarely a hypocrite; but hate - how detect and how guard against it! It lurks where you least expect it; it is created by causes that you can the least foresee; and civilization multiplies its varieties, whilst it favors its disguise. [ Edward Bulwer-Lytton ]
O mothers! reflect upon the power that your Maker has placed in your hands; there is no earthly influence to be compared with yours; there is no combination of causes so powerful in promoting the happiness or misery of our race, as the instructions of home! [ J. S. C. Abbott ]
Great merit or great failings will make you respected or despised; but trifles, little attentions, mere nothings, either done or neglected, will make you either liked or disliked, in the general run of the world. Examine yourself, why you like such and such people and dislike such and such others; and you will find that those different sentiments proceed from very slight causes. [ Chesterfield ]
Surely no man can reflect, without wonder, upon the vicissitudes of human life arising from causes in the highest degree accidental and trifling. If you trace the necessary concatenation of human events a very little way back, you may perhaps discover that a person's very going in or out of a door has been the means of coloring with misery or happiness the remaining current of his life. [ Lord Greville ]
It is not true that a man can believe or disbelieve what he will. But it is certain that an active desire to find any proposition true will unconsciously tend to that result, by dismissing importunate suggestions which run counter to the belief, and welcoming those which favor it. The psychological law, that we only see what interests us, and only assimilate what is adapted to our condition, causes the mind to select its evidence. [ G. H. Lewes ]