Dark eyes - eternal soul of pride!
Deep life in all that's true!
Away, away to other skies!
Away over seas and sands!
Such eyes as those were never made
To shine in other lands. [ Leland ]
To be half-seas over; to be mellow. [ French ]
Ill habits gather by unseen degrees;
As brooks make rivers, rivers run to seas. [ Ovid ]
Air, earth, and seas, obey'd the Almighty nod,
And with a general fear confess'd the God. [ Dryden ]
This narrow isthmus 'twixt two boundless seas. [ Moore ]
To have heard the voice
Of Godhead in the winds and in the seas,
To have known him in the circling of the suns,
And in the changeful fates and lives of men. [ Lewis Morris ]
This narrow isthmus between two boundless seas,
The past, the future - two eternities. [ Moore ]
Great floods have flown
From simple sources, and great seas have dried
When miracles have by the greatest been denied. [ William Shakespeare ]
I bring fresh showers for the thirsting flowers,
From the seas and the streams;
I bear light shade for the leaves when laid
In their noonday dreams. [ Shelley ]
I see thou art implacable, more deaf
To prayers than winds and seas. Yet winds to seas
Are reconciled at length, and sea to shore:
Thy anger, unappeasable, still rages
Eternal tempest never to be calmed. [ Milton ]
Skill'd in the globe and sphere, he gravely stands.
And, with his compass, measures seas and lands. [ Dryden ]
By strength of heart the sailor fights with roaring seas. [ Wordsworth ]
For one drop calls another down, till we are drowned in seas of grief. [ Dr. Watts ]
He is indeed a bold navigator who fearlessly ventures upon unknown seas. [ E. P. Day ]
Life, like the water of the seas, freshens only when it ascends toward heaven. [ Richter ]
The drying up a single tear has more of honest fame than shedding seas of gore. [ Byron ]
Life, like the waters of the seas, freshens only when it ascends towards heaven. [ J. Paul F. Richter ]
What unknown seas of feeling lie in man, and will from time to time break through! [ Carlyle ]
The marble index of a mind forever Voyaging through strange seas of thought, alone. [ Wordsworth ]
Prosperity doth bewitch men, seeming clear; As seas do laugh, show white, when rocks are near. [ Webster ]
Codes are treacherous seas in which the poor barks of smugglers perish, while big corsairs traverse them under full sail. [ E. Souvestre ]
All the countries of our globe have been discovered, all the seas have been furrowed: nothing remains to traverse but the heavens. [ Baron Taylor ]
Hill and valley, seas and constellations, are but stereotypes of divine ideas appealing to and answered by the living soul of man. [ Chapin ]
Seas are the fields of combat for the winds; but when they sweep along some flowery coast, their wings move mildly and their rage is lost. [ Dryden ]
It is the passions which do and undo everything; if reason ruled, nothing would get on. It is said that pilots fear beyond everything those halcyon seas where the vessel obeys not the helm, and that they prefer wind at the risk of storms. [ Fontenelle ]