Within the breast; in reserve. [ It ]
Two hands upon the breast.
And labor's done;
Two pale feet cross'd in rest.
The race is won. [ D. M. Mulock ]
No thought which ever stirred
A human breast should be untold. [ Robert Browning ]
Come, lay thy head upon my breast,
And I will kiss thee unto rest. [ Byron ]
Yonder cloud,
That rises upward always higher,
And onward drags a laboring breast,
And topples round the dreary west,
A looming bastion fringed with fire. [ Tennyson ]
There is a divinity within our breast. [ Ovid ]
Nature has made man's breast no windows
To publish what he does within doors,
Nor what dark secrets there inhabit,
Unless his own rash folly blab it. [ Butler ]
The canker-worm of every gentle breast. [ Spenser ]
Is no return due from a grateful breast? [ Dryden ]
In thy breast are the stars of thy fate. [ Friedrich Schiller ]
His breast with wounds unnumbered riven,
His back to earthy his face to heaven. [ Byron ]
O let my books be then the eloquence
And dumb presagers of my speaking breast. [ Browning ]
He that wrongs his friend
Wrongs himself more, and ever bears about
A silent court of justice in his breast,
Himself the judge and jury, and himself
The prisoner at the bar, ever condemned. [ Alfred Tennyson ]
Night is the time for rest;
How sweet, when labours close,
To gather round an aching breast
The curtain of repose.
Stretch the tired limbs, and lay the head
Down on our own delightful bed. [ James Montgomery ]
Oh! never breathe a dead one's name,
When those who loved that one are nigh;
It pours a lava through the frame
That chokes the breast and fills the eye. [ Eliza Cook ]
Hope springs eternal in the human breast. [ Pope ]
And I have loved thee. Ocean! and my joy
Of youthful sports was on thy breast to be
Borne, like thy bubbles, onward; from a boy
I wanton'd with thy breakers. [ Byron ]
One master-passion in the breast,
Like Aaron's serpent, swallows up the rest. [ Pope ]
Care that is once enter'd into the breast
Will have the whole possession ere it rest. [ Johnson ]
Toss'd on a sea of troubles, soul, my soul,
Thyself do thou control;
And to the weapons of advancing foes
A stubborn breast oppose. [ Archilochus ]
No vernal blooms their torpid rocks array,
But winter lingering chills the lap of May;
No zephyr fondly sues the mountain's breast.
But meteors glare, and stormy glooms invest. [ Goldsmith ]
To pour the fresh instruction over the mind,
To breathe the enlivening spirit, and to fix
The generous purpose in the glowing breast. [ Thomson ]
Divine Philosophy, by whose pure light
We first distinguish, then pursue the right;
Thy power the breast from every error frees,
And weeds out all its vices by degrees. [ Juv ]
The honey-bee that wanders all day long
The field, the woodland, and the garden over.
To gather in his fragrant winter store.
Humming in calm content his winter song,
Seeks not alone the rose's glowing breast,
The lily's dainty cup, the violet's lips.
But from all rank and noxious weeds he sips
The single drop of sweetness closely pressed
Within the poison chalice. [ Anne C. Lynch Botta ]
Music hath charms to soothe the savage breast.
To soften rocks, or bend a knotted oak. [ Congreve ]
Dew-drops, Nature's tears, which she
Sheds in her own breast for the fair which die.
The sun insists on gladness; but at night,
When he is gone, poor Nature loves to weep. [ Bailey ]
Remorse, the fatal egg by pleasure laid,
In every bosom where her nest is made.
Hatched by the beams of truth, denies him rest,
And proves a raging scorpion in his breast. [ Cowper ]
Lo, here the gentle lark, weary of rest.
From his moist cabinet mounts up on high.
And wakes the morning, from whose silver breast
The sun ariseth in his majesty;
Who doth the world so gloriously behold,
That cedar-tops and hills seem burnish'd gold. [ William Shakespeare ]
Round its breast the rolling clouds are spread.
Eternal sunshine settles on its head. [ Goldsmith ]
A secret is seldom safe in more than one breast. [ Swift ]
There is a charm, a power, that sways the breast,
Bids every passion revel or be still,
Inspires with anger, or all your cares dissolves;
Can soothe distraction and most despair,
That power is music. [ Armstrong ]
How guilt, once harbored in the conscious breast,
Intimidates the brave, degrades the great! [ Dr. Johnson ]
Love seldom haunts the breast where learning lies,
And Venus sets ere Mercury can rise. [ Pope ]
The cross on the breast and the devil in the heart. [ Proverb ]
He that keeps malice harbours a viper in his breast. [ Proverb ]
An infant when it gazes on the light,
A child the moment when it drains the breast,
A devotee when soars the Host in sight,
An Arab with a stranger for a guest,
A sailor when the prize has struck in fight,
A miser filling his most hoarded chest,
Feel rapture; but not such true joy are reaping
As they who watch over what they love while sleeping. [ Byron ]
He who hath bitter in his breast spits not all sweet. [ Proverb ]
He teaches best.
Who feels the hearts of all men in his breast,
And knows their strength or weakness through his own. [ Bayard Taylor ]
A solitary blessing few can find,
Our joys with those we love are intertwined,
And he whose wakeful tenderness removes
The obstructing thorn that wounds the breast he loves,
Smooths not another's rugged path alone,
But scatters roses to adorn his own.
Mightier far
Than strength of nerve or sinew, or the sway
Of magic potent over sun and star,
Is love, though oft to agony distrest,
And though his favorite seat be feeble woman's breast. [ Wordsworth ]
That is true liberty which bears a pure and firm breast. [ Ennius ]
He that hath love in his breast hath spurs in his sides. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]
In the human breast two master* passions cannot coexist. [ Campbell ]
He that hath love in his breast hath spurs at his heels. [ Proverb ]
Call me pet names, dearest! Call me thy bird.
That flies to thy breast at one cherishing word,
That folds its wild wings there, ne'er dreaming of flight.
That tenderly sings there in loving delight!
Oh! my sad heart keeps pining for one fond word,
Call me pet names, dearest! Call me thy bird! [ Mrs. Osgood ]
The breast-plate of innocence is not always scandal proof. [ Proverb ]
Constant quiet fills my peaceful breast with unmixed joy. [ Dillon ]
Wisdom and love do not take up their abode in the same breast. [ Emile Souvestre ]
By the verdict of his own breast no guilty man is ever acquitted. [ Juvenal ]
Arm the obdured breast with stubborn patience as with triple steel. [ Milton ]
Even the rude breast has moments in which dark powers awaken melodies. [ Körner ]
Alas! the breast that inly bleeds has nought to fear from outward blow. [ Byron ]
In our own breast, there or nowhere flows the fountain of true pleasure. [ Wieland ]
So live, that thy young and glowing breast can think of death without a sigh. [ Eliza Cook ]
The fresh and buoyant sense of being that bounds in youth's yet careless breast. [ Moore ]
Anger may glance into the breast of a wise man, but rests only in the bosoms of fools. [ Proverb ]
And the weak soul, within itself unblessed, leans for all pleasure on another's breast. [ Goldsmith ]
Two souls, alas! dwell in my breast; the one struggles to separate itself from the other. [ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, "Faust." ]
Labor to keep alive in your breast that little spark of celestial fire called Conscience. [ George Washington ]
He that has light within his own clear breast may sit in the center, and enjoy bright day. [ Milton ]
Death shuns the naked throat and proffered breast; he flies when called to be a welcome guest. [ Sir Charles Sedley ]
No nobler feeling than this of admiration for one higher than himself dwells in the breast of man. [ Carlyle ]
A God speaks softly in our breast; softly, yet distinctly, shows us what to hold by and what to shun. [ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe ]
Hatred is a heavy burden. It sinks the heart deep in the breast, and lies like a tombstone on all joys. [ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe ]
The lust of dominion burns with a flame so fierce as to overpower all other affections of the human breast. [ Tacitus ]
She felt his flame; but deep within her breast, in bashful coyness or in maiden pride, the soft return concealed. [ Thomson ]
There is no traitor like him whose domestic treason plants the poniard within the breast which trusted to his truth. [ Byron ]
The cancer of jealousy on the breast can never wholly be cut out, if I am to believe great masters of the healing art. [ Jean Paul ]
To use the hands in making quicklime into mortar, is better than to cross them on the breast in attendance on a prince. [ Sadi ]
If one must be rejected, one succeed, make him my lord within whose faithful breast is fixed my image, and who loves me best. [ Dryden ]
Who has a breast so pure but some uncleanly apprehensions keep leets and law-days and in session sit with meditations lawful? [ William Shakespeare ]
There is a spirit of resistance implanted by the Deity in the breast of man, proportioned to the size of the wrongs he is destined to endure. [ C. J. Fox ]
Love is not a fire which can be confined within the breast; everything betrays it; and its fires imperfectly covered, only burst out the more. [ Racine ]
Pain and love are the portion of the man who does not like a coward shirk the world's destiny; if he plucks the arrow from his breast, he becomes as one dead for the world and God. [ N. Lenau ]
I learn several great truths; as that it is impossible to see into the ways of futurity, that punishment always attends the villain, that love is the fond soother of the human breast. [ Goldsmith ]
I would rather dwell in the dim fog of superstition than in air rarefied to nothing by the air-pump of unbelief; in which the panting breast expires, vainly and convulsively gasping for breath. [ Richter ]
There are evil spirits who suddenly fix their abode in man's unguarded breast, causing us to commit devilish deeds, and then, hurrying back to their native hell, leave behind the stings of remorse in the poisoned bosom. [ Schiller ]
Those who despise fame seldom deserve it. We are apt to undervalue the purchase we cannot reach, to conceal our poverty the better. It is a spark which kindles upon the best fuel, and burns brightest in the bravest breast. [ Jeremy Collier ]
How dear the sure counsel of a present friend, whose heavenly power failing, the lonely one sinks in silence; for earnest thought and resolution, locked within his breast, are slowly ripened; the presence of the loved one soon warms them into being. [ Goethe ]
Boasting and bravado may exist in the breast even of the coward, if he is successful through a mere lucky hit: but a just contempt of an enemy can alone arise in those who feel that they are superior to their opponent by the prudence of their measures. [ Thucydides ]
If flowers have souls,
said Undine, the bees, whose nurses they are, must seem to them darling children at the breast. I once fancied a paradise for the spirits of departed flowers.
They go,
answered I, not into paradise, but into a middle state; the souls of lilies enter into maidens' foreheads, those of hyacinths and forget-me-nots dwell in their eyes, and those of roses in their lips.
[ Richter ]
If thy mother be a widow, give her double honor, who now acts the part of a double parent; remember her nine month's burden, and her tenth month's travel; forget not her indulgence, when thou didst hang upon her tender breast; call to mind her prayers for thee before thou earnest into the world; and her cares for thee when thou wert come into the world; remember her secret groans, her affectionate tears, her broken slumbers, her daily fears, her nightly frights; relieve her wants, cover her imperfections, comfort her age, and the widow's husband will be the orphan's father. [ F. Quarles ]