Bear and forbear. [ Motto ]
Bear-garden breeding. [ Proverb ]
Fight dog, fight bear. [ Proverb ]
Bear one another's burdens. [ St. Paul ]
Bear patiently with a rival. [ Ovid ]
Honey is too good for a bear. [ Proverb ]
To go like a bear to a stake. [ Proverb ]
A wounded spirit who can bear? [ Bible ]
Bear calamities with meekness. [ Euripides ]
Bear with evil and expect good. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]
To bear, is to conquer our fate. [ Thomas Campbell ]
The hours are viewless angels,
That still go gliding by,
And bear each moment's record up
To Him that sits on high. [ C. P. Cranch ]
We bear each one our own destiny. [ Virgil ]
Bear the inevitable with dignity. [ Streckfuss ]
Hunger cannot bear contradiction. [ Proverb ]
Truth will bear
Neither rude handling, nor unfair
Evasion of its wards, and mocks
Whoever would falsely enter there. [ Dr. Walter Smith ]
He talks in the Bear-garden tongue. [ Proverb ]
You take every bush for a bug-bear. [ Proverb ]
The soul too soft its ills to bear.
Has left our mortal hemisphere.
And sought in better world the meed
To blameless life by heaven decreed. [ Scott ]
O there are Voices of the Past,
Links of a broken chain.
Wings that can bear me back to times
Which cannot come again;
Yet God forbid that I should lose
The echoes that remain! [ Adelaide A. Procter ]
To revenge is no valor, but to bear. [ William Shakespeare ]
Men may bear till their backs break. [ Proverb ]
If it were a bear it would bite you. [ Proverb ]
Let dogs delight to bark and bite.
For God hath made them so;
Let bears and lions growl and fight.
For 'tis their nature to. [ Isaac Watts ]
Bear the burden of the present,
Let the morrow bear its own;
If the morning sky be pleasant.
Why the coming night bemoan?
Holy strivings nerve and strengthen,
Long endurance wins the crown;
When the evening shadows lengthen,
Thou shalt lay the burden down. [ Thomas Mackellar ]
Make knowledge circle with the winds;
But let her herald, Reverence, fly
Before her to whatever sky
Bear seed of men and growth of minds. [ Alfred Tennyson ]
Tomorrow yet would reap today.
As we bear blossoms of the dead;
Earn well the thrifty months, nor wed
Raw Haste, half-sister to Delay. [ Tennyson ]
We must bear what the gods lay on us.
Bear wealth, poverty will bear itself. [ Proverb ]
I could lie down like a tired child,
And weep away the life of care
Which I have borne, and yet must bear. [ Shelley ]
Sturdy beggars can bear stout denials. [ Colton ]
The coward wretch whose hand and heart
Can bear to torture aught below.
Is ever first to quail and start
From slightest pain or equal foe. [ Eliza Cook ]
Not worthy to carry guts after a bear. [ Proverb ]
Like angels' visits, short and bright;
Mortality's too weak to bear them long. [ J. Norris ]
He has as many tricks as a dancing bear. [ Proverb ]
A clear conscience can bear any trouble. [ Proverb ]
Brutes find out where their talents lie;
A bear will not attempt to fly. [ Jonathan Swift ]
Full many a gem of purest ray serene
The dark unfathomed caves of ocean bear. [ Gray ]
To bear no malice or hatred in my heart. [ Church Catechism ]
The eye and religion can bear no jesting. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]
Since you will buckle fortune on my back;
To bear her burden whe'r I will or no,
I must have patience to endure the load. [ William Shakespeare ]
He is a poor smith who cannot bear smoke. [ Proverb ]
He who weighs his burdens, can bear them. [ Martial ]
Such tricks hath strong imagination,
That, if it would but apprehend some joy,
It comprehends some bringer of that joy;
Or in the night, imagining some fear,
How easy is a bush supposed a bear. [ William Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night's Dream ]
Many can bear adversity, but few contempt. [ Proverb ]
Death is but what the haughty brave,
The weak must bear, the wretch must crave. [ Byron ]
True love, like the eye, can bear no flaw. [ Lavater ]
You dare as well take a bear by the tooth. [ Proverb ]
The sick mind can not bear anything harsh. [ Ovid ]
Proud men cannot bear with pride in others. [ Proverb ]
A mind diseased cannot bear anything harsh. [ Ovid ]
O holy Night! from thee I learn to bear
What man has borne before!
Thou layest thy finger on the lips of Care,
And they complain no more. [ Longfellow ]
Some sins do bear their privilege on earth. [ William Shakespeare ]
Thirst of power and of riches now bear sway,
The passion and infirmity of age. [ Frowde ]
It is a bad sack that will bear no clouting. [ Proverb ]
Existence may be borne, and the deep root
Of life and sufferance make its firm abode
In bare and desolate bosoms: mute
The camel labors with the heaviest load.
And the wolf dies in silence: Not bestowed
In vain should such examples be; if they.
Things of ignoble or of savage mood,
Endure and shrink not, we of nobler clay
May temper it to bear - it is but for a day. [ Byron ]
Memory, and thou, Forgetfulness, not yet
Your powers in happy harmony I find;
One oft recalls what I would fain forget,
And one blots out what I would bear in mind. [ Macedonius ]
I pity bashful men, who feel the pain,
Of fancied scorn and undeserved disdain,
And bear the marks upon a blushing face,
Of needless shame, and self-imposed disgrace. [ Cowper ]
Often try what weight you can support.
And what your shoulders are too weak to bear. [ Roscommon ]
Salt cooks bear blame, but fresh cooks shame. [ Proverb ]
O! she will sing the savageness out of a bear. [ William Shakespeare ]
These eyes tho' clear
To outward view of blemish or of spot.
Bereft of light, their seeing have forgot.
Nor to their idle orbs doth sight appear
Of sun, or moon, or star, throughout the year.
Or man, or woman. Yet I argue not
Against Heaven's hand or will, nor have a jot
Of heart or hope; but still bear up and steer
Right onward. [ Milton ]
A friend should bear his friend's infirmities. [ Shakspeare ]
Shall he who soars, inspired by loftier views.
Life's little cares and little pains refuse?
Shall he not rather feel a double share
Of mortal woe, when doubly armed to bear? [ Crabbe ]
The male alone has been appointed to bear rule. [ Molière ]
Great honours are great burdens; but on whom
They're cast with envy, he doth bear two loads. [ Ben Jonson ]
Madame, bear in mind
That princes govern all things - save the wind. [ Victor Hugo ]
I bring fresh showers for the thirsting flowers,
From the seas and the streams;
I bear light shade for the leaves when laid
In their noonday dreams. [ Shelley ]
For though from out our bourne of Time and Place
The flood may bear me far,
I hope to see my Pilot face to face
When I have crossed the bar. [ Tennyson ]
It is no easy matter to bear prosperity decently. [ Proverb ]
Three helping one another bear the burden of six. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]
Fulfill thy fate! Be - do - bear - and thank God. [ Bailey ]
In cloths, cheap handsomeness doth bear the bell. [ George Herbert ]
Vain-glorious man, when fluttering wind does blow
In his light wings, is lifted up to sky;
The scorn of knighthood and true chivalry,
To think, without desert of gentle deed
And noble worth, to be advanced high,
Such praise is shame, but honour, virtue's meed.
Doth bear the fairest flower in honourable seed. [ Spenser ]
Grief finds some ease by him that like doth bear. [ Spenser ]
Sell not the bear-skin before you have caught him. [ Proverb ]
A man under no restraint is a bear without a ring. [ Proverb ]
O happy unowned youths! your limbs can bear
The scorching dog-star and the winter's air,
While the rich infant, nursed with care and pain,
Thirsts with each heat and coughs with every rain! [ Gay ]
Weigh well what your shoulders can and cannot bear. [ Horace ]
Birds, the free tenants of earth, air, and ocean,
Their forms all symmetry, their motion grace,
In plumage delicate and beautiful,
Thick without burthen, close as fish's scales.
Or loose as full blown poppies on the gale;
With wings that seem as they'd a soul within them.
They bear their owners with such sweet enchantment. [ James Montgomery ]
Every one thinks his own cross the hardest to bear. [ Italian Proverb ]
O happiness! our being's end and aim!
Good, pleasure, ease, content! whatever thy name;
That something still which prompts the eternal sigh
For which we bear to live, or dare to die. [ Pope ]
Quick and nimble, more like a bear than a squirrel. [ Proverb ]
He must have iron nails that scratches with a bear. [ Proverb ]
It is is easier to bear unkindnesses than affronts. [ Proverb ]
By noting of the lady I have marked
A thousand blushing apparitions
To start into her face, a thousand innocent shames.
In angel whiteness bear away those blushes. [ William Shakespeare ]
Take no more on your back than you are able to bear. [ Proverb ]
Regulate your own passions and bear those of others. [ Proverb ]
Few things in the world will bear too much refining. [ Proverb ]
One can bear to be rebuked, but not to be laughed at. [ Molière ]
My sole resources in the path I trod,
Were these - my bark - my sword - my love — my God.
The last I left in youth - He leaves me now -
And man but works His will to lay me low.
I have no thought to mock His throne with prayer,
Wrung from the coward crouching of despair;
It is enough - I breathe - and I can bear. [ Byron ]
He that will not bear the itch must endure the smart. [ Proverb ]
The worst part of poverty, is to bear it impatiently. [ Proverb ]
Money will make a baboon or a bear to ride in a coach. [ Proverb ]
It costs us more to revenge injuries than to bear them. [ Proverb ]
Woman's honor, as nice as ermine, will not bear a soil. [ Dryden ]
At the least bear patiently, if thou canst net joyfully. [ Thomas a Kempis ]
Better late ripe and bear, than early blossom and blast. [ Proverb ]
Fathers that wear rags do make their children blind:
But fathers that bear bags shall see their children kind. [ William Shakespeare ]
He who shares honey with a bear hath the least part of it. [ Proverb ]
Try whether the ice will bear, before you venture upon it. [ Proverb ]
Where none else will, the devil himself must bear the cross. [ Proverb ]
What destiny sends, bear! Whoever perseveres will be crowned. [ Herder ]
If you would have a hen lay, you must bear with her cackling. [ Proverb ]
It were no virtue to bear calamities if we did not feel them. [ Madame Necker ]
It is generous to bear an injury, but dangerous to requite it. [ Proverb ]
Woe unto him that is never alone, and cannot bear to be alone. [ Hamerton ]
Plant the crab tree where you will it will never bear pippins. [ Proverb ]
Grief is a stone that bears one down, but two bear it lightly. [ W. Hauff ]
Fair or foul the lot apportioned life on earth, we bear alike. [ Robert Browning ]
Unless you bear with the faults of a friend, you betray your own. [ Syrus ]
Be a man!
Bear thine own burden; never think to thrust thy fate upon another. [ Robert Browning ]
A woman's character is as delicate as her eye; it can bear no flaw. [ G. A. Sala ]
Bear and endure; you have borne much heavier misfortunes than these. [ Ovid ]
It is easier to bear with what is amiss, than go about to reform it. [ Proverb ]
The greatest misfortune of all is not to be able to bear misfortune. [ Bias ]
Bear and endure; this sorrow will one day prove to be for your good. [ Ovid ]
The joys of meeting pay the pangs of absence, Else who could bear it? [ Rowe ]
Death and love are the two wings which bear man from earth to heaven. [ Michael Angelo ]
The mind doth shape itself to its own wants, and can bear all things. [ Joanna Baillie ]
Necessity is a sore penance; and extremity is as hard to bear as death. [ Cantacuzenus ]
Nobody can think much to bear that, which is the common fate of all men. [ Proverb ]
Accustom yourself to that which you bear ill, and you will bear it well. [ Seneca ]
The hatred we bear our enemies injures their happiness less than our own. [ J. Petit-Senn ]
Equally inured by moderation either state to bear, prosperous or adverse. [ Milton ]
We have all of us sufficient fortitude to bear the misfortunes of others. [ La Rochefoucauld ]
A very good or very bad poet is remarkable; but a middling one who can bear? [ Proverb ]
In heaven the trees of life ambrosial fruitage bear, and vines yield nectar. [ Milton ]
He is well onward in the way of wisdom who can bear reproof, and mend by it. [ Proverb ]
Philosophy teaches us to bear with calmness - the misfortunes of our friends.
Though authority be a stubborn bear, yet he is oft led by the nose with gold. [ William Shakespeare ]
Anger and jealousy can no more bear to lose sight of their objects than love. [ George Eliot ]
He is a truly good man who desires always to bear the inspection of good men. [ La Rochefoucauld ]
God gives strength to bear a great deal, if we only strive ourselves to endure. [ Hans Andersen ]
Books bear him up awhile, and make him try to swim with bladders of philosophy. [ Rochester ]
It shows a weak mind not to bear prosperity as well as adversity with moderation. [ Cicero ]
To bear adversity with an equal mind is both the sign and glory of a brave spirit. [ Quarles ]
A friend is a being that is willing to bear with us in all our faults and failings. [ G. Forster ]
Whatever sorrows may be thy doom, bear them with patience, if necessity entail them. [ Homer ]
Man little knows what calamities are beyond his patience to bear till he tries them. [ Goldsmith ]
He who brings ridicule to bear against truth finds in his hand a blade without a hilt. [ Landor ]
In such a time as this it is not meet that every nice offence should bear its comment. [ William Shakespeare ]
There is but one philosophy, and its name is Fortitude; to bear is to conquer our fate. [ Bulwer ]
The vulgar refuse or crouch beneath their load; the brave bear theirs without repining. [ Mallet ]
Bid that welcome which comes to punish us, and we punish it, seeming to bear it lightly. [ William Shakespeare ]
We bear it calmly, though a ponderous woe, And still adore the hand that gives the blow. [ Pomfret ]
Death is easier to bear without thinking of it, than the thought of death without peril. [ Pascal ]
Husbands and wives talk of the cares of matrimony, and bachelors and spinsters bear them. [ Wilkie Collins ]
The hardest trial of the heart is, whether it can bear a rival's failure without triumph. [ J. Aikin ]
Vulgar minds refuse to crouch beneath their load; the brave bear theirs without repining. [ Thomson ]
Every man should bear his own grievances rather than detract from the comforts of another. [ Cicero ]
The time will come to every human being when it must be known how well he can bear to die. [ Johnson ]
Nature has lent us tears - the cry of suffering when the man at last can bear it no longer. [ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe ]
The rich are too indolent, the poor too weak, to bear the insupportable fatigue of thinking. [ Cowper ]
Beware of entrance to a quarrel; but, being in, bear it, that the opposer may beware of thee. [ William Shakespeare ]
The truth is, we pamper little griefs into great ones, and bear great ones as well as we can. [ Hazlitt ]
The hate which we all bear with the most Christian patience is the hate of those who envy us. [ Colton ]
Too indolent to bear the toil of writing; I mean of writing well; I say nothing about quantity. [ Horace ]
When a thought is too weak to bear a simple expression, it is a sign that it deserves rejection. [ Vauvenargues ]
Great is the power of habit: teaching us as it does to bear fatigue and to despise wounds and pain. [ Cicero ]
There is nothing in the world so much admired as a man who knows how to bear unhappiness with courage. [ Seneca ]
Let us be of good cheer, remembering that the misfortunes hardest to bear are those which never happen. [ Lowell ]
The praise we give to new comers into the world arises from the envy we bear to those who are established. [ La Rochefoucauld ]
Make not a bosom friend of a melancholy sad soul.... He goes always heavy-loaded, and thou must bear half. [ Fenélon ]
War--the trade of barbarians, and the art of bringing the greatest physical force to bear on a single point. [ Napoleon ]
Sir, your levellers wish to level down as far as themselves; but they cannot bear levelling up to themselves. [ Samuel Johnson ]
We deem those happy who, from the experience of life, have learned to bear its ills, without being overcome by them. [ Juvenal ]
We deem those happy who, from their experience of life, have learned to bear its ills without descanting on the burden. [ Juv ]
May I deem the wise man rich, and may I have such a portion of gold as none but a prudent man can either bear or employ! [ Plato ]
Yet I argue not against heaven's hand or will, nor bate a jot of heart or hope, but still bear up and steer right onward. [ Milton ]
Since every man that lives is born to die, and none can boast sincere felicity, with equal minds what happens let us bear. [ Dryden ]
Prosperity is the touchstone of virtue; for it is less difficult to bear misfortunes than to remain uncorrupted by pleasure. [ Tacitus ]
Every man must, in a measure, be alone in the world; no heart was ever cast in the same mould, as that which we bear within us. [ F. Berni ]
Ideas once planted in the brain fructify, and bear their harvest more or less bountiful and rich as they are fertilized by thought. [ Bartol ]
The lively phraseology of Montesquieu was the result of long meditation. His words, as light as wings, bear on them grave reflections. [ Joubert ]
I think I am rather fond of silent people myself. I cannot bear to live with a person who feels compelled to talk because he is my companion. [ Disraeli ]
For a woman to be at once a coquette and a bigot is more than the meekest of husbands can bear: women should mercifully choose between the two. [ La Bruyere ]
To the disgrace of men it is seen that there are women both more wise to judge what evil is expected, and more constant to bear it when it happens. [ Sir P. Sidney ]
No man ever sank under the burden of the day. It is when tomorrow's burden is added to the burden of today, that the weight is more than a man can bear. [ George Macdonald ]
Some things will not bear much zeal; and the more earnest we are about them, the less we recommend ourselves to the approbation of sober and considerate men. [ Tillotson ]
No man's credit can fall so low but that, if he bear his shame as he should do, and profit by it as he ought to do, it is in his own power to redeem his reputation. [ Lord Nottingham ]
In misfortune we often mistake dejection for constancy; we bear it without daring to look on it; like cowards, who suffer themselves to be murdered without resistance. [ Rochefoucauld ]
Surprise is so essential an ingredient of wit that no wit will bear repetition; - at least, the original electrical feeling produced by any piece of wit can never be renewed. [ Sydney Smith ]
We have so exalted a notion of the human soul that we cannot bear to be despised by it, or even not to be esteemed by it. Man, in fact, places all his happiness in this esteem. [ Pascal ]
Enjoy the blessings of this day if God sends them; and the evils bear patiently and sweetly. For this day only is ours; we are dead to yesterday, and we are not born to tomorrow. [ Jeremy Taylor ]
Poetry incorporates those spirits which, like angels, can never assume the body of an outward act; and sheds the perfume of those flowers which spring up but never bear any seed. [ Jean Paul ]
O'er the glad waters of the dark blue sea. Our thoughts as boundless, and our souls as free, Far as the breeze can bear, the billows foam. Survey our empire, and behold our home! [ Byron ]
Education commences at the mother's knee, and every word spoken within the hearing of little children tends toward the formation of character. Let parents bear this ever in mind. [ Hosea Ballou ]
God gives us power to bear all the sorrows of His making; but He does not give us power to bear the sorrows of our own making, which the anticipation of sorrow most assuredly is. [ Alexander Maclaren ]
The mob is a sort of bear; while your ring is through its nose, it will even dance under jour cudgel; but; should the ring slip, and you lose your hold, the brute will turn and rend you. [ Jane Porter ]
He that can heroically endure adversity will bear prosperity with equal greatness of soul; for the mind that cannot be dejected by the former is not likely to be transported by the latter. [ Fielding ]
What people will say - in these words there lies the tyranny of the world, the whole destruction of our natural disposition, the oblique vision of our minds. These four words bear sway everywhere. [ Auerbach ]
The truly great and good in affliction bear a countenance more princely than they are wont, for it is the temper of the highest hearts, like the palm tree, to strive most upwards when it is most burdened. [ S. P. Sidney ]
A thorough miser must possess considerable strength of character to bear the self-denial imposed by his penuriousness. Equal sacrifices, endured voluntarily in a better cause, would make a saint or a martyr. [ W. B. Clulow ]
The world has always laughed at its own tragedies, that being the only way in which it has been able to bear them; consequently, whatever the world has treated seriously belongs to the comedy side of things. [ Oscar Wilde, A Woman of No Importance ]
When I was a kid my favorite relative was Uncle Caveman. After school we'd all go play in his cave, and every once in a while he would eat one of us. It wasn't until later that I found out that Uncle Caveman was a bear. [ Jack Handey, Deep Thoughts ]
Perhaps God does with His heavenly garden as we do with our own. He may chiefly stock it from nurseries, and select for transplanting what is yet in its young and tender age - flowers before they have bloomed, and trees ere they begin to bear. [ Rev. Dr. Guthrie ]
Every man must bear his own burden, and it is a fine thing to see any one trying to do it manfully; carrying his cross bravely, silently, patiently, and in a way which makes you hope that he has taken for his pattern the greatest of all sufferers. [ James Hamilton ]
Wisdom is the only thing which can relieve us from the sway of the passions and the fear of danger, and which can teach us to bear the injuries of fortune itself with moderation, and which shows us all the ways which lead to tranquillity and peace. [ Cicero ]
Hath fortune dealt thee ill cards? let wisdom make thee a good gamester. In a fair gale, every fool may sail, but wise behavior in a storm commends the wisdom of a pilot; to bear adversity with an equal mind is both the sign and glory of a brave spirit. [ Quarles ]
A man takes contradiction and advice much more easily than people think, only he will not bear it when violently given, even though it be well founded. Hearts are flowers; they remain open to the softly falling dew, but shut up in the violent downpour of rain. [ Richter ]
We may scatter the seeds of courtesy and kindness around us at so little expense. Some of them will inevitably fall on good ground, and grow up into benevolence in the minds of others; and all of them will bear fruit of happiness in the bosom whence they spring. [ Bentham ]
Bear your burden manfully. Boys at school, young men who have exchanged boyish liberty for serious business - all who have got a task to do, a work to finish - bear the burden till God gives the signal for repose - till the work is done, and the holiday is fairly earned. [ James Hamilton ]
It is not work that kills men; it is worry. Work is healthy; you can hardly put more upon a man than he can bear. Worry is rust upon the blade. It is not the revolution that destroys the machinery, but the friction. Fear secretes acids; but love and trust are sweet juices. [ Beecher ]
With a clear sky, a bright sun, and a gentle breeze, you have friends in plenty; but let fortune frown, and the firmament be overcast, and then your friends will prove like the strings of the lute, of which you tighten ten before you find one that will bear the stretch and keep the pitch. [ Gotthold ]
He that abuses his own profession will not patiently bear with any one else who does so. And this is one of our most subtle operations of self-love. For when we abuse our own profession, we tacitly except ourselves; but when another abuses it, we are far from being certain that this is the case. [ Colton ]
There is nothing more necessary to establish reputation than to suspend the enjoyment of it. He that cannot bear the sense of merit with silence must of necessity destroy it; for fame being the genial mistress of mankind, whoever gives it to himself insults all to whom he relates any circumstance to his own advantage. [ Steele ]
There are so many tender and holy emotions flying about in our inward world, which, like angels, can never assume the body of an outward act; so many rich and lovely flowers spring up which bear no seed, - that it is a happiness poetry was invented, which receives into its limbus all these incorporated spirits and the perfume of all these flowers. [ Richter ]
The motives of the best actions will not bear too strict an inquiry. It is allowed that the cause of most actions, good or bad, may be resolved into the love of ourselves; but the self-love of some men inclines them to please others, and the self-love of others is wholly employed in pleasing themselves. This makes the great distinction between virtue and vice. [ Swift ]
The brute animals have all the same sensations of pain as human beings, and consequently endure as much pain when their body is hurt; but in their case the cruelty of torment is greater, because they have no mind to bear them up against their sufferings, and no hope to look forward to when enduring the last extreme pain. Their happiness consists entirely in present enjoyment. [ Chalmers ]
I put myself, my experiences, my observations, my heart and soul into my work. I press my soul upon the white paper. The writer who does this may have any style, he or she will find the hearts of their readers. Writing a book involves, not a waste, but a great expenditure of vital force. Yet I can assure you I have written the last lines of most of my stories with tears. The characters of my own creation had become dear to me. I could not bear to bid them good-bye and send them away from me into the wide world. [ Amelia E. Barr, The Art of Authorship, 1891 ]
Man little knows what calamities are beyond his patience to bear till he tries them; as in ascending the heights of ambition, which look bright from below, every step we rise shows us some new and gloomy prospect of hidden disappointment; so in our descent from the summits of pleasure, though the vale of misery below may appear, at first, dark and gloomy, yet the busy mind, still attentive to its own amusement, finds, as we descend, something to flatter and to please. Still as we approach, the darkest objects appear to brighten, and the mortal eye becomes adapted to its gloomy situation. [ Goldsmith ]