Glossary Of Scottish Words Used By Robert Burns: R-Words
by Robert Burns
- Ragweed
- Herb-ragwort.
- Raible
- To rattle, nonsense
- Rair
- To roar.
- Raize
- To madden, to inflame.
- Ramfeezled
- Fatigued, overspread.
- Rampin'
- Raging
- Ramstam
- Thoughtless, forward.
- Randie
- A scolding sturdy beggar, a shrew.
- Rantin'
- Joyous.
- Rape
- Rope
- Raploch
- Properly a coarse cloth, but used for coarse.
- Rarely
- Excellently, very well.
- Rash
- A rush, rash-buss, a bush of rushes
- Ratton
- A rat.
- Raucle
- Rash, stout, fearless, reckless
- Raught
- Reached.
- Raw
- A row.
- Rax, rax'd
- To stretch; stretched.
- Ream
- To cream
- Reamin'
- Brimful, frothing
- Reave
- Take by force, rove
- Rebute
- To repulse, rebuke.
- Reck
- To head.
- Red
- Warn.
- Rede
- Counsel, to counsel, to discourse.
- Red-peats
- Burning turfs.
- Red-wat-shod
- Walking in blood over the shoetops.
- Red-wud
- Stark mad.
- Ree
- Half drunk, fuddled; a ree yaud, a wild horse.
- Reef, Rief
- Plenty
- Reek, Reekin',Reekit
- Smoke, smoking, smoked, smoky,
- Reestit
- Stopped
- Remead
- Remedy.
- Requite
- Requited
- Rest, Restit, Reestit
- To stand restive; stood restive, stunted, withered
- Restricked
- Restricted
- Rew
- To smile, look affectionately, tenderly.
- Rickles
- Shocks of corn, stooks.
- Riddle
- Instrument for purifying corn
- Rief-randies
- Men who take the property of others, accompanied by violence and rude words; sturdy beggars.
- Rig
- A ridge.
- Rin
- To run, to melt; rinnin', running.
- Rink
- The course of the stones, a term in curling on ice.
- Rip
- A handful of unthreshed corn.
- Ripples
- Pains in the back and loins, sounds which usher in death.
- Ripplin'-kame
- Instrument for dressing flax.
- Riskit
- A noise like the tearing of roots.
- Rives
- Breaks.
- Rockin'
- A denomination for a friendly visit. In former times, young women met with their distaffs during the winter evenings, to sing, and spin, and be merry; these were called
- Roke
- Distaff.
- Rood
- Stands likewise for the plural, roods.
- Roon
- A shred, the selvage of woollen cloth.
- Roose
- To praise, to commend.
- Roun'
- Round, in the circle of neighborhood.
- Roup
- A sale by auction.
- Roupet
- Hoarse, as with a cold.
- Routh, Routhie
- Plenty, plentiful.
- Routh o' gear
- Plenty of goods.
- Row, Row't
- To roll, to wrap, to roll as water rolled, wrapped.
- Rowte, Rowtin'
- To low, to bellow; lowing.
- Rowth
- Abundance.
- Rozet
- Rosin.
- Rue
- Regret, repent
- Rumble-gumption
- Rough common sense.
- Run-deils
- Downright devils.
- Rung
- A cudgel.
- Runkled
- Wrinkled.
- Runt
- The stem of colewort or cabbage.
- Ruth
- A woman's name; sorrow.
- Ryke
- Reach.
The Poetical Works Of Robert BurnsCopyright 1910
Ward, Lock, and Co., Ltd