Glossary Of Scottish Words Used By Robert Burns: O-Words
by Robert Burns
- O'
- Of
- Ochels
- The name of mountains in Scotland.
- O'ergang
- Overbearingness, to treat with indignity, literally to tread.
- O'erlay
- An upper cravat.
- O'haith!, O'faith!
- An oath.
- O'ither
- Of each other.
- Ony, or Onie
- Any.
- Or
- Is often used for ere, before.
- Orra-duddies
- Superfluous rags, old clothes.
- O't
- Of it.
- Ourie
- Drooping, shivering.
- Oursel', Oursel's
- Ourselves
- Outlers
- Outlyers; cattle unhoused.
- Ower, Owre
- Over, too.
- Owre-hip
- Striking with a fore-hammer, by bringing it with a swing over the hip; a way of fetching a blow with the hammer over the arm.
- Owsen
- Oxen.
- Oxtered
- Carried of supported under the arm.
The Poetical Works Of Robert BurnsCopyright 1910
Ward, Lock, and Co., Ltd