Glossary Of Scottish Words Used By Robert Burns: A-Words
by Robert Burns
- A'
- All
- Aback
- Away, aloof, backwards.
- Abeigh
- At a shy distance.
- Aboon
- Above, up.
- Abread
- Abroad, in sight, to publish.
- Abreed
- In breadth.
- Adle
- Putrid water.
- Ae
- One.
- Aff
- Off.
- Aff-loof
- Off-hand, extempore, without premeditation. To shoot aff-loof is to shoot without a rest.
- Afore
- Before.
- Aft, Aften
- Oft, often
- Agee
- On one side.
- Agley
- Off the right line, wrong, awry
- Aiblins
- Perhaps
- Ain
- Own
- Airn
- Iron, a tool of that metal, a mason's chisel
- Airles
- Earnest money.
- Airl-penny
- A silver penny given as airles or hiring money
- Airt
- Quarter of the heaven, point of the compass.
- Aith
- An oath
- Aits
- Oats
- Aiver
- An old horse
- Aizle
- A hot cinder, an ember of wood.
- Akwart
- Awkward, athwart
- Alake
- Alas
- Alane
- Alone
- Amaist
- Almost
- Amang
- Among
- An'
- And, if
- Ane, ance
- one, once
- Anent
- Over-against, concerning, about
- Anither
- Another
- Applecross
- Mackenzie of Applecross.
- Aqueesh
- Between
- Ase
- Ashes of wood, remains of a hearth fire.
- Asklent
- Asquint, aslant
- Asteer
- Abroad, stirring in a lively manner.
- Athout
- Athwart
- Attour
- Moreover, beyond, besides
- Aught
- Possession, as "in a' my aught," in all my possession.
- Auld
- Old.
- Auld-farran'
- Auld farrant, sagacious, prudent, cunning.
- Auld lang syne
- Olden time, days of other years
- Auld-shoon
- Old shoes, literally; a discarded lover, metaphorically.
- Aumos
- Gift to a beggar.
- Aumos-dish
- A beggar's dish in which the aumos is received.
- Ava
- At all.
- Awa
- Away, begone
- Awe
- Owe
- Awfu'
- Awful
- Awn, Awnie
- The beard of barley, oats, etc.; bearded
- Ayent
- Beyond
The Poetical Works Of Robert BurnsCopyright 1910
Ward, Lock, and Co., Ltd