Sow wheat in dirt and rye in dust. [ Proverb ]
Every sparrow to its ear of wheat. [ Proverb ]
These grains of gold are not grains of wheat!
These bars of silver thou canst not eat;
These jewels and pearls and precious stones
Cannot cure the aches in thy bones,
Nor keep the feet of death one hour
From climbing the stairways of thy tower. [ Longfellow ]
Two sparrows, upon one ear of wheat, cannot agree. [ Proverb ]
A whole bushel of wheat is made up of single grains. [ Proverb ]
You must not hope to reap wheat where you sowed none. [ Proverb ]
Wheat is not to be gathered in the blade but in the ear. [ Proverb ]
God had sifted three kingdoms to find the wheat for this planting. [ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow ]
He that will have a cake of the wheat must needs tarry the grinding. [ William Shakespeare ]
The best metal is iron, the best vegetable wheat, but the worst animal is man. [ Proverb ]
As threshing separates the wheat from the chaff, so does affliction purify virtue. [ Robert Burton ]
Would you eat finer bread than is made of wheat, or wear finer cloth than is made of wool? [ Proverb ]
Some men's reputation seems like seed-wheat, which thrives best when brought from a distance. [ Whately ]
Persecution often does in this life what the last day will do completely - separate the wheat from the tares. [ Milner ]
Though thou shouldst bray a fool in a mortar among wheat with a pestle, yet will not his foolishness depart from him. [ Bible ]
A strong soil that has produced weeds may be made to produce wheat with far less difficulty than it would cost to make it produce nothing. [ Colton ]
His reasons are two grains of wheat hid in two bushels of chaff: you shall seek all day ere you find them; and when you have them, they are not worth the search. [ William Shakespeare ]
My principal method for defeating error and heresy is by establishing the truth. One purposes to fill a bushel with tares, but if I can fill it first with wheat, I may defy his attempts. [ Newton ]
The human heart is like a millstone in a mill: when you put wheat under it, it turns and grinds and bruises the wheat to flour; if you put no wheat, it still grinds on, but then 'tis itself it grinds and wears away. [ Martin Luther ]
The human heart is like a millstone in a mill; when you put wheat under it, it turns and grinds, and bruises the wheat into flour; if you put no wheat in it, it still grinds on; but then it is itself it grinds, and slowly wears away. [ M. Luther ]