Life hath more awe than death. [ Bailey ]
The prince, who kept the world in awe.
The judge, whose dictate fix'd the law.
The rich, the poor, the great, the small,
Are levelled: death confounds them all. [ Gay ]
I cannot tell what you and other men
Think of this life; but for my single self,
I had as lief not be as live to be
In awe of such a thing as I myself. [ William Shakespeare ]
Nobody can stand in awe of himself too much. [ Proverb ]
One to destroy is murder by the law.
And gibbets keep the lifted hand in awe;
To murder thousands takes a specious name.
War's glorious art, and gives immortal fame. [ Young ]
The good need fear no law; it is his safety, and the bad man's awe. [ Ben Jonson ]
Oaths were not purposed more than law to keep the good and just in awe. [ Samuel Butler ]
Character gives splendor to youth, and awe to wrinkled skin and grey hairs. [ Ralph Waldo Emerson ]
Men sunk in the greatest darkness imaginable retain some sense and awe of the Deity. [ Tillotson ]
Conscience is but a word that cowards use. Devised at first to keep the strong in awe. [ William Shakespeare ]
Be fearful only of thyself, and stand in awe of none more than of thine own conscience. [ Thomas Fuller ]
To be loved, we should merit but little esteem; all superiority attracts awe and aversion. [ Helvetius ]
Misers, as death approaches, are heaping up a chest of reasons to stand in more awe of him. [ Shenstone ]
A heavenly awe overshadowed and encompassed, as it still ought, and must, all earthly business whatsoever. [ Carlyle ]
Nothing keeps me in such awe as perfect beauty; now, there is something consoling and encouraging in ugliness. [ Sheridan ]
O form! how oft dost thou with thy case, thy habit, wrench awe from fools, and tie the wiser souls to thy false seeming! [ William Shakespeare ]
O place! O form, how often dost thou with thy case, thy habit, wrench awe from fools, and tie the wiser souls to thy false seeming! [ William Shakespeare ]
Great attention to what is said and sweetness of speech, a great degree of kindness and the appearance of awe, are always tokens of a man's attachment. [ Hitopadesa ]
A nation's character is the sum of its splendid deeds; they constitute one common patrimony, the nation's inheritance. They awe foreign powers; they arouse and animate our own people. [ Henry Clay ]
The deep mellow voice of the waves of the mighty deep is full of mystery and awe; and the ocean moaning over the dead it holds in its bosom, lulls them to unbroken slumbers in the chambers of its unfathomable depths. [ Haliburton ]
The mind of the thinker and the student is driven to admit, though it be awe-struck by apparent injustice, that this inequality is the work of God. Make all men equal today, and God has so created them that they shall be all unequal tomorrow. [ Anthony Trollope ]
This is that eloquence the ancients represented as lightning, bearing down every opposer; this the power which has turned whole assemblies into astonishment, admiration and awe that is described by the torrent, the flame, and every other instance of irresistible impetuosity. [ Goldsmith ]