He knew what is what. [ Skelton ]
Not what is she but what has she. [ Proverb ]
What we will is the soul of what we do. [ German Proverb ]
Do what thou oughtest, and come what can. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]
I am what you will be, I was what you are.
Fill what you will, and drink what you fill. [ Proverb ]
Enjoy what you have; hope for what you lack. [ Levis ]
He that does what he can, does what he ought. [ Proverb ]
What shadows we are, and what shadows we pursue! [ Burke ]
We believe easily what we fear of what we desire. [ La Fontaine ]
Know not what you know, and see not what you see. [ Plautus ]
Who has not what he loves, must love what he has. [ Bussy-Rabutin ]
What is, what has been, and what shall in time be. [ Virgil ]
From what has happened we may infer what may happen.
O world, what pictures and what harmonies are thine! [ Emerson ]
He that does what he will, oft does not what he ought. [ Proverb ]
Genius does what it must, and talent does what it can. [ Owen Meredith ]
The popular ear weighs what you are, not what you were. [ Quarles ]
Lord, we know what we are, but know not what we may be. [ William Shakespeare, Hamlet ]
Men speak of what they know; women of what pleases them. [ J. J. Rousseau ]
Tell me what you like, and I will tell you what you are. [ John Ruskin ]
Husband, don't believe what you see, but what I tell you. [ Proverb ]
I cannot hear what you say for listening to what you are. [ Emerson ]
The law is what we must do; the gospel what God will give. [ Luther ]
What old men can do always falls short of what they desire. [ A. Ricard ]
In love, what we take has greater price than what is given. [ J. Petit-Senn ]
We extol what is old, regardless of what is of modern date. [ Tac ]
Man is only what he becomes, but he becomes only what he is. [ Amiel ]
What is mine is my own, what is my brother's is his and mine. [ Proverb ]
What in me is dark, Illumine, what is low, raise and support. [ Milton ]
What we seek, we shall find; what we flee from,flees from us. [ Ralph Waldo Emerson ]
He that doth what he should not shall feel what he would not. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]
Not what we have, but what we enjoy, constitutes our abundance. [ J. Petit-Senn ]
You ought to obtain what you ask, as you only ask what is fair. [ Plaut ]
He that would have what he hath not should do what he doth not. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]
He that would know what shall be, must consider what hath been. [ Proverb ]
It is not what man does which exalts him, but what man would do. [ Robert Browning ]
Prejudice, which sees what it pleases, cannot see what is plain. [ Aubrey de Vere ]
He who buys what he cannot pay for, sells what he fain would not. [ Italian Proverb ]
As you can not do what you wish, you should wish what you can do. [ Terence ]
What man seeks in love is woman; what woman seeks in man is love. [ A. Houssaye ]
What we gain by experience is not worth what we lose in illusion. [ J. Petit-Senn ]
Solitude shows us what we should be; society shows us what we are. [ Cecil ]
The miser is as much in want of what he has, as of what he has not. [ Syrus ]
Some never think of what they say; others never say what they think. [ De Finod ]
We wish to have what we have not, and what we have ceases to please. [ Monvel ]
O beautiful, awful summer day, what hast thou given, what taken away? [ Longfellow ]
He that buys what he does not want, must often sell what he does want. [ Proverb ]
Correction should not respect so much what is past, as what is to come. [ Proverb ]
Duty is what one expects from others - it is not what one does oneself. [ Oscar Wilde, A Woman of No Importance ]
Girls we love for what they are; young men for what they promise to be. [ Goethe ]
A woman is more influenced by what she divines than by what she is told. [ Ninon de Lenclos ]
Men are less eager for what they may have, than what they cannot obtain. [ Proverb ]
Men say of women what pleases them; women do with men what pleases them. [ De Segur ]
What we know here is very little, but what we are ignorant of is immense. [ La Place ]
What doth better become wisdom than to discern what is worthy the living. [ Sir P. Sidney ]
Everywhere in life, the true question is not what we gain, but what we do. [ Carlyle ]
It is right to be contented with what we have, but never with what we are. [ Sir James Mackintosh ]
A thing is worth what it can do for you, not what you choose to pay for it. [ John Ruskin ]
Consider well what your strength is equal to, and what exceeds your ability. [ Horace ]
We are rich only through what we give, and poor only through what we refuse. [ Madame Swetchine ]
Never be afraid of what is good; the good is always the road to what is true. [ Hamerton ]
We are ever striving after what is forbidden, and coveting what is denied us. [ Ovid ]
He will always lack what is best who does not give credit to what others know. [ Rückert ]
I am satisfied that we are less convinced by what we hear than by what we see. [ Herodotus ]
When men give up saying what is charming, they cease thinking what is charming. [ Oscar Wilde, Lady Windemere's Fan ]
He who praises you for what you have not, wishes to take from you what you have. [ Manuel ]
When the eye sees what it never saw, the heart will think what it never thought. [ Proverb ]
Two things a man should never be angry at; what he can help, and what he cannot. [ Proverb ]
Buy not what you want, but what you need; what you don't want is dear at a cent. [ Cato ]
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