Higher than the perfect song,
For which love longeth,
Is the tender fear of wrong,
That never wrongeth. [ Bayard Taylor ]
A tender heart, a will inflexible. [ Longfellow ]
Slowly, slowly falls night's curtain
Over all the wide-spread land;
And the angels of the twilight
At the gates of heaven stand.
Lo, they come, a band of angels.
Clad in robes of tender gray;
And before their gracious presence,
Fades the sun's last lingering ray. [ C. E, Charles ]
The world goes whispering to its own,
This anguish pierces to the bone;
And tender friends go sighing round,
What love can ever cure this wound?
My days go on, my days go on. [ E. B. Browning ]
Death upon his face
Is rather shine than shade,
A tender shine by looks beloved made. [ Mrs. Browning ]
She walks in beauty, like the night
Of cloudless climes and starry skies;
And all that's best of dark and bright
Meet in her aspect and her eyes;
Thus mellow'd to that tender light
Which Heaven to gaudy day denies. [ Byron, She Walks in Beauty ]
A tender smile, our sorrow's only balm. [ Young ]
Even so by love the young and tender wit
Is turned to folly. [ William Shakespeare, Two Gentlemen of Verona, Act I. Sc.1 ]
The harebells nod as she passes by,
The violet lifts its tender eye.
The ferns bend her steps to greet.
And the mosses creep to her dancing feet; [ Julia C. R. Dorr, Over The Wall ]
Mother, a maiden is a tender thing,
And best by her that bore her understood. [ Alfred Tennyson ]
Alas! the slippery nature of tender youth. [ Claudianus ]
Steps with a tender foot, light as on air.
The lovely, lordly creature floated on. [ Tennyson ]
Those tender tears that humanize the soul. [ Thomson ]
A six-foot suckling, mincing in its gait.
Affected, peevish, prim and delicate;
Fearful it seemed, tho' of athletic make,
Lest brutal breezes should so roughly shake
Its tender form, and savage motion spread
O'er its pale cheeks, the horrid manly red. [ Churchill ]
Not the rich viol, trump, cymbal, nor horn.
Guitar, nor cittern, nor the pining flute.
Are half so sweet as tender human words. [ Barry Cornwall ]
Within the rose I found a trembling tear,
Close curtained in a gloom of crimson night
By tender petals from the outer light. [ Boyesen ]
Delightful task! to rear the tender thought.
To teach the young idea how to shoot. [ James Thomson ]
The tender flower that lifts its head, elate,
Helpless must fall before the blasts of fate,
Sunk on the earth, defaced its lovely form,
Unless your shelter ward th' impending storm. [ Burns ]
Within her tender eye
The heaven of April, with its changing light. [ Longfellow ]
Dark the Night, with breath all flowers.
And tender broken voice that fills
With ravishment the listening hours, -
Whisperings, wooings.
Liquid ripples, and soft ring-dove cooings
In low-toned rhythm that love's aching stills!
Dark the night
Yet is she bright.
For in her dark she brings the mystic star.
Trembling yet strong, as is the voice of love.
From some unknown afar. [ George Eliot ]
When he spoke, what tender words he used!
So softly, that like flakes of feathered snow.
They melted as they fell. [ Dryden ]
Long while I sought to what I might compare
Those powerful eyes, which light my dark spirit;
Yet found I nought on earth, to which I dare
Resemble the image of their goodly light.
Not to the sun, for they do shine by night;
Nor to the moon, for they are changed never;
Nor to the stars, for they have purer sight;
Nor to the fire, for they consume not ever;
Nor to the lightning, for they still persevere;
Nor to the diamond, for they are more tender;
Nor unto crystal, for nought may they sever;
Nor unto glass, such baseness might offend her;
Then to the Maker's self the likest be;
Whose light doth lighten all that here we see. [ Spenser ]
There is nothing can equal the tender hours
When life is first in bloom,
When the heart like a bee, in a wild of flowers,
Finds everywhere perfume;
When the present is all and it questions not
If those flowers shall pass away,
But pleased with its own delightful lot,
Dreams never of decay. [ Bohn ]
The heart groweth tender in the presence of beauty. [ S. Neftanish ]
As one who in some frightful dream would shun
His pressing foe, labors in vain to run
And his own slowness in his sleep bemoans.
In short thick sighs, weak cries, and tender groans. [ Dryden ]
A languid heart is tender; sadness makes love ferment. [ J. J. Rousseau ]
So much depends on habit in the tender years of youth. [ Virgil ]
The disgrace of others often deters tender minds from vice. [ Horace ]
Of the book of books most wondrous is the tender book of love. [ Goethe ]
Paradise was made for tender hearts; hell, for loveless hearts. [ Voltaire ]
On the earth, the Infinite has sowed His name in tender flowers. [ Richter ]
Never anything can be amiss, when simpleness and duty tender it. [ William Shakespeare ]
Tender-handed stroke a nettle, and 't stings you for your pains. [ Aaron Hill ]
The tender grace of a day that is dead will never come back to me. [ Tennyson ]
Cold natures have only recollections; tender natures have remembrances. [ Mme. de Krudener ]
You are so tender, you dare not be hanged for fear of galling your neck. [ Proverb ]
No visor does become black villainy so well as soft and tender flattery. [ William Shakespeare ]
I have given suck, and know how tender it is to love the babe that milks me. [ William Shakespeare ]
From its peaceful bosom spring none but fond regrets and tender recollections. [ Washington Irving ]
Earth hath nothing more tender than a woman's heart when it is the abode of piety. [ Luther ]
Dependants, friends, relations, love himself, ravaged by woe, forget the tender tie. [ Thomson ]
In this world, full often our joys are only the tender shadows which our sorrows cast. [ Beecher ]
The more tender our spirits are made by religion, the more ready we are to let in grief. [ Jeremy Taylor ]
Even the rough rocks with tender myrtle bloom, and trodden weeds send out a rich perfume. [ Addison ]
Who that has loved knows not the tender tale which flowers reveal, when lips are coy to tell? [ Edward Bulwer-Lytton ]
The essence of humor is sensibility; warm, tender fellow-feeling with all forms of existence. [ Carlyle ]
There never was any heart truly great and generous that was not also tender and compassionate. [ South ]
Strong as man and tender as woman, they welcome you in every mood, and never turn from you in distress. [ J. A. Langford ]
The happiness of the tender heart is increased by what it can take away from the wretchedness of others. [ J. Petit-Senn ]
If hearty sorrow be a sufficient ransom for offence, I tender it here; I do as truly suffer, as ever I did commit. [ William Shakespeare ]
The Omnipotent has sown His name on the heavens in glittering stars; but upon earth He planteth His name by tender flowers. [ Richter ]
To nil married men be this caution, which they should duly tender as their life: Neither to doat too much, nor doubt a wife. [ Massinger ]
Friendship's said to be a plant of tedious growth, its root composed of tender fibers, nice in their taste, cautious in spreading. [ Vanbrugh ]
Happy is it to place a daughter; yet it pains a father's heart when he delivers to another's house a child, the object of his tender care. [ Euripides ]
Sweet flower, thou tellest how hearts as pure and tender as thy leaf, as low and humble as thy stem, will surely know the joy that peace imparts. [ Percival ]
A man or a woman may be highly irritable, and yet be sweet, tender, gentle, loving, sociable, kind, charitable, thoughtful for others, unselfish, generous. [ Charles Buxton ]
Mother love hath this unlikeness to any other love: Tender to the object, it can be infinitely tyrannical to itself, and thence all its power of self-sacrifice. [ Lew Wallace ]
Speak with contempt of no man. Every one hath a tender sense of reputation. And every man hath a sting, which he may, if provoked too far, dart out at one time or other. [ Burton ]
What furniture can give such finish to a room as a tender woman's face? and is there any harmony of tints that has such stirrings of delight as the sweet modulations of her voice? [ George Eliot ]
Never to tire, never to grow cold; to be patient, sympathetic, tender; to look for the budding flower and the opening heart; to hope always; like God, to love always - this is duty. [ Amiel ]
What the tender and poetic youth dreams today, and conjures up with inarticulate speech, is tomorrow the vociferated result of public opinion, and the day after is the character of nations. [ Emerson ]
Why was the sight to such a tender ball as the eye confined, so obvious and so easy to be quenched, and not, as feeling, through all parts diffused, that she might look at will through every pore? [ Milton ]
There is no contending with necessity, and we should be very tender how we censure those that submit to it. It is one thing to be at liberty to do what we will, and another thing to be tied up to do what we must. [ L'Estrange ]
A man may kill a tender and delicate wife by cold neglect, and ruin himself and her too by debauchery; but if he keeps within his own dwellings and does not disturb his neighbors, the law would be slow to move against him. [ A. S. Roe ]
The happiness of life may be greatly increased by small courtesies in which there is no parade, whose voice is too still to tease, and which manifest themselves by tender and affectionate looks, and little kind acts of attention. [ Sterne ]
I have remarked that those who love women most, and are most tender in their intercourse with them, are most inclined to speak ill of them, us if they could not forgive them for not being as irreproachable as they wish them to be. [ T. Gautier ]
Perhaps God does with His heavenly garden as we do with our own. He may chiefly stock it from nurseries, and select for transplanting what is yet in its young and tender age - flowers before they have bloomed, and trees ere they begin to bear. [ Rev. Dr. Guthrie ]
The essence of humour is sensibility, warm, tender, fellow-feeling with all forms of existence; and unless seasoned and purified by humour, sensibility is apt to run wild, will readily corrupt into disease, falsehood, or, in one word, sentimentality. [ Carlyle ]
Novels are sweets. All people with healthy literary appetites love them; almost all women; a vast number of clever, hard-headed men. Judges, bishops, chancellors, mathematicians, are notorious novel readers, as well as young boys and girls, and their kind, tender mothers. [ Thackeray ]
Just as a tested and rugged virtue of the moral hero is worth more than the lovely, tender, untried innocence of the child, so is the massive strength of a soul that has conquered truth for itself worth more than the soft peach-bloom faith of a soul that takes truth on trust. [ F. E. Abbot ]
There is a voice from the tomb sweeter than song. There is a remembrance of the dead to which we turn even from the charms of the living. Oh, the grave! the grave! It buries every error, covers every defect, extinguishes every resentment. From its peaceful bosom spring none but fond regrets and tender recollections. [ Washington Irving ]
There are so many tender and holy emotions flying about in our inward world, which, like angels, can never assume the body of an outward act; so many rich and lovely flowers spring up which bear no seed, - that it is a happiness poetry was invented, which receives into its limbus all these incorporated spirits and the perfume of all these flowers. [ Richter ]
Men that look no further than their outsides, think health an appurtenance unto life, and quarrel with their constitutions for being sick; but I that have examined the parts of man, and know upon what tender filaments that fabric hangs, do wonder that we are not always so; and considering the thousand doors that lead to death, do thank my God that we can die but once. [ Sir Thomas Browns ]
See a fond mother encircled by her children; with pious tenderness she looks around, and her soul even melts with maternal love. One she kisses on its cheeks, and clasps another to her bosom; one she sets upon her knee, and finds a seat upon her foot for another. And while, by their actions, by their lisping words, and asking eyes, she understands their numberless little wishes, to these she dispenses a look, and a word to those; and whether she grants or refuses, whether she smiles or frowns, it is all in tender love. [ Krummacher ]
If thy mother be a widow, give her double honor, who now acts the part of a double parent; remember her nine month's burden, and her tenth month's travel; forget not her indulgence, when thou didst hang upon her tender breast; call to mind her prayers for thee before thou earnest into the world; and her cares for thee when thou wert come into the world; remember her secret groans, her affectionate tears, her broken slumbers, her daily fears, her nightly frights; relieve her wants, cover her imperfections, comfort her age, and the widow's husband will be the orphan's father. [ F. Quarles ]
The loss of a mother is always severely felt; even though Her health may incapacitate her from taking any active part in the care of her family, still she is a sweet rallying-point, around which affection and obedience, and a thousand tender endeavors to please concentrate; and dreary is the blank when such a point is withdrawn! It is like that lonely star before us; neither its heat nor light are anything to us in themselves; yet the shepherd would feel his heart sad if he missed it, when he lifts his eye to the brow of the mountain over which it rises when the sun descends. [ Lamartine ]