Rivers need a spring. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]
Industry need not wish. [ Benjamin Franklin ]
Fair faces need no paint. [ Proverb ]
Good paymasters need no surety. [ Proverb ]
No friend like a friend in need. [ Proverb ]
Blind men's wives need no paint. [ Proverb ]
Need makes the naked queen spin. [ Proverb ]
The rich need not beg a welcome. [ Proverb ]
Noble housekeepers need no doors. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]
Many rendings need many mendings. [ Proverb ]
He that is down need fear no fall. [ Bunyan ]
For danger levels man and brute
And all are fellows in their need. [ Dryden ]
Friends need no formal invitation. [ Proverb ]
Days, that need borrow
No part of their good morrow
From a fore-spent night of sorrow. [ Richard Crashaw ]
Two cunning knaves need no broker. [ Proverb ]
Even the just man has need of help. [ Italian Proverb ]
A wilful man had need be very wise. [ Proverb ]
Deserted, at his utmost need,
By those his former bounty fed,
On the bare earth exposed be lies,
With not a friend to close his eyes. [ John Dryden ]
Fallen, fallen, fallen, fallen.
Fallen from his high estate.
And welt'ring in his blood;
Deserted at his utmost need.
But those his former bounty fed;
On the bare earth exposed he lies,
With not a friend to close his eyes. [ Dryden ]
A friend in need is a friend indeed. [ Proverb ]
Monuments themselves memorials need. [ Crabbe ]
Quick believers need broad shoulders. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]
You have no need to borrow confidence. [ Proverb ]
Good paymasters need not bring a pawn. [ Proverb ]
If a man but knew what would be dear,
He need be a merchant but only one year. [ Proverb ]
Desperate diseases need desperate cures. [ Proverb ]
They need much whom nothing will content. [ Proverb ]
The very best men stand in need of pardon. [ Proverb ]
Beauty is truth, truth beauty - that is all
Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know. [ Keats ]
The richest minds need not large libraries. [ Alcott ]
Everything goes to him who does not need it. [ French Proverb ]
What the eye sees need not to be guessed at. [ Proverb ]
What need a man forestall his date of grief,
And run to meet what he would most avoid? [ Milton ]
To eat and to scratch, a man need but begin. [ Proverb ]
He need not go away from home for instruction. [ Terence ]
Gold is tried in the fire, friendship in need. [ Danish Proverb ]
Who buys has need of an hundred eyes;
But one is enough to him that sells the stuff. [ Proverb ]
A good tongue has seldom need to beg attention. [ Proverb ]
Once in ten years one man hath need of another. [ Proverb ]
Thou need'st not answer; thy confession speaks,
Already reddening in thy guilty cheeks. [ Byron ]
Innocence itself hath sometimes need of a mask. [ Proverb ]
He that desires but little has no need of much. [ Proverb ]
Money, as well as need makes the old wife trot. [ Proverb ]
There is no need of a ferret to catch an harlot. [ Proverb ]
Read Homer once, and you can read no more,
For all books else appear so mean, so poor.
Verse will seem prose, but still persist to read,
And Homer will be all the books you need. [ John Sheffield ]
You need not get a golden pen to write upon dirt. [ Proverb ]
A good present need not knock long for admittance. [ Proverb ]
He has great need of a fool who makes himself one. [ French Proverb ]
The great and the little have need of one another. [ Proverb ]
Children have more need of models than of critics. [ Joubert ]
Great thoughts, like great deeds, need no trumpet. [ Bailey ]
He that has but one eye had need look well to that. [ Proverb ]
A wise man need not blush for changing his purpose. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]
Millers need no noise, yet cannot grind without it. [ Proverb ]
As long as any man exists, there is some need of him. [ Ralph Waldo Emerson ]
Who hath no more bread than need must not keep a dog. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]
There is nothing more friendly than a friend in need. [ Plautus ]
Truth and honesty have no need of loud protestations. [ Proverb ]
He had need rise betimes who would please every body. [ Proverb ]
He had need of a long spoon that sups with the devil. [ Proverb ]
Rich men and fortunate men have need of much prudence. [ Proverb ]
That which we may live without we need not covet much. [ Proverb ]
Order is man's greatest need, and his true well-being. [ Amiel ]
What is none of your profit need be none of your peril. [ Proverb ]
He that serves well need not be afraid to ask his wages. [ Proverb ]
You need not marry; you have troubles enough without it. [ Proverb ]
The stone that lies not in your way, need not offend you. [ Proverb ]
He hath great need of a fool that plays the fool himself. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]
Whoever serves his country well has no need of ancestors. [ Voltaire ]
He has great need of a wife that marries mamma's darling. [ Proverb ]
No outward change need trouble him who is inwardly serene. [ Hosea Ballou ]
The only reason I need these gloves is because of my hands. [ Yogi Berra ]
They have great need of a blessing that kneel to a thistle. [ Proverb ]
He may very well be contented that need not buy nor flatter. [ Proverb ]
A man without ceremony has need of great merit in its place. [ Proverb ]
If you can abide a curst wife, you need not fear any company. [ Proverb ]
Experience teacheth us that resolution is a sole help in need. [ William Shakespeare ]
He that has but four, and spends five, has no need of a purse. [ Proverb ]
Danger levels man and brute, and all are fellows in their need. [ Byron ]
He that scoffs at the crooked had need go very upright himself. [ Proverb ]
When we destroy an old prejudice, we have need of a new virtue. [ Mme. de Stael ]
Advice is seldom welcome. Those who need it most, like it least. [ Johnson ]
He that hath a fox for his mate hath need of a net at his girdle. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]
You need not go to the iron-mills every time you lack a tack-nail. [ Proverb ]
Silence, when nothing need be said, is the eloquence of discretion. [ Bovee ]
Though the sauce be good, yet you need not forsake the meat for it. [ Proverb ]
The good need fear no law; it is his safety, and the bad man's awe. [ Ben Jonson ]
He that deals with a senseless man had need of a good deal of sense. [ Proverb ]
They have need of a canny cook that have but one egg for their dinner. [ Proverb ]
Every real need is appeased and every vice stimulated by satisfaction. [ Amiel ]
Sufficiently provided from within, he has need of little from without. [ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe of the poet ]
Trust no friend with that you need; fear him as if he were your enemy. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]
He that can abide a curst wife need not fear what company he lives in. [ Proverb ]
If you sail with a bad wind, you need to understand tacking about well. [ Proverb ]
It is a wonderful subduer - this need of love, this hunger of the heart. [ George Eliot ]
Where nature is sovereign, there is no need of austerity and self-denial. [ Froude ]
Many an honest man stands in need of help that has not the face to beg it. [ Proverb ]
Genius may at times want the spur, but it stands as often in need of the curb. [ Longinus ]
What we need most is not so much to realize the ideal as to idealize the real. [ F. H. Hedge ]
The patient hath more need of the physician, than the physician of the patient. [ Proverb ]
Many things impossible to thought have been by need to full perfection brought. [ Dryden ]
Buy not what you want, but what you need; what you don't want is dear at a cent. [ Cato ]
If they be principles evident of themselves, they need nothing to evidence them. [ Tillotson ]
Genius does not need a special language; it newly uses whatever tongue it finds. [ Stedman ]
He that can read and meditate, need not think the evenings long, or life tedious. [ Proverb ]
We need not be much concerned about those faults which we have the courage to own. [ La Rochefoucauld ]
No woman or man need ever suffer from ennui or despair; the panacea is occupation. [ Mme. de Surin ]
Yet the best pilots have need of mariners, besides sails, anchor and other tackle. [ Ben Jonson ]
Withhold not your money, where there is need, and waste it not where there is none. [ Proverb ]
Be not afraid of enthusiasm; you need it; you can do nothing effectually without it. [ Guizot ]
He is best served who has no need to put the hands of others at the end of his arms. [ Rousseau ]
Some women need much adorning, as some meat needs much seasoning to incite appetite. [ Rochebrune ]
If a man read little, he had need have much cunning to seem to know that he doth not. [ Bacon ]
The strokes of the pen need deliberation as much as those of the sword need swiftness. [ Julia W. Howe ]
A friend should be like money, tried before being required, not found faulty in our need. [ Plutarch ]
Dare to be true. Nothing can need a lie; A fault, which needs it most, grows two thereby. [ Herbert ]
We believe that we have a good government, worth fighting for, and, if need be, dying for. [ U. S. Grant ]
Experience is a jewel, and it had need be so, for it is often purchased at an infinite rate. [ William Shakespeare ]
We need the friendship of a man in great trials; of a woman in the affairs of every-day life. [ A. L. Thomas ]
To endure is the first thing a child ought to learn, and that which he will have most need to know. [ Rousseau ]
It ill corresponds with a profession of friendship to refuse assistance to a friend in time of need. [ G. Crabb ]
When men are friends there is no need of justice; but when they are just, they still need friendship. [ Aristotle ]
He that would be singular in his apparel had need of something superlative to balance that affectation. [ Feltham ]
We need only obey. There is guidance for each of us, and by lowly listening we shall hear the right word. [ Emerson ]
The truth we need is only lightly veiled, not deeply buried by the wise hand which has designed it for us. [ Gellert ]
Stern duties need not speak sternly. He who stood firm before the thunder worshipped the still small voice.
[ Sidney Dobell ]
We only need to be as true to others as we are to ourselves, that there may be grounds enough for friendship. [ Thoreau ]
Covetous men need money least, yet they most affect it; but prodigals, who need it most have the least regard for it. [ Alexander Wilson ]
He that cannot forgive others, breaks the bridge over which he must pass himself; for every man has need to be forgiven. [ Edward Herbert ]
When Nature fills the sails, the vessel goes smoothly on; and when judgment is the pilot, the insurance need not be high. [ Sir T. Browne ]
When the commander-in-chief is not with the army, that is sooner done which need not to be done than that which requires to be done. [ Plaut ]
Books are true friends that will never flatter nor dissemble: be you but true to yourself, . . . and you shall need no other comfort. [ Bacon ]
Poetry is unfallen speech. Paradise knew no other, for no other would suffice to answer the need of those ecstatic days of innocence. [ Abraham Coles ]
Failures always overtake those who have the power to do, without the will to act, and who need that essential quality in life, energy. [ James Ellis ]
Governments exist to protect the rights of minorities. The loved and the rich need no protection, - they have many friends and few enemies. [ Wendell Phillips ]
We must strive to make ourselves really worthy of some employment. We need pay no attention to anything else; the rest is the business of others. [ Bruyere ]
To know what is useful and what useless, and to be skilful to provide the one and wise to scorn the other, is the first need for all industrious men. [ John Ruskin ]
The great atheists are, indeed, the hypocrites, which are ever handling holy things, but without feeling; so as they must need be cauterized in the end. [ Bacon ]
Rejected lovers need never despair! There are four and twenty hours in a day, and not a moment in the twenty-four in which a woman may not change her mind. [ De Finod ]
Famine is in thy cheeks. Need and oppression starveth in thine eyes. Contempt and beggary hang upon thy back; The world is not thy friend, nor the world's law. [ William Shakespeare ]
We may have the confidence of another without possessing his heart. If his heart be ours, there is no need of revelation or of confidence, - all is open to us. [ Du Coeur ]
When danger threats, the friend comes forth resolved and shields his friend; in fortune's golden smile what need of friends? Her favoring power wants no auxiliary. [ Euripides ]
All papas and mammas have exactly that sort of sight which distinguishes objects at a distance clearly, while they need spectacles to see those under their very noses. [ Ruffini ]
The useful encourages itself; for the multitude produce it, and no one can dispense with it: the beautiful must be encouraged; for few can set it forth, and many need it. [ Goethe ]
Neglect is enough to ruin a man; a man who is in business need not commit forgery or robbery to ruin himself; he has only to neglect his business, and his ruin is certain. [ A. Barnes ]
Time is but the measure of the difficulty of a conception. Pure thought has scarcely any need of time, since it perceives the two ends of an idea almost at the same moment. [ Amiel ]
Natural abilities are like natural plants, that need pruning by study; and studies themselves do give forth directions too much at large, except they be bounded in by experience. [ Bacon ]
Milton almost requires a solemn service of music to be played before you enter upon him. But he brings his music, to which who listen had need bring docile thoughts and purged ears. [ Lamb ]
Death alone of the gods loves not gifts, nor do you need to offer incense or libations; he cares not for altar nor hymn; the goddess of Persuasion alone of the gods has no power over him. [ Horace ]
The present is withered by our wishes for the future; we ask for more air, more light, more space, more fields, a larger home. Ah! does one need so much room to love a day, and then to die? [ E. Souvestre ]
In looking around me seeking for miserable resources against the heaviness of time, I open a book, and I say to myself, as the cat to the fox: I have only one good turn, but I need no other. [ Madame Necker ]
Neither the naked hand nor the understanding, left to itself, can do much; the work is accomplished by instruments and helps, of which the need is not less for the understanding than the hand. [ Bacon ]
A people that studies its own past, and rejoices in the nation's proud memories, is likely to be a patriotic people, the bulwark of law, and the courageous champion of right in the hour of need. [ Joseph Anderson ]
Government is a necessary evil, like other go-carts and crutches. Our need of it shows exactly how far we are still children. All governing over-much kills the self-help and energy of the governed. [ Wendell Phillips ]
If a crooked stick is before you, you need not explain how crooked it is. Lay a straight one down by the side of it, and the work is well done. Preach the truth, and error will stand abashed in its presence. [ Spurgeon ]
All the means of action, the shapeless masses - the materials - lie everywhere about us. What we need is the celestial fire to change the flint into transparent crystal, bright and clear. That fire is genius! [ Longfellow ]
If we are involved in something where we want to win, and particularly something that is necessary, if there's something out there that we need to win, we are going to try and beat your ass every time we can. [ Bobby Knight, April 27, 2016, Fox News Town Hall ]
All men need something to poetize and idealize their life a little; something which they value far more than for its use, and which is a symbol of their emancipation from the mere materialism and drudgery of daily life. [ Theodore Parker ]
Fame has no necessary conjunction with praise; it may exist without the breath of a word: it is a recognition of excellence which must be felt, but need not be spoken. Even the envious must feel it, - feel it, and hate in silence. [ Washington Allston ]
Frugality is good if liberality be joined with it. The first is leaving off superfluous expenses; the last is bestowing them to the benefit of others that need. The first without the last begets covetousness; the last without the first begets prodigality. [ William Penn ]
There is nothing like fun, is there? I haven't any myself, but I do like it in others. O, we need it! We need all the counterweights we can muster to balance the sad relations of life. God has made many sunny spots in the heart; why should we exclude the light from them? [ Haliburton ]
Without distinction, without calculation, without procrastination, love. Lavish it upon the poor, where it is very easy; especially upon the rich, who often need it most; most of all upon our equals, where it is very difficult, and for whom perhaps we each do least of all. [ Henry Drummond ]
Men of quality never appear more amiable than when their dress is plain. Their birth, rank, title and its appendages are at best invidious; and as they do not need the assistance of dress, so, by their disclaiming the advantage of it, they make their superiority sit more easy. [ Shenstone ]
The friendship of the world is like the leaves falling from their trees in autumn; while the sap of maintenance lasts, friends swarm in abundance; but in the winter of our need, they leave us naked. He is a happy man that hath a true friend at his need; but he is more truly happy that hath no need of a friend. [ Arthur Warwick ]
That which I have found the best recreation both to my mind and body, whensoever either of them stands in need of it, is music, which exercises at once both body and soul; especially when I play myself; for then, methinks, the same motion that my hands make upon the instrument, the instrument makes upon my heart. [ J. Beveridge ]
It is frivolous to fix pedantically the date of particular inventions. They have all been invented over and over fifty times, Man is the arch machine, of which all these shifts drawn from himself are toy models. He helps himself on each emergency by copying or duplicating his own structure, just so far as the need is. [ Emerson ]
The mind of the greatest man on earth is not so independent of circumstances as not to feel inconvenienced by the merest buzzing noise about him; it does not need the report of a cannon to disturb his thoughts. The creaking of a vane or a pully is quite enough. Do not wonder that he reasons ill just now; a fly is buzzing by his ear; it is quite enough to unfit him for giving good counsel. [ Pascal ]
Excellence in art is to be attained only by active effort, and not by passive impressions; by the manly overcoming of difficulties, by patient struggle against adverse circumstance, by the thrifty use of moderate opportunities. The great artists were not rocked and dandled into eminence, but they attained to it by that course of labor and discipline which no man need go to Rome or Paris or London to enter upon. [ Hillard ]
We must have books for recreation and entertainment, as well as books for instruction and for business; the former are agreeable, the latter useful, and the human mind requires both. The cannon law and the codes of Justinian shall have due honor, and reign at the universities; but Homer and Virgil need not therefore be banished. We will cultivate the olive and the vine, but without eradicating the myrtle and the rose. [ Balzac ]
If a man were only to deal in the world for a day, and should never have occasion to converse more with mankind, never more need their good opinion or good word, it were then no great matter (speaking as to the concernments of this world), if a man spent his reputation all at once, and ventured it at one throw; but if he be to continue in the world, and would have the advantage of conversation while he is in it, let him make use of truth and sincerity in all his words and actions; for nothing but this will last and hold out to the end. [ Tillotson ]