Oh, may I with myself agree,
And never covet what I see.
Content me with an humble shade,
My passions tamed, my wishes laid;
For, while our wishes wildly roll.
We banish quiet from the soul.
It is thus the busy beat the air,
And misers gather wealth and care. [ Dyer ]
Banish the canker of ambitious thoughts. [ William Shakespeare, Henry VI ]
If you are wise, and prize your peace of mind,
Believe me true, nor listen to your Jealousy,
Let not that devil which undoes your sex,
That cursed curiosity seduce you
To hunt for needless secrets, which, neglected,
Shall never hurt your quiet, but once known
Shall sit upon your heart, pinch it with pain,
And banish sweet sleep forever from you. [ Rowe ]
Oh, let us fill our hearts up with the glory of the day
And banish every doubt and care and sorrow far away!
For the world is full of roses and the roses full of dew,
And the dew is full of heavenly love that drips for me and you.
[ James Whitcomb Riley ]
O, banish the tears of children! Continual rains upon the blossoms are hurtful. [ Richter ]
The dreariest poverty is that of the heart; banish this, and we shall all be rich. [ Bovee ]
Neglect will banish love, kill a lie, and silence slander; yet it will feed a malady, nourish hatred, and fill a garden with weeds. [ E. P. Day ]
Measure your health by your sympathy with morning and spring. If there is no response in you to the awakening of nature, if the prospect of an early morning walk does not banish sleep, if the warble of the first bluebird does not thrill you, know that the morning and spring of your life are past. [ Thoreau ]
O poets! what injury you have done us, and how right Plato was to banish you from his republic! How your ambrosia has rendered more bitter our absinth! How have we found our lives more barren and more desolate, after having turned our eyes toward the sublime perspectives which your dreams have opened in the infinite! [ T. Gautier ]