The Charms Of Woman.
by James Nack
The glittering stars we admire,
And the sun on his throne in the skies,
And we worship the lovelier fire
That sparkles in woman's sweet eyes;
The bloom of the flourishing roses
Delight to the eyes can impart;
And the bloom that dear woman discloses
Has far more delight for the heart.
How sweetly the zephyrs are throwing
The fragrance they snatch from the flowers!
How sweeter the breath that is flowing
From the pure lips of woman to ours!
Whatever around thee thou meetest,
The spell of delight that can lend,
The brightest, the fairest, the sweetest,
In woman far lovelier blend.
Her eyes have a heavenly splendor,
But if virtue have kindled its star
In her soul, its resplendence will lend her
A light that is lovelier far!
Her breath has a sweetness when blending
With ours in the pure kiss of love!
Far sweeter that breath when ascending
In prayer to her Maker above.
When in one all the charms are united
On the soul and the senses that steal,
When we gaze on her softness delighted,
Or when to her brightness we kneel;
However those beauties may ravish,
And fetter the soul and the eyes,
Not on them all our thoughts should we lavish,
But spare one, at least, for the skies.
If the light of her eyes we admire,
Oh, what is the glory of HIM,
From whom Heaven's eyes had the fire,
To which even beauty's were dim!
Who the blaze to Apollo has given,
Which the stars to behold cannot bear!
What splendor on earth or in Heaven
Can with its Creator's compare!
If all the creation discloses
Such beauty our homage to claim,
How awful a beauty reposes
On the brow of the God whence it came!
When woman upon you has laid her
Control, while you love and adore,
Oh, think of the BEING who made her,
And love Him and worship Him more!
The Romance Of The Ring, And Other Poems.Copyright 1859
Delisser & Procter, 508 Broadway, New York