My Blue-Eyed Maid
by James Nack
Written at the age of fourteen.
Forget me not, my blue-eyed maid,
When fate our parting shall decree!
My love may never be repaid,
But still, oh, still remember me!
Thy image, in my heart enshrined
In death's embrace alone shall fade;
When I am in his arms reclined,
Forget me not, my blue-eyed maid!
If on the monumental stone
The name of one thou chance to see,
Whose heart was thine, and thine alone,
Oh then, my love, remember me,
As one that were supremely blest
His life before thee to have laid,
Could that insure his last request:
Forget me not, my blue-eyed maid
The Romance Of The Ring, And Other Poems.Copyright 1859
Delisser & Procter, 508 Broadway, New York