Will is the cause of woe. [ Proverb ]
Angry men seldom want woe. [ Proverb ]
Solitude's the nurse of woe. [ Parnell ]
There is no woe like to want. [ Proverb ]
Teach me to feel another's woe,
To hide the fault I see;
That mercy I to others show,
That mercy show to me. [ Pope ]
In bed we laugh, in bed we cry;
And born in bed, in bed we die;
The near approach a bed may show
Of human bliss to human woe. [ Isaac De Benserade ]
The choleric man never wants woe. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]
Weep on; and, as thy sorrows flow,
I'll taste the luxury of woe. [ Moore ]
The careful pilot of my proper woe. [ Byron, Epistle to Augusta ]
It is writ on Paradise's gate,
Woe to the dupe that yields to Fate! [ Hafiz ]
I envy none the gilding of their woe. [ Young ]
Woe to the youth whom fancy gains
Winning from reason's hand the reins. [ Scott ]
Alas by some degree of woe,
We every bliss must gain;
The heart can never a transport know,
That never feels a pain. [ Lord Lyttleton ]
Twist ye, twine ye! even so,
Mingle shades of joy and woe,
Hope, and fear, and peace, and strife,
In the thread of human life. [ Scott ]
He best can pity who has felt the woe. [ Gay ]
Lord of himself, that heritage of woe. [ Byron ]
Woe be to him that reads but one book. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]
Pity best taught by fellowship of woe. [ Coleridge ]
Headstrong liberty is lashed with woe. [ William Shakespeare ]
Life protracted is protracted woe,
Time hovers o'er, impatient to destroy,
And shuts up all the passages of joy. [ Johnson ]
Too young for woe, though not for tears. [ Washington Irving ]
When one is past, another care we have;
Thus woe succeeds a woe, as wave a wave. [ Robert Herrick ]
No words suffice the secret soul to show,
For truth denies all eloquence to woe. [ Byron ]
He scorned his own who felt another's woe. [ Campbell ]
The sweetest joy, the wildest woe is love. [ Bailey ]
He scorns his own who feels another's woe. [ Campbell ]
On the rich quilt sinks with becoming woe,
Wrapt in a gown, for sickness and for show. [ Pope ]
Affliction is the good man's shining scene;
Prosperity conceals his brightest ray,
As night to stars, woe lustre gives to man. [ Young ]
A world of woes despatched in little space. [ Dryden ]
The Raven's house is built with reeds, -
Sing woe, and alas is me!
And the Raven's couch is spread with weeds,
High on the hollow tree;
And the Raven himself, telling his beads
In penance for his past misdeeds.
Upon the top I see. [ Thos. Darcy McGee ]
Though death be poor, it ends a mortal woe. [ William Shakespeare ]
On the field of foughten battle still,
Woe knows no limits save the victor's will. [ The Gaulliad ]
Woe to that house where there is no chiding. [ Proverb ]
Woe unto you when all men speak well of you. [ Bible ]
Every day hath its night, every weal its woe. [ Proverb ]
Flesh of flesh,
Bone of my bone, thou art, and from thy state
Mine never shall be parted, bliss or woe. [ Milton ]
Will will have its will, though will woe win. [ Proverb ]
So many miseries have crazed my voice,
That my woe-wearied tongue is still and mute. [ William Shakespeare ]
Look not on pleasures as they come, but go.
Defer not the least virtue; life's poor span
Make not an ell by trifling in thy woe.
If thou do ill, the joy fades, not the pains;
If well, the pain doth fade, the joy remains. [ George Herbert ]
Hell, their fit habitation, fraught with fire
Unquenchable, the house of woe and pain. [ Milton ]
Shall he who soars, inspired by loftier views.
Life's little cares and little pains refuse?
Shall he not rather feel a double share
Of mortal woe, when doubly armed to bear? [ Crabbe ]
I have that within which passeth show;
These, but the trappings and the suits of woe. [ William Shakespeare, Hamlet ]
Earth felt the wound; and Nature from her seat,
Sighing through all her work, gave sign of woe
That all was lost. [ Milton ]
Let us no more contend, nor blame
Each other, blam'd enough elsewhere, but strive
In offices of love, how we may lighten
Each other's burden, in our share of woe. [ Milton ]
Accept these grateful tears! for thee they flow
For thee, that ever felt another's woe! [ Homer ]
The grateful tear that streams for others' woes. [ Akenside ]
That was his sole delight and solace in his woe. [ Virgil ]
Woes cluster; rare are solitary woes;
They love a train, they tread each other's heel. [ Young ]
Life with all it yields of joy and woe,
And hope and fear,
Is just our chance o' the prize of learning love,
How love might be, hath been indeed, and is. [ Browning ]
Too curious man! why dost thou seek to know
Events, which, good or ill, foreknown, are woe!
The all-seeing power, that made thee mortal, gave
Thee every thing a mortal state should have. [ Dryden ]
Not suffering, but faint heart, is worst of woes. [ Lowell ]
Gardener, for telling me these news of woe.
Pray God the plants thou graft'st may never grow. [ Shakespeare ]
No scene of mortal life but teems with mortal woe. [ Sir Walter Scott ]
O very gloomy is the House of Woe,
Where tears are falling while the bell is knelling.
With all the dark solemnities which show
That Death is in the dwelling!
O, very, very dreary is the room
Where Love, domestic Love, no longer nestles.
But smitten by the common stroke of doom.
The corpse lies on the trestles! [ Hood ]
Care draws on care, woe comforts woe again,
Sorrow breeds sorrow, one grief brings forth twain. [ Dayton ]
No radiant pearl which crested fortune wears,
No gem that, twinkling, hangs from beauty's ears,
Not the bright stars which night's blue arch adorn,
Nor rising suns that gild the vernal morn.
Shine with such lustre as the tear that breaks
For other's woe, down virtue's manly cheeks. [ Darwin ]
Money, thou bane and bliss and source of woe,
Whence com'st thou, that thou art so fresh and fine?
I know thy parentage is base and low:
Man found thee poor and dirty in a mine. [ Herbert ]
Beside one deed of guilt, how blest is guiltless woe! [ Edward Bulwer-Lytton ]
Behold, we live through all things, - famine, thirst,
Bereavement, pain; all grief and misery.
All woe and sorrow; life inflicts its worst
On soul and body, - but we cannot die.
Though we be sick, and tired, and faint, and worn, -
Lo, all things can be borne! [ Elizabeth Akers Allen ]
Be ignorance thy choice where knowledge leads to woe. [ Beattie ]
Next to dressing for a rout or ball, undressing is a woe. [ Byron ]
We only see clearly when we have reached the depths of woe. [ Ouida ]
One woe doth tread upon another's heel, so fast they follow. [ William Shakespeare ]
Woe unto him that is never alone, and cannot bear to be alone. [ Hamerton ]
It becomes one, while exempt from woes, to look to the dangers. [ Sophocles ]
The world is all perfect except where man comes with his burden of woe. [ Friedrich Schiller ]
When a blind man flourishes the ancient, woe be unto those that follow him. [ Proverb ]
Wise men never sit and wail their woes, but presently prevent the ways to wail. [ William Shakespeare ]
My languid numbers have forgot to flow, and fancy sinks beneath a weight of woe. [ Pope ]
By woe the soul to daring action steals; by woe in plaintless patience it excels. [ Savage ]
When we our betters see bearing our woes, we scarcely think our miseries our foes. [ William Shakespeare ]
Woe unto them that rise up early in the morning that they may follow strong drink. [ Bible ]
Floral apostles! that in dewy splendor weep without woe, and blush without a crime. [ Horace Smith ]
O Fortune, how thy restless, wavering state has fraught with cares my troubled wit! [ Queen Elizabeth ]
Dependants, friends, relations, love himself, ravaged by woe, forget the tender tie. [ Thomson ]
My thoughts, imprisoned in my secret woes, with flamy breaths do issue oft in sound. [ Sir P. Sidney ]
That forbidden tree, whose mortal taste brought death into the world, and all our woe. [ Milton ]
Auspicious Hope! in thy sweet garden grow wreaths for each toil, a charm for every woe. [ Campbell ]
We bear it calmly, though a ponderous woe, And still adore the hand that gives the blow. [ Pomfret ]
The baiting-place of wit, the balm of woe, the poor roan's wealth, the prisoner's release. [ Sir P. Sidney ]
Tell me, when shall these weary woes have end? or shall their ruthless torment never cease? [ Spenser ]
Remembrance wakes, with all her busy train, swells at my heart, and turns the past to pain. [ Goldsmith ]
Like the plants that throw their fragrance from the wounded part, breathe sweetness out of woe. [ Moore ]
The fickle mob, how they are driven round by every wind that blows! Woe to him who leans on this reed! [ Friedrich Schiller ]
Woe for my vine-clad home, that it should ever be so dark to me, with its bright threshold and its whispering tree! [ N. P. Willis ]
a monosyllable, the easiest learned by the child, but the most difficult to practise by the man, contains within it the import of a life, the weal or woe of an eternity. [ Johnson ]
Don Quixote is, after all, the defender of the oppressed, the champion of lost causes, and the man of noble aberrations. Woe to the centuries without Don Quixotes! Nothing remains to them but Sancho Panzas. [ A. de Gasparin ]
Oh! woe to him who first had the cruelty to ridicule the name of old maid, a name which recalls so many sorrowful deceptions, so many sufferings, so much destitution! Woe to him who finds a target for his sarcasm in an involuntary misfortune, and who crowns white hair with thorns! [ E. Souvestre ]
As well might a lovely woman look daily in her mirror, yet not be aware of her beauty, as a great soul be unconscious of the powers with which Heaven has gifted him; not so much for himself, as to enlighten others - a messenger from God Himself, with a high and glorious mission to perform. Woe unto him who abuses that mission! [ Chambers ]
Always the idea of unbroken quiet broods around the grave. It is a port where the storms of life never beat, and the forms that have been tossed on its chafing waves lie quiet forever more. There the child nestles as peacefully as ever it lay in its mother's arms, and the workman's hands lie still by his side, and the thinker's brain is pillowed in silent mystery, and the poor girl's broken heart is steeped in a balm that extracts its secret woe, and is in the keeping of a charity that covers all blame. [ Chapin ]