He that serves must serve. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]
No man can serve two masters. [ Jesus ]
Dirty troughs will serve dirty sows. [ Proverb ]
The rich man's son inherits cares;
The bank may break, the factory burn,
A breath may burst his bubble shares,
And soft, white hands could hardly earn
A living that would serve his turn. [ Lowell ]
How many fond fools serve mad jealousy! [ William Shakespeare ]
They also serve who only stand and wait. [ Milton ]
Choose you this day whom ye shall serve. [ Bible ]
One sound blow will serve to undo us all. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]
Great wits to madness nearly are allied;
Both serve to make our poverty our pride. [ Ralph Waldo Emerson ]
He that is a master must serve (another). [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]
No gale can equally serve all passengers. [ Proverb ]
Things may serve long, but not serve ever. [ William Shakespeare ]
All things that we ordained festival,
Turn from their office to black funeral;
Our instruments, to melancholy bells;
Our wedding cheer, to sad burial feast;
Our solemn hymns, to sullen dirges change:
Our bridal flowers serve for a buried corse,
And all things change them to the contrary. [ William Shakespeare ]
Riches serve a wise man, but command a fool. [ Proverb ]
Riches either serve or govern the possessor. [ Horace ]
A small sum may serve for a small reckoning. [ Proverb ]
They serve God well who serve His creatures. [ Mrs. Norton ]
A thousand years scarce serve to form a state;
An hour may lay it in the dust. [ Byron ]
To serve thy generation, this thy fate:
Written in- water, swiftly fades thy name;
But he who loves his kind does, first and late,
A work too great for fame. [ Mary Clemmer ]
A shrew profitable, may serve a man reasonable. [ Proverb ]
A brave soul is a thing which all things serve. [ Alex. Smith ]
To go through fire and water to serve a friend. [ Proverb ]
Knavery may serve a turn, but honesty never fails. [ Proverb ]
A good shift may serve long but cannot serve forever. [ Proverb ]
Serve a great lord, and you will know what sorrow is. [ Spanish Proverb ]
Thou canst not serve God, unless your mammon serve you. [ Proverb ]
Enemies may serve for witnesses as well as friends may. [ Proverb ]
To serve the people, is worse than to serve two masters. [ Proverb ]
The only way to know and to serve God, is to be like him. [ Proverb ]
Studies serve for delight, for ornament, and for ability. [ Bacon ]
To some kind of men their graces serve them but as enemies. [ William Shakespeare ]
Were embroidery is wanting, perhaps a patched coat may serve. [ Proverb ]
Neither praise nor dispraise thyself: thy actions serve the turn. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]
Folly was condemned to serve as a guide to Love whom she had blinded. [ La Fontaine ]
'Tis the fine souls who serve us, and not what is called fine society. [ Ralph Waldo Emerson ]
An ounce of cheerfulness is worth a pound of sadness to serve God with. [ Fuller ]
A man who stole the livery of the court of heaven to serve the devil in. [ Pollok ]
Reason if we do not live by it, will serve to increase our shame and guilt. [ Proverb ]
Serve a noble disposition, though poor, the time comes that he will repay thee. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]
Can any thing be so elegant as to have few wants, and to serve them one's self? [ Ralph Waldo Emerson ]
The motto of chivalry is also the motto of wisdom; to serve all and love but one. [ Balzac ]
When wealthy, show thy wisdom not to be to wealth a servant, but make wealth serve thee. [ Sir J. Denham ]
Passions are like storms which, full of present mischief, serve to purify the atmosphere. [ Ramsay ]
Whosoever entertains you with the faults of others, deserves to serve you in the same kind. [ Proverb ]
A kinsman, a friend, or whom you entreat, take not to serve you, if you will be served neatly. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]
Fond fool! six feet shall serve for all thy store, and he that cares for most shall find no more. [ Bishop Hall ]
Let Harlequin be taken with a fit of the colic, and his trappings will have to serve that mood too. [ Thoreau ]
At the center of this movement is a crucial conviction, that a nation exists to serve its citizens. [ President Donald J. Trump, Presidential Inaugeration Speech, Jan 20, 2017 ]
Mishaps are like knives, that either serve us or cut us, as we grasp them by the blade or the handle. [ Lowell ]
The premeditation of death is the premeditation of liberty; he who has learnt to die has forgot to serve. [ Montaigne ]
We cannot all serve our country in the same way, but each may do his best, according as God has endowed him. [ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe ]
We want but two or three friends, but these we cannot do without, and they serve us in every thought we think. [ Emerson ]
To wait for what never comes, to lie abed and not sleep, to serve and not be advanced, are three things to die of. [ Italian Proverb ]
We wish others to possess, or to acquire, all the qualities and virtues that can serve our pleasures or interests. [ De Finod ]
To no man, whatever his station in life, or his power to serve me, have I ever paid a compliment at the expense of truth. [ Burns ]
Dead is she? No; rather let us call ourselves dead, who tire so soon in the service of the Master whom she has gone to serve forever. [ W. S. Smart ]
A weapon is anything that can serve to wound; and sentiments are perhaps the most cruel weapons man can employ to wound his fellow man. [ Balzac ]
The use of great men is to serve the little men, to take care of the human race, and act as practical interpreters of justice and truth. [ Theodore Parker ]
Steal! to be sure they may, and, egad, serve your best thoughts as gypsies do stolen children, - disfigure them to make them pass for their own. [ Sheridan ]
It may serve as a comfort to us in all our calamities and afflictions that he that loses anything and gets wisdom by it is a gainer by the loss. [ L'Estrange ]
The most accomplished way of using books at present is to serve them as some do lords, learn their titles, and then boast of their acquaintance. [ Swift ]
When a man has once forfeited the reputation of his integrity, he is set fast; and nothing will then serve his turn, neither truth nor falsehood. [ Tillotson ]
This span of life was lent for lofty duties, not for selfishness; not to be wiled away for aimless dreams, but to improve ourselves, and serve mankind. [ Sir Aubrey de Vere ]
Genius, without religion, is only a lamp on the outer gate of a palace. It may serve to cast a gleam of light on those that are without while the inhabitant sits in. darkness. [ Hannah More ]
The joys of heaven are not the joys of passive contemplation, of dreamy remembrance, of perfect repose; but they are described thus: They rest not day nor night.
His servants serve Him, and see His face.
[ Alexander Maclaren ]
It is well known that a loose and easy dress contributes much to give to both sexes those fine proportions of body that are observable in the Grecian statues, and which serve as models to our present artists. [ Rousseau ]
Do not fear to put novels into the hands of young people as an occasional holiday experiment, but above all, good poetry in all kinds, - epic, tragedy, lyric. If we can touch the imagination, we serve them; they will never forget it. [ Emerson ]
The first wealth is health. Sickness is poor-spirited, and cannot serve any one; it must husband its resources to live. But health or fullness answers its own ends, and has to spare, runs over, and inundates the neighborhoods and creeks of other men's necessities. [ Emerson ]
So near are the boundaries of panegyric and invective, that a worn-out sinner is sometimes found to make the best declaimer against sin. The same high-seasoned descriptions which in his unregenerate state served to inflame his appetites, in his new province of a moralist will serve him (a little turned) to expose the enormity of those appetites in other men. [ Lamb ]
By conversing with the mighty dead, we imbibe sentiment with knowledge. We become strongly attached to those who can no longer either hurt or serve us, except through the influence which they exert over the mind. We feel the presence of that power which gives immortality to human thoughts and actions, and catch the flame of enthusiasm from all nations and ages. [ Hazlitt ]
Take the title of nobility which thou hast received by birth, but endeavor to add to it another, that both may form a true nobility. There is between the nobility of thy father and thine own the same difference which exists between the nourishment of the evening and of the morrow. The food of yesterday will not serve three for today, and will not give thee strength for the next. [ Jamakchari ]
Enthusiasm is a virtue rarely to be met with in seasons of calm and unruffled prosperity. Enthusiasn: Nourishes in adversity, kindles in the hour of danger, and awakens to deeds of renown. The terrors of persecution only serve to quicken the energy of its purposes. It swells in proud integrity, and, great in the purity of its cause, it can scatter defiance amidst hosts of enemies. [ Dr. Chalmers ]
It deserves to be considered that boldness is ever blind, for it sees not dangers and inconveniences. Whence it is bad in council though good in execution. The right use of bold persons, therefore, is that they never command in chief, but serve as seconds, under the direction of others. For in council it is good to see dangers, and in execution not to see them unless they are very great. [ Bacon ]