Dangers are overcome with dangers. [ Proverb ]
Inspiring bold John Barleycorn,
What dangers thou canst make us scorn. [ Burns ]
The dangers gather as the treasures rise. [ Dr. Johnson ]
Bravery escapes more dangers than cowardice. [ Segur ]
Our dangers and delights are near allies.
From the same stem the rose and prickle rise. [ Aleyn ]
He that always fears dangers always feels it. [ Proverb ]
Genius! thou gift of Heaven! thou light divine
Amid what dangers art thou doomed to shine! [ Crabbe ]
It is in great dangers that we see great courage. [ Regnard ]
Genius! thou gift of Heaven! thou Light divine!
Amid what dangers art thou doom'd to shine!
Oft will the body's weakness check thy force,
Oft damp thy Vigour, and impede thy course;
And trembling nerves compel thee to restrain
Thy noble efforts, to contend with pain;
Or Want (sad guest!) will in thy presence come,
And breathe around her melancholy gloom:
To Life's low cares will thy proud thought confine,
And make her sufferings, her impatience, thine. [ Crabbe ]
Who perishes in needless dangers is the devil's martyr. [ Proverb ]
Constant exposure to dangers will breed contempt for them. [ Seneca ]
It becomes one, while exempt from woes, to look to the dangers. [ Sophocles ]
He that lives alone lives in danger; society avoids many dangers. [ Marcus Antoninus ]
Among the perils and dangers of life, solitude is none of the least. [ Proverb ]
He that will not sail till all dangers are over must never put to sea. [ Proverb ]
Man is never watchful enough against dangers that threaten him every hour. [ Horace ]
Dangers are light, if they seem light; and more dangers have deceived men than forced them. [ Bacon ]
True bravery proposes a just end, measures the dangers, and, if necessary, the affront, with coldness. [ Francis la None ]
Adverse fortune seldom spares men of the noblest virtues. No one can with safety expose himself often to dangers. The man who has often escaped is at last caught. [ Seneca ]
Life is a sea; the soul the threatened ship; sin, Satan, and hell the dangers to be met; and Christ the great pilot, who will bring the soul into the heavenly harbor. [ J. Foster ]
Earnestness is the cause of patience; it gives endurance, overcomes pain, strengthens weakness, braves dangers, sustains hope, makes light of difficulties, and lessens the sense of weariness in overcoming them. [ Bovee ]
Dangers are no more light if they once seem light, and more dangers have deceived men than forced them; nay, it were better to meet some dangers half-way, though they come nothing near, than to keep too long a watch upon their approaches; for if a man watch too long it is odds be will fall fast asleep. [ Bacon ]
It is wonderful indeed to consider how many objects the eye is fitted to take in at once, and successively in an instant, and at the same time to make a judgment of their position, figure, and color. It watches against our dangers, guides our steps, and lets in all the visible objects, whose beauty and variety instruct and delight. [ Steele ]
It deserves to be considered that boldness is ever blind, for it sees not dangers and inconveniences. Whence it is bad in council though good in execution. The right use of bold persons, therefore, is that they never command in chief, but serve as seconds, under the direction of others. For in council it is good to see dangers, and in execution not to see them unless they are very great. [ Bacon ]