To waste a candle to find a pin. [ French Proverb ]
The game is not worth the candle. [ French Proverb ]
He lights his candle at both ends. [ Proverb ]
Light not your candle at both ends. [ Proverb ]
Suppose a neighbour should desire
To light a candle at your fire,
Would it deprive your flame of light
Because another profits by it. [ Lloyd ]
Man's best candle is his understanding. [ Proverb ]
He that worst may still holds the candle. [ Proverb ]
You will neither dance nor hold the candle. [ Proverb ]
Never choose linen or women by candle-light. [ Proverb ]
Light without life is a candle in a tomb;
Life without love is a garden without bloom. [ Proverb ]
It is poor play that is not worth the candle. [ Proverb ]
It is a poor sport that is not worth the candle. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]
Light another's candle, but don't put out your own. [ Proverb ]
A good candle-snuffer may come to be a good player. [ Proverb ]
It is an ill procession where the devil holds the candle. [ Proverb ]
The heathens when they died, went to bed without a candle. [ Proverb ]
It may be necessary sometimes to hold a candle to the devil. [ Proverb ]
The best way to see divine light, is to put out your own candle. [ Proverb ]
The fly that plays too long in the candle, singes her wings at last. [ Proverb ]
You shall never beat the fly from the candle, though she burn for it. [ Proverb ]
How far that little candle throws his beams! so shines a good deed in a naughty world. [ William Shakespeare ]
To enlarge or illustrate this power of the effects of love is to set a candle in the sun. [ Robert Burton ]
Covetousness, like a candle ill made, smothers the splendor of a happy fortune in its own grease. [ F. Osborn ]
Imparting knowledge, is only lighting other men's candle at our lamp, without depriving ourselves of any flame. [ Jane Porter ]
Those who seek happiness in ostentation and dissipation, are like those who prefer the light of a candle to the splendor of the sun. [ Napoleon I ]
Be of good comfort, Master Ridley, play the man! We shall this day light such a candle, by God's grace, in England, as I trust shall never be put out. [ Latimer ]
As whole caravans may light their lamps from one candle without exhausting it, so myriads of tribes may gain wisdom from the great Book without impoverishing it. [ Rabbi Ben Azai ]
Reputation is in itself only a farthing-candle, of wavering and uncertain flame, and easily blown out, but it is the light by which the world looks for and finds merit. [ Lowell ]
Affectation in any part of our carriage is lighting up a candle to our defects, and never fails to make us be taken notice of either as wanting sense or wanting sincerity. [ Locke ]
The very society of joy redoubles it; so that, whilst it lights upon my friend it rebounds upon myself, and the brighter his candle burns the more easily will it light mine. [ South ]
If you would learn to write, it is in the street you must learn it. Both for the vehicle and for the aims of fine arts, you must frequent the public square. The people, and not the college, is the writer's home. A scholar is a candle which the love and desire of all men will light. [ Emerson ]