Slowly, slowly falls night's curtain
Over all the wide-spread land;
And the angels of the twilight
At the gates of heaven stand.
Lo, they come, a band of angels.
Clad in robes of tender gray;
And before their gracious presence,
Fades the sun's last lingering ray. [ C. E, Charles ]
An ape's an ape, a varlet's a varlet,
Though they be clad in silk or scarlet. [ Proverb ]
Truth shines the brighter, clad in verse. [ Pope ]
She that has that is clad in complete steel. [ Milton ]
Look, the morn, in russet mantle clad,
Walks o'er the dew of yon high eastern hill. [ William Shakespeare, Hamlet ]
Now came still evening on, and twilight gray,
Had in her sober livery all things clad. [ Milton ]
Grace comes often clad in the dusky robe of desolation. [ Beaumont ]
The moss-clad violet, fragrant and concealed like hidden charity. [ J. F. Hollings ]
If angels ever condescend to walk on this earth of ours, it is when clad in the form of good mothers. [ W. T. Burke ]
Woe for my vine-clad home, that it should ever be so dark to me, with its bright threshold and its whispering tree! [ N. P. Willis ]
So, on the eastern summit, clad in gray, morn, like a horseman girt for travel, comes, and from his tower of mist night's watchman hurries down. [ H. K. White ]
When Fame stands by us all alone, she is an angel clad in light and strength; but when Love touches her she drops her sword, and fades away, ghostlike and ashamed. [ Ouida ]
What gunpowder did for war, the printing-press has done for the mind; and the statesman is no longer clad in the steel of special education, but every reading man is his judge. [ Wendell Phillips ]
The great inventor is one who has walked forth upon the industrial world, not from universities, but from hovels; not as clad in silks and decked with honors, but as clad in fustian and grimed with soot and oil. [ Isaac Taylor ]