Every error is truth abused. [ Bossuet ]
Abused patience turns to fury. [ Proverb ]
Favours unused are favours abused. [ Scotch Proverb ]
Riches are often abused, never refused. [ Danish Proverb ]
Grace abused brings forth the foulest deeds,
As richest soil the most luxuriant weeds. [ William Cowper ]
It is better a man should be abused than forgotten. [ Dr. Johnson ]
An old cart well used may last out a new one abused. [ Proverb ]
Books are the best things, well used; abused, among the worst. [ Ralph Waldo Emerson ]
It is the wit, the policy, of sin to hate those men whom we have abused. [ Sir W. Davenant ]
Because its blessings are abused, must gold be censured, cursed, accused? [ Gay ]
By gold all good faith has been banished; by gold our rights are abused: the law itself is influenced by gold, and soon there will be an end of every modest restraint. [ Propertius ]
There are two modes of establishing our reputation - to be praised by honest men, and to be abused by rogues. It is best, however, to secure the former, because it will be invariably accompanied by the latter. [ Colton ]
In the whole course of our observation there is not so misrepresented and abused a personage as Death. The shortest life is long enough if it lead to a better, and the longest life is too short if it does not. [ Colton ]
There are two ways of establishing your reputation, - to be praised by honest men, and to be abused by rogues. It is best, however, to secure the former, because it will be invariably accompanied by the latter. [ Colton ]
I never yet heard man or woman much abused, that I was not inclined to think the better of them; and to transfer any suspicion or dislike to the person who appeared to take delight in pointing out the defects of a fellow-creature. [ Jane Porter ]
The word necessary
is miserably applied. It disordereth families, and overturneth government, by being so abused. Remember that children and fools want everything because they want judgment to distinguish; and therefore there is no stronger evidence of a crazy understanding than the making too large a catalogue of things necessary. [ Lord Halifax ]
If thy desire to raise thy fortunes encourage thy delights to the casts of fortune, be wise betimes, lest thou repent too late; what thou gettest, thou gainest by abused providence; what thou losest, thou losest by abused patience; what thou winnest is prodigally spent; what thou losest is prodigally lost; it is an evil trade that prodigality drives; and a bad voyage where the pilot is blind. [ Quarles ]