Last Lines of Celia Thaxter
Afloat beneath the golden sky.And her tresses of ruddy gold.And left me a beautiful memory!And thank you if her flowers you come to buy.As here on the earth's warm breast I lie!As when God first made night.Coo, coo, my pretty doves, fly lightly here!Devouring fury, tumult and dismay!Ere my visions I unloose.Ever straight to the mark, for foe or friend!For love is the only ruler here.For the Burgomaster's dead!Freedom and Victory!God made them all for you.Have mercy on the birds!He can do no more.Here's a whole family, proud to adore you!I think, my precious, I love you best!I watch thy slumber; naught shall do thee ill.I'll feed you and love you the winter through.I'm not here a bit too soon!O mortal, molest me not!O that my cry might reach you! I am here!Oh look at the beautiful water-bloom!So fearlessly depend.Still do they live to this very day.Than a thousand worlds of gold!Thou, little sandpiper, and I?To bring us the electric light!To happy little Gustava!While we share the robin's rapture, crying,
Spring! It is spring!With gladness overflowing.