by Celia Thaxter

Illustrated by Edmund H. Garrett
Who that is merciful and wise
Knows not how dumb companions fond
Look up to man with loving eyes,
Safe held in friendship's sacred bond!
The hound salutes the kindly hand
That has taught him to love and not to fear,
The falcon still on his perch will stand
Listening for voices he loves to hear,
And the spaniels watch the lovely boy
Half pleased, half scared at the curious toy;
Mute friends! They are grateful if they may share
In human comfort or human care.
You have had many a beautiful hour,
O comrades faithful and tried and true!
O fair child, ripening to youth's rich flower,
What pleasant fortune has fallen to you!
And grandfather, holding your treasure fast,
More blessed are you than all the rest.
For he brings you afresh the joys of the past,
As the after glow kindles the fading west.
The happy circle gathers close
In an atmosphere of sweet repose,
Unvexed by word or look austere,
For love is the only ruler here.
Idyls And Pastorals: A Home Gallery Of Poetry And ArtCopyright 1886
D. Lothrop And Company,
Franklin And Hawley Streets,