Love's Ambition
by James Nack
From the German of Conrad Krez.
On that I were a king
In golden pomp arrayed!
And thou, most beautiful,
Wert but an humble maid;
Then would I say to thee,Oh best beloved of mine,
Behold my crown and throne,
For throne and crown are thine!
In truth thou art not sprung
From those of royal race,
But Nature's royalty
Adorns thy form and face.
I climbed the lofty heights --
I found them drear and bare;
I sought the deepest vale --
The sweetest flower was there!
Now, from thy rosy mouth,
I hear the gentle sound --Oh let that flower remain
Still in its native ground!
Its beauty and perfume
Live in this mossy place;
Why break it off to die
Within a golden vase?
I ask not for my brow
A coronet of pearls --
Give me a budding rose
To place among my curls!
I fling my sceptre far,
Deep, in the deepest sea --
For what are crown and throne
Without thy love for me?
'T is not a crown of gold
Can match thy brighter hair --
'T is not a diamond wreath
Can with thine eyes compare
Had I as many crowns
As shine the stars above --
Oh! I would give them all,
Sweet maiden, for thy love!
And yet I must repeat --
And thou wilt not upbraid --
Oh that I were a king,
And thou an humble maid!
The Romance Of The Ring, And Other Poems.Copyright 1859
Delisser & Procter, 508 Broadway, New York