Words Extracted From TheLitscape Default Word List (221,719 Words)
Litscape Default Word List (221,719 Words)
11 letter words ending with ve This is a list of all words that end with the letters ve and are 11 letters long contained within the Litscape.com default word list. If you need words ending with more than 2 letters, use our live dictionary words ending with search tool.
254 Words
(0.114559 % of all words in this word list.)
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abstractive acetylative acquisitive adversative affiliative affirmative afformative affricative aggravative aggregative alleviative alternative antitussive appellative applicative assertative associative attributive bioadhesive calculative captivative circulative circumvolve coagulative coextensive commutative comparative competitive compressive computative conflictive confutative conjugative conjunctive connotative consecutive consumptive contrastive convocative convolutive cooperative correlative coruscative countermove criminative cultivative deaminative declarative deformative degradative dehortative delineative denigrative deprecative descriptive desiccative designative destructive devastative diffractive disillusive disjunctive disputative disquietive dissipative distinctive distractive ejaculative elaborative eliminative elucidative enumerative enunciative eradicative evaporative exculpative exfoliative exhortative exonerative expectative explanative explicative explorative expurgative exsiccative extenuative extirpative fabricative facultative fascinative gravitative hyperactive imaginative imbricative implicative inattentive inconducive inculcative inculpative ineffective inexpensive informative inoculative inoffensive inoperative inquisitive insensitive insinuative inspirative instinctive instructive integrative intensative interactive internecive investitive irradiative legislative lubricative maladaptive maledictive manuductive mensurative microgroove misconceive misperceive mordicative nonabrasive nonadaptive nonadditive nonadhesive nonadoptive noncoercive noncohesive noncreative noncurative nondecisive nonejective nonelective nonemissive noneruptive nonfugitive noninvasive nonlocative nonmutative nonnegative nonpositive nonreactive nonrotative objurgative obscurative obstructive orientative originative overabusive overachieve overinvolve penetrative percolative perforative persecutive perspective photoactive photocleave preadaptive preconceive predicative predissolve preelective premonitive preparative prerogative presumptive procreative progressive prohibitive propagative prosecutive prospective provocative qualitative quinticlave radioactive rarefactive rebarbative recognitive reeducative reformative reiterative replicative reprobative respirative restitutive restorative restrictive retaliative retributive retroactive secundative segregative selfimprove selfreserve semienclave semiexclave seventyfive shirtsleeve speculative sporulative stimulative stipulative subjunctive substantive substrative subtractive superactive superlative suppositive suppressive suppurative syncopative titillative transfusive translative transmutive unarrestive unassertive unattentive uncombative unconducive undeductive underactive undersleeve undiffusive uneducative uneffective unexclusive unexpansive uninductive unintrusive unintuitive uninventive unobjective unobtrusive unoffensive unreceptive unretentive unseductive unselective untalkative vasifactive vasofactive ventilative verberative vibromotive