But whether on the scaffold high,
Or in the battle's van,
The fittest place where man can die
Is where he dies for man. [ Michael J. Barry ]
Sin is sin whether it be seen or no. [ Proverb ]
All foreign wisdom doth amount to this,
To take all that is given, whether wealth,
Or love, or language; nothing comes amiss;
A good digestion turneth all to health. [ Herbert ]
And whether coldness, pride, or virtue, dignify
A woman; so she's good, what does it signify? [ Byron ]
Whether with Reason, or with Instinct blest.
Know, all enjoy that power which suits them best. [ Pope ]
The moon is a moon still, whether it shine or not. [ Proverb ]
The mind will quote whether the tongue does or not. [ Emerson ]
A bellyful is a bellyful, whether it be meat or drink. [ Proverb ]
Try whether the ice will bear, before you venture upon it. [ Proverb ]
The mother knows best whether the child be like the father. [ Proverb ]
Upright, whether in prosperous or in critical circumstances. [ Motto ]
Whether you boil or bake snow, you can have but water of it. [ Proverb ]
Let me gain by you, and no matter whether you love me or not. [ Proverb ]
Rash oaths, whether kept or broken, frequently produce guilt. [ Dr. John ]
Whether you boil snow or pound it, you can have but water of it. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]
Who knows whether the gods will add tomorrow to the present hour? [ Horace ]
Whether your time calls you to live or die, do both like a prince. [ Sir P. Sidney ]
Whether in chains or in laurels, liberty knows nothing but victories. [ Wendell Phillips ]
She is best who is least spoken of among men, whether for good or evil. [ Pericles ]
In these days, whether we like it or not, the power is with the tongue. [ Lord Salisbury ]
The measure of choosing well is whether a man likes what he has chosen. [ Lamb ]
Tyranny is irresponsible power ... whether the power be lodged in one or many. [ Canning ]
A blade of grass is always a blade of grass, whether in one country or another. [ Samuel Johnson ]
Fun gives you a forcible hug, and shakes laughter out of you, whether you will or no. [ Garrick ]
We can only know a little, and the question is merely whether or not we know this well. [ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe ]
The hardest trial of the heart is, whether it can bear a rival's failure without triumph. [ J. Aikin ]
... whether we are black, or brown, or white, we all bleed the same red blood of patriots. [ President Donald J. Trump, Presidential Inaugeration Speech, Jan 20, 2017 ]
Beauties, whether male or female, are generally the most untractable people of all others. [ Steele ]
Reckon what is in a man, not what is on him, if you would know whether he is rich or poor. [ Ward Beecher ]
Let it make no difference to thee whether thou art cold or warm, if thou art doing thy duty. [ Marcus Aurelius ]
When I am reading a book, whether wise or silly, it seems to me to be alive and talking to me. [ Swift ]
Adversity is the trial of principle. Without it a man hardly knows whether he is honest or not. [ Fielding ]
Don't tell me of deception; a lie is a lie, whether it be a lie to the eye, or a lie to the ear. [ Dr. Samuel Johnson ]
It is to be doubted whether he will ever find the way to heaven who desires to go thither alone. [ Feltham ]
That is true love which is always the same, whether you give everything or deny everything to it. [ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe ]
Women are like melons: it is only after having tasted them that we know whether they are good or not. [ F. Soulie ]
Whether you call my heart affectionate, or you call it womanish, I confess that to my misfortune it is soft. [ Ovid ]
Whether zeal or moderation be the point we aim at, let us keep fire out of the one and frost out of the other. [ Addison ]
Keep but ever looking, whether with the body's eye or the mind's, and you will soon find something to look on. [ Robert Browning ]
Poetry is in itself strength and joy, whether it be crowned by all mankind, or left alone in its own magic hermitage. [ Sterling ]
What truly matters is not which party controls our government, but whether our government is controlled by the people. [ President Donald J. Trump, Presidential Inaugeration Speech, Jan 20, 2017 ]
I doubt whether the ferocity of the battlefield is as merciless as is the remorseless onslaught of unscrupulous passion. [ Julia Ward Howe ]
Truthfulness is not so much a branch as a blossom of moral, manly strength. The weak, whether they will or not, must lie. [ J. Paul F. Richter ]
Men are so constituted that everybody undertakes what he sees another successful in, whether he has aptitude for it or not. [ Goethe ]
Which of you, intending to build a tower, sitteth not down first and counteth the cost, whether he have sufficient to finish it? [ Bible ]
Dost thou think that there is little difference whether thou dost a thing from the heart, as nature suggests, or with a purpose? [ Terence ]
Of many imagined blessings it may be doubted whether he that wants or possesses them had more reason to be satisfied with his lot. [ Dr. Johnson ]
Nature and books belong to the eyes that see them. It depends on the mood of the man whether he shall see the sunset or the fine poem. [ Ralph Waldo Emerson ]
Let men of all ranks, whether they are successful or unsuccessful, whether they triumph or not - let them do their duty, and rest satisfied. [ Plato ]
Style in painting is the same as in writing, - a power over materials, whether words or colors, by which conceptions or sentiments are conveyed. [ Sir Joshua Reynolds ]
Among real friends there is no rivalry or jealousy of one another, but they are satisfied and contented alike whether they are equal or one of them is superior. [ Plutarch ]
Pride of origin, whether high or low, springs from the same principle in human nature; one is but the positive, the other the negative, pole of a single weakness. [ Lowell ]
He that would reproach an author for obscurity should look into his own mind to see whether it is quite clear there. In the dusk the plainest writing is illegible. [ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe ]
He who would reproach an author for obscurity should look into his own mind and see whether it is quite clear there. In the dusk the plainest writing is illegible. [ Goethe ]
The early months of marriage often are times of critical tumult, - whether that of a shrimp pool or of deeper water, - which afterwards subside into cheerful peace. [ George Eliot ]
Life, whether in this world or any other, is the sum of our attainment, our experience, our character. In what other world shall we be more surely than we are here? [ Chapin ]
Vanity is so frequently the apparent motive of advice, that we, for the most part, summon our powers to oppose it without any very accurate inquiry whether it is right. [ Dr. Johnson ]
The great business of a man is to improve his mind and govern his manners; all other projects and pursuits, whether in our power to compass or not, are only amusements. [ Pliny ]
A good reader is nearly as rare as a good writer. People bring their prejudices, whether friendly or adverse. They are lamp and spectacles, lighting and magnifying the page. [ Willmott ]
As for the ass's behavior in such nice circumstances, whether he would starve sooner than violate his neutrality to the two bundles of hay, I shall not presume to determine. [ Addison ]
Resolution will sometimes relax, and diligence will sometimes be interrupted; but let no accidental surprise or deviation, whether short or long, dispose you to despondency. [ Johnson ]
No man can tell whether he is rich or poor by turning to his ledger. It is the heart that makes a man rich. He is rich or poor according to what he is, not according to what he has. [ Beecher ]
The crowning fortune of a man is to be born to some pursuit which finds him employment and happiness, whether it be to make baskets, or broadswords, or canals, or statues, or songs. [ Emerson ]
Fame confers a rank above that of gentleman and of kings. As soon as she issues her patent of nobility, it matters not a straw whether the recipient be the son of a Bourbon or of it tallow-chandler. [ Bulwer-Lytton ]
However powerful one may be, whether one laughs or weeps, none can make thee speak, none can open thy hand before the time, O mute phantom, our shadow! specter always masked, ever at our side, called Tomorrow. [ Victor Hugo ]
I know not whether there exists such a thing as a coin stamped with a pair of pinions; but I wish this were the device which monarchs put upon their dollars and ducats, to show that riches make to themselves wings, and fly away. [ Gotthold ]
Art is the effort of man to express the ideas which nature suggests to him of a power above nature, whether that power be within the recesses of his own being, or in the Great First Cause of which nature, like himself, is but the effect. [ Edward Bulwer-Lytton ]
Flattery pleases very generally. In the first place, the flatterer may think what he says to be true, but, in the second place, whether he thinks so or not, he certainly thinks those whom be flatters of consequence enough to be flattered. [ Johnson ]
Two things, well considered, would prevent many quarrels: first, to have it well ascertained whether we are not disputing about terms rather than things; and, secondly, to examine whether that on which we differ is worth contending about. [ Colton ]
The spirit of liberty is not merely, as multitudes imagine, a jealousy of our own particular rights, but a respect for the rights of others, and an unwillingness that any man, whether high or low, should be wronged and trampled under foot. [ W. E. Channing ]
It is not easy to surround life with any circumstances in which youth will not be delightful; and I am afraid that, whether married or unmarried, we shall find the vesture of terrestrial existence more heavy and cumbrous the longer it is worn. [ Steele ]
Give thy friend counsel wisely and charitably, but leave him to his liberty whether he will follow thee or no; and be not angry if thy counsel be rejected, for advice is no empire, and he is not my friend that will be my judge whether I will or no. [ Jeremy Taylor ]
It is beginning to be doubtful whether Parliament and Congress sit in Westminster and Washington, or in the editorial rooms of the leading journals, - so thoroughly is everything debated before the authorized and responsible debaters get on their legs. [ Lowell ]
In Athens the ladies were not gaudily but simply arrayed, and we doubt whether any ladies ever excited more admiration. So also the noble old Roman matrons, whose superb forms were gazed on delightedly by men worthy of them, were always very plainly dressed. [ George D. Prentice ]
Granted the ship comes into harbour with shrouds and tackle damaged; the pilot is blameworthy; he has not been all-wise and all-powerful; but to know how blameworthy, tell us first whether his voyage has been round the globe or only to Ramsgate and the Isle of Dogs. [ Carlyle ]
All the religions known in the world are founded, so far as they relate to man or the unity of man, as being all of one degree. Whether in heaven or in hell, or in whatever state man may be supposed to exist hereafter, the good and the bad are the only distinctions. [ Thomas Paine ]
No man is more miserable than he that hath no adversity. That man is not tried, whether he be good or bad, and God never crowns those virtues which are only faculties and dispositions, but every act of virtue is an ingredient into reward - God so dresses us for heaven. [ Jeremy Taylor ]
'Tis, in fact, utter folly to ask whether a person has anything from himself, or whether he has it from others, whether he operates by himself, or operates by means of others. The main point is to have a great will, and skill and perseverance to carry it out. All else is indifferent. [ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe ]
The sovereign good of man is a mind that subjects all things to itself and is itself subject to nothing; such a man's pleasures are modest and reserved, and it may be a question whether he goes to heaven, or heaven comes to him; for a good man is influenced by God Himself, and has a kind of divinity within him. [ Seneca ]
Vulgar habit people have nowadays of asking one, after one has given them an idea, whether one is serious or not. Nothing is serious except passion. The intellect is an instrument on which one plays, that is all. The only serious form of intellect is the British intellect. And on the British form of intellect the illiterates play the drum. [ Oscar Wilde, A Woman of No Importance ]
Nothing makes a woman more esteemed by the opposite sex than chastity; whether it be that we always prize those most who are hardest to come at, or that nothing besides chastity, with its collateral attendants, truth, fidelity, and constancy, gives the man a property in the person he loves, and consequently endears her to him above all things. [ Addison ]
There is no one passion which all mankind so naturally give in to as pride, nor any other passion which appears in such different disguises. It is to be found in all habits and all complexions. Is it not a question whether it does more harm or good in the world, and if there be not such a thing as what we may call a virtuous and laudable pride? [ Steele ]
I look upon enthusiasm, in all other points but that of religion, to be a very necessary turn of mind; as indeed it is a vein which nature seems to have marked with more or less strength, in the tempers of most men. No matter what the object is, whether business pleasures or the fine arts: whoever pursues them to any purpose must do so con amore. [ Melmoth ]
It is very singular, how the fact of a man's death often seems to give people a truer idea of his character, whether for good or evil, than they have ever possessed while he was living and acting among them. Death is so genuine a fact that it excludes falsehood or betray its emptiness; it is a touchstone that proves the gold, and dishonors the baser metal. [ Hawthorne ]
The beauty of work depends upon the way we meet it, whether we arm ourselves each morning to attack it as an enemy that must be vanquished before night comes, or whether we open our eyes with the sunrise to welcome it as an approaching friend who will keep us delightful company all day, and who will make us feel at evening that the day was well worth its fatigues. [ Lucy Larcom ]
When the great Kepler had at length discovered the harmonic laws that regulate the motions of the heavenly bodies, he exclaimed: Whether my discoveries will be read by posterity or by my contemporaries is a matter that concerns them more than me. I may well be contented to wait one century for a reader, when God Himself, during so many thousand years, has waited for an observer like myself.
[ Macaulay ]
A woman at middle age retains nothing of the pettiness of youth; she is a friend who gives you all the feminine delicacies, who displays all the graces, all the prepossessions which Nature has given to woman to please man, but who no longer sells these qualities. She is hateful or lovable, according to her pretensions to youth, whether they exist under the epidermis or whether they are dead. [ Balzac ]
The perfection of an art consists in the employment of a comprehensive system of laws, commensurate to every purpose within its scope, but concealed from the eye of the spectator; and in the production of effects that seem to flow forth spontaneously, as though uncontrolled by their influence, and which are equally excellent, whether regarded individually, or in reference to the proposed result, [ John Mason Good ]
Opportunities do not come with their values stamped upon them. Everyone must be challenged. A day dawns, quite like other days; in it a single hour comes, quite like other hours; but in that day and in that hour the chance of a lifetime faces us. To face every opportunity of life thoughtfully and ask its meaning bravely and earnestly, is the only way to meet the supreme opportunities when they come, whether open-faced or disguised. [ Maltbie Babcock ]
Nature and books belong to the eyes that see them. It depends on the mood of the man, whether he shall see the sunset or the fine poem. There are always sunsets, and there is always genius; but only a few hours so serene that we can relish nature or criticism. The more or less depends on structure or temperament. Temperament is the iron wire on which the beads are strung. Of what use is fortune or talent to a cold and defective nature? [ Emerson ]
Neighborhood or Vicinity? Neighborhood means the place which is nigh, that is, nigh to one's habitation; vicinity primarily means the place which does not exceed in distance the extent of a village. Neighborhood refers to the inhabitants, or to inhabited places, and denotes nearness of persons to each other, or to objects; as, a populous neighborhood, vicinity denotes nearness of one object to another, whether person or thing; as, Oakland is in the vicinity of San Francisco.
See a fond mother encircled by her children; with pious tenderness she looks around, and her soul even melts with maternal love. One she kisses on its cheeks, and clasps another to her bosom; one she sets upon her knee, and finds a seat upon her foot for another. And while, by their actions, by their lisping words, and asking eyes, she understands their numberless little wishes, to these she dispenses a look, and a word to those; and whether she grants or refuses, whether she smiles or frowns, it is all in tender love. [ Krummacher ]
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