Waiting answers sometimes as well as working. [ Mrs. Gatty ]
The praying soul is a gainer by waiting for an answer. [ Gurnall ]
Full oft we see cold wisdom waiting on superfluous folly. [ Shakespeare ]
Autumn, in his leafless bowers, is waiting for the winter's snow. [ Whittier ]
Death is the waiting-room where we robe ourselves for immortality. [ Spurgeon ]
There is no great achievement that is not the result of patient working and waiting. [ J. G. Holland ]
The waiting tears stood ready for command, and now they flow to varnish the false tale. [ Rowe ]
One good deed dying tongueless slaughters a thousand waiting upon that. Our praises are our wages. [ William Shakespeare ]
Every Christian that goes before us from this world is a ransomed spirit waiting to welcome us in heaven. [ Jonathan Edwards ]
All the spaces between my mind and the mind of God are full of truths waiting to be crystallized into laws for the government of the masses. [ Theodore Parker ]
Luck is ever waiting for something to turn up. Labour, with keen eyes and strong will, will turn up something. Luck relies on chance, labour on character. [ Cobden ]
There is a sweet anguish springing up in our bosoms when a child's face brightens under the shadow of the waiting angel. There is an autumnal fitness when age gives up the ghost; and when the saint dies there is a tearful victory. [ Chapin ]
There is nothing like youth. The middle aged are mortgaged to Life. The old are in Life's lumber-room. But youth is the Lord of Life. Youth has a kingdom waiting for it. Every one is born a king, and most people die in exile, like most kings. [ Oscar Wilde, A Woman of No Importance ]
Color is, in brief terms, the type of love. Hence it is especially connected with the blossoming of the earth; and again, with its fruits; also, with the spring and fall of the leaf, and with the morning and evening of the day, in order to show the waiting of love about the birth and death of man. [ Ruskin ]
He was a cowboy, mister, and he loved the land. He loved it so much he made a woman out of dirt and married her. But when he kissed her, she disintegrated. Later, at the funeral, when the preacher said, Dust to dust,
some people laughed, and the cowboy shot them. At his hanging, he told the others, I'll be waiting for you in heaven - with a gun.
[ Jack Handey, Deep Thoughts ]
Luck is ever waiting for something to turn up. Labor, with keen eyes and strong will, will turn up something. Luck lies in bed, and wishes the postman would bring him the news of a legacy. Labor turns out at six o'clock, and with busy pen or ringing hammer lays the foundation of a competence. Luck whines. Labor whistles. Luck relies on chance. Labor on character. [ Cobden ]
For ages the world has been waiting and watching; millions, with broken hearts, have hovered around the yawning abyss; but no echo has come back from the engulfing gloom - silence, oblivion, covers all. If indeed they survive; if they went away whole and victorious, they give us no signals. We wait for years, but no messages come from the far-away shore to which they have gone. [ Bishop R. S. Foster ]
Your invitation honors me, and pleases me because you still keep me in your remembrance, but I am seventy; seventy, and would nestle in the chimney-corner, and smoke my pipe, and read my book, and take my rest, wishing you well in all affection; and that when you in your return shall arrive at pier No. 70 you may step aboard your waiting ship with a reconciled spirit, and lay your course toward the sinking sun with a contented heart. [ Mark Twain, Seventieth Birthday speech ]