Definition of win

"win" in the noun sense

1. win

a victory (as in a race or other competition

"he was happy to get the win"

2. winnings, win, profits

something won (especially money)

"win" in the verb sense

1. win

be the winner in a contest or competition be victorious

"He won the Gold Medal in skating"

"Our home team won"

"Win the game"

2. acquire, win, gain

win something through one's efforts

"I acquired a passing knowledge of Chinese"

"Gain an understanding of international finance"

"win someone's confidence and friendship"

3. gain, advance, win, pull ahead, make headway, get ahead, gain ground

obtain advantages, such as points, etc.

"The home team was gaining ground"

"After defeating the Knicks, the Blazers pulled ahead of the Lakers in the battle for the number-one playoff berth in the Western Conference"

"win points"

4. succeed, win, come through, bring home the bacon, deliver the goods

attain success or reach a desired goal

"The enterprise succeeded"

"We succeeded in getting tickets to the show"

"she struggled to overcome her handicap and won"

5. earn, garner, win

acquire or deserve by one's efforts or actions

"its beauty won Paris the name 'City of Lights'"

Source: WordNet® (An amazing lexical database of English)

Princeton University "About WordNet®."
WordNet®. Princeton University. 2010.

View WordNet® License

Quotations for win

Let them laugh that win. [ Proverb ]

'Tis deeds must win the prize. [ William Shakespeare ]

So much to win, so much to lose.
No marvel that I fear to choose. [ Miss Landon ]

He either fears his fate too much,
Or his deserts are small,
Who dares not put it to the touch
To win or lose it all. [ Marquis of Montrose ]

All are desirous to win the prize. [ Proverb ]

He that would win his dame must do
As love does when he draws his bow;
With one hand thrust the lady from,
And with the other pull her home. [ Butler ]

To win the horse or lose the saddle. [ Proverb ]

Few may play with the devil and win. [ Proverb ]

He lives who dies to win a lasting name. [ Drummond ]

Perseverance and audacity generally win. [ Mme. Deluzy ]

His noble hand did win what he did spend. [ William Shakespeare ]

To win the secret of a weed's plain heart. [ Lowell ]

All who joy would win
Must share it - happiness was born a twin. [ Byron ]

Our doubts are traitors
And make us lose the good we oft might win.
By fearing to attempt. [ William Shakespeare ]

Have I not here the best cards for the game,
To win this easy match? [ William Shakespeare ]

If you win at that you will lose at nothing. [ Proverb ]

Kindness in women, not their beauteous looks,
Shall win my love. [ William Shakespeare ]

Burn and not smoulder, win by worth,
Not rest content with a wealth that's dearth! [ Robert Browning ]

Will will have its will, though will woe win. [ Proverb ]

I will either win the horse or lose the saddle. [ Proverb ]

Ah, fool! faint heart fair lady never could win. [ Spenser ]

You play the spaniel,
And think with wagging of your tongue to win me. [ William Shakespeare ]

The other teams could make trouble for us if they win. [ Yogi Berra ]

Audacity as against modesty will win the battle over most men. [ Mme. Deluzy ]

You have greatly ventured, but all must do so who would greatly win. [ Byron ]

The first thing necessary to win the heart of a woman is opportunity. [ Balzac ]

Govern the lips as they were palace doors, the king within;
Tranquil and fair and courteous be all words which from that presence win. [ Sir Edwin Arnold ]

Make the most of time, it flies away so fast; yet method will teach you to win time. [ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe ]

That man that has a tongue, I say, is no man if with his tongue he cannot win a woman. [ William Shakespeare ]

The man that hath a tongue, I say, is no man, if with his tongue be cannot win a woman. [ William Shakespeare ]

There are few husbands whom the I wife cannot win in the long run, by patience and love. [ Marguerite de Valois ]

Those who are formed to win general admiration are seldom calculated to bestow individual happiness. [ Lady Blessington ]

Having the will to win is not enough. Everyone has that. What matters is having the will to prepare to win. [ Bobby Knight, The Power of Negative Thinking: An Unconventional Approach to Achieving Positive Results ]

The age we live in is the true age of gold; by gold men attain to the highest honour, and win even love itself. [ Ovid ]

A philosopher being asked what was the first thing necessary to win the love of a woman, answered. Opportunity! [ Moore ]

By virtue, integrity, perseverance and true modesty it is possible for all men to win the esteem of their fellow beings. [ C. N. Douglas ]

Resolution is the youngest and dearest daughter of Destiny, and may win from the fond mother almost any favor she chooses to ask. [ Lowell ]

The Stoic thought by slandering Happiness to woo her; by shunning to win her; and proudly presumed that, by fleeing her, she would turn and follow him. [ Arliss ]

The friendship of some men is like the love of some women; it is variable and capricious, inconstant and uncertain, hard to win, and when won, not worth having. [ Acton ]

There are few husbands whom the wife cannot win in the long run by patience and love, unless they are harder than the rocks which the soft water penetrates in time. [ Marguerite de Valois ]

The greatest truths are wronged if not linked with beauty; and they win their way most surely and deeply into the soul when arrayed in this their natural and fit attire. [ Channing ]

Life is made up, not of great sacrifices or duties, but of little things, in which smiles and kindnesses and small obligations, given habitually, are what win and preserve the heart, and secure comfort. [ Sir Humphry Davy ]

Be not too presumptuously sure in any business; for things of this world depend upon such a train of unseen chances that if it were in man's hands to set the tables, yet is he not certain to win the game. [ George Herbert ]

If we are involved in something where we want to win, and particularly something that is necessary, if there's something out there that we need to win, we are going to try and beat your ass every time we can. [ Bobby Knight, April 27, 2016, Fox News Town Hall ]

The great difficulty is first to win a reputation; the next to keep it while you live; and the next to preserve it after you die, when affection and interest are over, and nothing but sterling excellence can preserve your name. [ B. R. Haydon ]

No peace was ever won from fate by subterfuge or agreement; no peace is ever in store for any of us but that which we shall win by victory over shame or sin--victory over the sin that oppresses, as well as over that which corrupts. [ John Ruskin ]

He that is ambitious for his son, should give him untried names, For those have served other men, haply may injure by their evils; Or otherwise may hinder by their glories; therefore set him by himself. To win for his individual name some clear praise. [ Tupper ]

Every man ought to be in love a few times in his life, and to have a smart attack of the fever. You are better for it when it is over: the better for your misfortune, if you endure it with a manly heart; how much the better for success, if you win it and a good wife into the bargain! [ Thackeray ]

A man who cannot win fame in his own age will have a very small chance of winning it from posterity. True, there are some half-dozen exceptions to this truth among millions of myriads that attest it; but what man of commonsense would invest any large amount of hope in so unpromising a lottery? [ Edward Bulwer-Lytton ]

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Words within the letters of win

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win + 1 blank (6 words)

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Words that start with win (316 words)


Words with win in them (493 words)


Words that end with win (2 words)

Word Growth involving win

Shorter words in win


Longer words containing win


twin leftwing leftwinger leftwingers

twin rightwing rightwinger rightwingers

twin shortwinded

twin twinable

twin twinberries

twin twinberry

twin twine entwine entwined unentwined

twin twine entwine entwinement entwinements

twin twine entwine entwines

twin twine intertwine intertwined

twin twine intertwine intertwinement intertwinements

twin twine intertwine intertwiner intertwiners

twin twine intertwine intertwines

twin twine intwine intwined

twin twine intwine intwinement intwinements

twin twine intwine intwines

twin twine retwine retwined

twin twine retwine retwines

twin twine twined entwined unentwined

twin twine twined intertwined

twin twine twined intwined

twin twine twined retwined

twin twine twineless

twin twine twinelike

twin twine twinemaker twinemakers

twin twine twinemaking

twin twine twiner intertwiner intertwiners

twin twine twiner twiners intertwiners

twin twine twines entwines

twin twine twines intertwines

twin twine twines intwines

twin twine twines retwines

twin twine untwine

twin twinge leftwinger leftwingers

twin twinge rightwinger rightwingers

twin twinge twinged shortwinged

twin twinge twingeing

twin twinge twinges

twin twinging

twin twining entwining

twin twining intertwining intertwiningly

twin twining intertwining intertwinings

twin twining intwining

twin twining retwining

twin twinjet twinjets

twin twinkle twinkled

twin twinkle twinkler twinklers

twin twinkle twinkles

twin twinklier

twin twinkliest

twin twinkling twinklings

twin twinkly

twin twinlike

twin twinned

twin twinning crosstwinning

twin twinning twinnings

twin twinnite

twin twins twinset twinsets

twin twins twinship

winberries twinberries

winberry twinberry

wince winced

wince wincer wincers

wince winces

winch winched

winch wincher winchers

winch winches

winch winching

winch winchman

winch winchmen


wind backwind backwinded

wind backwind backwinding

wind backwind backwinds

wind crosswind crosswinds

wind downwind

wind dwindle dwindled

wind dwindle dwindles

wind dwindling

wind headwind headwinds

wind overwind overwinding

wind overwind overwinds

wind rewind rewindable

wind rewind rewinder rewinders

wind rewind rewinding

wind rewind rewinds

wind swindle outswindle outswindled

wind swindle outswindle outswindles

wind swindle swindleable

wind swindle swindled outswindled

wind swindle swindler swindlers

wind swindle swindles outswindles

wind swindling outswindling

wind tailwind tailwinds

wind tradewind tradewinds

wind underwind underwinding

wind underwind underwinds

wind unwind unwindable

wind unwind unwinded

wind unwind unwinder unwinders

wind unwind unwinding unwindings

wind unwind unwinds

wind upwind upwinds

wind whirlwind whirlwinds

wind windbag windbags

wind windberries

wind windberry

wind windblast windblasts

wind windblown

wind windbreak windbreaker windbreakers

wind windbreak windbreaks

wind windburn windburned

wind windburn windburning

wind windburn windburns

wind windburn windburnt

wind windcheater windcheaters

wind windchill windchills

wind winded backwinded

wind winded longwinded longwindedness

wind winded shortwinded

wind winded unwinded

wind winded windedness longwindedness

wind winder autowinder autowinders

wind winder rewinder rewinders

wind winder sidewinder sidewinders

wind winder stemwinder stemwinders

wind winder unwinder unwinders

wind winder windermost

wind winder winders autowinders

wind winder winders rewinders

wind winder winders sidewinders

wind winder winders stemwinders

wind winder winders unwinders

wind winder winders woolwinders

wind winder woolwinder woolwinders

wind windex windexes

wind windex windexs

wind windfall windfalls

wind windfarm

wind windflower windflowers

wind windhood

wind windier

wind windiest

wind windigo windigos

wind windily

wind windiness

wind winding backwinding

wind winding overwinding

wind winding rewinding

wind winding stemwinding

wind winding underwinding

wind winding unwinding unwindings

wind winding windingly

wind winding windings unwindings

wind windjammer windjammers

wind windjamming windjammings

wind windlass windlassed

wind windlass windlasses

wind windlass windlassing

wind windless windlessly

wind windless windlessness

wind windlestraw windlestraws

wind windmill windmilled

wind windmill windmilling

wind windmill windmills

wind window multiwindow multiwindowed

wind window multiwindow multiwindowing

wind window multiwindow multiwindows

wind window shopwindow shopwindows

wind window windowbox windowboxes

wind window windowdressing

wind window windowed multiwindowed

wind window windowframe windowframes

wind window windowing multiwindowing

wind window windowledge windowledges

wind window windowless

wind window windowlight windowlights

wind window windowlike

wind window windowmaker windowmakers

wind window windowmaking

wind window windowpane windowpanes

wind window windowpeeper windowpeepers

wind window windowrattling

wind window windows multiwindows

wind window windows shopwindows

wind window windows windowshop windowshopped

wind window windows windowshop windowshopping

wind window windows windowshop windowshops

wind window windows windowsill windowsills

wind windpipe windpipes

wind windpower windpowered

wind windpower windpowers

wind windproof windproofed

wind windproof windproofer windproofers

wind windproof windproofing

wind windproof windproofness

wind windproof windproofs

wind windrow windrows

wind winds backwinds

wind winds crosswinds

wind winds headwinds

wind winds overwinds

wind winds rewinds

wind winds stemwinds

wind winds tailwinds

wind winds tradewinds

wind winds underwinds

wind winds unwinds

wind winds upwinds

wind winds whirlwinds

wind winds windscreen windscreens

wind winds windshear windshears

wind winds windshield windshields

wind winds windshift windshifts

wind winds windship windships

wind winds windshock windshocks

wind winds windsock windsocks

wind winds windspeed windspeeds

wind winds windstorm windstorms

wind winds windsurf windsurfed

wind winds windsurf windsurfer windsurfers

wind winds windsurf windsurfing

wind winds windsurf windsurfs

wind winds windswept

wind winds woodwinds

wind windturbine

wind windup

wind windvane windvanes

wind windward windwardmost

wind windward windwards

wind windy

wind woodwind woodwinds

wine brandywine brandywines

wine icewine icewines ricewines

wine icewine ricewine ricewines

wine swine swinebread swinebreads

wine swine swineherd swineherds

wine swine swinepox

wine swine swines

wine twine entwine entwined unentwined

wine twine entwine entwinement entwinements

wine twine entwine entwines

wine twine intertwine intertwined

wine twine intertwine intertwinement intertwinements

wine twine intertwine intertwiner intertwiners

wine twine intertwine intertwines

wine twine intwine intwined

wine twine intwine intwinement intwinements

wine twine intwine intwines

wine twine retwine retwined

wine twine retwine retwines

wine twine twined entwined unentwined

wine twine twined intertwined

wine twine twined intwined

wine twine twined retwined

wine twine twineless

wine twine twinelike

wine twine twinemaker twinemakers

wine twine twinemaking

wine twine twiner intertwiner intertwiners

wine twine twiner twiners intertwiners

wine twine twines entwines

wine twine twines intertwines

wine twine twines intwines

wine twine twines retwines

wine twine untwine

wine wineberries

wine wineberry

wine wined twined entwined unentwined

wine wined twined intertwined

wine wined twined intwined

wine wined twined retwined

wine wineglass wineglasses

wine wineglass wineglassful wineglassfuls

wine winegrower winegrowers

wine winegrowing

wine wineless twineless

wine winelike twinelike

wine winemaker twinemaker twinemakers

wine winemaker winemakers twinemakers

wine winemaking twinemaking

wine winemaster winemasters

wine winepress winepresser winepressers

wine winepress winepresses

wine winepress winepressing

wine wineries

wine winery

wine wines billowiness

wine wines brandywines

wine wines chewiness

wine wines dewiness

wine wines icewines ricewines

wine wines screwiness

wine wines shadowiness

wine wines showiness

wine wines sinewiness

wine wines snowiness

wine wines spewiness

wine wines swines

wine wines twines entwines

wine wines twines intertwines

wine wines twines intwines

wine wines twines retwines

wine wines wineshop wineshops

wine wines wineskin wineskins

wine winetaster winetasters

wine winetasting winetastings

wing awing cawing

wing awing clawing declawing

wing awing drawing drawingroom drawingrooms

wing awing drawing drawings misdrawings

wing awing drawing indrawing

wing awing drawing misdrawing misdrawings

wing awing drawing outdrawing

wing awing drawing overdrawing

wing awing drawing redrawing predrawing

wing awing drawing redrawing wiredrawing

wing awing drawing withdrawing withdrawingly

wing awing drawing withdrawing withdrawingness

wing awing flawing

wing awing gnawing begnawing

wing awing gnawing gnawingly

wing awing gnawing gnawings

wing awing gnawing outgnawing

wing awing guffawing

wing awing hawing heehawing

wing awing hawing thawing rethawing

wing awing hawing wapenschawing wapenschawings

wing awing hawing wapenshawing wapenshawings

wing awing hawing wapinschawing wapinschawings

wing awing hawing wapinshawing wapinshawings

wing awing hawing wappenschawing wappenschawings

wing awing hawing wappenshawing wappenshawings

wing awing hawing whillywhawing

wing awing jawing

wing awing outlawing

wing awing overawing

wing awing pawing

wing awing sawing chainsawing

wing awing sawing hacksawing

wing awing sawing jigsawing

wing awing sawing quartersawing

wing awing sawing resawing

wing awing sawing seesawing

wing awing sawing whipsawing

wing awing strawing

wing awing yawing

wing bedewing

wing bitewing

wing brewing microbrewing microbrewings

wing brewing nonbrewing

wing decrewing

wing gaywing gaywings

wing hewing chewing cudchewing

wing hewing chewing eschewing

wing hewing chewing rechewing

wing hewing roughhewing

wing hewing shewing

wing lacewing lacewings

wing lapwing lapwings

wing leatherwing leatherwings

wing leftwing leftwinger leftwingers

wing mewing

wing mildewing

wing overwing

wing owing allowing fallowing

wing owing allowing reallowing

wing owing allowing sallowing disallowing

wing owing allowing shallowing

wing owing allowing tallowing

wing owing allowing unallowing

wing owing allowing wallowing swallowing reswallowing

wing owing bellowing outbellowing

wing owing bellowing rebellowing

wing owing billowing billowings

wing owing blowing backblowing

wing owing blowing glassblowing

wing owing blowing mindblowing

wing owing blowing whistleblowing

wing owing bowing elbowing

wing owing endowing overendowing

wing owing endowing reendowing

wing owing endowing underendowing

wing owing flowing backflowing backflowings

wing owing flowing everflowing

wing owing flowing flowingly

wing owing flowing flowingness

wing owing flowing inflowing

wing owing flowing nonflowing

wing owing flowing outflowing

wing owing flowing overflowing

wing owing flowing reflowing reflowings

wing owing flowing underflowing

wing owing following followings

wing owing following refollowing

wing owing glowing glowingly

wing owing glowing outglowing

wing owing glowing reglowing

wing owing hollowing

wing owing knowing foreknowing foreknowingly

wing owing knowing knowingly foreknowingly

wing owing knowing knowingly unknowingly

wing owing knowing knowingness unknowingness

wing owing knowing knowings

wing owing knowing preknowing

wing owing knowing unknowing unknowingly

wing owing knowing unknowing unknowingness

wing owing mellowing

wing owing meowing

wing owing mowing remowing

wing owing pillowing

wing owing plowing replowing

wing owing plowing snowplowing

wing owing rowing arrowing harrowing

wing owing rowing arrowing narrowing

wing owing rowing arrowing tarrowing

wing owing rowing arrowing wheelbarrowing

wing owing rowing borrowing borrowings

wing owing rowing borrowing overborrowing

wing owing rowing borrowing reborrowing

wing owing rowing burrowing nonburrowing

wing owing rowing burrowing unburrowing

wing owing rowing checkrowing

wing owing rowing crowing cockcrowing cockcrowings

wing owing rowing crowing outcrowing

wing owing rowing eyebrowing

wing owing rowing furrowing

wing owing rowing growing coffeegrowing

wing owing rowing growing fruitgrowing

wing owing rowing growing growingly

wing owing rowing growing ingrowing

wing owing rowing growing lowgrowing

wing owing rowing growing misgrowing

wing owing rowing growing outgrowing

wing owing rowing growing overgrowing

wing owing rowing growing regrowing

wing owing rowing growing stronggrowing

wing owing rowing growing winegrowing

wing owing rowing growing woolgrowing woolgrowings

wing owing rowing sorrowing

wing owing rowing strowing bestrowing

wing owing rowing throwing outthrowing

wing owing rowing throwing overthrowing

wing owing rowing throwing throwings

wing owing shadowing foreshadowing foreshadowings

wing owing shadowing overshadowing overshadowingly

wing owing shadowing undershadowing

wing owing showing reshowing foreshowing

wing owing showing showings

wing owing slowing

wing owing snowing

wing owing sowing leasowing

wing owing sowing oversowing

wing owing sowing resowing

wing owing towing stowing bestowing misbestowing

wing owing towing stowing bestowing rebestowing

wing owing towing stowing unstowing

wing owing vowing avowing disavowing

wing owing vowing avowing reavowing

wing owing widowing

wing owing willowing

wing owing windowing multiwindowing

wing owing winnowing winnowings

wing owing wowing bowwowing

wing owing wowing powwowing

wing owing yellowing nonyellowing

wing owing yowing

wing renewing renewings

wing renewing selfrenewing

wing rightwing rightwinger rightwingers

wing screwing corkscrewing

wing screwing unscrewing

wing sewing handsewing

wing sewing oversewing

wing sewing resewing

wing sewing sewings

wing sewing undersewing

wing sinewing

wing skewing reskewing

wing skewing unskewing

wing slewing

wing spewing

wing stewing

wing strewing bestrewing

wing swing backswing backswings

wing swing downswing downswings

wing swing outswing outswinger outswingers

wing swing outswing outswinging

wing swing outswing outswings

wing swing swingbeat swingbeats

wing swing swinged

wing swing swingers outswingers

wing swing swinging outswinging

wing swing swingletail swingletails

wing swing swings backswings

wing swing swings downswings

wing swing swings outswings

wing swing swings swingset

wing swing swings upswings

wing swing upswing upswings

wing unclewing

wing underwing underwings

wing viewing interviewing reinterviewing preinterviewing

wing viewing multiviewing

wing viewing reviewing previewing

wing viewing viewings

wing waxwing waxwings

wing wingback wingbacks

wing wingbeat swingbeat swingbeats

wing wingbeat wingbeats swingbeats

wing wingchair wingchairs

wing wingding wingdings

wing winge twinge leftwinger leftwingers

wing winge twinge rightwinger rightwingers

wing winge twinge twinged shortwinged

wing winge twinge twingeing

wing winge twinge twinges

wing winge winged swinged

wing winge winged twinged shortwinged

wing winge wingeing twingeing

wing winge winger leftwinger leftwingers

wing winge winger outswinger outswingers

wing winge winger rightwinger rightwingers

wing winge winger wingers leftwingers

wing winge winger wingers rightwingers

wing winge winger wingers swingers outswingers

wing winge winges twinges

wing winging swinging outswinging

wing winging twinging

wing wingless winglessness

wing winglet swingletail swingletails

wing winglet winglets

wing winglike

wing wingman

wing wingmen

wing wingnut wingnuts

wing wings backflowings

wing wings billowings

wing wings borrowings

wing wings cockcrowings

wing wings drawings misdrawings

wing wings followings

wing wings foreshadowings

wing wings gaywings

wing wings gnawings

wing wings knowings

wing wings lacewings

wing wings lapwings

wing wings leatherwings

wing wings microbrewings

wing wings reflowings

wing wings renewings

wing wings sewings

wing wings showings

wing wings swings backswings

wing wings swings downswings

wing wings swings outswings

wing wings swings swingset

wing wings swings upswings

wing wings throwings

wing wings underwings

wing wings viewings

wing wings wapenschawings

wing wings wapenshawings

wing wings wapinschawings

wing wings wapinshawings

wing wings wappenschawings

wing wings wappenshawings

wing wings waterwings

wing wings waxwings

wing wings wingsail wingsails

wing wings wingshaped

wing wings wingspan wingspans

wing wings wingspread wingspreads

wing wings winnowings

wing wings woolgrowings

wing wingtip wingtips



wining twining entwining

wining twining intertwining intertwiningly

wining twining intertwining intertwinings

wining twining intwining

wining twining retwining

wink eyewink eyewinked

wink eyewink eyewinker eyewinkers

wink eyewink eyewinking

wink eyewink eyewinks

wink hoodwink hoodwinkable

wink hoodwink hoodwinked

wink hoodwink hoodwinker hoodwinkers

wink hoodwink hoodwinking

wink hoodwink hoodwinks

wink tiddlywink tiddlywinks

wink twinklier

wink twinkliest

wink twinkly

wink winked eyewinked

wink winked hoodwinked

wink winker eyewinker eyewinkers

wink winker hoodwinker hoodwinkers

wink winker winkers eyewinkers

wink winker winkers hoodwinkers

wink winking eyewinking

wink winking hoodwinking

wink winking unwinking

wink winking winkingly

wink winking winkings

wink winkle dogwinkle dogwinkles

wink winkle periwinkle periwinkles

wink winkle twinkle twinkled

wink winkle twinkle twinkler twinklers

wink winkle twinkle twinkles

wink winkle winkled twinkled

wink winkle winkler twinkler twinklers

wink winkle winkler winklers twinklers

wink winkle winkles dogwinkles

wink winkle winkles periwinkles

wink winkle winkles twinkles

wink winkling twinkling twinklings

wink winks eyewinks

wink winks hoodwinks

wink winks tiddleywinks

wink winks tiddlywinks


winnable unwinnable

winner breadwinner breadwinners

winner prizewinner prizewinners

winner winners breadwinners

winner winners prizewinners

winning breadwinning

winning electrowinning electrowinnings

winning prizewinning

winning twinning crosstwinning

winning twinning twinnings

winning winningest

winning winningly

winning winningness

winning winnings electrowinnings

winning winnings twinnings

winnow winnowed

winnow winnower winnowers

winnow winnowing winnowings

winnow winnows

wins rawinsonde rawinsondes

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