↑Quotations for verily
Verily, every man at his best state is altogether vanity. [ Bible ]
Verily, there is nothing so true that the damps of error hath not warp'd it. [ Tupper ]
Verily, O man, with truth for thy theme, eloquence shall throne thee with archangels. [ Tupper ]
Trust in the Lord, and do good, so shalt thou dwell in the land, and verily thou shalt be fed. [ Bible ]
Verily, I swear, it is better to be lowly born, and range with humble livers in content than to be perked up in a glistering grief, and wear a golden sorrow. [ Shakespeare ]
He has verily touched our hearts as with a live coal from the altar who in any way brings home to our heart the noble doings, feelings, darings, and endurances of a brother man. [ Carlyle ]
Yorick sometime?, in his wild way of talking, would say that gravity was an arrant scoundrel, and, he would add, of the most dangerous kind, too, because a sly one; and that he verily believed more honest well-meaning people were bubbled out of their goods and money by it in one twelvemonth than by pocket-picking and shop-lifting in seven. [ Sterne ]