Not too much. [ Motto ]
You too, Brutus!
Not too much zeal. [ Talleyrand ]
One enemy is too much. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]
Too much rest is rust. [ Sir Walter Scott ]
Too much wit
Makes the world rotten. [ Alfred Tennyson ]
Trust, but not too much. [ Proverb ]
Too late to spare
When the bottom is bare. [ Proverb ]
Too much breaks the bag. [ Proverb ]
Too much zeal spoils all. [ French Proverb ]
Too much of a good thing. [ William Shakespeare ]
None can be good too soon. [ Proverb ]
Money often costs too much. [ Ralph Waldo Emerson ]
Life is too short to waste.
It will soon be dark;
Up! mind thine own aim, and
God speed the mark! [ Emerson ]
Wit may be bought too dear. [ Proverb ]
To many fame comes too late. [ Camoens ]
Hell is truth seen too late. [ H. G. Adams ]
Bows too long bent grow weak. [ Proverb ]
More than enough is too much. [ Proverb ]
He warms too near that burns. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]
To be too busy gets contempt. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]
Silver from the living
Is gold in the giving:
Gold from the dying
Is but silver a-flying.
Gold and silver from the dead
Turn too often into lead. [ Fuller ]
Love too late can never glow. [ Keble ]
Honey is too good for a bear. [ Proverb ]
Too much taking heed is loss. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]
It is as much intemperance to [ weep too much as to laugh too much. [Proverb ]
Polite beggary is too common. [ W. R. Alger ]
Too surely, every setting day,
Some lost delight we mourn. [ Keble ]
Too much consulting confounds. [ Proverb ]
You must not cut and deal too. [ Proverb ]
The wished-for comes too late. [ Proverb ]
Youth is too hasty with words. [ Schiller ]
Too much cordial will destroy. [ Proverb ]
To no one is his own too much. [ German Proverb ]
Too many cooks spoil the broth. [ Proverb ]
Thank God, I too am a painter ! [ Correggio ]
It is hard to pay and pray too. [ Proverb ]
Too much mercy is want of mercy. [ Alfred Tennyson ]
Rely not too much on frail hope. [ Seneca ]
Let echo, too, perform her part,
Prolonging every note with art;
And in a low expiring strain,
Play all the comfort over again. [ Addison ]
We made too many wrong mistakes. [ Yogi Berra ]
Thou whom avenging powers obey.
Cancel my debt (too great to pay)
Before the sad accounting day. [ Wentworth Dillon ]
A man may buy even gold too dear. [ Proverb ]
Love me little, love me long,
Is the burden of my song;
Love that is too hot and strong
Burneth soon to waste;
Still I would not have thee cold,
Not too backward or too bold;
Love that lasteth till 'tis old
Fadeth not in haste. [ Old Ballad ]
But one egg, and that addled too. [ Proverb ]
Even too much praise is a burden. [ Proverb ]
Love begins too well to end well. [ Daumas ]
Whoever is not too wise, is wise. [ Martial ]
Bravery is often too sharp a spur. [ Kossuth ]
Are bubble-like - what makes them,
Bursts them too. [ Bailey ]
We are too good for pure instinct. [ Goethe ]
He either fears his fate too much,
Or his deserts are small.
That dares not put it to the touch
To gain or lose it all. [ Marquis Of Montrose ]
He that is too secure is not safe. [ Proverb ]
He either fears his fate too much,
Or his deserts are small,
Who dares not put it to the touch
To win or lose it all. [ Marquis of Montrose ]
What comes too late is as nothing. [ Proverb ]
A day for toil, an hour for sport.
But for a friend is life too short. [ Emerson ]
Never too old to learn what is good. [ Proverb ]
I live for those who love me.
For those who know me true,
For the heavens that bend above me.
And await my spirit too;
For the cause that needs assistance.
For the wrongs that lack resistance,
For the future in the distance.
And the good that I can do. [ Thomas Guthrie ]
The soul too soft its ills to bear.
Has left our mortal hemisphere.
And sought in better world the meed
To blameless life by heaven decreed. [ Scott ]
Too much rest itself becomes a pain. [ Homer ]
In too much disputing truth is lost. [ French Proverb ]
It is not good to be happy too young. [ Proverb ]
Make not too much haste on a journey. [ Chilo ]
Too much familiarity breeds contempt. [ Proverb ]
Sin is too dull to see beyond himself. [ Alfred Tennyson ]
Borrow not too much upon time to come. [ Proverb ]
Enough is enough, and too much spoils. [ Italian Proverb ]
Valor is abased by too much loftiness. [ Sir P. Sidney ]
He who climbs too high is near a fall. [ Italian Proverb ]
Being too blind to have desire to see. [ Tennyson ]
In love, too much of it is not enough. [ Beaumarchais ]
Too much spoils, too little is nothing. [ Proverb ]
Love moderately; long love doth so;
Too swift arrives as tardy as too slow. [ William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet ]
Glory paid to our ashes comes too late. [ Martial ]
We forgive too little, forget too much. [ Mme. Swetchine ]
Too much gravity argues a shallow mind. [ Lavater ]
Like angels' visits, short and bright;
Mortality's too weak to bear them long. [ J. Norris ]
Too many giddy, foolish hours are gone. [ Rowe ]
Too great refinement is false delicacy. [ Rochefoucauld ]
It is not too late tomorrow to be brave
If honor bids. [ Armstrong ]
Too swift arrives as tardy as too slow. [ William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet ]
He that promises too much means nothing. [ Proverb ]
Too fair to worship, too divine to love. [ Milman ]
First our pleasures die - and then
Our hopes, and then our fears - and when
These are dead, the debt is due.
Dust claims dust - and we die too. [ Shelley ]
Nothing comes to us too soon but sorrow. [ Bailey ]
Can one desire too much of a good thing? [ Cervantes ]
Through every fibre of my brain,
Through every nerve, through every vein,
I feel the electric thrill, the touch
Of life, that seems almost too much. [ Henry W. Longfellow ]
Too young for woe, though not for tears. [ Washington Irving ]
All objects lose by too familiar a view. [ Dryden ]
Too much is a vanity; enough is a feast. [ Quarles ]
When a man's life is under debate,
The judge can never too long deliberate. [ Dryden ]
No cloth is too fine for moth to devour. [ Proverb ]
Nobody hath too much prudence or virtue. [ Proverb ]
A mediocre speech can never be too short. [ Mme. de Lambert ]
Trust not too much to an enchanting face. [ Virgil ]
A thread too fine spun will easily break. [ Proverb ]
Or, having sworn too hard a keeping oath,
Study to break it and not break my troth. [ William Shakespeare ]
Praise none too much, for all are fickle. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]
O radiant Dark! O darkly fostered ray!
Thou hast a joy too deep for shallow Day. [ George Eliot ]
They live too long who happiness outlive. [ Dryden ]
He that makes a thing too fine breaks it. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]
Plants too often removed will not thrive. [ Proverb ]
You cannot eat your cake and have it too. [ Proverb ]
We seldom repent having eaten too little.
Vice is a monster of so frightful mien,
As, to be hated, needs but to be seen;
Yet seen too oft, familiar with her face,
We first endure, then pity, then embrace. [ Alexander Pope ]
O precious evenings! all too swiftly sped! [ Longfellow ]
Bought wit is best, but may cost too much. [ Proverb ]
No man ever surfeited on too much honesty. [ Proverb ]
Too much of one thing is good for nothing. [ Proverb ]
Too much fear cuts all the nerves asunder. [ Proverb ]
Is that a birthday? 'tis, alas! too clear;
'Tis but the funeral of the former year. [ Pope ]
That which proves too much proves nothing. [ Proverb ]
This moment is a flower too fair and brief. [ Moore ]
Love's of itself too sweet; the best of all
Is when love's honey has a dash of gall. [ Herrick ]
If you sell the cow, you sell her milk too. [ Proverb ]
For virtue's self may too much zeal be had:
The worst of madmen is a saint run mad. [ Pope ]
You have too much respect upon the world:
They lose it that do buy it with much care. [ William Shakespeare ]
Who loves a garden loves a greenhouse, too. [ Cowper ]
As many suffer from too much as too little. [ Bovee ]
Men are but children of a larger growth;
Our appetites are apt to change as theirs,
And full as craving, too, and full as vain. [ Dryden ]
Too much is always bad; old proverbs call
Even too much honey nothing else than gall. [ Anon ]
O, she is fallen
Into a pit of ink, that the wide sea
Hath drops too few to wash her clean again. [ William Shakespeare, Much Ado About Nothing, Act IV. Sc.1 ]
Is there aught in sleep can charm the wise?
To lie in dead oblivion, losing half
The fleeting moments of too short a life;
Total extinction of the enlightened soul! [ James Thomson ]
Make not your sail too big for the ballast. [ Proverb ]
When a thing is done advice comes too late. [ Proverb ]
Too much sadness hath congealed your blood. [ William Shakespeare ]
It's not too far, it just seems like it is. [ Yogi Berra ]
Too late to grieve when the chance is past. [ Proverb ]
If that a pearl may in a toad's head dwell.
And may be found too in an oyster shell. [ Bunyan ]
Experience is good, if not bought too dear. [ Proverb ]
Custom is generally too hard for conscience. [ Proverb ]
Who think too little, and who talk roo much. [ Drydeu ]
When all is gone, repentance comes too late. [ Proverb ]
By medicine life may be prolonged, yet death
Will seize the doctor too. [ William Shakespeare ]
Even wit is a burden when it talks too long. [ Dryden ]
Pleasure that comes too thick grows fulsome. [ Proverb ]
Do not insult calamity:
It is a barbarous grossness to lay on
The weight of scorn, where heavy misery
Too much already weighs men's fortunes down. [ Daniel ]
One cannot take true aim at things too high. [ Proverb ]
Man is his own star, and the soul that can
Render an honest and a perfect man,
Commands all light, all influence, all fate;
Nothing to him falls early or too late. [ Beaumont and Fletcher ]
There is enough where there is not too much. [ French Proverb ]
But the fruit that can fall without shaking.
Indeed is too mellow for me. [ Lady Montagu ]
Nobody can stand in awe of himself too much. [ Proverb ]
Beauty too rich for use; for earth too dear. [ William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet ]
But far more numerous was the herd of such,
Who think too little, and who talk too much. [ Dryden ]
No one goes there nowadays, it's too crowded. [ Yogi Berra ]
Beware of too much good staying in your hand. [ Ralph Waldo Emerson ]
Must I tell you a tale and find you ears too? [ Proverb ]
Even wit's a burthen, when it talks too long. [ Dryden ]
What we admire we praise; and when we praise,
Advance it into notice, that its worth
Acknowledged, others may admire it too. [ Cowper ]
Consider how the desperate fight;
Despair strikes wild, - but often fatal too -
And in the mad encounter wins success. [ Havard ]
Oh, that this too too solid flesh would melt,
Thaw and resolve itself into a dew!
Or that the Everlasting had not fix'd
His canon 'gainst self-slaughter. [ William Shakespeare, Hamlet ]
Press not a falling man too far; 'tis virtue:
His faults lie open to the laws; let them.
Not you, correct him. [ William Shakespeare ]
Screw not the chord too sharply lest it snap. [ Proverb ]
Your Words are like the notes of dying swans,
Too sweet to last. [ Dryden ]
Search not to find what lies too deeply hid;
Nor to know things whose knowledge is forbid. [ Denham ]
Frugality, when all is spent, comes too late. [ Seneca ]
Avoid extremes, and shun the fault of such
Who still are pleased too little or too much. [ Pope ]
Often try what weight you can support.
And what your shoulders are too weak to bear. [ Roscommon ]
He tires betimes that spurs too fast betimes;
With eager feeding food doth choke the feeder. [ William Shakespeare ]
Two fools in a house are too many by a couple. [ Proverb ]
Habit is too arbitrary a master for my liking. [ Lavater ]
Let thy alms go before, and keep heaven's gate
Open for thee, or both may come too late. [ George Herbert ]
That comes too late that comes for the asking. [ Seneca ]
He that grasps at too much holds nothing fast. [ Proverb ]
It is hard to suffer wrong and pay for it too. [ Proverb ]
To me the meanest flower that blows can give
Thoughts that do often lie too deep for tears. [ Wordsworth ]
He's a thief, for he has taken a cup too much. [ Proverb ]
Strange - is it not? - that of the myriads who
Before us passed the door of Darkness through,
Not one returns to tell us of the road
Which to discover we must travel too. [ Omar Khayyam ]
Let wealth come in by comely thrift,
And not by any sordid shift;
It is haste makes waste;
Extremes have still their fault.
Who gripes too hard the dry and slippery sand,
Holds none at all, or little, in his hand. [ Herrick ]
You cannot sell the cow and have her milk too. [ Proverb ]
At the sight of a man we too say to ourselves,
Let us be men. [ Amiel ]
One may say too much even on the best subject. [ Proverb ]
We'll leave a proof, by that which we will do,
Wives may be merry, and yet honest too. [ William Shakespeare ]
Nothing is too late
Till the tired heart shall cease to palpitate. [ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow ]
A journey were better too long than dangerous. [ Proverb ]
Thoughts that do often lie too deep for tears. [ Wordsworth ]
He who tries to prove too much, proves nothing. [ Proverb ]
Do proper homage to thine idol's eyes.
But not too humbly, or she will despise
Thee and thy suit though told in moving tropes;
Disguise even tenderness, if thou art wise. [ Byron ]
My people too were scared with eerie sounds,
A footstep, a low throbbing in the walls,
A noise of falling weights that never fell.
Weird whispers, bells that rang without a hand.
Door-handles turn'd when none was at the door.
And bolted doors that open'd of themselves;
And one betwixt the dark and light had seen
Her, bending by the cradle of her babe. [ Tennyson ]
The wages of a good workman are never too high. [ French Proverb ]
Good that comes too late is as good as nothing. [ Proverb ]
Not that the heavens the little can make great,
But many a man has lived an age too late. [ R. H. Stoddard ]
These taught us how to live; and (oh, too high
The price for knowledge!) taught us how to die. [ Thomas Tickell ]
It is never too late to give up our prejudices. [ Thoreau ]
No class escapes them - from the poor man's pay
The nostrum takes no trifling part away;
Time, too, with cash is wasted; 'tis the fate
Of real helpers, to be called too late;
This find the sick, when time and patience gone
Death with a tenfold terror hurries on. [ Crabbe ]
I cannot be your friend and your flatterer too. [ Proverb ]
To serve thy generation, this thy fate:
Written in- water, swiftly fades thy name;
But he who loves his kind does, first and late,
A work too great for fame. [ Mary Clemmer ]
With curious art the brain, too finely wrought,
Preys on herself, and is destroyed by thought. [ Churchill ]
I know a mount, the gracious Sun perceives
First when he visits, last, too, when he leaves
The world; and, vainly favored, it repays
The day-long glory of his steadfast gaze
By no change of its large calm front of snow. [ Robert Browning ]
Fortune gives too much to many, enough to none. [ Martial ]
The poor too often turn away unheard,
From hearts that shut against them with a sound
That will be heard in heaven. [ Longfellow ]
Philip. Madam, a day may sink or save a realm.
Mary. A day may save a heart from breaking too. [ Alfred Tennyson ]
He hath fed too freely on a Neapolitan biscuit. [ Proverb ]
He that loves himself too much loves an ill man. [ Proverb ]
He lives unsafely that looks too near on things. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]
Too low they build, who build beneath the stars. [ Edward Young ]
Don't carry your head too high; the door is low. [ German Proverb ]
Laugh not too much: the witty man laughs least:
For wit is news only to ignorance.
Less at thine own things laugh: lest in the jest
Thy person share, and the conceit advance. [ George Herbert ]
Trade hardly deems the busy day begun,
Till his keen eye along the sheet has run;
The blooming daughter throws her needle by.
And reads her schoolmate's marriage with a sigh;
While the grave mother puts her glasses on.
And gives a tear to some old crony gone.
The preacher, too, his Sunday theme lays down,
To know what last new folly fills the town;
Lively or sad, life's meanest, mightiest things.
The fate of fighting cocks, or fighting kings. [ Sprague ]
A jest driven too far brings home hate or scorn. [ Proverb ]
To whirl the eyes too much shows a kite's brain. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]
We gape, we grasp, we gripe, add store to store;
Enough requires too much; too much craves more. [ Quarles ]
If you are too unfortunate nobody will know you. [ Proverb ]
Words to the heat of deeds too cold breath give. [ William Shakespeare, Macbeth ]
Glories, like glow-worms, afar off shine bright;
But looked too near, have neither heat nor light. [ Webster ]
Too curious man! why dost thou seek to know
Events, which, good or ill, foreknown, are woe!
The all-seeing power, that made thee mortal, gave
Thee every thing a mortal state should have. [ Dryden ]
Whither away, Bluebird, Whither away?
The blast is chill, yet in the upper sky,
Thou still canst find the color of thy wing.
The hue of May.
Warbler, why speed thy southern flight? ah, why,
Thou too, whose song first told us of the Spring?
Whither away? [ E. C. Stedman ]
Life would be too smooth if it had no rubs in it. [ Proverb ]
Greatness, once fallen out with fortune,
Must fall out with men too; what the declined is,
He shall as soon read in the eyes of others
As feel in his own fall. [ William Shakespeare, Troilus and Cressida ]
A daring pilot in extremity;
Pleased with the danger, when the waves went high
He sought the storms; but, for a calm unfit,
Would steer too nigh the sands to boast his wit.
Great wits are sure to madness near allied,
And thin partitions do their bounds divide; [ Dryden, Absalom and Achitophel ]
Men know life too early, women know life too late. [ Oscar Wilde, A Woman of No Importance ]
Change yourself, and your fortune will change too. [ Portuguese Proverb ]
Be a friend to thyself, and others will be so too. [ Proverb ]
In conversation dwell not too long on a weak side. [ Proverb ]
Tomorrow will I live, the fool does say:
Today itself's too late; the wise lived yesterday. [ Cowley ]
He that is too proud to ask is too good to receive. [ Proverb ]
Love should have some rest and pleasure in himself,
Not ever be too curious for a boon,
Too prurient for a proof against the grain
Of him ye say ye love. [ Alfred Tennyson ]
Nobody goes there anymore because it's too crowded. [ Yogi Berra ]
A child may have too much of its mother's blessing. [ Proverb ]
The death of a young wolf doth never come too soon. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]
Few things in the world will bear too much refining. [ Proverb ]
Too much care may be as bad as downright negligence. [ Proverb ]
He that takes too great a leap falls into the ditch. [ Proverb ]
A man may say too much even on the best of subjects. [ Proverb ]
I will not want when I have it, and have it not too. [ Proverb ]
Too much scratching pains, too much talking plagues. [ Proverb ]
Be bold! first gate;
Be bold, be bold, and evermore be bold, second gate;
Be not too bold! third gate. [ Spenser, Faerie Queen, Book III, Inscription on the Gates of Busyrane ]
Too much asseveration is a good ground of suspicion. [ Proverb ]
These wickets of the soul are placed so high,
Because all sounds do highly move aloft;
And that they may not pierce too violently,
They are delay'd with turns and twinings oft.
For should the voice directly strike the brain,
It would astonish and confuse it much;
Therefore these plaits and folds the sound restrain,
That it the organ may more gently touch. [ Sir John Davies ]
The world is too narrow for two fools a quarrelling. [ Proverb ]
Fortune gives to many too much, but to no one enough. [ German Proverb ]
We turn to dust, and all our mightiest works die too. [ Cowper ]
If the channel's too small, the water must break out. [ Proverb ]
One can never pay too high a price for any sensation. [ Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Grey ]
If you are too fortunate, you will not know yourself. [ Proverb ]
Holding an eel too fast is the way to let her escape. [ Proverb ]
Mirth itself is too often but melancholy in disguise. [ Leigh Hunt ]
The file grates other things; but rub itself out too. [ Proverb ]
One enemy is too many, and a hundred friends too few. [ Proverb ]
Cannot I be your friend, but I must be your fool too? [ Proverb ]
Girls blush, sometimes, because they are alive,
Half wishing they were dead to save the shame.
The sudden blush devours them, neck and brow;
They have drawn too near the fire of life, like gnats,
And flare up bodily, wings and all. [ E. B. Browning ]
He that looks too nicely into things never lives easy. [ Proverb ]
Be wise; Soar not too high to fall, but stoop to rise. [ Massinger ]
Passion costs too much to bestow it upon every trifle. [ Rev. Thomas Adam ]
Too busy with the crowded hour to fear to live or die. [ Emerson ]
Search not a wound too deep, lest thou make a new one. [ Proverb ]
There is winter enough for the snipe and woodcock too. [ Proverb ]
He carries too big a gun for me, I must not engage him. [ Proverb ]
He that licks honey from a nettle pays too dear for it. [ Proverb ]
It is a great obstacle to happiness to expect too much. [ Fontanelle ]
Man has only too much reason to guard himself from man. [ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe ]
Spin not too fine a thread, lest it break in weaving up. [ Proverb ]
Haste turns usually on a matter of ten minutes too late. [ Bovee ]
Life is an art in which too many remain only dilettantes. [ Elizabeth, Queen of Roumania ]
Not kings alone - the people, too, have their flatterers. [ Mirabeau ]
A man cannot be too careful in the choice of his enemies. [ Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Grey ]
The most exquisite folly is made of wisdom too fine spun. [ Proverb ]
In courtesy, rather pay a penny too much than too little. [ Proverb ]
No one is more profoundly sad than he who laughs too much. [ Jean Paul ]
Who soars too near the sun, with golden wings, melts them. [ William Shakespeare ]
Too much and too little occasions the troubles of mankind. [ Proverb ]
Old men have one foot in the grave, and many young men too. [ Proverb ]
Women are too imaginative and sensitive to have much logic. [ Mme. du Deffand ]
Solitude dulls the thought, too much company dissipates it. [ Proverb ]
Drink wine, and have the gout, drink none, and have it too. [ Proverb ]
One seeks new friends only when too well known by old ones. [ Mme. de Puisieux ]
The orange that is too hard squeezed, yields a bitter juice. [ Proverb ]
A house built by the way-side is either too high or too low. [ Proverb ]
You look for a knot in a bulrush, (i.e. are too scrupulous). [ Proverb ]
He that can reply calmly to an angry man is too hard for him. [ Proverb ]
Three are too many to keep a secret, and too few to be merry. [ Proverb ]
A man deep-wounded may feel too much pain to feel much anger. [ George Eliot ]
A too quick return of an obligation is a sort of ingratitude. [ Proverb ]
Drive not too many ploughs at once; some will make foul work. [ Proverb ]
No time is too short for the wicked to injure their neighbors. [ Seneca ]
Twenty to one offend more in writing too much than too little. [ Roger Ascham ]
In order to love mankind, we must not expect too much of them. [ Helvetius ]
If youth be a defect, it is one that we outgrow only too soon. [ Lowell ]
What a heavy burden is a name that has become too soon famous! [ Voltaire ]
Habit is altogether too arbitrary a master for me to submit to. [ Lavater ]
Life is far too important a thing ever to talk seriously about. [ Oscar Wilde, Lady Windemere's Fan ]
Joys too exquisite to last, and yet more exquisite when passed. [ Montgomery ]
Ah! wretched and too solitary he who loves not his own company! [ Cowley ]
Age too, shines out, and garrulous recounts the feats of youth. [ Thomson ]
Suspicion is as great an enemy to wisdom as too much credulity. [ Thomas Fuller ]
Therefore a man is a cuckold, because two are too hard for one. [ Proverb ]
Live virtuously, and you cannot die too soon nor live too long. [ Lady R. Russel ]
When our hatred is too keen it places us beneath those we hate. [ La Rochefoucauld ]
One man may as much miss the mark by aiming too high as too low. [ Proverb ]
Follow not truth too near the heels, lest it dash out thy teeth. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]
Prejudice assumes the garb of reason, but the cheat is too thin. [ H. W. Shaw ]
If your desires be endless, your cares and fears will be so too. [ Proverb ]
Hang him that has no shifts, and hang him that has one too many. [ Proverb ]
Men's minds are too ingenious in palliating guilt in themselves. [ Livy ]
Downright admonition, as a rule, is too blunt for the recipient. [ Beecher ]
If you love yourself too much, nobody else will love you at all. [ Proverb ]
Dignity and pride are of too near relationship for intermarriage. [ Madame Deluzy ]
All my misfortunes come of having thought too well of my fellows. [ J. J. Rousseau ]
Let us not strive to rise too high, that we may not fall too low. [ Friedrich Schiller ]
One may surfeit with too much, as well as starve with too little. [ Proverb ]
Money is too inconsiderable to love, yet too useful to throw away. [ Proverb ]
Men never think their fortune too great, nor their wit too little. [ Proverb ]
Make not thy friends too cheap to thee, nor thyself to thy friend. [ Fuller ]
The fatality of good resolutions is that they are always too late. [ Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Grey ]
We perceive and are affected by changes too subtle to be described. [ Thoreau ]
Since sorrow never comes too late. And happiness too swiftly flies. [ Gray ]
Life that is too short for the happy, is too long for the miserable. [ Proverb ]
Greatness, once fallen out with fortune, must fall out with men too. [ William Shakespeare ]
Preserving the health by too strict a regimen is a wearisome malady. [ La Rochefoucauld ]
Too much effort to increase our happiness transforms it into misery. [ J. J. Rousseau ]
The fly that plays too long in the candle, singes her wings at last. [ Proverb ]
It has been a great misfortune to many a one that he lived too long. [ Proverb ]
Hang constancy! you know too much of the world to be constant, sure. [ Fielding ]
There occur cases in human life when it is wisdom not to be too wise. [ Friedrich Schiller ]
Imagination is too often accompanied with a somewhat irregular logic. [ Benjamin Disraeli ]
Women distrust men too much in general, and not enough in particular. [ Commerson ]
We cannot think too highly of our nature, nor too humbly of ourselves. [ Colton ]
Self-made men are most always apt to be a little too proud of the job. [ H. W. Shaw ]
I too was once a youth with curly locks, rich in courage and in hopes. [ Lortzing ]
No man ever thought too highly of his nature or too meanly of himself. [ Young ]
Late repentance is seldom true, but true repentance is never too late. [ R. Venning ]
And hark, how blithe the throstle sings! He, too, is no mean preacher. [ Wordsworth ]
Divine indifference and brutish indifference are too often confounded. [ Feuchtersleben ]
I have come to the conclusion that mankind consume twice too much food. [ Sydney Smith ]
A secret is too little for one, enough for two, and too much for three. [ Howell ]
Nature is too thin a screen: the glory of the One breaks in everywhere. [ Emerson ]
He that remembers his virtues too much, bids others think of his vices. [ Proverb ]
Those that too much reverence the ancients, are a scorn to the moderns. [ Proverb ]
Don't put too fine a point to your wit, for fear it should get blunted. [ Cervantes ]
Yet do I fear thy nature; It is too full of the milk of human kindness. [ William Shakespeare ]
Business and action strengthen the brain, but too much study weakens it. [ Proverb ]
It is the nature of experience to come to us only when too late for use. [ Mme. de Rieux ]
We are too prone to find fault; let us look for some of the perfections. [ Johann C. F. Von Schiller ]
As many suffer from too much as too little. A fat body makes a lean mind. [ Bovee ]
Too much painstaking speaks disease in one's mind, as much as too little. [ Carlyle ]
Live virtuously, my lord, and you cannot die too soon, nor live too long. [ Lady Rachel Russell ]
Expect injuries; for men are weak, and thou thyself doest such too often. [ Jean Paul ]
Too great and sudden changes, though for the better, are not easily born. [ Proverb ]
The safety-valves of the heart, when too much pressure is laid on. (Tears) [ Albert Smith ]
Better one's House be too little one day, than too big all the year after. [ Proverb ]
Great men too often have greater faults than little men can find room for. [ Landor ]
Truth is too simple for us; we do not like those who unmask our illusions. [ Ralph Waldo Emerson ]
They are sick that surfeit with too much, as they that starve with nothing. [ William Shakespeare ]
I dislike clocks with second-hands; they cut up life into too small pieces. [ Mme. de Sevigne ]
Had not God made this world, and death too, it were an insupportable place. [ Carlyle ]
If I had given four-pence for that advice, I had bought it a groat too dear. [ Proverb ]
The punishment of those who have loved women too much is to love them always. [ Joubert ]
Too great a display of delicacy can and does sometimes infringe upon decency. [ Balzac ]
There is, by God's grace, an immeasurable distance between late and too late. [ Mme. Swetchine ]
A moment lived in paradise is not purchased too dearly at the ransom of death. [ Friedrich Schiller ]
I was too hasty to condemn unheard; and you perhaps too prompt in your replies. [ Dryden ]
Power, in whatever hands, is rarely guilty of too strict limitations on itself. [ Burke ]
Too much sensibility creates unhappiness; too much insensibility creates crime. [ Talleyrand ]
That friendship, which is exerted in too wide a sphere, becomes totally useless. [ Goldsmith ]
The mind that too frequently forgives bad actions will at last forget good ones. [ Reynolds ]
Life is too short to spare an hour of it in the indulgence of this evil passion. [ Lamartine ]
As wit is too hard for power in council, so power is too hard for wit in action. [ Wycherley ]
Woman's happiness consists in obeying; she objects to a man who yields too much. [ Michelet ]
A bitter jest, when it comes too near the truth, leaves a sharp sting behind it. [ Tacitus ]
He that is too busy in mending and judging of others, will never be good himself. [ Proverb ]
Who fails to grieve when just occasion calls.
Or grieves too much, deserves not to be blest: Inhuman, or effeminate, his heart. [ Young ]
In words, as fashions, the same rule will hold, alike fantastic if too new or old. [ Pope ]
The perverseness of my fate is such that he's not mine because he's mine too much. [ Dryden ]
Nothing is too high for the daring of mortals: we storm heaven itself in our folly. [ Horace ]
It was hard to have a conversation with anyone; there were too many people talking. [ Yogi Berra ]
Man's activity is all too fain to relax; he soon gets fond of unconditional repose. [ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe ]
I see the right, and I approve it too; condemn the wrong, and yet the wrong pursue. [ Ovid ]
Time never bears such moments on his wing as when he flies too swiftly to be marked. [ Joanna Baillie ]
We live in an age that reads too much to be wise and thinks too much to be beautiful. [ Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Grey ]
When ill news comes too late to be serviceable to your neighbor, keep it to yourself. [ Zimmermann ]
Sweet tears! the awful language eloquent of infinite affection, far too big for words. [ Pollok ]
You must not contrast too strongly the hours of courtship with the years of possession. [ Beaconsfield ]
I take it to be a principal rule of life, not to be too much addicted to any one thing. [ Terence ]
With such deceits he gained their easy hearts, too prone to credit his perfidious arts. [ Dryden ]
It is a truth but too well known, that rashness attends youth, as prudence does old age. [ Cicero ]
Generally we obtain very surely and very speedily what we are not too anxious to obtain. [ Rousseau ]
We are valued either too highly or not high enough; we are never taken at our real worth. [ Marie Ebner-Eschenbach ]
To me the meanest flower that blows, can give thoughts that often lie too deep for tears. [ Wordsworth ]
One that is perfectly idle is perfectly weary too, and knows not what he would do or have. [ Proverb ]
In running their race, men of birth look back too much, which is the mark of a bad runner. [ Bacon ]
When I am dead, may earth be mingled with fire! Ay, said Nero, and while I am living, too. [ From a Greek Tragedian ]
The rich are too indolent, the poor too weak, to bear the insupportable fatigue of thinking. [ Cowper ]
True eyes, too pure and too honest in aught to disguise the sweet soul shining through them. [ Owen Meredith ]
A woman too often reasons from her heart; hence two-thirds of her mistakes and her troubles. [ Edward Bulwer-Lytton ]
Distinction is an eminence that is attained but too frequently at the expense of a fireside. [ Simms ]
Better to be despised for too anxious apprehensions than ruined by too confident a security. [ Burke ]
Too much magnifying of man or matter doth irritate contradiction, and procure envy and scorn. [ Bacon ]
Rascal! That word on the lips of a woman, addressed to a too daring man, often means - angel!
A calumnious abuse, too often repeated, becomes so familiar to the ear as to lose its effect.
Nothing is so dangerous as being too modern; one is apt to grow old fashioned quite suddenly. [ Oscar Wilde, An Ideal Husband ]
The chains of habit are generally too small to be felt till they are too strong to be broken. [ Johnson ]
Too many individuals are like Shakespeare's definition of echo,
- babbling gossips of the air. [ H. W. Shaw ]
Come, gentlemen, we sit too long on trifles, And waste the time, which looks for other revels. [ William Shakespeare ]
Too indolent to bear the toil of writing; I mean of writing well; I say nothing about quantity. [ Horace ]
Little minds are too much wounded by little things; great minds see all, and are not even hurt. [ La Roche ]
Fear to do base, unworthy things, is valor; if they be done to us, to suffer them is valor too. [ Ben Jonson ]
Whatever the number of a man's friends there will be times in his life when he has one too few. [ Bulwer ]
When a thought is too weak to bear a simple expression, it is a sign that it deserves rejection. [ Vauvenargues ]
Whatever passes away is too vile to be the price of time, which is itself the price of eternity. [ Massillon ]
Nobody will use other people's experience, nor have any of his own till it is too late to use it. [ Hawthorne ]
We ought to allow the affections of the mind to be neither too much elated nor abjectly depressed. [ Cicero ]
He that has too little wants wings to fly, he that has too much is encumbered with his large tail. [ Proverb ]
Those who bestow too much application on trifling things become generally incapable of great ones. [ Rochefoucauld ]
Women complain of the lack of virtue in men, and do not esteem those who are too strictly virtuous. [ Blondel ]
Let Harlequin be taken with a fit of the colic, and his trappings will have to serve that mood too. [ Thoreau ]
The rich man despises those who flatter him too much, and hates those who do not flatter him at all. [ Talleyrand ]
The mingled incentives which lead to action are often too subtle and lie too deep for us to analyze. [ Lavater ]
It is a powerful sex; they were too strong for the first, the strongest, and the wisest man that was. [ Howell ]
I have been too much occupied with things themselves to think either of their beginning or their end. [ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe ]
The style of letters should not be too highly polished. It ought to be neat and correct, but no more. [ Blair ]
Friendship is too pure a pleasure for a mind cankered with ambition or the lust of power and grandeur. [ Junius ]
Rigour pushed too far is sure to miss its aim, however good; as the bow snaps that is bent too stiffly. [ Friedrich Schiller ]
A body may as well lay too little as too much stress upon a dream; but the less he heed them the better. [ L'Estrange ]
Resist beginnings: it is too late to employ medicine when the evil has grown strong by inveterate habit. [ Ovid ]
The sun is in the heaven; and the proud day, attended with the pleasures of the world, is all too wanton. [ William Shakespeare ]
Be not too familiar with thy servants; at first it may beget love, but in the end it will breed contempt. [ Fuller ]
Too high an appreciation of our own talents is the chief cause why experience preaches to us all in vain. [ Colton ]
Humility is a virtue of so general, so exceeding good influence, that we can scarce purchase it too dear. [ Thomas à Kempis ]
Too bad there's not such a thing as a golden skunk, because you'd probably be proud to be sprayed by one. [ Jack Handey, Deep Thoughts ]
God's truth is too sacred to be expounded to superficial worldliness in its transient fit of earnestness. [ F. W. Robertson ]
The words of men are like the leaves of trees; when they are too many they hinder the growth of the fruit. [ Steiger ]
He who laughs too much hath the nature of a fool, he that laughs not at all hath the nature of an old cat. [ Proverb ]
It is thy duty oftentimes to do what thou wouldst not; thy duty, too, to leave undone that thou wouldst do. [ Thomas a Kempis ]
No evil is felt till it comes, and when it comes no counsel helps. Wisdom is always too early and too late. [ Rückert ]
The state of that man's mind who feels too intense an interest as to future events, must be most deplorable. [ Seneca ]
Pleasure has its time; so, too, has wisdom. Make love in thy youth, and in old age, attend to thy salvation. [ Voltaire ]
I think I should know how to educate a boy, but not a girl; I should be in danger of making her too learned. [ Niebuhr ]
Modern education too often covers the fingers with rings, and at the same time cuts the sinews at the wrist. [ Earl of Sterling ]
No one ought to enjoy what is too good for him: he ought to make himself worthy of it, and rise to its level. [ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe ]
The too good opinion man has of himself is the nursing-mother of all false opinions, both public and private. [ Montaigne ]
Love in marriage would be the realization of a beautiful dream, if marriage were not too often the end of it. [ A. Karr ]
Madame X. is a woman of too much wit and cleverness to be ever despised as much as some women less despicable. [ Chamfort ]
It is good discretion not to make too much of any man at the first; because one cannot hold out that proportion. [ Bacon ]
Sleep is a god too proud to wait in palaces, and yet so humble too as not to scorn the meanest country cottages. [ Cowley ]
Like the air, the water, and everything else in the world, the heart too rises the higher the warmer it becomes. [ Cötvös ]
Men are in general so tricky, so envious, and so cruel, that when we find one who is only weak, we are too happy. [ Voltaire ]
Brevity is the best recommendation of a speech, not only in the case of a senator, but in that, too, of an orator. [ Cicero ]
What is a miracle? - 'Tis a reproach, 'Tis an implicit satire on mankind; And while its satisfies, it censures too. [ Young ]
I too must attempt a way by which I may raise myself above the ground, and soar triumphant through the lips of men. [ Virgil ]
Truth is a good dog; but beware of barking too close to the heels of an error, lest you get your brains kicked out. [ Coleridge ]
Nature meant to make woman her masterpiece, but committed a mistake in the choice of the clay; she took it too fine. [ Lessing ]
I regard them, as Charles the Emperor did Florence, that they are too pleasant to be looked upon except on holidays. [ Izaak Walton ]
Whoever is in a hurry shows that the thing he is about is too big for him. Haste and hurry are very different things. [ Chesterfield ]
Applause is of too coarse a nature to be swallowed in the gross, though the extract or tincture be ever so agreeable. [ Shenstone ]
Beauty and sadness always go together. Nature thought Beauty too rich to go forth upon the earth without a meet alloy. [ George MacDonald ]
His nature is too noble for the world; he would not flatter Neptune for his trident, or Jove for his power to thunder. [ William Shakespeare ]
Do not weep, my dear lady! Your tears are too precious to shed for me; bottle them up, and may the cork never be drawn. [ Sterne ]
Dictionaries have come to be, in too many cases, the pernicious record of unreasonable, unwarranted, and fleeting usage. [ R. G. White ]
The old proverb about having too many irons in the fire is an abominable old lie. Have all in, shovel, tongs, and poker. [ Adam Clarke ]
When real nobleness accompanies that imaginary one of birth, the imaginary seems to mix with real, and becomes real, too. [ Greville ]
You think much too well of me as a man. No author can be as moral as his works, as no preacher is as pious as his sermons. [ Richter ]
Too elevated qualities often unfit a man for society. We do not go to market with ingots, but with silver and small change. [ Chamfort ]
It is not expedient or wise to examine our friends too closely; few persons are raised in our esteem by a close examination. [ Rochefoucauld ]
Want of prudence is too frequently the want of virtue; nor is there on earth a more powerful advocate for vice than poverty. [ Goldsmith ]
To nil married men be this caution, which they should duly tender as their life: Neither to doat too much, nor doubt a wife. [ Massinger ]
A man should live with his superiors as he does with his fire, - not too near, lest he burn: nor too far off, lest he freeze. [ Diogenes ]
It may pass for a maxim in State, that the administration cannot be placed in too few hands, nor the legislature in too many. [ Swift ]
They who love dancing too much seem to have more brains in their feet than their head, and think to play the fool with reason. [ Terence ]
Happy child! the cradle is still to thee a vast space; but when thou art a man the boundless world will be too small for thee. [ Schiller ]
Let us not disdain glory too much - nothing is finer except virtue. The height of happiness would be to unite both in this life. [ Chateaubriand ]
I wish a robot would get elected president. That way, when he came to town, we could all take a shot at him and not feel too bad. [ Jack Handey, Deep Thoughts ]
If a man's fortune does not fit him, it is like the shoe in the story; if too large it trips him up, if too small it pinches him. [ Horace ]
Men are so accustomed to lie, that one can not take too many precautions before trusting them - if they are to be trusted at all. [ Marguerite de Valois ]
The use we make of our fortune determines its sufficiency. A little is enough if used wisely, and too much if expended foolishly. [ Bovee ]
Let us laugh! Our fathers laughed at their miseries, let us laugh at ours too! Why! Lisette is not cruel, nor is my flagon broken! [ Beranger ]
Sir Amyas Pawlet, when he saw too much haste made in any matter, was wont to say, Stay awhile, that we may make an end the sooner.
[ Bacon ]
Although it is dangerous to have too much knowledge of certain subjects, it is still more dangerous to be totally ignorant of them. [ Colombat ]
In a heavy oppressive atmosphere, when the spirits sink too low, the best cordial is to read over all the letters of one's friends. [ Shenstone ]
Unsuccessful emulation is too apt to sink into envy, which of all sins has not even the excuse to offer of temporary gratification. [ Sydney Dobell ]
Love never reasons, but profusely gives--gives, like a thoughtless prodigal, its all, and trembles then lest it has done too little. [ Hannah More ]
Happy child! the cradle is still to thee an infinite space; once grown into a man, and the boundless world will be too small to thee. [ Friedrich Schiller ]
If time inflicts on thee many a wound, many a joy brings it too in its course; and one short hour of bliss outweighs a year of pains. [ Geibel ]
That wonderful book, while it obtains admiration from the most fastidious critics, is loved by those who are too simple to admire it. [ Macaulay ]
Too great carelessness, equally with excess in dress, multiplies the wrinkles of old age, and makes its decay still more conspicuous. [ Bruyere ]
One faithful friend is enough for a man's self; it is much to meet with such a one, yet we can't have too many for the sake of others. [ De Bruyere ]
As a shoe, when too large, is apt to trip one, and when too small, to pinch the feet; so is it with him whose fortune does not suit him. [ Horace ]
A book may be compared to the life of your neighbor; if it be good, it cannot last too long; if bad, you cannot get rid of it too early. [ Brooke ]
Mathematics does not exercise the judgment, and if too exclusively pursued, may leave the student very ill qualified for moral reasoning. [ R. Whately ]
Beautiful is Peace! A lovely boy lies he reclining by a quiet rill. But war too has its honour, the promoter as it is of the destiny of man. [ Friedrich Schiller ]
If you had a school for professional fireworks people, I don't think you could cover fuses in just one class. It's just too rich a subject. [ Jack Handey, Deep Thoughts ]
Time is given us that we may take care for eternity; and eternity will not be too long to regret the loss of our time if we have misspent it. [ Fenelon ]
Prosperity is very liable to bring pride among the other goods with which it endows an individual; it is then that prosperity costs too dear. [ Hosea Ballou ]
Do not too many believe no zeal to be spiritual but what is censorious or vindictive? Whereas no zeal is spiritual that is not also charitable. [ Thomas Sprat ]
We never know the true value of friends. While they live we are too sensitive of their faults: when we have lost them we only see their virtues. [ J. C. and A. W. Hare ]
The bold defiance of a woman is the certain sign of her shame, - when she has once ceased to blush, it is because she has too much to blush for. [ Talleyrand ]
There is no such thing as romance in our day, women have become too brilliant; nothing spoils a romance so much as a sense of humor in the woman. [ Oscar Wilde, A Woman of No Importance ]
The disciples found angels at the grave of Him they loved; and we should always find them too, but that our eyes are too full of tears for seeing. [ Beecher ]
When a mother, as fond mothers will, vows that she knows every thought in her daughter's heart, I think she pretends to know a great deal too much. [ Thackeray ]
The only pleasure of fame is that it proves the way to pleasure; and the more intellectual our pleasure, the better for the pleasure and for us too. [ Byron ]
Speaking generally, no man appears great to his contemporaries, for the same reason that no man is great to his servants - both know too much of him. [ Colton ]
Too much idleness, I have observed, fills up a man's time more completely and leaves him less his own master, than any sort of employment whatsoever. [ Burke ]
Invective may be a sharp weapon, but overuse blunts its edge. Even when the denunciation is just and true it is an error of art to indulge it too long. [ Tyndall ]
Pride is like the beautiful acacia, that lifts its bead proudly above its neighbor plants - forgetting that it too, like them, has its roots in the dirt. [ Bovee ]
I think we cannot too strongly attack superstition, which is the disturber of society; nor too highly respect genuine religion, which is the support of it. [ Rousseau ]
Too many instances there are of daring men, who by presuming to sound the deep things of religion, have cavilled and argued themselves out of all religion. [ Thomas à Kempis ]
The destiny of women is to please, to be amiable, and to be loved. Those who do not love them are still more in the wrong than those who love them too much. [ Rochebrune ]
Beauty in a modest woman is like fire at a distance, or like a sharp sword; neither doth the one burn, nor the other wound those that come not too near them. [ Cervantes ]
Experience unveils too late the snares laid for youth; it is the white frost which discovers the spider's web when the flies are no longer there to be caught. [ J. Petit-Senn ]
Qualities of a too superior order render a man less adapted to society. One does not go to market with big lumps of gold; one goes with silver or small change. [ Chamfort ]
We are too fond of our own will; we want to be doing what we fancy mighty things: but the great point is to do small things, when called to them, in a right spirit. [ Cecil ]
Thou mayest as well expect to grow stronger by always eating, as wiser by always reading. Too much overcharges nature, and turns more into disease than nourishment. [ Fuller ]
It is always esteemed the greatest mischief a man can do to those whom he loves, to raise men's expectations of them too high by undue and impertinent commendations. [ Sprat ]
In youth, grief comes with a rush and overflow, but it dries up, too, like the torrent. In the winter of life it remains a miserable pool, resisting all evaporation. [ Madame Swetchine ]
Nature and art are too grand to go forth in pursuit of aims; nor is it necessary that they should, for there are relations everywhere, and relations constitute life. [ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe ]
Paradise, as described by the theologians, seems to me too musical: I confess that I should be incapable of listening to a cantata that would last ten thousand years. [ T. Gautier ]
Something of the severe hath always been appertaining to order and to grace: and the beauty that is not too liberal is sought the most ardently, and loved the longest. [ Landor ]
Too austere a philosophy makes few wise men; too rigorous politics, few good subjects; too hard a religion, few religious persons whose devotion is of long continuance. [ St. Evremond ]
When the heart of man is serene and tranquil, he wants to enjoy nothing but himself: every movement, even corporeal movement, shakes the brimming nectar cup too rudely. [ Richter ]
Though looks and words, by the strong mastery of his practiced will, are overruled, the mounting blood betrays an impulse in its secret spring too deep for his control. [ Southey ]
Speak with contempt of no man. Every one hath a tender sense of reputation. And every man hath a sting, which he may, if provoked too far, dart out at one time or other. [ Burton ]
A person who is too nice an observer of the business of the crowd, like one who is too curious in observing the labor of the bees, will often be stung for his curiosity. [ Pope ]
Style is indeed the valet of genius, and an able one too; but as the true gentleman will appear, even in rags, so true genius will shine, even through the coarsest style. [ Colton ]
Constant companionship is not enjoyable, any more than constant eating. We sit too long at the table of friendship, when we outsit our appetites for each other's thoughts. [ Bovee ]
Let me have men about me that are fat; sleek-headed men, and such as sleep o' nights; yonder Cassius has a lean and hungry look; he thinks too much; such men are dangerous. [ William Shakespeare ]
When the painter wishes to represent an event, he cannot place before us too great a number of personages; but he cannot employ too few when he wishes to portray an emotion. [ Joubert ]
In the moral world there is nothing impossible if we can bring a thorough will to it. Man can do everything with himself, but he must not attempt to do too much with others. [ Wilhelm von Humboldt ]
Those who are too idle to read, save for the purpose of amusement, may in these works acquire some acquaintance with history, which, however inaccurate, is better than none. [ Sir Walter Scott ]
Short is the life of those who possess great accomplishments, and seldom do they reach a good old age. Whatever thou lovest, pray that thou mayest not set too high a value on it. [ Martial ]
Natural abilities are like natural plants, that need pruning by study; and studies themselves do give forth directions too much at large, except they be bounded in by experience. [ Bacon ]
Too bad you can't just grab a tree by the very tiptop and bend it clear over the ground and then let her fly, because I bet you'd be amazed at all the stuff that comes flying out. [ Jack Handey, Deep Thoughts ]
Men of great learning or genius are too full to be exact, and therefore choose to throw down their pearls in heaps before the reader, rather than be at the pains of stringing them. [ Spectator ]
Love is not an intellectual admiration, a gratified imagination. It is too intangible for definement; but the soul knoweth its presence, by its fullness of content in the beloved. [ Mrs. Oakes Smith ]
Music, if only listened to, and not scientifically cultivated, gives too much play to the feelings and fancy; the difficulties of the art draw forth the whole energies of the soul. [ Richter ]
A great man, I take it, is a man so inspired and permeated with the ideas of God and the Christly spirit as to be too magnanimous for vengeance, and too unselfish to seek his own ends. [ David Thomas ]
With the dead there is no rivalry. In the dead there is no change. Plato is never sullen. Cervantes is never petulant. Demosthenes never comes unseasonably. Dante never stays too long. [ Macaulay ]
As small letters hurt the sight, so do small matters him that is too much intent upon them; they vex and stir up anger, which begets an evil habit in him in reference to greater affairs. [ Plutarch ]
It is too generally true that all that is required to make men unmindful what they owe to God for any blessing is that they should receive that blessing often enough and regularly enough. [ Bishop Whately ]
Haste turns usually upon a matter of ten minutes too late, and may be avoided by a habit like that of Lord Nelson, to which he ascribed his success in life, of being ten minutes too early. [ Bovee ]
We rarely repent of having spoken too little, very often of having spoken too much: a maxim this which is old and trivial, and which every one knows, but which every one does not practise. [ La Bruyère ]
Unfortunately friends too often weigh one another in their hypochondriacal humours, and in an over-exacting spirit. One must weigh men by avoirdupois weight, and not by the jeweller's scales. [ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe ]
Let death and exile, and all other things which appear terrible, be daily before your eyes, but death chiefly; and you will never entertain any abject thought, nor too eagerly covet anything. [ Epictetus ]
We must not inquire too curiously into motives. They are apt to become feeble in the utterance; the aroma is mixed with the grosser air. We must keep the germinating grain away from the light. [ George Eliot ]
It is good to be unselfish and generous; but don't carry that too far. It will not do to give yourself to be melted down for the benefit of the tallowtrade; you must know where to find yourself. [ George Eliot ]
Until every good man is brave, we must expect to find many good women timid - too timid even to believe in the correctness of their own best promptings, when these would place them in a minority. [ George Eliot ]
As diamond cuts diamond, and one hone smooths a second, all the parts of intellect are whetstones to each other; and genius, which is but the result of their mutual sharpening, is character, too. [ C. A. Bartol ]
He who allows his happiness to depend too much on reason, who submits his pleasures to examination, and desires enjoyments only of the most refined nature, too often ends by not having any at all. [ Chamfort ]
Literature, when noble, is not easy; only when ignoble. It too is a quarrel and internecine duel with the whole world of darkness that lies without one and within one; - rather a hard fight at times. [ Carlyle ]
It is difficult for the mind to span the career of nobody; the sphere of action opened to this wonderful person so enlarges every day that the limited faculties of anybody are too weak to compass it. [ Dickens ]
There is something captivating in spirit and intrepidity, to which we often yield as to a resistless power; nor can he reasonably expect the confidence of others who too apparently distrusts himself. [ Hazlitt ]
Gold is called the bait of sin, the snare of souls, and the hook of death; which being aptly applied may be compared to a fire, whereof a little is good to warm one, but too much will burn him altogether. [ Sir R. Filmer ]
Be not too presumptuously sure in any business; for things of this world depend upon such a train of unseen chances that if it were in man's hands to set the tables, yet is he not certain to win the game. [ George Herbert ]
A woman with a hazel eye never elopes from her husband, never chats scandal, never finds fault, never talks too much nor too little - always is an entertaining, intellectual, agreeable and lovely creature. [ Frederic Saunders ]
It is so possible to be glad in the gladness of other people ; and, too, it is possible so to extend one's own life into higher regions that his happiness shall not be altogether dependent upon other people. [ Lilian Whiting ]
Be neither too early in the fashion, nor too long out of it, nor too precisely in it; what custom hath civilized is become decent, till then ridiculous; where the eye is the jury thy apparel is the evidence. [ Quarles ]
In the whole course of our observation there is not so misrepresented and abused a personage as Death. The shortest life is long enough if it lead to a better, and the longest life is too short if it does not. [ Colton ]
There is no real elevation of mind in a contempt of little things; it is, on the contrary, from too narrow views that we consider those things of little importance which have in fact such extensive consequences. [ Fenelon ]
I love to lose myself in other men's minds. When I am not walking, I am reading. I cannot sit and think; books think for me. I have no repugnances. Shaftesbury is not too genteel for me, nor Jonathan Wild too low. [ Lamb ]
Want of perseverance is the great fault of women in everything - morals, attention to health, friendship, and so on. It cannot be too often repeated that women never reach the end of anything through want of perseverance. [ Mme. Necker ]
A man may kill a tender and delicate wife by cold neglect, and ruin himself and her too by debauchery; but if he keeps within his own dwellings and does not disturb his neighbors, the law would be slow to move against him. [ A. S. Roe ]
Fame often rests at first upon something accidental, and often, too, is swept away, or for a time removed; but neither genius nor glory is conferred at once, nor do they glimmer and fall, like drops in a grotto, at a shout. [ Landor ]
There was, it is said, a criminal in Italy who was suffered to make his choice between Guicciardini and the galleys. He chose the history. But the war of Pisa was too much for him; he changed his mind, and went to the oars. [ Macaulay ]
Revenge is fever in our own blood, to be cured only by letting the blood of another; but the remedy too often produces a relapse, which is remorse - a malady far more dreadful than the first disease, because it is incurable. [ Colton ]
Nothing more strikingly betrays the credulity of mankind than medicine. Quackery is a thing universal, and universally successful. In this case it becomes literally true that no imposition is too great for the credulity of men. [ Thoreau ]
The happiness of life may be greatly increased by small courtesies in which there is no parade, whose voice is too still to tease, and which manifest themselves by tender and affectionate looks, and little kind acts of attention. [ Sterne ]
Some new books it is necessary to read, - part for the information they contain, and others in order to acquaint one's self with the state of literature in the age in which one lives: but I would rather read too few than too many. [ Lord Dudley ]
There are brains so large that they unconsciously swamp all individualities which come in contact or too near, and brains so small that they cannot take in the conception of any other individuality as a whole, only in part or parts. [ Mrs. Jameson ]
Give not thy tongue too great a liberty, lest it take thee prisoner. A word unspoken is like the sword in the scabbard, thine; if vented, thy sword is in another's hand. If thou desire to be held wise, be so wise as to hold thy tongue. [ Quarles ]
Another underlying condition of contentment is not to take one's self, or even the affairs of life, too seriously. In looking back, every one can see how much unhappiness has been derived from an over-weening sense of one's importance. [ Henry D. Chapin ]
Do not fancy, as too many do, that thou canst praise God by singing hymns to Him in church once a week, and disobeying Him all the week long. He asks of thee works as well as words; and more. He asks of thee works first and words after. [ Charles Kingsley ]
Let us not envy some men their accumulated riches; their burden would be too heavy for us; we could not sacrifice, as they do, health, quiet, honor, and conscience, to obtain them: it is to pay so dear for them that the bargain is a loss. [ Bruyere ]
Abridge your hopes in proportion to the shortness of the span of human life; for while we converse, the hours, as if envious of our pleasure, fly away. Enjoy, therefore, the present time, and trust not too much to what tomorrow may produce. [ Horace ]
To be left alone in the wide world with scarcely a friend, - this makes the sadness which, striking its pang into the minds of the young and the affectionate, teaches them too soon to watch and interpret the spirit-signs of their own hearts. [ Hawthorne ]
No doubt every person is entitled to make and to think as much of himself as possible, only he ought not to worry others about this, for they have enough to do with and in themselves, if they too are to be of some account, both now and hereafter. [ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe ]
I may grieve with the smart of an evil as soon as I feel it, but I will not smart with the grief of an evil as soon as I hear of it. My evil, when it Cometh, may make my grief too great; why, then, should my grief, before it comes, make my evil greater? [ Arthur Warwick ]
'Tis the merry nightingale that crowds and hurries and precipitates, with fast thick warble, his delicious notes, as he were fearful that an April night would be too short for him to utter forth his love-chant, and disburden his full soul of all its music. [ Coleridge ]
Our senses will not admit anything extreme. Too much noise confuses us, too much light dazzles us, too great distance or nearness prevents vision, too great prolixity or brevity weakens an argument, too much pleasure gives pain, too much accordance annoys. [ Pascal ]
A few years hence and he will be beneath the sod; but those cliffs will stand, as now, facing the ocean, incessantly lashed by its waves, yet unshaken, immovable; and other eyes will gaze on them for their brief day of life, and then they, too, will close. [ H. P. Liddon ]
There is to me a daintiness about early flowers that touches me like poetry; they blow out with such a simple loveliness among the common herbs of pastures, and breathe their lives so unobstrusively, like hearts whose beatings are too gentle for the world. [ N. P. Willis ]
The eye is continually influenced by what it cannot detect; nay, it is not going too far to say that it is most influenced by what it detects least. Let the painter define, if he can, the variations of lines on which depend the change of expression in the human countenance. [ Ruskin ]
The instinctive and universal taste of mankind selects flowers for the expression of its finest sympathies, their beauty and their fleetingness serving to make them the most fitting symbols of those delicate sentiments for which language itself seems almost too gross a medium. [ G. S. Hillard ]
Of all studies, the most delightful and the most useful is biography. The seeds of great events lie near the surface; historians delve too deep for them. No history was ever true. Lives I have read which, if they were not, had the appearance, the interest, and the utility of truth. [ Landor ]
How idle a boast, after all, is the immortality of a name! Time is ever silently turning over his pages; we are too much engrossed by the story of the present to think of the character and anecdotes that gave interest to the past; and each age is a volume thrown aside and forgotten. [ Washington Irving ]
Be not too rash in the breaking of an inconvenient custom; as it was gotten, so leave it by degrees. Danger attends upon too sudden alterations; he that pulls down a bad building by the great may be ruined by the fall, but he that takes it down brick by brick may live to build a better. [ Quarles ]
Today I accidentally stepped on a snail on the sidewalk in front of our house. And I thought, I too am like that snail. I build a defensive wall around myself, a 'shell' if you will. But my shell isn't made out of a hard protective substance. Mine is made out of tinfoil and paper bags. [ Jack Handey, Deep Thoughts ]
Each successive generation plunges into the abyss of passion, without the slightest regard to the fatal effects which such conduct has produced upon their predecessors; and lament, when too late, the rashness with which they slighted the advice of experience, and stifled the voice of reason. [ Steele ]
The gracious and self-sacrificing and womanly women of our revolution wore dresses cut lower than those of their great-granddaughters, as any portrait gallery will show. The dress is indefensible, but let us not be too ready to condemn the wearer for worse sins than thoughtlessness and vanity. [ Mrs. L. G. Calhoun ]
If often happens too, both in courts and in cabinets, that there are two things going on together - a main plot and an underplot; and he that understands only one of them will, in all probability, be the dupe of both. A mistress may rule a monarch, but some obscure favorite may rule the mistress. [ Colton ]
If our eloquence be directed above the heads of our hearers, we shall do no execution. By pointing our arguments low, we stand a chance of hitting their hearts as well as their heads. In addressing angels, we could hardly raise our eloquence too high; but we must remember that men are not angels. [ Colton ]
It may be too much to expect that nations should be governed in their relations towards each other by the precepts of Christian morality, but surely it is not too much to ask that they should conform to the code of courtesy and good breeding recognized among gentlemen in the intercourse of social life. [ Geo. S. Hillard ]
Dangers are no more light if they once seem light, and more dangers have deceived men than forced them; nay, it were better to meet some dangers half-way, though they come nothing near, than to keep too long a watch upon their approaches; for if a man watch too long it is odds be will fall fast asleep. [ Bacon ]
We may put too high a premium on speech from platform and pulpit; at the bar and in the legislative hall, and pay dear for the whistle of our endless harangues. England, and especially Germany, are less loquacious, and attend more to business. We let the eagle, and perhaps too often the peacock, scream. [ Bartol ]
As in the case of painters, who have undertaken to give us a beautiful and graceful figure, which may have some slight blemishes, we do not wish them to pass over such blemishes altogether, nor yet to mark them too prominently. The one would spoil the beauty, and the other destroy the likeness of the picture. [ Plutarch ]
Despair makes a despicable figure, and descends from a mean original. 'Tis the offspring of fear, of laziness and impatience; it argues a defect of spirit and resolution, and oftentimes of honesty, too. I would not despair unless I saw misfortune recorded in the book of fate, and signed and sealed by necessity. [ Collier ]
The word necessary
is miserably applied. It disordereth families, and overturneth government, by being so abused. Remember that children and fools want everything because they want judgment to distinguish; and therefore there is no stronger evidence of a crazy understanding than the making too large a catalogue of things necessary. [ Lord Halifax ]
Most people give up before they start because they think it is too hard, there is too much against me here, I can’t do this on my own, I don’t have the resources. I was on the back to work scheme when I applied. I didn’t have resources... It never occurred to me to fail. I always knew it was part of my destiny to do that thing. [ Mary Reynolds, 2002 Gold Medal Winner of the Chelsea Flower Show ]
Yorick sometime?, in his wild way of talking, would say that gravity was an arrant scoundrel, and, he would add, of the most dangerous kind, too, because a sly one; and that he verily believed more honest well-meaning people were bubbled out of their goods and money by it in one twelvemonth than by pocket-picking and shop-lifting in seven. [ Sterne ]
They that have read about everything are thought to understand everything too; but it is not always so. Reading furnishes the mind only with the materials of knowledge; it is thinking that makes what we read ours. We are of the ruminating kind, and it is not enough to cram ourselves with a great load of collections, - we must I chew them over again. [ Channing ]
What is it that keeps men in continual discontent and agitation? It is that they cannot make realities correspond with their conceptions, that enjoyment steals away from among their hands, that the wished-for comes too late, and nothing reached and acquired produces on the heart the effect which their longing for it at a distance led them to anticipate. [ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe ]
In Goethe's drama, Iphigenia defends her chastity, ascribing her firmness to the gods. No god hath said this: thine own heart hath spoken,
answered Thoas, the king. They only speak to us through our heart,
she replies. Have not I the right to hear them too?
he rejoins. Thy storm of passion drowns the gentle whisper,
adds the maiden, and closes all debate. [ Bartol ]
Plutarch tells us of an idle and effeminate Etrurian who found fault with the manner in which Themistocles had conducted a recent campaign. What,
said the hero in reply, have you, too, something to say about war, who are like the fish that has a sword, but no heart?
He is always the severest censor on the merits of others who has the least worth of his own. [ E. L. Magoon ]
The motives of the best actions will not bear too strict an inquiry. It is allowed that the cause of most actions, good or bad, may be resolved into the love of ourselves; but the self-love of some men inclines them to please others, and the self-love of others is wholly employed in pleasing themselves. This makes the great distinction between virtue and vice. [ Swift ]
Let the foundation of thy affection be virtue, then make the building as rich and as glorious as thou canst; if the foundation be beauty or wealth, and the building virtue, the foundation is too weak for the building, and it will fall: happy is he, the palace of whose affection is founded upon virtue, walled with riches, glazed with beauty, and roofed with honor. [ Quarles ]
I wouldn't be surprised if someday some fisherman caught a big shark and cut it open, and there inside was a whole person. Then they cut the person open, and in him is a little baby shark. And in the baby shark there isn't a person, because it would be too small. But there's a little doll or something, like a Johnny Combat little toy guy - something like that. [ Jack Handey, Deep Thoughts ]
The unaffected of every country nearly resemble each other, and a page of our Confucius and your Tillotson have scarce any material difference. Paltry affectation, strained allusions, and disgusting finery are easily attained by those who choose to wear them; they are but too frequently the badges of ignorance or of stupidity, whenever it would endeavor to please. [ Goldsmith ]
Wealth brings noble opportunities, and competence is a proper object of pursuit; but wealth, and even competence, may be bought at too high a price. Wealth itself has no moral attribute. It is not money, but the love of money, which is the root of all evil. It is the relation between wealth and the mind and the character of its possessor which is the essential thing. [ Hillard ]
There is something too dear in the hope of seeing again.... Dear heart, be quiet;
we say; you will not be long separated from those people that you love; be quiet, dear heart!
And then we give it in the meanwhile a shadow, so that it has something, and then it is good and quiet, like a little child whose mother gives it a doll instead of the apple which it ought not to eat. [ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe ]
There was a proposition in a township there to discontinue public schools because they were too expensive. An old farmer spoke up and said if they stopped the schools they would not save anything, because every time a school was closed a jail had to be built. It's like feeding a dog on his own tail. He'll never get fat. I believe it is better to support schools than jails. [ Mark Twain, "Public Education Association" Speech ]
Gaze not on beauty too much, lest it blast thee; nor too long, lest it blind thee; nor too near, lest it burn thee. If thou like it, it deceives thee; if thou love it, it disturbs thee; if thou hunt after it, it destroys thee. If virtue accompany it, it is the heart's paradise; if vice associate it, it is the soul's purgatory. It is the wise man's bonfire, and the fool's furnace. [ Quarles ]
Pride differs in many things from vanity, and by gradations that never blend, although they may be somewhat indistinguishable. Pride may perhaps be termed a too high opinion of ourselves founded on the overrating of certain qualities that we do actually possess; whereas vanity is more easily satisfied, and can extract a feeling of self-complacency from qualifications that are imaginary. [ Colton ]
If thy desire to raise thy fortunes encourage thy delights to the casts of fortune, be wise betimes, lest thou repent too late; what thou gettest, thou gainest by abused providence; what thou losest, thou losest by abused patience; what thou winnest is prodigally spent; what thou losest is prodigally lost; it is an evil trade that prodigality drives; and a bad voyage where the pilot is blind. [ Quarles ]
Wherever there is a sky above him and a world around him, the poet is in his place; for here too is man's existence, with its infinite longings and small acquirings; its ever-thwarted, ever-renewed endeavours; its unspeakable aspirations, its fears and hopes that wander through eternity; and all the mystery of brightness and of gloom that it was ever made of, in any age or climate, since man first began to live. [ Carlyle ]
I would rather have a young fellow too much than too little dressed; the excess on that side will wear off, with a little age and reflection; but if he is negligent at twenty, he will be a sloven at forty, and stink at fifty years old. Dress yourself fine where others are fine, and plain where others are plain; but take care always that your clothes are well made and fit you, for otherwise they will give you a very awkward air. [ Chesterfield ]
It is to be hoped that, with all the modern improvements, a mode will be discovered of getting rid of bores: for it is too bad that a poor wretch can be punished for stealing your pocket handkerchief or gloves, and that no punishment can be inflicted on those who steal your time, and with it your temper and patience, as well as the bright thoughts that might have entered into your mind (like the Irishman who lost the fortune before he had got it), but were frightened away by the bore. [ Byron ]
The receipt to make a speaker, and an applauded one too, is short and easy. Take commonsense quantum sufficit (in sufficient quantity); add a little application to the rules and orders of the House of Commons, throw obvious thoughts in a new light, and make up the whole with a large quantity of purity, correctness and elegancy of style. Take it for granted that by far the greatest part of mankind neither analyze nor search to the bottom; they are incapable of penetrating deeper than the surface. [ Chesterfield ]
When we turn away from some duty or some fellow-creature, saying that our hearts are too sick and sore with some great yearning of our own, we may often sever the line on which a Divine message was coming to us. We shut out the man, and we shut out the angel who had sent him on to open the door . . . There is a plan working in our lives; and if we keep our hearts quiet and our eyes open, it all works together;
and, if we don't, it all fights together, and goes on fighting till it comes right, somehow, somewhere. [ Annie Keary ]
Today it is all of sixty years since I began to smoke the limit. I have never bought cigars with life-belts around them. I early found that those were too expensive for me: I have always bought cheap cigars - reasonably cheap, at any rate. Sixty years ago they cost me four dollars a barrel, but my taste has improved, latterly, and I pay seven, now. Six or seven. Seven, I think. Yes; it's seven. But that includes the barrel. I often have smoking-parties at my house; but the people that come have always just taken the pledge. I wonder why that is? [ Mark Twain, Seventieth Birthday speech ]
True hope is based on energy of character. A strong mind always hopes, and has always cause to hope, because it knows the mutability of human affairs and how slight a circumstance may change the whole course of events. Such a spirit, too, rests upon itself, it is not confined to partial views, or to one particular object. And if at last all should be lost, it has saved itself, its own integrity and worth. Hope awakens courage, while despondency is the last of all evils, it is the abandonment of good, the giving up of the battle of life with dead nothingness. He who can implant courage in the human soul is the best physician. [ Von Knebel (German), Translated by Mrs. Austin ]
Once when I was in Hawaii, on the island of Kauai, I met a mysterious old stranger. He said he was about to die and wanted to tell someone about the treasure. I said, Okay, as long as it's not a long story. Some of us have a plane to catch, you know.
He started telling his story, about the treasure and his life and all, and I thought: This story isn't too long.
But then, he kept going, and I started thinking, Uh-oh, this story is getting long.
But then the story was over, and I said to myself: You know, that story wasn't too long after all.
I forget what the story was about, but there was a good movie on the plane. It was a little long, though. [ Jack Handey, Deep Thoughts ]
I was walking in the street, a beggar stopped me, — a frail old man. His inflamed, tearful eyes, blue lips, rough rags, disgusting sores . . . oh, how horribly poverty had disfigured the unhappy creature! He stretched out to me his red, swollen, filthy hand. He groaned and whimpered for alms. I felt in all my pockets. No purse, watch, or handkerchief did I find. I had left them all at home. The beggar waited and his out-stretched hand twitched and trembled slightly. Embarrassed and confused, I seized his dirty hand and pressed it. Don't be vexed with me, brother; I have nothing with me, brother.
The beggar raised his bloodshot eyes to mine; his blue lips smiled, and he returned the pressure of my chilled fingers. Never mind, brother,
stammered he; thank you for this — this, too, was a gift, brother.
I felt that I, too, had received a gift from my brother. [ Ivan Tourgueneff ]