A thorn is a changed bud. [ T. Lynch ]
Every rose has its thorn. [ Proverb ]
We wander there, we wander here,
We eye the rose upon the brier,
Unmindful that the thorn is near,
Amang the leaves. [ Burns ]
Never the rose without the thorn. [ Robert Herrick ]
Most men have a thorn at their door. [ Proverb ]
The dew-drop in the breeze of morn,
Trembling and sparkling on the thorn.
Falls to the ground, escapes the eye,
Yet mounts on sunbeams to the sky. [ Montgomery ]
On every thorn, delightful wisdom grows.
In every rill a sweet instruction flows. [ Young ]
Some to the holly hedge
Nestling repair; and to the thicket some;
Some to the rude protection of the thorn. [ Thomson ]
Our dearest hopes in pangs are born,
The kingliest Kings are crown'd with thorn. [ Gerald Massey, The Kingliest Kings ]
It pricks betimes that will be a good thorn. [ Proverb ]
The rose saith in the dewy morn,
I am most fair; Yet all my loveliness is born
Upon a thorn. [ Christina G. Rossetti ]
Better one thorn pluck'd out than all remain. [ Horace ]
Her modest looks the cottage might adorn,
Sweet as the primrose peeps beneath the thorn. [ Oliver Goldsmith ]
The thorn comes forth with the point forwards. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]
No house without mouse; no throne without thorn. [ Proverb ]
A solitary blessing few can find,
Our joys with those we love are intertwined,
And he whose wakeful tenderness removes
The obstructing thorn that wounds the breast he loves,
Smooths not another's rugged path alone,
But scatters roses to adorn his own.
I will not pull the thorn out of your foot to put it into mine. [ Proverb ]
One thorn of experience is worth a whole wilderness of warning. [ Lowell ]