Definition of hot

"hot" in the adjective sense

1. hot

used of physical heat having a high or higher than desirable temperature or giving off heat or feeling or causing a sensation of heat or burning

"hot stove"

"hot water"

"a hot August day"

"a hot stuffy room"

"she's hot and tired"

"a hot forehead"

2. hot, raging

characterized by violent and forceful activity or movement very intense

"the fighting became hot and heavy"

"a hot engagement"

"a raging battle"

"the river became a raging torrent"

3. hot

extended meanings especially of psychological heat marked by intensity or vehemence especially of passion or enthusiasm

"a hot temper"

"a hot topic"

"a hot new book"

"a hot love affair"

"a hot argument"

4. hot

color) bold and intense

"hot pink"

5. hot

sexually excited or exciting

"was hot for her"

"hot pants"

6. hot

recently stolen or smuggled

"hot merchandise"

"a hot car"

7. blistering, hot, red-hot

very fast capable of quick response and great speed

"a hot sports car"

"a blistering pace"

"got off to a hot start"

"in hot pursuit"

"a red-hot line drive"

8. hot

wanted by the police

"a hot suspect"

9. hot, spicy

producing a burning sensation on the taste nerves

"hot salsa"

"jalapeno peppers are very hot"

"a spicy sauce"

"I like my chili extra spicy"

10. hot

performed or performing with unusually great skill and daring and energy

"a hot drummer"

"he's hot tonight"

11. hot

very popular or successful

"one of the hot young talents"

"cabbage patch dolls were hot last season"

12. hot

very unpleasant or even dangerous

"make it hot for him"

"in the hot seat"

"in hot water"

13. hot, red-hot

newest or most recent

"news hot off the press"

"red-hot information"

14. hot

having or bringing unusually good luck

"hot at craps"

"the dice are hot tonight"

15. hot

very good often used in the negative

"he's hot at math but not so hot at history"

16. hot

newly made

"a hot scent"

17. hot

having or showing great eagerness or enthusiasm

"hot for travel"

18. hot

of a seeker very near to the object sought

"you are hot"

19. hot

having or dealing with dangerously high levels of radioactivity

"hot fuel rods"

"a hot laboratory"

20. hot, live

charged or energized with electricity

"a hot wire"

"a live wire"

21. hot

marked by excited activity

"a hot week on the stock market"

Source: WordNet® (An amazing lexical database of English)

Princeton University "About WordNet®."
WordNet®. Princeton University. 2010.

View WordNet® License

Quotations for hot

Little pot,
Don't get hot
On the spot. [ Proverb ]

Soon hot soon cold. [ Proverb ]

Hot sup, hot swallow. [ Proverb ]

Hot love is soon cold. [ Proverb ]

Love over hot soon cools. [ Proverb ]

A little pot is soon hot. [ Proverb ]

Hot men harbour no malice. [ Proverb ]

Green wood makes a hot fire. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]

Disease is a hot-house plant. [ Haller ]

Strike while the iron is hot. [ Proverb ]

A hot May fills the church-yard. [ Proverb ]

Sea things that be
On the hot sand fainting long,
Revive with the kiss of the sea. [ Lewis Morris ]

Love me little, love me long,
Is the burden of my song;
Love that is too hot and strong
Burneth soon to waste;
Still I would not have thee cold,
Not too backward or too bold;
Love that lasteth till 'tis old
Fadeth not in haste. [ Old Ballad ]

Strike the iron whilst it is hot. [ Rabelais ]

You look for hot water under the ice. [ Proverb ]

He spits out secrets like hot custard. [ Proverb ]

In the coldest flint there is hot fire. [ Proverb ]

True love's the gift which God has given
To man alone beneath the heaven;
It is not fantasy's hot fire,
Whose wishes, soon as granted, fly;
It liveth not in fierce desire,
With dead desire it doth not die;
It is the secret sympathy.
The silver link, the silken tie.
Which heart to heart, and mind to mind,
In body and in soul can bind. [ Walter Scott ]

Set not your loaf in till the oven is hot. [ Proverb ]

The gods are deaf to hot and peevish vows;
They are polluted offerings, more abhorred
Than spotted livers in the sacrifice. [ William Shakespeare ]

He goes round it like a cat round hot broth. [ German Proverb ]

Crabbed age and youth cannot live together;
Youth is full of pleasance, age is full of care;
Youth like summer morn, age like winter weather;
Youth like summer brave, age like winter bare.
Youth is full of sport, age's breath is short;
Youth is nimble, age is lame;
Youth is hot and bold, age is weak and cold;
Youth is wild, and age is tame.
Age, I do abhor thee; youth I do adore thee. [ William Shakespeare ]

Your head is so hot that your brains bubble over. [ Proverb ]

Like to the time of the year between the extremes
Of hot and cold, he was nor sad nor merry. [ William Shakespeare ]

Critics on verse, as squibs on triumphs wait.
Proclaim their glory, and augment the state;
Hot, envious, noisy, proud, the scribbling fry
Burn, hiss, and bounce, waste paper, ink, and die. [ Young ]

We are sure to judge wrong if we do hot feel right. [ William Hazlitt ]

He is a little chimney, and heated hot in a moment! [ Longfellow ]

Twas a public feast and public day -
Quite full, right dull, guests hot, and dishes cold,
Great plenty, much formality, small cheer.
And everybody out of their own sphere. [ Byron ]

You sewed it with a red hot needle and a burning thread. [ Proverb ]

He's a hot shot in a mustard pot, with his heels upright. [ Proverb ]

He is as hot as if he had a bellyful of wasps and salamanders. [ Proverb ]

The church is out of temper when charity waxes cold, and zeal hot. [ Proverb ]

Not only strike while the iron is hot, but make it hot by striking. [ Cromwell ]

Deal mildly with his youth; for young hot colts, being raged, do rage the more. [ William Shakespeare ]

Small-pot-soon-hot style of eloquence is what our county conventions often exhibit. [ Ralph Waldo Emerson ]

We must not only strike the iron while it is hot, but strike it till it is made hot. [ Sharp ]

Contempt is like the hot iron that brands criminals: its imprint is. almost always indelible. [ Alibert ]

Come, we have a hot venison pasty to dinner; come, gentlemen, I hope we shall drink down all unkindness. [ William Shakespeare ]

Every one turns his dreams into realities as far as he can; man is cold as ice to the truth, hot as fire to falsehood. [ La Fontaine ]

Many in hot pursuit have hasted to the goal of wealth, but have lost, as they ran, those apples of gold, the mind and the power to enjoy it. [ Tupper ]

Heat not a furnace for your foe so hot that it doth singe yourself. We may outrun by violent swiftness that which we run at, and lose by overrunning. [ William Shakespeare ]

Most of the grand truths of God have to be learned by trouble; they must be burned into us by the hot iron of affliction, otherwise we shall not truly receive them. [ C. H. Spurgeon ]

We are in hot haste to set the world right and to order all affairs; the Lord hath the leisure of conscious power and unerring wisdom, and it will be well for us to learn to wait. [ Spurgeon ]

My own firm conviction is that no education can make a writer. The heart must be hot behind the pen. Out of the abundance of life and its manifold experiences comes the power to touch life. [ Amelia E. Barr, The Art of Authorship, 1891 ]

It is now the very witching time of night; when churchyards yawn, and hell itself breathes out contagion to this world: now could I drink hot blood, and do such business as the bitter day would quake to look on. [ William Shakespeare ]

That policy that can strike only while the iron is hot will be overcome by that perseverance which, like Cromwell's, can make the iron hot by striking; and he that can only rule the storm must yield to him who can both raise and rule it. [ Colton ]

Irony is an insult conveyed in the form of a compliment placing its victim naked on a bed of briars and bristles, thinly covered with rose-leaves, adorning his brow with a crown of gold, which burns into his brain; teasing, and fretting, and riddling him through and through with incessant discharges of hot shot from a masked battery; laying bare the most sensitive and shrinking nerves of his mind, and then blandly touching them with ice, or smilingly pricking them with needles. [ E. P. Whipple ]

hot in Scrabble®

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Scrabble® Letter Score: 6

Highest Scoring Scrabble® Plays In The Letters hot:


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hot in Words With Friends™

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Words With Friends™ Letter Score: 5

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All Words With Friends™ Plays For The Word hot


The 33 Highest Scoring Words With Friends™ Plays Using The Letters In hot


Words containing the sequence hot

Words with hot in them (1348 words)


Word Growth involving hot

Shorter words in hot

(No shorter words found)

Longer words containing hot

amphoteric amphotericin amphotericins

amphotropic amphotropical amphotropically


archaeolithothamnium archaeolithothamniums

batrachotoxin batrachotoxins

bronchotome bronchotomes



cataphote cataphotes

chemolithotroph chemolithotrophal

chemolithotroph chemolithotrophic chemolithotrophically

chemolithotroph chemolithotrophs

chemolithotroph chemolithotrophy


dhoti dhotis

dichotic dichotically


dichotomic dichotomically


dichotomisation dichotomisations

dichotomise dichotomised

dichotomise dichotomises


dichotomist dichotomistic

dichotomist dichotomists

dichotomization dichotomizations

dichotomize dichotomized

dichotomize dichotomizes


dichotomous dichotomously

dichotomous dichotomousness




gomphothere gomphotheres


hotbed hotbeds

hotblood hotblooded hotbloodedness

hotblood hotbloods

hotbox hotboxes

hotbutton hotbuttons

hotcake hotcakes


hotdog hotdogged

hotdog hotdogger hotdoggers

hotdog hotdogging

hotdog hotdogs

hotel hotelier hoteliers

hotel hoteling

hotel hotelkeeper hotelkeepers

hotel hotelman

hotel hotels



hothead hotheaded hotheadedly

hothead hotheaded hotheadedness

hothead hotheads

hothearted hotheartedly

hothearted hotheartedness

hothouse hothouses


hotline hotlines

hotlink hotlinked

hotlink hotlinking

hotlink hotlinks



hotplate hotplates

hotpot hotpots

hotpress hotpressed

hotrod hotrods

hots hotshot hotshots

hots hotspot hotspots

hots hotspring hotsprings

hots hotspur

hots shots bigshots

hots shots bowshots

hots shots buckshots

hots shots bullshots

hots shots chainshots

hots shots eyeshots

hots shots grapeshots

hots shots gunshots

hots shots headshots

hots shots hotshots

hots shots moonshots

hots shots mugshots

hots shots multishots

hots shots outshots

hots shots overshots

hots shots potshots

hots shots screenshots

hots shots shotsman

hots shots slapshots

hots shots slingshots

hots shots snapshots

hots shots undershots

hots shots upshots

hotted shotted




hottub hottubs

lithotint lithotints

lithotome lithotomes

lithotomic lithotomical lithotomically

lithotomies cholelithotomies

lithotomies enterolithotomies

lithotomies nephrolithotomies

lithotomies prostatolithotomies

lithotomise lithotomised


lithotomist lithotomists

lithotomize lithotomized


lithotomy cholelithotomy

lithotomy enterolithotomy

lithotomy nephrolithotomy

lithotomy prostatolithotomy

lithotomy pyelolithotomy

lithotripsic lithotripsical lithotripsically


lithotripsy cholecystolithotripsy

lithotripsy cholelithotripsy

lithotripsy nephrolithotripsy

lithotripter lithotripters

lithotriptic lithotriptics

lithotriptist lithotriptists

lithotriptor lithotriptors

lithotrite lithotrites

lithotritic lithotritics


lithotritise lithotritised

lithotritise lithotritises


lithotritist lithotritists

lithotritize lithotritized

lithotritize lithotritizes


lithotritor lithotritors


lithotype lithotyped

lithotype lithotypes

lithotypic lithotypical lithotypically






methotrexate methotrexates

morphotropic morphotropical morphotropically




morphotype morphotypes

naphthothiazole naphthothiazoles

orthotic orthotics

orthotist orthotists

orthotopic orthotopical orthotopically

orthotriaene orthotriaenes

orthotropic orthotropical orthotropically



orthotype orthotypes



photic morphotic morphotical morphotically

photo aerophoto

photo lymphotome lymphotomes

photo lymphotomies

photo lymphotomy

photo lymphotoxemia

photo lymphotoxemic

photo lymphotoxic lymphotoxicity

photo lymphotoxin lymphotoxins

photo photoablative

photo photoacoustic photoacoustical photoacoustically

photo photoacoustic photoacoustics

photo photoactivatable

photo photoactivate photoactivated

photo photoactivate photoactivates

photo photoactivating

photo photoactivation photoactivations

photo photoactivator photoactivators

photo photoactive

photo photoactivities

photo photoactivity

photo photoadduct

photo photoage photoaged

photo photoage photoageing

photo photoage photoages

photo photoaging

photo photoalbum

photo photoaugiaphobe photoaugiaphobes

photo photoaugiaphobia

photo photoaugiaphobic photoaugiaphobics

photo photoautotroph photoautotrophal

photo photoautotroph photoautotrophic photoautotrophically

photo photoautotroph photoautotrophs

photo photoautotroph photoautotrophy

photo photobiography

photo photobiologic photobiological photobiologically

photo photobiologist photobiologists

photo photobiology

photo photobionts

photo photobiostimulation

photo photobooth photobooths

photo photocarcinogen photocarcinogenesis

photo photocarcinogen photocarcinogenic photocarcinogenicity

photo photocarcinogen photocarcinogens

photo photocatalyse photocatalysed

photo photocatalyse photocatalyser photocatalysers

photo photocatalyse photocatalyses

photo photocatalysing

photo photocatalysis

photo photocatalyst photocatalysts

photo photocatalyte photocatalytes

photo photocatalytic photocatalytical photocatalytically

photo photocatalyze photocatalyzed

photo photocatalyze photocatalyzer photocatalyzers

photo photocatalyze photocatalyzes

photo photocatalyzing

photo photocathode photocathodes

photo photocathodic photocathodical photocathodically

photo photocell photocells

photo photoceptor photoceptors

photo photoceramic photoceramics

photo photoceramist photoceramists

photo photocharge photocharged

photo photocharge photocharger photochargers

photo photocharge photocharges

photo photocharging

photo photochemic nonphotochemic nonphotochemical nonphotochemically

photo photochemic photochemical nonphotochemical nonphotochemically

photo photochemic photochemical photochemically nonphotochemically

photo photochemic photochemical photochemicals

photo photochemic photochemics

photo photochemist nonphotochemist nonphotochemistry

photo photochemist nonphotochemist nonphotochemists

photo photochemist photochemistries

photo photochemist photochemistry nonphotochemistry

photo photochemist photochemists nonphotochemists

photo photochemotherapy

photo photochromatic

photo photochrome

photo photochromic photochromical photochromically

photo photochromic photochromics

photo photochromism

photo photochromoscope

photo photochromotype photochromotypes

photo photochromotypy

photo photochromy

photo photochronograph photochronographic photochronographical photochronographically

photo photochronograph photochronographs

photo photochronograph photochronography

photo photocleavable

photo photocleavage photocleavages

photo photocleave photocleaved

photo photocleave photocleaves

photo photocleaving

photo photocoagulate photocoagulated

photo photocoagulate photocoagulates

photo photocoagulating

photo photocoagulation endophotocoagulation

photo photocoagulation photocoagulations

photo photocoagulator photocoagulators

photo photocollage photocollages

photo photocollograph photocollographic

photo photocollograph photocollographs

photo photocollograph photocollography

photo photocollotype photocollotypes

photo photocompose photocomposed

photo photocompose photocomposer photocomposers

photo photocompose photocomposes

photo photocomposing

photo photocomposition photocompositions

photo photoconductance photoconductances

photo photoconducting

photo photoconduction photoconductions

photo photoconductive

photo photoconductivities

photo photoconductivity

photo photoconductor photoconductors

photo photocontrol photocontrols

photo photoconvection

photo photoconvective

photo photoconversion

photo photoconvert photoconverted

photo photoconvert photoconverter photoconverters

photo photoconvert photoconvertible

photo photoconvert photoconverting

photo photoconvert photoconverts

photo photocopiable

photo photocopied

photo photocopier photocopiers

photo photocopies

photo photocopy photocopying photocopyings

photo photocount photocounted

photo photocount photocounter photocounters

photo photocount photocounting photocountings

photo photocount photocounts

photo photocouple photocoupled

photo photocouple photocoupler photocouplers

photo photocouple photocouples

photo photocoupling photocouplings

photo photocrosslink photocrosslinked

photo photocrosslink photocrosslinker photocrosslinkers

photo photocrosslink photocrosslinking

photo photocrosslink photocrosslinks

photo photocurable

photo photocurably

photo photocure photocured

photo photocure photocures

photo photocuring photocurings

photo photocurrent photocurrents

photo photocytotoxic photocytotoxically

photo photocytotoxic photocytotoxicity

photo photodamage photodamaged

photo photodamage photodamages

photo photodamaging

photo photodecoloration photodecolorations

photo photodecolored

photo photodecoloring

photo photodecolouration photodecolourations

photo photodecoloured

photo photodecolouring

photo photodecompose photodecomposed

photo photodecompose photodecomposes

photo photodecomposing

photo photodecomposition photodecompositions

photo photodegradable

photo photodegradation photodegradations

photo photodegrade photodegraded

photo photodegrade photodegrades

photo photodegrading

photo photodetect photodetected

photo photodetect photodetecting

photo photodetect photodetection photodetections

photo photodetect photodetector photodetectors

photo photodetect photodetects

photo photodiode photodiodes

photo photodisc photodiscs

photo photodisintegrate photodisintegrated

photo photodisintegrate photodisintegrates

photo photodisintegrating

photo photodisintegration photodisintegrations

photo photodisk photodisks

photo photodissociable nonphotodissociable

photo photodissociate photodissociated

photo photodissociate photodissociates

photo photodissociating

photo photodissociation photodissociations

photo photodissociative photodissociatively

photo photodope photodoped

photo photodope photodopes

photo photodoping

photo photodramatic

photo photoduplicate photoduplicated

photo photoduplicate photoduplicates

photo photoduplicating

photo photoduplication photoduplications

photo photodynamic photodynamics

photo photoed

photo photoelastic photoelasticity

photo photoelectric photoelectrical photoelectrically spectrophotoelectrically

photo photoelectric photoelectrical spectrophotoelectrical spectrophotoelectrically

photo photoelectric photoelectricity

photo photoelectric spectrophotoelectric spectrophotoelectrical spectrophotoelectrically

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photo photoelectrocatalysis

photo photoelectrocatalyze photoelectrocatalyzed

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photo photoelectron photoelectrons

photo photoemission photoemissions

photo photoemissive

photo photoengrave photoengraved

photo photoengrave photoengraver photoengravers

photo photoengrave photoengraves

photo photoengraving photoengravings

photo photoetch photoetched

photo photoetch photoetcher photoetchers

photo photoetch photoetches

photo photoetch photoetching

photo photoexcitation photoexcitations

photo photoexcited

photo photofilm photofilms

photo photofinish photofinished

photo photofinish photofinisher photofinishers

photo photofinish photofinishes

photo photofinish photofinishing photofinishings

photo photofission photofissions

photo photofit photofits

photo photoflash photoflashes

photo photoflight photoflights

photo photoflood photofloods

photo photofluorogram photofluorograms

photo photofluorograph photofluorographer photofluorographers

photo photofluorograph photofluorographic photofluorographical photofluorographically

photo photofluorograph photofluorographies

photo photofluorograph photofluorographs

photo photofluorograph photofluorography

photo photofont photofonts

photo photogalvanograph photogalvanographic

photo photogalvanograph photogalvanography

photo photogastroscope photogastroscopes

photo photogastroscopy

photo photogelatin

photo photogen photogenic photogenically

photo photogen photogenic unphotogenic

photo photogen photogenotoxicity

photo photogeologic photogeological photogeologically

photo photogeologist photogeologists

photo photogeology

photo photoglyphic

photo photogram photogrammetric photogrammetrical photogrammetrically

photo photogram photogrammetric photogrammetrics

photo photogram photogrammetric stereophotogrammetric

photo photogram photogrammetries

photo photogram photogrammetrist photogrammetrists

photo photogram photogrammetry stereophotogrammetry

photo photogram photograms spectrophotograms

photo photogram radiophotogram

photo photogram spectrophotogram spectrophotograms

photo photograph astrophotograph astrophotographer astrophotographers

photo photograph astrophotograph astrophotographic astrophotographical astrophotographically

photo photograph astrophotograph astrophotographies

photo photograph astrophotograph astrophotographs

photo photograph astrophotograph astrophotography

photo photograph macrophotograph macrophotographies

photo photograph macrophotograph macrophotographs

photo photograph macrophotograph macrophotography

photo photograph microphotograph microphotographed

photo photograph microphotograph microphotographer microphotographers

photo photograph microphotograph microphotographic

photo photograph microphotograph microphotographies

photo photograph microphotograph microphotographing

photo photograph microphotograph microphotographs

photo photograph microphotograph microphotography

photo photograph photographed microphotographed

photo photograph photographed rephotographed

photo photograph photographed telephotographed

photo photograph photographed unphotographed

photo photograph photographer astrophotographer astrophotographers

photo photograph photographer microphotographer microphotographers

photo photograph photographer nonphotographer nonphotographers

photo photograph photographer photographers astrophotographers

photo photograph photographer photographers microphotographers

photo photograph photographer photographers nonphotographers

photo photograph photographer photographers rephotographers

photo photograph photographer photographers spectrophotographers

photo photograph photographer rephotographer rephotographers

photo photograph photographer spectrophotographer spectrophotographers

photo photograph photographic astrophotographic astrophotographical astrophotographically

photo photograph photographic chronophotographic

photo photograph photographic electrophotographic

photo photograph photographic microkinephotographic

photo photograph photographic microphotographic

photo photograph photographic nonphotographic

photo photograph photographic photographical astrophotographical astrophotographically

photo photograph photographic photographical photographically astrophotographically

photo photograph photographic photographical photographically spectrophotographically

photo photograph photographic photographical spectrophotographical spectrophotographically

photo photograph photographic spectrophotographic spectrophotographical spectrophotographically

photo photograph photographic telephotographic

photo photograph photographic unphotographic

photo photograph photographies astrophotographies

photo photograph photographies macrophotographies

photo photograph photographies microphotographies

photo photograph photographies radiophotographies

photo photograph photographing microphotographing

photo photograph photographing rephotographing

photo photograph photographing telephotographing

photo photograph photographometer photographometers

photo photograph photographs astrophotographs

photo photograph photographs macrophotographs

photo photograph photographs microphotographs

photo photograph photographs radiophotographs

photo photograph photographs rephotographs

photo photograph photographs spectrophotographs

photo photograph photographs telephotographs

photo photograph photography astrophotography

photo photograph photography chronophotography

photo photograph photography electrophotography

photo photograph photography macrophotography

photo photograph photography microphotography

photo photograph photography radiophotography

photo photograph photography spectrophotography

photo photograph photography stereophotography

photo photograph photography telephotography

photo photograph radiophotograph radiophotographies

photo photograph radiophotograph radiophotographs

photo photograph radiophotograph radiophotography

photo photograph rephotograph rephotographed

photo photograph rephotograph rephotographer rephotographers

photo photograph rephotograph rephotographing

photo photograph rephotograph rephotographs

photo photograph spectrophotograph spectrophotographer spectrophotographers

photo photograph spectrophotograph spectrophotographic spectrophotographical spectrophotographically

photo photograph spectrophotograph spectrophotographs

photo photograph spectrophotograph spectrophotography

photo photograph telephotograph telephotographed

photo photograph telephotograph telephotographic

photo photograph telephotograph telephotographing

photo photograph telephotograph telephotographs

photo photograph telephotograph telephotography

photo photograph unphotographable

photo photoheliogram photoheliograms

photo photoheliograph photoheliographer photoheliographers

photo photoheliograph photoheliographic photoheliographical

photo photoheliograph photoheliographs

photo photoheliograph photoheliography

photo photoheliometer photoheliometers

photo photoheliometric

photo photoheliometry

photo photoheterotroph photoheterotrophal

photo photoheterotroph photoheterotrophic photoheterotrophically

photo photoheterotroph photoheterotrophs

photo photoheterotroph photoheterotrophy

photo photoinactivation photoinactivations

photo photoinduce photoinduced

photo photoinduce photoinducer photoinducers

photo photoinduce photoinduces

photo photoinducing

photo photoinduction photoinductions

photo photoinductive photoinductively

photo photoinhibit photoinhibited

photo photoinhibit photoinhibiter photoinhibiters

photo photoinhibit photoinhibiting

photo photoinhibit photoinhibition photoinhibitions

photo photoinhibit photoinhibits

photo photoinitiate photoinitiated

photo photoinitiate photoinitiates

photo photoinitiating

photo photoinitiation photoinitiations

photo photoinitiator photoinitiators

photo photointerpret photointerpretation photointerpretations

photo photointerpret photointerpreted

photo photointerpret photointerpreter photointerpreters

photo photointerpret photointerpreting

photo photoionisation photoionisations

photo photoionise photoionised

photo photoionise photoioniser photoionisers

photo photoionise photoionises

photo photoionising

photo photoionization photoionizations

photo photoionize photoionized

photo photoionize photoionizer photoionizers

photo photoionize photoionizes

photo photoionizing

photo photoisomer photoisomeric photoisomerical photoisomerically

photo photoisomer photoisomerisation photoisomerisations

photo photoisomer photoisomerised

photo photoisomer photoisomerises

photo photoisomer photoisomerising

photo photoisomer photoisomerization photoisomerizations

photo photoisomer photoisomerized

photo photoisomer photoisomerizes

photo photoisomer photoisomerizing

photo photoisomer photoisomers

photo photojournalism photojournalisms

photo photojournalist photojournalistic

photo photojournalist photojournalists

photo photokeratitis

photo photokineses

photo photokinesis

photo photokinetic photokinetical photokinetically

photo photolabeling

photo photolithograph photolithographed

photo photolithograph photolithographer photolithographers

photo photolithograph photolithographic photolithographically

photo photolithograph photolithographies

photo photolithograph photolithographing

photo photolithograph photolithographs

photo photolithograph photolithography

photo photoluminesce photoluminesced

photo photoluminesce photoluminescence photoluminescences

photo photoluminesce photoluminescent photoluminescently

photo photoluminesce photoluminescent photoluminescents

photo photoluminesce photoluminesces

photo photoluminescing

photo photolyse photolysed

photo photolysis

photo photolytic photolytically

photo photolyzable

photo photolyze photolyzed

photo photolyze photolyzes

photo photolyzing

photo photomacrograph photomacrographed

photo photomacrograph photomacrographer photomacrographers

photo photomacrograph photomacrographic photomacrographical photomacrographically

photo photomacrograph photomacrographies

photo photomacrograph photomacrographing

photo photomacrograph photomacrographs

photo photomacrograph photomacrography

photo photomagnetic

photo photomancy

photo photomap photomapped

photo photomap photomapper photomappers

photo photomap photomapping

photo photomap photomaps

photo photomask photomasked

photo photomask photomasker photomaskers

photo photomask photomasking

photo photomask photomasks

photo photomechanical photomechanically

photo photometer astrophotometer astrophotometers

photo photometer biophotometer biophotometers

photo photometer cytophotometer cytophotometers

photo photometer holophotometer holophotometers

photo photometer microphotometer microphotometers

photo photometer photometers astrophotometers

photo photometer photometers biophotometers

photo photometer photometers cytophotometers

photo photometer photometers holophotometers

photo photometer photometers microphotometers

photo photometer photometers spectrophotometers microspectrophotometers ultramicrospectrophotometers

photo photometer photometers telephotometers

photo photometer spectrophotometer microspectrophotometer microspectrophotometers ultramicrospectrophotometers

photo photometer spectrophotometer microspectrophotometer ultramicrospectrophotometer ultramicrospectrophotometers

photo photometer spectrophotometer spectrophotometers microspectrophotometers ultramicrospectrophotometers

photo photometer telephotometer telephotometers

photo photometric cytophotometric cytophotometrical cytophotometrically

photo photometric microphotometric microphotometrically

photo photometric photometrical cytophotometrical cytophotometrically

photo photometric photometrical photometrically cytophotometrically

photo photometric photometrical photometrically microphotometrically

photo photometric photometrical photometrically spectrophotometrically microspectrophotometrically

photo photometric photometrical spectrophotometrical microspectrophotometrical microspectrophotometrically

photo photometric photometrical spectrophotometrical spectrophotometrically microspectrophotometrically

photo photometric photometrician photometricians

photo photometric photometrics spectrophotometrics

photo photometric spectrophotometric microspectrophotometric microspectrophotometrical microspectrophotometrically

photo photometric spectrophotometric spectrophotometrical microspectrophotometrical microspectrophotometrically

photo photometric spectrophotometric spectrophotometrical spectrophotometrically microspectrophotometrically

photo photometric spectrophotometric spectrophotometrics

photo photometries microphotometries

photo photometries spectrophotometries microspectrophotometries

photo photometrist photometrists spectrophotometrists

photo photometrist spectrophotometrist spectrophotometrists

photo photometrograph photometrographs

photo photometry astrophotometry

photo photometry cytophotometry

photo photometry microphotometry

photo photometry spectrophotometry microspectrophotometry

photo photomezzotype

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photo photomicrograph photomicrographic photomicrographical photomicrographically

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photo photomicrograph photomicrographs

photo photomicrograph photomicrography

photo photomicroscope photomicroscopes

photo photomicroscopic

photo photomicroscopist photomicroscopists

photo photomicroscopy

photo photomontage photomontages

photo photomorphogeneses

photo photomorphogenesis

photo photomorphogenic

photo photomosaic photomosaics

photo photomultiplied

photo photomultiplier photomultipliers

photo photomultiplies

photo photomultiply photomultiplying

photo photomural photomuralist photomuralists

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photo photon morphotonemic morphotonemics

photo photon multiphoton

photo photon photonegative

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photo photon photonic microphotonic

photo photon photonic photonics

photo photon photons

photo photon photonuclear

photo photooxidation photooxidations

photo photooxidative

photo photooxidisation

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photo photooxidise photooxidises

photo photooxidising

photo photooxidization

photo photooxidize photooxidized

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photo photooxidizing

photo photoperiod photoperiodic photoperiodical photoperiodically

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photo photoperiod photoperiodism photoperiodisms

photo photoperiod photoperiods

photo photophase

photo photophil photophilic

photo photophobe photophobes

photo photophobia

photo photophobic photophobics

photo photophone photophones

photo photophore photophores photophoresis

photo photophosphorylate photophosphorylated

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photo photophosphorylating

photo photophosphorylation photophosphorylations

photo photophosphorylator photophosphorylators

photo photophysical photophysically

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photo photophysics

photo photophyte photophytes

photo photophytic

photo photopic

photo photopigment photopigments

photo photoplay photoplayer photoplayers

photo photoplay photoplays

photo photopolarigraph

photo photopolarimeter photopolarimeters

photo photopolymer photopolymerisation photopolymerisations

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photo photopolymer photopolymerise photopolymeriser photopolymerisers

photo photopolymer photopolymerise photopolymerises

photo photopolymer photopolymerising

photo photopolymer photopolymerization photopolymerizations

photo photopolymer photopolymerize photopolymerized

photo photopolymer photopolymerize photopolymerizer photopolymerizers

photo photopolymer photopolymerize photopolymerizes

photo photopolymer photopolymerizing

photo photopolymer photopolymers

photo photopositive

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photo photoprotective

photo photopsia photopsias

photo photopsies

photo photopsy

photo photoradiogram

photo photoreaction photoreactions

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photo photoreactivating

photo photoreactivation photoreactivations

photo photoreactive photoreactively

photo photoreactive photoreactiveness

photo photorealism photorealisms

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photo photoreception photoreceptions

photo photoreceptive

photo photoreceptor photoreceptors

photo photoreconnaissance photoreconnaissances

photo photoreduce photoreduced

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photo photoreducing

photo photoreduction photoreductions

photo photorefractive

photo photorelay photorelays

photo photoreproduction photoreproductions

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photo photoresist photoresists

photo photorespiration photorespirations

photo photorespiratory

photo photorespire photorespired

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photo photorespiring

photo photos photoscan photoscanned

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photo photos photoscope

photo photos photosculpture photosculptures

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photo photos photosensing

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photo photos photosensitivity

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photo photos photosensitizing

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photo photos photosynthesizing

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photo photos photosystem photosystems

photo photos radiophotos

photo photos telephotos

photo photos wirephotos

photo phototachometer phototachometers

photo phototachometry

photo phototactic phototactically

photo phototaxes

photo phototaxic

photo phototaxis

photo phototaxy

photo phototelegraph phototelegraphic

photo phototelegraph phototelegraphs

photo phototelegraph phototelegraphy

photo phototheodolite phototheodolites

photo phototherapeutic

photo phototherapies

photo phototherapy

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photo photothermic photothermics

photo phototime phototimed

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photo phototiming

photo phototoxic phototoxicity

photo phototransistor phototransistors

photo phototroph phototrophal

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photo phototroph phototrophy

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photo phototropic phototropical aphototropical aphototropically

photo phototropic phototropical phototropically aphototropically

photo phototropism aphototropism

photo phototropism phototropisms

photo phototropy

photo phototube phototubes

photo phototype phototyped

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photo phototype phototypes phototypeset phototypesetted

photo phototype phototypes phototypeset phototypesetter phototypesetters

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photo phototyping

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photo phototypography

photo phototypy

photo photovoltaic photovoltaics

photo photoxylograph photoxylographic

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photo photoxylograph photoxylography

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photo photozincograph photozincography

photo photozincotype photozincotypes

photo photozincotypy

photo photozineograph photozineographs

photo radiophoto radiophotogram

photo radiophoto radiophotograph radiophotographies

photo radiophoto radiophotograph radiophotographs

photo radiophoto radiophotograph radiophotography

photo radiophoto radiophotos

photo telephoto telephotograph telephotographed

photo telephoto telephotograph telephotographic

photo telephoto telephotograph telephotographing

photo telephoto telephotograph telephotographs

photo telephoto telephotograph telephotography

photo telephoto telephotometer telephotometers

photo telephoto telephotos

photo typhotoxin typhotoxins

photo unphotobleached

photo wirephoto wirephotos


psychotheist psychotheists

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psychotherapeutic psychotherapeutics

psychotherapeutist psychotherapeutists


psychotherapist psychotherapists


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psychotic psychoticism psychoticisms

psychotic psychotics antipsychotics

psychotogen psychotogenic psychotogenically

psychotogen psychotogens

psychotomimetic psychotomimetical psychotomimetically

psychotomimetic psychotomimetics

psychotropic psychotropics

pyrrhotite pyrrhotites


rhotacise rhotacised

rhotacise rhotacises



rhotacist rhotacistic

rhotacist rhotacists

rhotacize rhotacized

rhotacize rhotacizes


rhotic cirrhotic cirrhotics

rhotic rhoticity

rhotic rhotics cirrhotics

scaphotrapeziotrapezoid scaphotrapeziotrapezoidal

schottische schottisches

shot bigshot bigshots

shot bloodshot

shot bowshot bowshots

shot buckshot buckshots

shot bullshot bullshots

shot chainshot chainshots

shot crapshot

shot earshot

shot eyeshot eyeshots

shot grapeshot grapeshots

shot gunshot gunshots

shot headshot headshots

shot hotshot hotshots

shot moonshot moonshots

shot mugshot mugshots

shot multishot multishots

shot outshot outshots

shot overshot overshots

shot potshot potshots

shot reshot

shot rifleshot

shot screenshot screenshots

shot shotfirer shotfirers

shot shotgun shotgunned

shot shotgun shotgunner shotgunners

shot shotgun shotgunning

shot shotgun shotguns

shot shothole shotholes

shot shotless

shot shotlike

shot shotmaker shotmakers

shot shotmaking

shot shotpoint shotpoints

shot shotput shotputs

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shot shots bowshots

shot shots buckshots

shot shots bullshots

shot shots chainshots

shot shots eyeshots

shot shots grapeshots

shot shots gunshots

shot shots headshots

shot shots hotshots

shot shots moonshots

shot shots mugshots

shot shots multishots

shot shots outshots

shot shots overshots

shot shots potshots

shot shots screenshots

shot shots shotsman

shot shots slapshots

shot shots slingshots

shot shots snapshots

shot shots undershots

shot shots upshots

shot shotted

shot slingshot slingshots

shot snapshot snapshots

shot troubleshot

shot undershot undershots

shot upshot upshots


synechotome synechotomes



tchotchke tchotchkes

trichotillomania trichotillomaniac trichotillomaniacs

trichotillomania trichotillomanias


trichotomise trichotomised

trichotomise trichotomises


trichotomize trichotomized

trichotomize trichotomizes


trichotomous trichotomously



xanthotoxin xanthotoxins