Power rests in tranquillity. [ Cecil ]
Vulgar people can't be still. [ O. W. Holmes ]
Wisdom is the repose of the mind. [ Lavater ]
The toils of honor dignify repose. [ Hoole ]
Joy, and Temperance, and Repose,
Slam the door on the doctor's nose. [ Longfellow ]
Tenderness is the repose of passion. [ Joubert ]
Too much rest itself becomes a pain. [ Homer ]
But quiet to quick bosoms is a bell. [ Byron ]
Our foster-nurse of nature is repose. [ William Shakespeare ]
The wind breath'd soft a lover's sigh,
And, oft renew'd, seem'd oft to die
With breathless pause between,
O who, with speech of war and woes,
Would wish to break the soft repose
Of such enchanting scene! [ Scott ]
Faith is not reason's labor, but repose. [ Young ]
What sweet delight a quiet life affords. [ Drummond ]
Night is the time for rest;
How sweet, when labours close,
To gather round an aching breast
The curtain of repose.
Stretch the tired limbs, and lay the head
Down on our own delightful bed. [ James Montgomery ]
She thought our good-night kiss was given.
And like a lily her life did close;
Angels uncurtain'd that repose,
And the next waking dawn'd in heaven. [ Gerald Massey ]
Now sunk the sun; the closing hour of day,
Came onward, mantled over with sober grey;
Nature in silence bid the world repose. [ Parnell ]
Here lies my wife, poor Molly, let her lie,
She finds repose at last, and so do I. [ Epitaph ]
These should be hours for necessities.
Not for delights; times to repair our nature
With comforting repose, and not for us
To waste these times. [ William Shakespeare ]
And to hie him home, at evening's close.
To sweet repast, and calm repose.
* * *
From toil he wins his spirits light.
From busy day the peaceful night;
Rich, from the very want of wealth,
In heaven's best treasures, peace and health. [ Gray ]
Cheerful at morn he wakes from short repose,
Breathes the keen air, and carols as he goes. [ Goldsmith ]
Oh! thou gentle scene
Of Sweet repose; where by the oblivious draught
Of each sad toilsome day to peace restor'd.
Unhappy mortals lose their woes awhile. [ Thomson ]
The best of men have ever loved repose;
They hate to mingle in the filthy fray;
Where the soul sours, and gradual rancour grows,
Imbitter'd more from peevish day to day. [ Thomson ]
Repose is as necessary in conversation as in a picture. [ Hazlitt ]
By work of the mind one secures the repose of the heart. [ Jaucourt ]
God offers to every man his choice between truth and repose. [ Ralph Waldo Emerson ]
God offers to every mind its choice between truth and repose. [ Emerson ]
Men are slow to repose confidence in undertakings of magnitude. [ Ovid ]
The repose of darkness is deeper on the water than on the land. [ Victor Hugo ]
There is no sweeter repose than that which is bought with labor. [ Chamfort ]
When hearts hold converse, other parts of the body are in repose. [ Al-Misri ]
The presence of God calms the soul, and gives it quiet and repose. [ Fenelon ]
Repose and cheerfulness are the badge of the gentleman - repose in energy. [ Emerson ]
Let youth dance: tempests of the heart arise after the repose of the limbs. [ Lemontey ]
Old age is the repose of life; the rest that precedes the rest that remains. [ Robert Collyer ]
The heart that is to be filled to the brim with holy joy must be held still. [ Bovee ]
The gravest events dawn with no more noise than the morning star makes in rising. [ Beecher ]
There is no mortal truly wise and restless at once; wisdom is the repose of minds. [ Lavater ]
When a man finds not repose in himself it is in vain for him to seek it elsewhere. [ From the French ]
Man's activity is all too fain to relax; he soon gets fond of unconditional repose. [ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe ]
Repose demands for its expression the implied capability of its opposite, - energy. [ Ruskin ]
Woman is the Sunday of man: not his repose only, but his joy; the salt of his life. [ Michelet ]
To husband out life's taper at the close, And keep the flames from wasting by repose. [ Goldsmith ]
It is only the finite that has wrought and suffered; the infinite lies stretched in smiling repose. [ Emerson ]
The only confidence that one can repose in the most discreet woman is the confidence of her beauty. [ Lemesles ]
There are very few things in the world upon which an honest man can repose his soul, or his thoughts. [ Chamfort ]
Coolness, and absence of heat and haste, indicate fine qualities. A gentleman makes no noise, a lady is serene. [ Ralph Waldo Emerson ]
Thou awakest us to delight in Thy praise; for Thou madest us for Thyself, and our heart is restless until it repose in Thee. [ Augustine ]
Repose without stagnation is the state most favorable to happiness. The great felicity of life,
says Seneca, is to be without perturbations.
[ Bovee ]
There is no happiness for him who oppresses and persecutes; no, there can be no repose for him. For the sighs of the unfortunate cry for vengeance to heaven. [ Pestalozzi ]
I want a sofa, as I want a friend, upon which I can repose familiarly; if you can not have intimate terms and freedom with one and the other, they are of no good. [ W. M. Thackeray ]
Life is arid and terrible; repose is a chimera; prudence useless; reason itself serves only to dry up the heart. There is but one virtue - the eternal sacrifice of self. [ George Sand ]
He laid him down and slept, and from his side a woman in her magic beauty rose: dazzled and charmed, he called that woman bride,
and his first sleep became his last repose. [ Besser ]
Repose and cheerfulness are the badge of the gentleman - repose in energy. The Greek battle pieces are calm; the heroes, in whatever violent actions engaged, retain a serene aspect. [ Emerson ]
Who is it that does not voluntarily exchange his health, his repose, and his very life for reputation and glory? The most useless, frivolous, and false coin that passes current among us. [ Montaigne ]
The joys of heaven are not the joys of passive contemplation, of dreamy remembrance, of perfect repose; but they are described thus: They rest not day nor night.
His servants serve Him, and see His face.
[ Alexander Maclaren ]
Have you known how to compose your manners? You have done a great deal more than he who has composed books. Have you known how to take repose? You have done more than he who has taken cities and empires. [ Montaigne ]
Have you known how to compose your manners, you have achieved a great deal more than he who has composed books. Have you known how to attain repose, you have achieved more than he who has taken cities and subdued empires. [ Montaigne ]
Bear your burden manfully. Boys at school, young men who have exchanged boyish liberty for serious business - all who have got a task to do, a work to finish - bear the burden till God gives the signal for repose - till the work is done, and the holiday is fairly earned. [ James Hamilton ]
As unity demanded for its expression what at first might have seemed its opposite - variety; so repose demands for its expression the implied capability of its opposite - energy. It is the most unfailing test of beauty; nothing can be ignoble that possesses it, nothing right that has it not. [ Ruskin ]
Friendship is one of the greatest boons God can bestow on man. It is a union of our finest feelings; an uninteresting binding of hearts, and a sympathy between two souls. It is an indefinable trust we repose in one another, a constant communication between two minds, and an unremitting anxiety for each other's souls. [ J. Hill ]
The repose necessary to all beauty is repose, not of inanition, nor of luxury, nor of irresolution, but the repose of magnificent energy and being; in action, the calmness of trust and determination; in rest, the consciousness of duty accomplished and of victory won; and this repose and this felicity can take place as well in the midst of trial and tempest, as beside the waters of comfort. [ Ruskin ]
Business in a certain sort of men is a mark of understanding, and they are honored for it. Their souls seek repose in agitation, as children do by being rocked in a cradle. They may pronounce themselves as serviceable to their friends as troublesome to themselves. No one distributes his money to others, but every one therein distributes his time and his life. There is nothing of which we are so prodigal as of those two things, of which to be thrifty would be both commendable and useful. [ Montaigne ]