Force is no remedy. [ John Bright ]
Patience with poverty
Is a poor man's remedy.
Unkindness has no remedy at law. [ Proverb ]
Oblivion: a remedy for human misery. [ A. de Musset ]
The remedy is worse than the disease. [ Bacon ]
Patience is a remedy for every sorrow. [ Publius Syrus ]
Time is the greatest remedy for anger. [ Seneca ]
Danger itself the best remedy for danger. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]
Men blush to be cured by a shameful remedy. [ Proverb ]
The noblest remedy of injuries is oblivion. [ Proverb ]
There is no remedy for all evils but death. [ Proverb ]
There is no remedy for time misspent,
No healing for the waste of idleness,
Whose very languor is a punishment,
Heavier than active souls can feel or guess. [ Sir Aubrey de Vere ]
A patient mind is the best remedy for trouble. [ Plaut ]
The best remedy for injuries is to forget them. [ Latin Proverb ]
Till vice gets an habit, there is a remedy for it. [ Proverb ]
Counsel is irksome when the matter is past remedy. [ Proverb ]
Folly is the one evil for which there is no remedy. [ Spanish Proverb ]
There is a remedy for everything could men find it. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]
A well-balanced mind is the best remedy against affliction. [ Plautus ]
The law discovers the disease. The gospel gives the remedy. [ Martin Luther ]
Against the evil of death there is no remedy in the garden.
The best remedy of afflictions is submitting to providence. [ Proverb ]
There is a remedy for every thing, could we but hit upon it. [ Proverb ]
The best remedy against an ill man is much ground between both. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]
Nature has no promise for society, least of all, any remedy for sin. [ Horace Bushnell ]
There is a remedy for every wrong, and a satisfaction for every soul. [ Ralph Waldo Emerson ]
Every fool can find faults, that a great many wise men cannot remedy. [ Proverb ]
Things without remedy should be without regard; what is done is done. [ William Shakespeare, Macbeth ]
Every fresh acquirement is another remedy against affliction and time. [ Willmott ]
Death is a certain remedy for the injuries of fortune and vexations of life. [ Proverb ]
The remedy is worse than the disease (the disorder increases with the remedy).
It is not the disease but neglect of the remedy which generally destroys life. [ From the Latin ]
Quacks pretend to cure other men's disorders, but fail to find a remedy for their own. [ Cicero ]
Life is disease of which sleep relieves us; it is but a palliative: death is the remedy. [ Chamfort ]
It is wiser to run away when there is no remedy, than to stay and die in the field foolishly. [ Proverb ]
There is a remedy for everything but death, who, in spite of our teeth, will take us in his clutches. [ Cervantes ]
Life is a malady in which sleep soothes us every sixteen hours; it is a palliation; death is the remedy. [ Chamfort ]
There is a remedy in human nature against tyranny, that will keep us safe under every form of government. [ Johnson ]
Alas! alas! why, all the souls that were, were forfeit once; and he that might the vantage best have took found out the remedy. [ William Shakespeare ]
I can get no remedy against this consumption of the purse; borrowing only lingers and lingers it out, but the disease is incurable. [ William Shakespeare ]
There is no such flatterer as is a man's self, and there is no such remedy against flattery of a man's self as the liberty of a friend. [ Lord Bacon ]
The only sovereign remedy is to give Christ the pre-eminence in our hearts; for then we shall undervalue all temporal things in comparison of Him. [ Fisher's Catechism ]
Life is thickly sown with thorns. I know no other remedy than to pass rapidly over them. The longer we dwell on our misfortunes the greater is their power to harm us. [ Voltaire ]
Society, that distills so many poisons, resembles that serpent of India whose abode is the leaf of the plant that cures its bite: society usually offers a remedy for the sufferings it causes. [ A. de Musset ]
Revenge is fever in our own blood, to be cured only by letting the blood of another; but the remedy too often produces a relapse, which is remorse - a malady far more dreadful than the first disease, because it is incurable. [ Colton ]
The reasonable worship of a just God who punishes and rewards, would undoubtedly contribute to the happiness of men; but when that salutary knowledge of a just God is disfigured by absurd lies and dangerous superstitions, then the remedy turns to poison. [ Voltaire ]
There is as much difference between the counsel that a friend giveth and that a man giveth himself, as there is between the counsel of a friend and of a flatterer; for there is no such flatterer as a man's self, and there is no such remedy against flattery of a man's self as the liberty of a friend. [ Bacon ]