Give me the eloquent cheek,
When blushes burn and die,
Like thine its changes speak,
The spirit's purity. [ Mrs. Osgood ]
An angel might have stoop'd to see.
And bless'd her for her purity. [ Dr. Mackay ]
Pure and chaste as the falling snow. [ T. B. Read ]
It is said the lion will turn and flee
From a maid in the pride of her purity. [ Byron ]
Every pure thought is a glimpse of God. [ Bartol ]
A spirit pure as hers,
Is always pure, even while it errs:
As sunshine, broken in the rill,
Though turned astray, is sunshine still. [ Moore ]
The stream is always purer at its source. [ Pascal ]
And steal immortal kisses from her lips;
Which even in pure and vestal modesty.
Still blush as thinking their own kisses sin. [ William Shakespeare ]
Around her shone
The nameless charms unmark'd by her alone.
The light of love, the purity of grace,
The mind, the music breathing from her face.
The heart whose softness harmonized the whole,
And, oh! that eye was in itself a soul. [ Byron ]
There's nothing ill can dwell in such a temple:
If the ill spirit have so fair a house,
Good things will strive to dwell with it. [ William Shakespeare ]
Her form was fresher than the morning rose
When the dew wets its leaves; unstained and pure
As is the lily, or the mountain snow. [ Thomson ]
O, reputation! dearer far than life.
Thou precious balsam, lovely, sweet of smell.
Whose cordial drops once spilt by some rash hand,
Not all the owner's care, nor the repenting toil
Of the rude spiller, ever can collect
To its first purity and native sweetness. [ Sewell ]
Purity in person and in morals is true godliness. [ Hosea Ballou ]
Only the heart without a stain knows perfect ease. [ Goethe ]
Spring has no blossom fairer than thy form;
Winter no snow-wreath purer than thy mind;
The dew-drop trembling to the morning beam
Is like thy smile, pure, transient, heaven refin'd. [ Mrs. Lydia Jane Pierson ]
I pray Thee, O God, that I may be beautiful within. [ Socrates ]
Blessed be the pure in heart, for they shall see God. [ Bible ]
Cleanse the fountain if you would purify the streams. [ A. Bronson Alcott ]
Purity is the feminine, truth the masculine, of honor. [ Hare ]
Around her shone The light of love, the purity of grace.
The mind, the music breathing from her face;
The heart whose softness harmonized the whole;
And, oh! that eye was in itself a soul! [ Byron ]
Purity of mind and conduct is the first glory of a woman. [ Mme. de Stael ]
Cleanliness may be defined to be the emblem of purity of mind. [ Addison ]
As pure in thought as angels are, to know her was to love her. [ Rogers ]
Purity lives and derives its life solely from the Spirit of God. [ Colton ]
Be purity of life the test, leave to the heart, to heaven the rest. [ Sprague ]
The pearl is the image of purity, but woman is purer than the pearl. [ Bourdon ]
While our hearts are pure, our lives are happy and our peace is sure. [ William Winter ]
Even from the body's purity, the mind Receives a secret, sympathetic aid. [ Thomson ]
The sun, though it passes through dirty places, yet remains as pure as before. [ Sir E. Coke ]
Liberty, like chastity, once lost, can never be regained in its original purity. [ H. W. Shaw ]
Let thy mind's sweetness have its operation upon thy body, clothes, and habitation. [ George Herbert ]
There dwelleth in the sinlessness of youth a sweet rebuke that vice may not endure. [ Mrs. Embury ]
If there be any one whose power is in beauty, in purity, in goodness, it is a woman. [ Henry Ward Beecher ]
Purity of heart is the noblest inheritance, and love the fairest ornament, of woman. [ Matthias Claudius ]
He who loves with purity considers not the gift of the lover, but the love of the giver. [ Thomas a Kempis ]
He that has light within his own clear breast may sit in the center, and enjoy bright day. [ Milton ]
God be thanked that there are some in the world to whose hearts the barnacles will not cling. [ J. G. Holland ]
The chaste mind, like a polished plane, may admit foul thoughts, without receiving their tincture. [ Sterne ]
The man who in this world can keep the whiteness of his soul is not likely to lose it in any other. [ Alexander Smith ]
Health, longevity, beauty, are other names for personal purity; and temperance is the regimen for all. [ A. Bronson Alcott ]
Beauty has no lustre except when it gleams through the crystal web that purity's fine fingers weave for it. [ Maturin ]
The purer the golden vessel, the more readily is it bent; the higher worth of woman is sooner lost than that of man. [ Richter ]
Simplicity is in the intention, purity in the affection; simplicity turns to God, purity unites with and enjoys him. [ Thomas à Kempis ]
Who has a breast so pure but some uncleanly apprehensions keep leets and law-days and in session sit with meditations lawful? [ William Shakespeare ]
Perfect purity, fullness of joy, everlasting freedom, perfect rest, health and fruition, complete security, substantial and eternal good. [ Hannah More ]
The love of woman is a precious treasure. Tenderness has no deeper source, devotion no purer shrine, sacrifice no more saintlike abnegation. [ Saint-Foix ]
By the ancients, courage was regarded as practically the main part of virtue; by us, though I hope we are not less brave, purity is so regarded now. [ J. C. Hare ]
No man ever did or ever will become truly eloquent without being a constant reader of the Bible, and an admirer of the purity and sublimity of its language. [ Fisher Ames ]
Of all pure things, purity in the acquisition of riches is the best. He who preserves purity in becoming rich is really pure, not he who is purified by water. [ Manu ]
Perfect taste is the faculty of receiving the greatest possible pleasure from those material sources which are attractive to our moral nature in its purity and perfection. [ Ruskin ]
If a woman be herself pure and noble-hearted, she will come into every circle as a person does into a heated room, who carries with him the freshness of the woods where he has been walking. [ Frances Power Cobbe ]
I should dread to disfigure the beautiful ideal of the memories of illustrious persons with incongruous features, and to sully the imaginative purity or classical works with gross and trivial recollections. [ Wordsworth ]
Simplicity and purity are the two wings by which man is lifted up above all earthly things. Simplicity is in the intention; purity in the affection. Simplicity tends to God, purity apprehends and tastes him. [ Thomas a Kempis ]
Love one human being with warmth and purity, and thou wilt love the world. The heart, in that celestial sphere of love, is like the sun in its course. From the drop on the rose to the ocean, all is for him a mirror, which he fills and brightens. [ Jean Paul ]
Ages of ignorance and simplicity are thought to be ages of purity. But the direct contrary I believe to be the case. Rude periods have that grossness of manners, which is as unfriendly to virtue as luxury itself. Men are less ashamed as they are less polished. [ Warton ]
How often in the halls of legislation does eloquence unmask corruption, expose intrigue, and overthrow tyranny! In the cause of mercy it is omnipotent. It is bold in the consciousness of its superiority, fearless and unyielding in the purity of its motives. All opposition it destroys; all power it defies. [ Henry Melville ]
What if a man save my life with a draught that was prepared to poison me? The providence of the issue does not at all discharge the obliquity of the intent. And the same reason holds good even in religion itself. It is not the incense, or the offering that is acceptable to God, but the purity and devotion of the worshipper. [ Seneca ]
Enthusiasm is a virtue rarely to be met with in seasons of calm and unruffled prosperity. Enthusiasn: Nourishes in adversity, kindles in the hour of danger, and awakens to deeds of renown. The terrors of persecution only serve to quicken the energy of its purposes. It swells in proud integrity, and, great in the purity of its cause, it can scatter defiance amidst hosts of enemies. [ Dr. Chalmers ]
The receipt to make a speaker, and an applauded one too, is short and easy. Take commonsense quantum sufficit (in sufficient quantity); add a little application to the rules and orders of the House of Commons, throw obvious thoughts in a new light, and make up the whole with a large quantity of purity, correctness and elegancy of style. Take it for granted that by far the greatest part of mankind neither analyze nor search to the bottom; they are incapable of penetrating deeper than the surface. [ Chesterfield ]